the flower hole

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

could today be the perfect day for you to read a chapter of my visual novel, soul of sovereignty? it could be.

“what’s it about?” two unlikely companions seek out the power to recreate their dying world in the all-pervading shadow of the capitalist church state

“that sounds heavy” it’s about a mild-mannered wizard dad getting his shit rocked by a sexy clown

“ok, but i’ve never played a visual novel before. i’m scared.” that is o.k. my friend. it’s just like reading a regular novel, except it has pretty pictures and also music by my dear friend toby fox.

soulsov could be real… life could be dream…

what say you, traveler…?

Pinned Post soulsov art visual novel

galaxywitch9 asked:

Happy New Year! I celebrated the new year myself by re-reading the prelude for a third time. Still love it tremendously; the atmosphere alone is a joy to experience every time, but the character writing is really what pulls me in. I eagerly await to see what happens to these characters next!

thank you very much. i hope my freaks continue to entertain you



hi. it's the itch winter sale. have you considered playing the first chapter of my visual novel, soul of sovereignty? have you considered this list of enticing reasons to play it?

  • a rich fantasy world inspired by rpgs without all that pesky "g" getting in the way
  • an inscrutable dilf-clown relationship with an estimated 65% chance of making you insane
  • beautiful art [you make brief eye contact with me and see the incredible pain i must endure to praise myself in this way. and you simply have to stan]
  • a magic system based on the language of flowers that has kept me up at night for years (i acknowledge that this says much more about me than the work itself)
  • music by my friend toby fox, and also me in the background hitting the tambourine like at karaoke
  • what if kefka had the big bap

hello. are you still there? then take my hand, and come with me...


winter sale is on for one more day ^_^


Anonymous asked:

I received your game from a visual novel enthusiast as a holiday present! I haven't played many video games in my life, so I tried to approach it on its own merits as a book with some very beautiful illustrations.

In that vein, it's written very well. Loïc and Ysmé are already very close to my heart, though I worry for them both, and I was particularly intrigued by that Voice of the Sovereignty character and what kind of influence they might or might not hold. I eagerly await future installments.

wowie. thank you for the kind words. i hope you enjoy the rest too.


Anonymous asked:

i played your game a week ago and lines from it keep getting stuck in my head. "and please, let it be enough" is a killer phrase in its context. i keep thinking "i could listen to him read the phone book" about loic before abruptly realizing he is not actually voiced. but it does feel like he was written with that kind of voice.




hi. it's the itch winter sale. have you considered playing the first chapter of my visual novel, soul of sovereignty? have you considered this list of enticing reasons to play it?

  • a rich fantasy world inspired by rpgs without all that pesky "g" getting in the way
  • an inscrutable dilf-clown relationship with an estimated 65% chance of making you insane
  • beautiful art [you make brief eye contact with me and see the incredible pain i must endure to praise myself in this way. and you simply have to stan]
  • a magic system based on the language of flowers that has kept me up at night for years (i acknowledge that this says much more about me than the work itself)
  • music by my friend toby fox, and also me in the background hitting the tambourine like at karaoke
  • what if kefka had the big bap

hello. are you still there? then take my hand, and come with me...

reblog ^_^

Anonymous asked:

maybe this is reading too far into stuff, but is there any significance to the fact that ysme repeatedly feels a calming sensation whenever loic uses flower reading (the pallisia, then the dandelions, then the rose) on or near her? like is that a personal flourish, a loic specific thing that only happens when HE casts a spell, or is that a trait of flower reading in general

i encourage you to draw your own conclusions.

txt q&a

hi. it’s the itch winter sale. have you considered playing the first chapter of my visual novel, soul of sovereignty? have you considered this list of enticing reasons to play it?

  • a rich fantasy world inspired by rpgs without all that pesky “g” getting in the way
  • an inscrutable dilf-clown relationship with an estimated 65% chance of making you insane
  • beautiful art [you make brief eye contact with me and see the incredible pain i must endure to praise myself in this way. and you simply have to stan]
  • a magic system based on the language of flowers that has kept me up at night for years (i acknowledge that this says much more about me than the work itself)
  • music by my friend toby fox, and also me in the background hitting the tambourine like at karaoke
  • what if kefka had the big bap

hello. are you still there? then take my hand, and come with me…

txt recycling an old cohost post

Anonymous asked:

if everyone in solsov was forced to wear only graphic t-shirts, what sort of things would the main cast's t-shirts have on them

there’s a popular fanart of isabelle from animal crossing wearing a shirt that says “shut the FUCK up! BIIITCH” and i think about it constantly, and i hate that i can’t find the artist who originally drew it and properly credit them because “it’s a meme” which means “no one made it i guess.”

anyway, loic can wear that shirt.

txt q&a

Anonymous asked:

Will you ever release sov on steam? (I ask since I mostly buy everything there and would like to have an extra copy there as well)

i keep saying i’m going to add this to the faq and then i don’t and then someone else asks and i’m like “i’ll add this to the faq” and i don’t.

anyway, soulsov will go on steam when it’s completely finished. thank you for your interest.

txt q&a

Anonymous asked:

i assume getting asks about cucumber quest might be a bit old to you by now, but i remembered this recently: when i was younger, i loved it (really, your art, in general) so much that i had a simple cucumber quest-themed table at my bar mitzvah. im now an adult who makes comics of my own. i eagerly follow soulsov and am incredibly excited to see it completed, and i love seeing the new places you have gone with your work! just wanted to mention that there was once a kid who had a little table decoration with Cucumber on it :) thank you!

thank you very much. this is really sweet.

i don’t mind cq being mentioned at all; i just want it to be with the understanding that i’m not working on it right now and don’t plan to for a long time.

i hope nobody has a soulsov-themed bar mitzvah. i feel like that wouldn’t go over so well.

txt q&a

Anonymous asked:

do you have a map or the like of the region soulsov takes place in? i've been curious about the size of the mosaic, and the relative distance between it, tarn, and erekest.

i’ve tried to draw a few maps, but things keep shifting around as the story evolves. maybe i could do it now, though. so anyway, no, not yet.

txt q&a

Anonymous asked:

now that Soul of Sovereignty has been out for a full year, did anything surprise you about the way it was received over that span? either general audience reactions, details or characters that people got attached to, or anything else you didn't expect?

not really lol i see and know all basically lol

i think it’s probably best to avoid “leading” anyone’s interpretation a certain way by commenting on reader reactions to characters. i will only say it’s been fun to see.

before the prelude came out, i was anxious about how the story would be received. i feel confident in my art, but i wanted people to pay attention to my writing, too. i wanted the story to be more than “okay, but the art is the real draw.” so, seeing it resonate with people has been really gratifying. thank you for humoring me.

txt q&a

Anonymous asked:

Incredible how... whats the right word for this... innocent? Doe-eyed? Concept art Pallid Woman looks. Current Ysme's design has a bit more of an edge to her.

well, she hadn’t fully marinated yet. i was also still slightly in cq mode at the time, so she looked a bit more like a character from that.

txt q&a

windienine asked:

happy soulsoversary! i can't believe it's been a full year since the prelude released... it feels as thought i only met loïc and ysmé very recently. thank you for working hard on such an interesting game; i love it very much. good luck with the remaining development, O.K.?

thank you for a year of kindness! i continue to be doing my best.
