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The great outdoors edition
Previous: >>929617698
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>>929694426 (OP) #
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>>929694426 (OP) #
Damn! She's really working his bum!
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dead thread
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>>929695437 #
>>929695507 #
>>929708038 #
who is the artist?
>>929708038 #

Post their pixiv account
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>>929709081 #
>>929709260 #
there doesn't seem to be any shota on his page
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>>929709432 #
You have to create an account on pixiv if you want to see lewd stuff, and besides that artist hasn't done any other shota stuff
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>>929707567 #
>>929708038 #
Don't be a half ass
>>929716676 #
I want Wolf-Chan Twitch to sternly reprimand me~
>>929717351 #
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>>929717641 #
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>>929696368 #
Some of my favorite straight shota is toho doujins
All I got left is fur /ss/
Anyone want that?
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I've found that my tastes in this are actually quite narrow.

I need proportions and anatomy to be realistic, both for body parts and for the entire bodies. Sometimes the boy is just drawn bizarrely small (as a whole) for the age he looks. It's distracting.

I need the woman to be attractive, and I need her to be passively allowing things (perhaps unaware), just kind of amused by the sexual attention or reaction, or to be a gentle kind of pedophile.

I need whatever they're doing to not look ridiculously physically uncomfortable.

But maybe most importantly, I need to be able to imagine the boy as being mesmerized or overwhelmed. But overwhelmed like he's never been so aroused before and doesn't know what to make of it, not overwhelmed as in just not enjoying it at all, as I've seen a few times.

This also means no multiple boys on one woman, because he should be either be exploring at his own pace or have the woman's full attention. It probably doesn't help that I wouldn't want to share the woman myself.
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>>929722890 #
Ya know, I haven't really been that introspective into what facets of the fetish I find resonate with me the strongest. But after reading this and looking through my collection, I'd say we share similar tastes.
Check this doujin out, I think it fits nicely with many of our prerequisites and has become one of my favorites.
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>>929694426 (OP) #
Lovely OP pic.
>>929724037 #
I saw some recordings from an erotic interactive novel once that were just perfect. 3D graphics and anime art style. The woman seemed like some kind of predator who dated the father to get at the child, and she was saying comforting things like "it's okay, you don't need to be good at it". Do you know it?
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>>929724632 #
Wait.... this looks like a dildo why is there cum shooting out of it....
>>929724797 #
Some didlos have pumps attached to them that make them shoot out fake cum.
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>>929724037 #
I forgot to mention it, but I want no dialogue, or natural dialogue. The Japanese have a tendency to say weird things that turn me off, like "noo, that place is dirty" or "I can feel it rubbing inside" or "my dick feels like it's melting". Also not a fan of their obsession with foreskin and phimosis.

It was still okay, though.
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New Regura piece
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>>929724822 #
That's true, though normally I'd just assume she's a futanari. The colour of the dick might suggest you're right though.
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>>929725815 #
>>929725815 #
nice pic to finish it off with
>>929726773 → #
>>929726773 → #
>>929726773 → #
>>929723537 #
Finally, breastfeeding blowjob. Why is this so rare?
>>929725798 #
Maybe it was outlined by someone into futanari, then coloured in by someone not.
>>929727285 #
(reply in new thread, anon >>929727573 → #
Anyone know why Moisture (Chichi) gave up on shota?
>>929694990 #
>>929707020 #
>>929707087 #

174 / 150 / 9

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