History of CP

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Legal History


  • First Law criminalizing pornography was Lord Campbell's Act.
  • Obscene Publications Act:
    • Lord Campbell was the Chief Justice at the time and justified his ruling, assuring that it was "...intended to apply exclusively to works written for the single purpose of corrupting the morals of youth and of a nature calculated to shock the common feelings of decency in any well-regulated mind."
    • Basic law: ban of any material "intended" to corrupt.


  • Sir Alexander Cockburn III amended the definition of obscenity in appeal to include "...whether the tendency of the matter charged as obscenity is to deprave and corrupt those whose minds are open to such immoral influences and into whose hands a publication of this sort may fall."
  • Case: Regina v. Hicklin:
    • Banned "The Confessional Unmasked," an anti-catholic book.
    • Basic law: ban of any material that may corrupt, whether intended or not.


  • U.S. adopts Philadelphia standard and also added the ban of anything discussing birth control or abortion.


  • Law amended to include the overall work instead of out of context sections. This was clarified through two indscidents. Mary Ware Dennet was charged with obscenity for a sex education book and James Joyce's Ulysses was stopped at the U.S. border.


  • Case: Roth v. United States:
    • Stated that obscenity was not protected by the First Amendments of the U.S. Constitution. Justice William Brennan declared all forms of pornography as "prurient" and without social value.


  • Traci Lords makes her first adult film, "What Gets Me Hot." She was born Nora Louise Kuzman on May 7, 1968, and was 15 years old at the time. She made over 20 movies and numerous magazine appearances, including the famous Penthouse that also featured Vanessa Williams. She was arrested with the owners of X-citement Video.

    All charges were dropped. The identification she used was a U.S. Passport with the name of Traci Lords so the owners were not liable and as a minor, Traci was not accountable.

    Traci received a total of $35,000 for 20 movies and $5,000 for penthouse, which she wisely blew on drugs, partying, and a sweet black corvette that her boyfriend soon totaled. (What else would one do with that kind of money?)


  • U.S. passes law to require all ISPs to log any and all internet traffic and hold up to 1 year for police use. [ Protecting Children From Internet Pornographers Act of 2011 ] (This does not include cellular data).

Pornography Laws Around the World

Most countries have some degree of legislation against child pornography and pornography in general, but this varies greatly.

Country Policy Debrief

Brazil All Pornography is forbidden to persons younger than 18 years of age. Age of consent is 14 years. Any kind of sexual act with persons younger than the age of consent is considered rape punishable by 8 to 15 years of jail plus fine. Production of child pornography is forbidden. Possession and sharing is also forbidden.
Bulgaria Hardcore pornography is "not recommended" to minors, and all other pornography is commonly available, including on television.
Denmark First country in the world to legalize hardcore pornography. Age of consent is 15 years.
Finland 15 years old to purchase soft core pornography. 18 years old for hardcore pornography.
Germany Parents are allowed to show hardcore pornography to children for educational reasons. Soft core pornography is not restricted. Age of consent is 14 years. Pornography with kids younger than this age is called child pornography, and is illegal. Pornography with persons between 14 and 18 years old is so called youth pornography and is genrally not prosecuted. Political situation in Germany is very problematic at the moment, but keep in mind, someone is allowed to have sex with 14yo (if no coercion is involved, there are no age restrictions on the 14yo's partner; see §176 and §182 StGB).
Hungary According to law, sexual acts are considered legal beyond 14 years old. In practice, people are quite conservative here, and most of them still judge sexual acts inappropriate for those under 90 years of age.
India Pornography in any form is illegal, although enforcement is low. Even kissing is considered a scandal on television.
Iran Production of pornography is punishable by death.
Ireland Age of consent is 17 years, and at 17 years old, it's legal to watch hardcore pornography. Pornography depicting those under 17 years old is illegal, and this applies (in theory, though there's yet to be a test case) even to cartoons and fictional textual stories, and even if the underage person is depicted as merely watching and isn't directly involved!
Japan Although pornography is common in Japan, it has gone through a number of censorship and content changes that are unique. All nudity and pornography was censored to not show pubic hair until the early 1990's, and is still commonly used. Child nudity magazines from Russia and across Asia were commonly available in Japan until 2000, and can still be found. Manga and Animé material often includes underage children in sexual situations and an entire industry has risen known as "lolicon" and "shotacon", which depicts simple child nudity to hardcore alien monster cock penetration of 4yo kitty girls. Japan's age of consent for sexual activity is 13 but as high as 18 in some prefectures. There is no law against merely possessing any kind of pornography, although producing pornography using people under the age of consent is punished with varying severity.
Netherlands Pornography was rated for viewers 16 years and older. In 2002 the minimum age for participating in pornography was raised from 16 to 18, the government is considering to up this to 21, Bestiality banned in 2007.

Norway Hardcore pornography unless approved by media supervision is illegal to both distribute and promote (with the exception of what can be considered justifiable for artistic purposes). Any information (e.g picture, animation, text etc) depicting sexualization of a person below the age of 18 is considered child pornography (e.g a 19 year old person impersonating a 17 year old in a sexual way) and is strictly forbidden by the Norwegian penal code § 204 and § 204a. Age of consensual sex is 16 years.
Papua New Guinea Adult pornography and erotic nudity is illegal. An Australian was arrested for possessing Playboy magazine inside the country.
People's Republic of China Pornography banned in 2002.
Poland Pornography is fully legal and can be viewed by those 18 years old and older, but the age of consent for sex is 15 years.
Russia Legality is dependent on locality and local officials and probably a bit of cash. Although production, selling and distribution of child pornography and selling is illegal there is no law against possession. Russia has been a center of child nude photo production both for fine art and for websites.
Sweden No age limit for viewing pornography. Sweden has no age laws for the possession or viewing of pornography. Some shops follow a voluntary limit and do not sell to minors. Material that involves animals is de facto legal, though it is subject to animal-welfare laws. BDSM is classified as an "illegal depiction of violence," but the law is rarely enforced.[20]

It is illegal for people under the age of 18 to act or pose for pornography. Pornography depicting children, both drawn, filmed and photographed, is illegal, even if the material was legal in the originating country.[citation needed]


Pornography in Spain is legal, and enforcement of obscenity laws is lax. It is illegal to display pornographic material at newsstands, but the great majority do so. In many city centers sex shops may be found. E-commerce merchants from all around the world use I.P.P.P. (Internet clearing services) from Spanish banks. The headquarters of Private Media Group, Europe's biggest pornographic company, are in Barcelona.[citation needed]

Pornography is forbidden in all forms to those under 18 years old.[citation needed]

Ukraine Hardcore pornography is really illegal to make. Ukraine was a common producer of child nudity sites in the 1990's and early 2000's such as LS Studio, Lolita Fix, and Ukrainian Angels.
United Kingdom Technically, anything of anyone who under 18 years old is considered indecent, but in practice nothing involving anyone over 16 years old is prosecuted (in fact, CP cases reported in the news usually explicitly specify that they involved possession of indecent images of persons under 16 years old), with the exception of cases involving an adult in a "position of authority" over the child, e.g. father/daughter and teacher/student relationships when the age of consent is 18 years - except in the last mentioned example when the parties are married or were in a pre-existing relationship. The tabloid newspaper The Sun (amongst others) did occasionally have 16yo girls topless on its famous Page 3 until 1999. At one point this led to a front page headline condemning the "pedo-scum" of a student teacher relationship, when the girl in question was older than the girl featured topless on the next page.

