Trending Topic Statistics and Insights
Longest Trending
- Jimmy Carter for 13 hrs
- 描き納め for 12 hrs
- 年越しそば for 12 hrs
- 過疎カプ for 11 hrs
- うろジョジョ for 11 hrs
Trends with Maximum Tweets
- Jimmy Carter with 6.9M tweet
- Carter with 3.7M tweet
- ميلان with 2.1M tweet
- #レコード大賞 with 1.6M tweet
- #C105 with 1.4M tweet
New Trends
- #اشعار_بدر_بن_مضيم at #1
- #عرفتوني at #2
- #زرراعه_الشعر_ب3800 at #3
- Lanata at #5
- Johnson at #8