Review key insights about your judge, like active cases, average case duration, potential party preference, and experience overseeing certain matters to understand their caseload and expertise.
Drill down to your judge's grant rates on important motion types from dispositive motions to discovery motions. Compare your judge's ruling tendencies to reveal where they may be an outlier.
Explore how different cases before your judge can yield different outcomes. Consider your case, and let the data guide you as you think through potential resolutions.
Set expectations on the number of days to reach common case milestones, like trial or settlement, which will help to advise your client on duration and cost.
Understanding your judge's history can help you understand what has shaped them. Learn about your judge's political affiliation, education, and career history as well as practical insights on courtroom and evidentiary rules.
Still curious? View a sample judicial analytics report to better understand the insights and value it provides.
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