Commonly Used Categories and Terms Related to Child Pornography

Fore-knowledge of terms related to porn in general is assumed.

Categories of People or Content

  • Baby: 0-1 year old
  • Toddler: 1-3 years old
  • Preteen (PT): 3-12 years old (up to early pre-pubescence)
  • Child: 3-9 years old (always refers to elderly pubescence): "hard candy"
  • Lolita (Loli): 9-13 years old and female: nymphet
  • Jailbait (JB): 13-17 years old (not considered real child porn) and usually female
  • UA: underage (typically prepubescent): juvenile/minor
  • NN: non-nude/non-nudity: not nude or no nudity
  • MJB: male JB: male of jailbait age or sexual maturity

Categories of People

  • Jailbait: 13-15 years old or appearing to be grown yet not, and usually female
  • Pedophile (Pedo): someone sexually attracted to prepubescent children
  • Hebephile: someone sexually attracted to pubescent or near pubescent children very early into adolescence like lolitas
  • Ephebophile: someone sexually attracted to pubescent children or adolescents
  • Pederast: adult male sexually attracted to pubescent male children or adolescents, (subgroup of ephebopiles and hebephiles)
  • Budder: girl whose breasts are budding
  • Catamite: pubescent male sex partner of adult male
  • LG: little girl (always older than baby and typically prepubescent)
  • LB: little boy (always older than baby and typically prepubescent)
  • YF: young/younger/youth friend: juvenile sex partner of older person, or someone who was such when the two first became sex partners
  • SYF: special YF of older person, like a significant other or spouse among many YF
  • AF: adult/adolescent friend (sexual) or aficionado (child pornographer or modeling-studio agent), of child or younger juvenile

Of less common terms, "nymphot" and "finlet" are opposite sex counterparts, the former being mentioned above. Typically a faunlet is simply known as a young boy in contrast to a "little" boy, or alternately is known as a shota but not in the context of mere cartoons. So "shota" is like the opposite sex fish counterpart of "lolita."

Categories of Content

  • PTSC: preteen softcore (usually connoting either non-nudity or absence of sex whether explicit or implicit)
  • PTHC: preteen hardcore (technically connoting explicit view of genitals being applied)
  • BIBCAM: boy-in-bedroom webcam (epitome of what an outgoing, horny, juvenile male does when he is "in for the night" but has a viable, videoconferencing link of some sort, while sometimes brothers or "sleepover" peers are present and participating)
  • Hurt core: non-consensual involvement or rape of child; crying, bondage, gagging, whipping or torture (or in extreme cases, mutilation) of child, in sexual/bawdy vein or during sex therewith

Categories of Ideas/Interests

  • W/g: sex between adult female and child female
  • M/b: sex between adult male and child male (typically with man mounting or receiving fellatio from boy)
  • W/b: sex between adult female and child male (typically with boy mounting or receiving fellatio from woman)
  • Pedobeastiality: sex between child and beast, including possibly wholly innocent licking of child's genitals by beast

Of less common typographic symbols, "g/g" and "b/b" are the child equivalents of "W/g" and "M/b" respectively. Furthermore the meanings of "M/g" and "b/g" can be inferred similarly.

Acronyms for Categories of People or Ideas/Interests

  • AOA: age of attraction: scope of pedophilia and hebephilia, along with the applicablity of heterosexuality or homosexuality to it
  • CL: child love/loving/lust or child lover: pedophilia or pedophile
    • GL: girl love/loving/lust or girl lover
      • LGL: subcategory of GL focused toward LG and baby females, or lover of little girls
    • BL: boy love/loving/lust or boy lover (often "boylover")
      • LBL: subcategory of BL focused toward LB and baby males, or lover of little boys


  • set: usually a sequence of photos/videos taken in same setting at same time of same people with same camera, or as designated by photographer/publisher
  • series: chronological sequence of sets, obviously
  • MCLT: "My Collection of Lolita Teens" or My Collection of Lolitas and Tots

People and More

Classic Commercial Child Nudity


  • Blind Faith's Blind Faith cover features a topless 11yo girl (Mariora Goschen) with budding breasts.


  • Led Zeppelin's Houses of the Holy cover includes nude child photos of Stefan and Samantha Gates taken from behind. The album was banned in some United States southern states and in Spain.


  • Scorpions' Virgin Killer cover contains a fully nude, flat chested 10yo girl named Jaqueline. Her vagina barely obscured by a broken glass effect.


  • At 12 years old, Brooke Shields appears nude in the film Pretty Baby. In the unedited (159 min) version, her butt and chest are shown throughout many scenes, and the top of her vaginal crease is shown in one scene, where she is taking a bath and two people walk in and she quickly stands up. In one commonly seen edited version of the film, a thin black line is added for a moment at the bottom of the picture so the vaginal slit cannot be seen when she stands up.
  • At 11 years old, Karin Trentephol as Simona develops a sexual relationship with a man who takes shelter at Simona's home, you can see nude Simona in a complicated Italian drama "L'immoralità" by Massimo Pirri.


  • Bow Wow Wow's Annabella Lwin poses nude from the back at 14 years old and fully nude at 15 years old.

Famous Pedophiles

Lindsay Ashford: Former administrator of puellula.org, a pedophile self-help site with emphasis on living with herpes; Confessed pedophile who has not been shown to break any related laws.

Lewis Carroll, or Charles Dodgson, the talented writer and photographer, a friend of little girls. He liked to photograph some of them naked. If he lived these days, they would lock him up for his innocent hobby thus depriving us all of his talent.

Charlie Chaplin, the greatest comic, had an interesting life and numerous relationships with teenage girls like Lita Grey whom he met when she was 12 years old. At 15 years old, she was pregnant and later they married and had two children. Although many of his relationships with the girls resulted in a divorce (4 times) or a break-off, the marriage with Oona O'Neill (whom he met when she was 17 years old) was a success, and they lived happily and had 8 children.

