Worldwide X (Twitter) Trends for last 24 hours

Twitter Trends Timeline for last 24 hours

Trending Topic Statistics and Insights

  1. Happy New Year for 24 hrs
  2. 年越しそば for 21 hrs
  3. 描き納め for 15 hrs
  4. 年越し蕎麦 for 12 hrs
  5. 最後の日 for 12 hrs

Trends with Maximum Tweets

  1. Happy New Year with 17M tweet
  2. #紅白歌合戦 with 5.3M tweet
  3. FREENBECKY X CTW BYE2024 with 4M tweet
  4. #NHK紅白 with 3.6M tweet
  5. 年越しそば with 3.4M tweet
  1. #دخون_الاماراتيه at #2
  2. #MBCTopChef at #7
  3. #Welcome2025 at #8
  4. Trent at #36
  5. السنه الجديده at #44
  1. Happy New Year
  2. 年越しそば
  3. 描き納め
  4. #紅白歌合戦
  5. 年越し蕎麦 - tracking X (formerly twitter) Trending Topics for over a decade.

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