All videos I uploaded in 2024 and earlier
¥5,000 otoshidama (new year's gift of money) from grandma
(like $50)
i struggled with this for 15 years and came up with the idea in Jul 2023. it's only been a year and a half, so the rules might change.
adding a birthday would be problematic if yuuki0517 is taken.
¥980 barber (cash)
¥500 arcade (cash)
"Username Taken" Problem
I currently think trying numbers in order like yuuki2, yuuki3, yuuki4, … is the best compromise.
#atelophobia #perfectionism
(English subtitles available on X and YouTube)
it tastes more like abura age (deep fried tofu) than fishcake now (still not that good)
maybe the sugar was crucial. might've been better to sprinkle it on the pan instead of the bread