Philip Giordano was the mayor of Waterbury, Connecticut and at one point ran for US Senate against Joseph Lieberman. He was sentenced to 37 years in prison for arranging sex with two girls aged eight and ten, the daughter and niece respectively of a crack-addicted prostitute named Guitana Jones.

Gary Glitter, for possession of child pornography.

Mikhail Kutuzov, one of the finest military officer and diplomat of Russia, the highly regarded national hero, in 1812 he was appointed commander-in-chief and he inflicted a heavy defeat on Napoleon's offensive armies. He was also renowned for his love adventures. For example, it is well known that in 1811 he made a 14-year-old wife of a Moldavian nobleman Guliano his consensual lover.

Jerry Lee Lewis whose turbulent private life was hidden from his super mom until a May 1958 English tour where Very Berry, a news agency reporter at London's Heathcliff Airport (the only journalist present), learned about Lewis's third wife, Myra Gale Brown. She was Lewis's first cousin and only 13 years old.

Jack McClellan: Former administrator of stegl.org, a site regarding strategy to meeting pedophile desires; Confessed pedophile who was given a restraining order from all people under 18 in a class-action lawsuit. Other than because of the ridiculous restraining order which was impossible to follow, McClellan has not broken any related laws. Recently he has moved out of California and his location and activities are unknown.

Edgar Allan Poe, the famous American writer, at 27 years old, married his cousin Virginia Clemm with whom he had quietly lived before the official marriage license. Although her age was listed as 21 years, she was 13 years old. They tenderly loved each other.

Roman Polanski pleaded guilty to the charge of engaging in sexual intercourse with a minor. He actually is not a pedophile, that was just a one-time incident with a 14yo girl with her and her mother's acceptance. Bear in mind in some countries the Age of Consent is as low as 14 (Germany), 13 (Spain) or even 12 (Vatican) years.

José de San Martín is regarded as a national hero of Argentina and, together with Bolívar, one of the liberators of Spanish South America. On September 12, 1812, at the age of 31, he got married with María de los Remedios de Escalada, a 14 years old girl.

Modern Commercial Child Nudity and Sexuality

Studio 13 related studios, such as Eternal Nymphets, Eternal Aphrodites, and Astral Nymphets. Studios lasted from autumn 2000 to the middle of 2002, legally produced and distributed the nudes of children, aged around 8-15 years, with consent of both the child and the parent.

Professional popular photographers such as David Hamilton, Sally Mann and Jock Sturges.

Color Climax, the Danish company, was one of the biggest porn producers beginning in the late 60s and made child porn until it was finally banned in Denmark in 1979. Between 1979 and 2005, still a lot of jailbait stuff with 15+ yo girls was made. Color Climax claimed that their line of underage magazines were their best selling material. Later companies like Seventeen featured models as young as 16 in hardcore sex scenes.

Black Cat, scans of mostly Russian child nudity.

Child Models such as Sandra.

PTL-Models 2005 to 2006, model agency, managed by a couple. Known for the popular Inna Model, their daughter, with more than 7000 photos. The couple was arrested in 2006, although the rumours says that the complete family was murdered.

LS Studio, from 2001 to August 2004, legally produced and distributed the nudes of children, aged around 8-15 years, with consent of both the child and the parent. Included some touching/lesbian/semi-hardcore in some of the older girls' sets and videos. Eventually shut down for getting too "extreme" and using increasingly younger girls.

Nudism, neither excluding nor precluding the participation of children.

HotLols included very sexy young fully nude girls, including Alesya. Other site names shot in the same apartment (probably by the same crew): LolsOnly, LolitasHouse, mylola.info, AmusingKids, CandyGirls and more.

Young Mama included full child pornography.

Lolita Fix, a model agency.

Modern Amateur Child Pornography (video)

Alicia: Latina preteen with budding breasts, in hotel. Made one video with two oral cumshot endings (from the man fucking her and the camera man). She seemed to dislike the first cumshot, but smiled and laughed after taking the second.

BabyJ: 5-6 years old, fully penetrated in pussy and ass. Enthusiastic on-camera performances, seeming to genuinely enjoy scat piss vaginal penetration. From before 2000 to 2002, Francis Bidwell's (nickname xxDEADxx) daughter performed in child pornography, before he was raided by Europol and the United States police. There are some rumors that xxDEADxx was ratted out by someone with whom he shared personal contact info. Reports indicate that all BabyJ content was originally released as RCA1, RCA2, and RCA3 which were subsequently cut into smaller files to facilitate sharing. Bidwell was sentenced to over 50 years in prison. Bidwell lost an appeal in 2004 to have his sentences run consecutively.

Babyshi: 1-3 years old, heavily abused (hurtcore). Forced anal, bondage, forced sex with drugged mother. Father caught. Many of the babyshi vids had titles like kanga.avi and tigger.avi which leads me to believe there may be videos for all of the Pooh characters. In many of the vids you can hear shi screaming and crying, and daddy often has to cover her mouth to make her quiet. In some of the later vids (bathtime.avi) she seems to be getting used to the rapes, as she doesn't put up much of a fuss when daddy fucks her ass.

babylexxxa: Vids featuring an extremely young infant white girl and father. Lexxxa doesn't seem to be much older than about a year old in any of the vids, and looks to be only a few months old in some. Probably the samee infant as seen in the "Pink Newborn" series, taking a cumshot at only a few weeks old. In one vid, the father can be heard saying obscene things to the baby before coming on her face and mouth. One vid has pissing content.

Cambodian Child Brothel: Numerous Southeast Asian girls, aged 4-16 years, filmed by the "Fat Man" AKA the "White Whale". Over a dozen videos (or video segments, with titles like AsianBunnies.avi), representing hours of footage, are know to exist, as well as at least 3000 pics. Produced at child brothels in Cambodia, it appears that the Fat Man had sex with no less than 30 girls and at least one boy. Very likely the most prolific producer of CP since the birth of the internet. The Fat Man was convicted in the U.S., probably not technically for his actions in Cambodia which would be outside U.Sl jurisdiction as such, but for having, producing (presumably he did at least some editing at home), distribution of cp and maybe for going abroad with intent to have sex with minors. His case has been widely written about and is a text book example of all the things not to do security wise. After conviction and sentencing some judge slapped an additional prison term on him without any new trial so that he is serving what amounts to a life sentence.

Cat Goddess: 10-12yo dirty blonde girl. She speaks Russian and is possibly from Moldovia. She models nude for the pictures. In some pictures her cat is seen. In the videos she has oral and anal sex with a man, possibly her dad. News surfaced in Feburary 2012 of the arrest of a Moldovan man who could be Cat Goddess's father.

cbaby, 3yo blonde girl. May be same girl seen in "krass" vid featuring a child held down while her father cums in her mouth (Positively confirmed as cbaby). Recently a long version of krass.avi with full audio has surfaced that borders on hurtcore, as you can clearly hear the girl say after getting cum squirted in her mouth, "NO! NO! That hurts me!" Obviously, it doesn't hurt, but she didn't like the experience regardless. Videos titled cbaby1, cbaby2, etc. up to at least cbaby16 are known to have been produced, but most have become quite rare. David Andrew Diehl was sentenced to 50 years in prison.

Chiharu (full title: "関西援交 vol.45 千春", "Kansai Enkou vol. 45 Chiharu"): Stated to be 11 years old; the most famous model from the "Kansai Enkou" series of underground lolita videos (which eventually landed the two creators in over ten years of jail).

Chibi (6-7 Yo Blonde girl. The girl in this series seems like she may have a mental impairment, but still seems happy to play and be photographed. Released 2008, busted! The guy seemingly also worked in a daycare centre, but pictures of this period are rare. Several hundred pics and a couple of videos. Oral, Anal and Pussy Play).

Daphne: 9+ yo, blonde girl from YVM (Young Video Models), a Belgian answer to LS Studios that featured numerous girls in mostly nude softcore scenes. Daphne is the only YVM model known to do hardcore. She appeared with her father, who traded oral sex with her in a 30 minute video set to music with some dialogue, and sister, Irina, mutually masturbating and rubbing oil. There's also a solo performance with a dildo, all 3 videos were filmed in the same room. INTERPOL was able to match the accent of Daphne and other girls and easily located the operators of YVM and Daphne's father (Pascal Tavine of Bruges, Belgium). Daphne and Irina are said to have autism.

Elly: 6-8yo dirty blonde girl. Also named as 7yo-niece. She has a facial cumshot video where she is giggling while the cum lands on her face and gets in her mouth. He has appeared in several videos in which she sucks and gets fucked in the pussy. There are several hundred pics of her with her "uncle".

Emma: 6-8yo brown or dirty blonde hair and a sleep mask or blind-fold. She happily pleasures 2 men with her talented lips and tongue in several videos. One video includes her being fed what looks like cum on a spoon. (not to be confused with another Emma, a girl with short brown hair posing topless and getting groped as she sleeps)

Falko: Series of vids and pics produced for sale by Falco. Most notably featuring two adult women having sex with a girl about 4-6 years old. Recent installments from Falco feature a pair of sisters, a 13 yo girl, and a blonde girl about 6-7 years old crying while comforted and played with by several nude women. There is considerable debate over the claims of the Falko producer to have unreleased, uncensored, or special order material. Recently there have been several screencap indexes showing a woman playing with a young girl which are attributed to Falko. Released around 2010

Gracel: From H.M.M. (Home Made Models) 5-12 years old Filipino prostitutes. Oral, lesbian, lingerie pussy and anal penetration, facial cumshots. H.M.M. is an amateur studio operated by Mubahay, producing hard core child pornography for sale to collectors. Often accompanied by other girls, some older some younger. One video teaser showed an young ladyboy, and some pics show the inclusion of a young boy. Mubahay was reported to have been busted recently (details sought). Released around 2010

Helen: aka Hel-lo series, one of the first truly internet based releases of cp, featuring a sandy-blond girl, sometimes with her cousin/brother gavin, in solo stripping, cock sucking, 69, and anal. Several hundred pics exist, and a few videos, taken by Gary Salt. Released around 1995

Irisa: Possibly younger sister of Valya, dark brown hair. Very similar content to Valya and shot in the same location, with the same man, but without any anal sex. Irisa is an enthusiatic cum swallower.

Jenny: Real name purported to be Sara. Preteen blonde who often wore a collar and famously sucked a dog's cock. She appeared to genuinely enjoy her time with her lover, and even sucking off the dog. It is said that her lover's name is Ron Hansen, and that he was the boyfriend of Jenny/Sara's mother. Pictures have surfaced of the two of them, as well as Sara's older sister, at a farm riding horses.

Jessie: aka Daddy's Girl 12 years old. Mostly sucking cock, with one scene being fucked by daddy.

Kait: 5-7yo girl named either Kait, Kaitlyn or Kathie, also known as ADLF sugar girl or Sugar. Peeing, cock sucking, scat, and deep pussy penetration. Kait has two sisters, Emily and Lindsay, that also appear nude, although not in HC. Her father (citation of name needed) was a Canadian man living in BC who was arrested and sentenced to prison. Reports indicate that he is not at all remorseful about having sex with his children. Further rumors claim that the mother of a black girl (named Danaya) seen being molested in some of the pics in this series has sworn to kill Kait's father. In several videos Kait's father penetrates her. Her father claimed she was only 4 years old, but I suspect she was closer to 6 years old. Kait's father wrote a detailed account of molesting Danaya. It's claimed that the sex went unnoticed by the mother, who worked multiple jobs, however the father seemed to make little effort to hide his interest in little girls, nor did Kait make any effort to hide her sexual activities, even giving her father a hand job in front of her oldest sister Emily.

K-girl: Cute and very young. Father caught. (details requested)

Kristin: Blonde Russian girl, 8-10 years old. Oral outdoors and indoors.

KG/KS/KX: Origin of the famous Inga. An informal studio based in a daycare center in the 90's, several pic sets and a few videos were made featuring only girls, some over a span of time from 1yo to 8 yo. There were at least three people involved in the studio, as can be seen from one KX set in which Inga jerks off two men while a third takes the photos. According to the text material that accompanied the KG/KS/KX series, there were at least 5 men involved. It is rumored that the man most responsible for the series was discovered by his wife and turned himself in (citation needed). A young woman claimed by some to be Inga has surfaced in a music video posted to youtube, however it is not conclusive that the rumor is true.

Lada: 7yo girl from Czech Republic. Mostly known for a video where she is tied spread-eagle on the floor and being licked by a cat.

Laura: Young British girl. Uncle (Gary) caught. In her earliest video, she is about 9 years old, playing with her uncle. After they finish, he gives her a 5 pound note and tells her to spend it however she likes. Later vids indicate that this may have been a regular arrangement, cash for sex with uncle Gary. In one later vid (jb content) we see Laura reluctantly swallow a load of cum while uncle Gary talks about drinking her piss. Later vids include anal and vaginal penetration. Some pics of Laura show her in her school uniform and with friends.

lil lisa: Very rare set of vids from the mid to late 90s involving a 7-8yo girl.

Lisa: German blonde girl about 6 years old

Linda: 8-11yo brunette/dirty blond girl with a long pony-tail and wearing sun-glasses. Scenes include vagina penetration reverse-cowgirl, 69, oral, cumshot in mouth, swallowing cum and anal gaping. She is always very enthusiastic in the videos. In one, she recieves a mouthful of cum, shows it to the camera, then swallows and shows her empty mouth. Sometimes tagged as Dona.

LOTR AKA Lord Of The Rings. Series of several vids from the 90's rumored to have been the filmed by a Russian mobster, featuring several girls (citation of names needed) being fucked, sucking, masturbating and taking cumshots in an Audi automobile (parked in the woods).

Mandy & Elizabeth: Two sisters, Mandy (8-10 years old) and Elizabeth (10-14 years old). Mandy sucked cock reluctantly and complained (with crying) when her father tried to fuck her pussy. She is heard in one vid asking if Elizabeth was required to perform sex acts as well. Also an infant sister (citation needed). Father rumored to be in hiding. Elizabeth seemed perfectly willing to aid her father in molesting the younger girls, and can be seen in one vid spreading her infant sister's pussy. The rumor mill says that Mandy & Elizabeth's dad was found out, but never busted, and is now on the run. In several pics, pictures on the wall show that there were three daughters, but some claim there were more children.

Maryanne: 10yo blonde girl, wearing a mask. Videos titled M1, M2, M3. She is seen in some videos sucking a man off, and in other videos she is anally fist fucking him or abusing his testicles. In one other video she takes a cumshot on her masked face and chest. The fisting vid caused major controversy amongst collectors when it was released.

Masha: Real name Mariya Nikolaevna Yashenkova, renamed Masha Allen, 7 to 10 year old blonde girl. Famous for going on Oprah to talk about her experience as the young lover of Mathew Mancuso, who adopted her from a Russian orphanage when she was 5 years old. Her adoptive father was a registered sex offender, but that fact was never uncovered during the adoption proceedings. Mancuso is rumored to have had sex with Masha the very first night she spent at her new home in America. Mancuso is also rumored to have restricted Masha's diet to only peanut butter sandwiches in an effort to stunt her growth and keep her child-like stature. Mancuso was busted when someone he had traded with was busted and the trail led back to him. Investigators were surprised to find a young girl answering Mancuso's door. Masha is reported to have asked the investigators, "Are you here because of my secret?" Masha Allen was active in the anti-cp legislation efforts in the US for some time. It is rumored that she herself ran afoul of the law when she tried to take action against people trading her pictures online.

Melinda: A 3-6yo girl, appeared in some 6 vids (citation needed) in which she seems to dislike the attention given her. Hurtcore, piss, cum. Also appeared in at least 2 pic sets where she seemed to be having a much happier, whilst still very hardcore, time.

Misty is one of the most well-known series. The subject was raped by her uncle from age four to nine, after which he was arrested. She is also called "Amy" and is mentioned in an NY Times magazine article, "The Price of a Stolen Childhood." She is now well off thanks to getting $1.2 million in restitution from some chump named Arthur Staples who looked at her photos. Hardcore videos do also exist.

Moscow: Family, group. Lots of gigantic muscly Russian street girls in hotel room.

Moskow-45: Two teenaged girls and one adult guy. Series with presumably 16 original tapes and lots of remixes; Hardcore with extreme action (fisting), but no visible hurtcore.

Nablot: Family, three to four girls between 7 and 14 years old. Lesbian, anal, toys, cock punching and electric guitar.

Nadya: Young preteen in car, using a pencil, very well trained at sucking.

Pae: Russian girl, 3 years old. Plays with mother/sister/babysitter including oral sex and light anal probing. One of the best pedolesbian scenes ever. At one point, Pae's mother looks directly at the camera and smiles before slowly licking Pae's pussy. Also includes vids of Pae being lightly probed in the ass, and one semi-hurtcore vid in which she cries while wearing a dog collar and leash.

Paradise Birds: the famous Casey is reported to be doing hardcore with other PB models. There have been several screencap teasers released, but no videos are widely available yet (citation needed). Producers reportedly busted citation needed)

r@ygold: Collections, including flipper, ballerina, doctors table and more. Named after infamous sex offender Richard Goldberg who was on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list for almost five years.

Sammy: 5-7yo girl, source of the famous "How do you get the pictures to the computer?" - "It's called a usb line, I'll tell you about it later". A few videos exist, including one where she experiences a visible orgasm, a bunch of pics exist of her in the tub, on bed fully nude, throughout the house, sitting at breakfast, holding a cigarette (possibly smoking?), masturbating, and giving blowjobs to her father/uncle/? Unknown if dad was ever caught. Released around 2002

Sally: A blonde girl that looks 8-10yo or maybe older. The videos are older, usually short in length, probably produced on a betacam and frequently have fake sound added to them. The videos include vaginal penetration doggy-style and missionary, double penetration with a dick up the ass and a dildo in the pussy, fingering while bound with a hood over her head, and a cumshot.

Sawadie, 12yo Southeast Asian girl, deep penetration.

scargirl: Odd looking blonde girl about 7-9 years old, named after a large scar on the girl's stomach. Oral scat piss sex in a pickup truck, masturbation in the woods, light lesbian sex with her younger sister. Scargirl and her family lived in California. Scargirl's father (citation of name needed) was busted in 2008, and seemed to be in the hotel or apartment cleaning industry. No reports of the circumstances of his bust have surfaced that I know of. Released around 2007

Siberian Mouse a.k.a 1st Studio: Of Russian origin, nude modelling and high resolution videos, including Masha Babko 12yo and her sister Veronika 8yo doing anilingus on one another. Another video shows Masha 13yo getting a mans finger in her ass, dildo, and later on gives him a blowjob and receives an eventual facial. Other videos include girls from 8yo-14yo doing a variety of acts with one another, including french kissing, simulated blowjobs using vegetables and girl on girl with strap-ons. Dozens of solo videos of different girls also exist.

Stephie: 12yo girl.

Suzi Q: 10 year old latina girl. She plays with a blue vibrator, gets fingered by a man, near penetration, blowjobs, teasing.

Tara: Reanna Huskey from LaFayette, Georgia, USA. 5-9yo brunette. Major anal penetration, oral, rape (some violent/hurtcore), facial cumshots, dirty talk. Raised by her father to act like a slut. Her father was caught (James 'Bart' Huskey) in 2009 and sentenced to 70 years in prison. Contradictory rumors are circulating regarding the circumstances of Bart's arrest, centering mostly on clues he left in the vids he made. Recent uncensored images of Reanna showing her at school and other places have surfaced. Released around 2008

Valya: Russian preteen with long brown hair. Lots of cocksucking and clit-rubbing and occasional anal sex, sometimes using toys.

Veronika: Russian girl, 9 to 11 years old. Sex with brother, sister, and father.

Vicky (Kylie Freeman) produced numerous videos, including bondage until 12 years old, and later ratted out her father (Kenneth John Freeman). Kylie grew up in Kennewick, Washington, USA. Her father was a law enforcement officer and amateur body builder. It is rumored that Kenneth Freeman never penetrated his daughter vaginally because he felt it was something she should give to her future husband. She is now in hiding due to the notoriety following her appearance on the true-crime show America's Most Wanted. The story circulating now is that while watching the movie Forest Gump, a scene depicting sex between a daughter and father spurred Kylie to confide in her mother that her father had fucked her. Kenneth Freeman fled to China but was arrested when he entered Hong Kong. He was extradited to the US and convicted on several charges. His wife at the time supposedly lied to police and was also charged with a crime.

Viola: 5-7yo brunette, very dominant in her sexplay, often dictating when and how her uncle could touch her.

Modern Amateur Child Pornography (pictures only)

Kindergarten: Semi-pro, very very very young and tiny pre-preteens (4-6 years old). Although this series is famous mostly for pictures, some small videos do exist.

felisha, girl about 10-11 who appeared in a variety of hc photos in the later 90's and 2000's

Hea collared: Has a sister called Natasha, another picture series.

Jan or Feba (Marissa): Placed in a tiny dog cage (and there are videos).

Jessi Brianna: photos avialabe from age 7 to 12. her dad has been arrested in 2009.

Laika was an attractive blond girl about 12 years old in various poses both partially clothed and fully nude, and occasionally pictured alongside an oriental woman. Softcore.

Masha, also known as Disney Girl, famously appeared on The Cosby Show. Masha Allen

Tori, older preteen.

Haley, 10yo girl.

Bri: Cute, smiling preteen in a hotel room.

Photos by Carl: Family from South America, including preteen penetration.

Mona, around age 7-9, sourced to LolitaCity. She specialises in wetting (both clothes and diapers), with a few nude shots. There are over 200 known images.

Jessie_Brianna, Beautiful Californian preteen. Pics from about 6 (non nude) to 12 years old (a few nudes). Father busted and spent two years in jail prior to being recently sentenced. No hardcore out there (yet).

Boy Stuff

There is much more that can be added by someone more knowledgeable.

Video production


  • Augi 11-12 yo boy. Appears in several skype webcam videos. Had a YouTube channel TheAugerGamer (now taken down). Videos include jerking off, fingering, taking a bath, and playing with a hammer.
  • babyhee 1-2 yo blond boy. Hurtcore pics and vids with bondage, anal penetration, scat, piss, and cumshots. The father is very rough with the child. In one vid, babyhee sputters and chokes while struggling to breathe, half-drowning as his father fills his mouth with piss. Father also squats over his son and proceeds to shit on the boys chest to the child's discomfort. Father was arrested and sentenced to jail in central Europe.
  • Bjorn 8-9 yo Dutch boy. Videos were "captured" by stepbrother Richie(the cameraman) and friend Peter who molested the boy from age 3-9. They lived in Ampelo Holland. Videos include anal (full penetration) and oral. It was rumored that Bjorn was murdered but this was not true. Peter and Richie were convicted and jailed for five years.
  • Noname/P101: American boys from 2002 to 2005, 6 to 15 years old, based out of Beaver Dam, Wisconsin; the stars of main cast consisting of 5 young boys in orgies, the main star of which being 8 years old and the other four being 11 to 13 years old, with other older boys' faces rarely being of focus; a total of 12 boys involved, mostly in photos, some strictly solo, others as b/b or M/b apart from the all-child gay orgies. "Noname" is the prefix of the videos. "P101" is the prefix of a large portion of the photos in this nameless series, while many other related photos begin with letter P and followed by a 3-digit number higher than 101, while further other photos begin with different single letters followed by "101". William Martin, a part-time operator of a booth at the county fair was sentenced to 50 years in prison for luring boys to his rented apartment to take part in sex orgy with other boys and men. He sometimes paid the boys up to $100 for anal sex and rented the boys out to other men and women he met online. Martin also charged people to have sex with the boys or to watch them having sex live on webcam.
  • Cookie, 2yo boy. Produced in the Netherlands in 2010. Videos seen thus far on the Internet do not include sound, but show the toddler being deeply sodomized and having the man's erect penis rubbed on his face and lips. A number of high-quality photographs were also taken. The videos surfaced on the Internet in December 2010, shortly after the man's arrest. The man, Robert Mikelsons, is the boy's father and had molested several dozen babies and toddlers of the nursery at which he was employed, in addition to producing pornography of at least one other baby boy, Fresh1y. Robert's use of Tor and presence on Hidden Service boards about CP may have stirred the the KLPD's interest in and eventual cyber-ambush upon Violent Desires (the highlight of several hacked, CP boards in the .onion.market webspace), in August 2011. He is also the producer of the SimBro and BoBo series both are baby boys.
  • KDV (Kuznetsov Dmitri Vladimirovich), КДВ (Кузнецов Дмитрий Владимирович), "KDV INC.": late 1990's to early 2000's Russian boys, some solo, some gay. Featured via Blue Orchid.
  • RBV (Russian Boy Vids), almost identical content to KDV and from same time period. Featured via Blue Orchid.
  • Russian Flowers "RF": Russian boys, hardcore and some softcore; Vladimir Timofeeva's. Featured via Blue Orchid.
  • Thief's Punishment "TP": 15yo Russian boy (looks 13 years old), hardcore and hurtcore/BDSM (allegedly coerced/non-consensual). Featured via Blue Orchid.
  • PJK: Almost all young boys (pojkar) from 1970's Color Climax, sometimes performing with a teenager. Mostly hardcore. Some of the well-known productions were Cousin Bill, Bill & Ted, and the Loverboy series.
  • Sammy (aka Nickel): 7-8 yo blonde boy. Many hardcore pics and several short videos that include oral and Sammy rubbing and jerking. Carl Phillip Herold, Sammy's father and main perpetrator, was arrested and indicted on several counts. He committed suicide while awaiting trial.
  • Spongebob 7-12yo (16 in January 2014) AKA Dillon, Jared, some video's used the Aard prefix. Varies acts with the blond boy from Utah including anal (rarely),mutual oral ,mutual masturbation as well as cum shoots of the man on the boys body including his face. The boy was abused from 2004-2009 by Antonio Cardenas when the boys school asked Antonio to be the boys mentor, because he was being teased at school because of a mild learning disability. The abuse seems to have be consensual on the boys part and didn't seem to be forced to do the acts. Antonio created videos and photos of the abuse which he traded with a trusted friend, who ended up putting 20 or so of the videos online showing Antonio's face. After months of searching the FBI located some of the places the abuse took place namely a hotel in Las Vegas, where the boys mother let Antonio take the boy as a treat. However it wasn't until 2009 when FBI found the original poster of the videos (Antonio's friend), who gave them Antonio's name and the name of the boy. However Antonio had already ran to Mexico, he was still in contact with the boy on his cellphone and a trap was setup to bring him back to the US. The FBI asked the victims mother to call Antonio and invite him to the victims birthday party, he fell for it, and once back in the US he was arrested and sentenced to 35 years in prison. Another one of his videos of him abusing boys while they slept was later found on the internet and he was Identified to be the offender, the three victims were identified by Cardenas' family to being his own nephews.


  • Azov Films was the major, nudist boys, video producer nowdays, based in either Russia or Ukraine. It produced many different series realisations, as well as many DVDs burning of old cinema movies depicting boys and hard to find nowdays. The company, its website and its business operations were suspended, around May 2011, during a police probe into the source studio's pimping of the "nudist boys" (its models) as high-class prostitutes. The boys who were from a variety of Slavic countries apparently lived at the studio and worked as exhibitionists there in addition to alleged, other, more heinous things.
    • Boy Fights is a Russian serie realized under Azov productions. It depicts groups of boys playing fights or tickling, mostly in the nudes, in a big house transformed in professional studio or in the outsides. Most of them are produced in very high quality format.
    • Paul is a curly-haired, nudist boy featured via Azov Films but who is also known for his sexually provocative poses (explicit ass shots) in the "Artistic Paul" photo set which is altogether technically CP. It isn't really known whether or not a party separate from Azov Films and its content sources were responsible for the production of these particular photos.
    • Vladik was the most famous, Azov boy ever. As with a few other Azov boys like Alex, he as largely a nudist grew up on camera, but somewhat lost his way in adulthood with hardcore pornography production, prior to his supposed death in a vehicle collision.
  • Krivon is a Russian photograph studio specialised on boys nudes and non nudes, some videos where produced - mostly taken during photo sessions.

Photo production


  • Andy: Caucasian boy, about 5 (title indicates age is 4, but that's doubtful), face censored, taking easy anal penetration. Released around 2011.
  • Ewan (a.k.a. Edad, E-dad) is a series of pictures by Homeanon showing hardcore sex between a man and a blond boy, about 5-6 years old. Many of the pictures have urination as the primary theme (the man urinates over the boy's body, face and directly into his mouth, and the boy also urinates on the man), although a number of other homosexual activities are also shown, including: genital contact (the adult's penis in contact with the child's penis and scrotum), some kissing, mutual masturbation, full anal penetration, and numerous images of the man's cum on the child's body and face. One set also includes a second boy who takes part in urination and other gay sex acts with the first boy.
  • Gerber is a series of pictures showing a blond boy, about 5 years old, with a man. Although no real sodomy occurs, the child has a number of different objects inserted fairly deep into his rectum, and in most cases he appears to be inserting the objects himself. There are also several pictures showing the child inserting a long, thin object into his urethra (which is especially rare in child porn). A few pictures show a large amount of sperm sprayed over the child's body and genitals, with some on his face.
  • Nathan (a.k.a. Excom) is an amateur photographer from Venezuela (South America) who owns a big house in the country. He invited many boys during some years in the 90's and they lived here mostly in the nude, sometimes engaged in sexual intercourse. Thousands of photographs were taken then approx 5500: the softcore ones were diffused over the internet by the end of the 90's, hardcore ones ten years later. The most well known of Nathan's boys, a blond named John, passed away due to Leukemia on March 8th 2004. Excom was arrested in Venezuela and given a 10 year jail term, shortly before John's passing.
  • Sach&Andr is a series of photos (and a couple of short videos) taken by Taylor, a Russian pedophile to numerous boys engaged in sexual intercourse with him or between themselves. The first photos to be diffused were from two boys named Sacha and Andrew, apparently brothers, around the beginning of 2000: there were softcore, but hardcore ones were diffused some years after along with photos of many other boys.
  • Sammy (aka Nickel): 7-8 yo blonde boy. Many hardcore pics and several short videos that include oral and Sammy rubbing and jerking. Carl Phillip Herold, Sammy's father and main perpetrator, was arrested and indicted on several counts. He committed suicide while awaiting trial.


  • Johny Proudly Presents (JPP) is a very big series of scans of boys magazines from the 1970s and 80s, they've been spread over the internet since the beginning of the 90s.

chubbyboy know to be rented out buy his uncle he is a 14 yo chubby boy that has done a dilldo video we have manage to find a man that clames to know his uncle his tor email is pedouk1960@tormail.org


  • Jeunes et Naturels and also Jung Und Frei (the German version) was a franco-german naturist magazine edited in the 90's specialized in children and teens - boys and girls. They closed themselves on 1996 after the european emotion of Dutroux affair, but scans of all the magazines are diffused over the internet.


  • Made to Model is a professional photography serie of boys and some girls, in a fashion style, produced in France and England. The knownest model of this serie is a french boy named Florian: thousand of photos have been taken of him.
  • Meet the Models is a big serie of a group of asian boys produced in Thaïland. Producers claimed to organize meetings between the models and occidental photographers for them to take new photos.

3D Virtual Production

Drawing and Other Visual Arts



Japanese culture produced many pedophile erotic mangas, some of them depicting boys (Shotacons).

"Western" sites:
http://genkiforum.org/ (previously http://genkiforum.net/ and offered SSL)
vBulletin forum for sharing Japanese shotacon and lolicon artwork. Split off from shochan.net due to admin drama.
http://nokeforum.net/ (Does not allow proxy or Tor exits)
Shared hosting/freeware forum run by "Toki" and "duh riddler." Split off from Genki Forum.
Really old blog hosted in the US by "Neko-kun" which has recently been updated.
Re-incarnation of a shared hosting site with a notable feature of manga hosted directly on-site with no needed viewers or extraction, shotacon only.


For the sake of simplicity, jailbait is defined as being in range between the onset of puberty and reaching age 18 years, in accordance with the US federal definition.

Nearly all non-pedophile heterosexual males experience attraction to adolescents and post-pubescent girls in general, although they generally tend to lie about it. In their porn, the true nature of their desire is reflected, which tends to optimize around 15yo girls. However, in the US, law and social stigma often cause them to only pursue material of those over 18 years old, though they may look younger. How do they get what they want without facing public scrutiny? Amateur porn, of course. Amateur porn is usually produced with no documentation regarding the identity of the producer and as a result there is no way to know the age. Furthermore, pornography involving those aged 14-17 years is common and readily available as long as the age is unknown and it isn't too obvious (which is heavily plausible since a sufficiently mature, often unusually busty, underage girl can be indistinguishable from a fully grown, very young woman, especially on camera). Contrary to most material of prepubescents, most jailbait porn/exhibition is produced by and for people under the age of 18 years with their own equipment.


Psycho Girl spread virally pretty much everywhere on the internet. Anyone who was into porn in 2005 probably saw it. She was supposedly 14 years old when produced.

Dez had sex several times on cam with her similarly aged boyfriend live on Stickam. She was 16 years old at the time. Now 18 years old and working as a professional pornstar - no joke. Her porn name is "Kasey Chase" or "Casey Chase", depending on what site you visit, and probably a joking reference to another well-known Stickam camwhore.

sxc_ciara did three nude feeds on Stickam including masturbation. 13 years old and Irish.

dee&desi: Famous video of 2 girls 12-15 years old and a young boy 12-13 years old and 2 older men.

Miss M, famous Something Awful user, did a masturbation video when her rumored age was 17 (but was probably 15-ish) years. Her brother is a fag because he was watching TV while his sister was doing a striptease.

Spoons, age unknown, did a masturbation video with a "spoiled rotten" shirt on. Probably around 13 years old.

cluelez. Unfortunately all images held EXIF data, so her personal information was found and published (by /b/). Her age was 15.

xspectacullargoodbyes (Jessica Laurens), also known as Teen Queen, jessmurder and passionist. Some of her pictures were also in beverlyhillgurl's photobucket. There is various speculation regarding her age but it is generally agreed upon that she was 15 years at the time.

balloonpoppop: 15yo emo girl whose photobucket account got hacked yielding n00ds for /b/.

There is a lot out there that is underage but the age is not known so it can't be listed here. Any porn collection is likely to have some in it but they can't be "famous jailbait" because we don't know their age.

Non-nude Child Models

The legality of this content is questionable. It seems more and more that law enforcement and prosecutors are pursuing distributors or hosters of non-nude sites. Depictions of even a clothed child violate U.S. federal law 18 U.S.C. § 2252(a)(2), 18 U.S.C. § 2252(a)(4), and 18 U.S.C. § 2256(2)(E) if they constitute "lascivious" exhibitions of the genitalia or pubic area. The 10th Circuit Court of Appeals has defined "lascivious" as "tending to excite lust; lewd; indecent; obscene; sexual impurity; tending to deprave the morals in respect to sexual relations."

In the United States, some members of the Congress have proposed prohibiting certain child modeling sites. Some states are considering similar legislation.

Candydoll An interesting twist on child modeling, it combines cosplay with little girls, making it the ultimate otaku fap material. Girls, 10-14 years old, and non-Asian!.

Cindymodel She was one of the pioneers, probably the most famous and unfortunately also one of the hardest to find rips of, especially videos. As of 2008, she was around 17 years old but she started circa 2002.

FR Eastern Productions This one is kind of a new "kid" on the block, a handful of girls 4-14 years old.

Vlad Models A Russian "Modeling Agency," one of the hardest to get, with an unusual production method. The girls are sold as "sets" rather than "sites." Each "set" costing from a mere 30 bucks to as much as 100 (due to the dollar falling, as they think they need to raise prices). As most of the material is from a year ago, the price increase wasn't justified and they lost a lot of business in 2007-2008. They speak the funniest "engrish" ever. Never give them your e-mail address (or a fake one) they will constantly spam you asking you to "Fill account money up, we have new sexy girl for looking at. Hope to hear answer soon." Known to do nude customs of girls. Most of all girls will do nudity, but only topless and with scantly clad thongs or seethrough pantyhose (with no panties). Full nude customs are almost never leaked in to the clearnet, while topless and seethrough are commonly leaked. There are people known as "vladfags" who compulsively troll groups and report people who post leaked customs (which most of the time they claim them as there own). A new form of heroes has arisen in the age of Vlad, "Vlad heroes", as they are called, work their way into Vlad communities or "privately trade" with buyers and then fuck them over and post the customs they got on Usenet or one of the *chans. This is a common practice as the "serious" guys cant understand English and are easily fooled.

Fantasia-models or Dream-models (there are other aliases). They are based in Nicaragua. Occasionally have a site up, very close to nude, often with manipulation of clothing to tease, all video. had a list of videos for sale hosted somewhere, where you can order them. Range from 20 to 350 dollars (like the black-hilo). Models include:

  • Aiy, who looks anywhere from 10-13 years old, many sexual videos. A couple involve genital flashing, is discreetly nude in shower video and one hard to find blue nightgown video where she takes off her underpants.
  • Daisy, 12-14 years old.
  • Ceja, 6-8 years old, very sexual for her age.
  • Rosy, Ruby and Ria: 7-12 years old, often have videos together.
  • Priscilla, 10-12 years old.
  • Blanca, 14-17 years old.

RebelSCSM 'Rebel Shooter's modeling agency, employing Miss-Bonita, Miss-Bianca, Miss-Nahla, Miss-Brooke, Miss-Kimmy and the much better-known Miss-Alli. Ostensibly non-nude, but some content can be very erotic, especially Miss Alli's, who has posed (with photographic trickery) nude below the waist and fully nude but covered in paint. The site sells special custom sets ("Rebel Art"), including videos for a while, but have since been taken down.

A Little Agency The original Little Agency was shutdown and the owners arrested, however the site has been continued with new models. They offer models such as Melissa, Nadia, Laney and others. Racey photos with girls in thongs or stripping down can be found. See through sets and erotic videos are not uncommon. Sets are very sexual and the girls are nicely dressed.

Newstar is a network of child modeling websites operating under the newstar-model name here.info umbrella, all owned by the same company. Child models include Diana and Bambi. Custom photographs or leaked photo shoots were posted that show some of the models nude or partially nude, however the sites still operate. The models are often barely clothed or their clothes are see-through. In 2013 (?) a new site related to newstar emerged: Tinymodels (TM) with many originally newstar models, some of them having websites on both newstar and tinymodel at the same time. During 2014 newstar/tinymodel replaced most of their best known models with no apparent reason, some of the 18+ models made their way into a new website called TeenMarvel.

Swiss Arts - Non-nude modeling studio, which featured many of the models from Eternal Nymphets and Eternal Aphrodites. It lasted from 2004 to 2008. There were around 100 models in total.

Eternal Nymphets 2 - A restart of the original Studio 13 Arts Eternal Nymphets studio, but exclusively non-nude. It lasted from 2002 to 2004. It featured many of the models from Eternal Nymphets

Non-nude Jailbait

Such a list would be pretty frustrating to fill out as I would have to sort through images (which is not very productive in terms of space), someone else do it.

  • X Teen Chan The Best Nude Jailbait Teens And Young Non Nude Teen Models
  • My Jailbait - Free blog. Full collections of Galitsin News, Magic Nymphets, Preteen Models, Tiny Models, Child Models, Fame Girls, Webe Models, amateur young girls and much more.

Cracky-chan - Some nudes of her were released but they were "artistic", never really released any images intended to be sexy. The real brunt of her value was that she was stalked hardcore by /b/ and became a meme all camwhores try to follow.

Rabbit-chan - Pictures like Cracky-chan but non-nudes.

See Also

External links