All spoilers below are unmarked. You have been warned.
- While Something certainly is creepy and has no problem peppering Headspace with jumpscares, ultimately most of its interactions with Sunny and Omori are centered around the truth they hide, something the former has to acknowledge to reach the good ending and something the latter deliberately obfuscates. If Omori represents harmful ignorance, Something could be considered a form of Brutal Honesty. This puts Something's status as the big baddie into question — does it represent the trauma itself, or, rather, the ''need'' for the trauma to be addressed?
Sunny's Mother
- Is Sunny's mother aware of what shattered the friend circle and is implied to be known by her (former) husband? Is she a doting (if easily distracted) parent trying to take care of her son while understanding their need for space, or is she just neglectful and doing the bare minimum to make sure she doesn't lose another child?
- Sunny is sixteen, but his mother still refers to herself as "Mommy" in the voicemails that she leaves for her son. Most kids at that age say "Mom" or "Mother". Is it that his mother still thinks of him as a little boy, or is she aware that Sunny is stuck in arrested development and his conscience is mentally displaced in time?
Sunny's Father
- Sunny's father seems to be completely absent from his life, but the circumstances surrounding this are not entirely clear. The only way he appears is as a figment in Black Space, where he is cutting down the tree on which Mari was hanged while telling Sunny "you're not my son". Is this an event that actually happened, or just Sunny's guilty conscience imagining what would have happened if he learned the truth? Did he leave the family because he came to despise Sunny for what he did and couldn't bear to be around him, or was he simply overwhelmed by the grief of Mari's death in general and couldn't handle it? Or was there another reason we don't know of?
- The title character himself is likely the biggest example of this in the game. Even as the game ends, it's not clear where Sunny ends and Omori begins, or if the latter's existence is literal in the first place. Is he really just a figment of Sunny's imagination relaying his own suicidal thoughts back to himself, or has he become something more (or already was)? When Sunny vandalizes the Photo Album or pretends that certain doors don't exist, is it his repression happening in realtime, or is Omori influencing how Sunny perceives reality? There is also the bit that in the good ending, Omori defeats Sunny...but when Sunny persists anyway when you click "Yes" on given the option to continue, Omori gives him a Cooldown Hug, drops the knife, and fades away. Perhaps he wanted confirmation that Sunny no longer needed him.
- Omori is not necessarily a villain. Not only are him and Sunny two sides of the same coin, Omori is an important emotional outlet for Sunny. In one moment of the game, he saves Sunny from what is essentially a traumatic flashback. There are multiple scenes in the game where Sunny falls into his arms, and Omori hugs Sunny. Omori is doing everything in his power to keep Sunny happy, make him relive his peaceful childhood memories inside Headspace, and to prevent him from remembering the most horrifying moments of his life, to keep him from breaking down - he's trying to protect him, just in a malignant way.
- The dialogue during the Final Battle with Omori on the Sunny route is written in the scribbled font usually only used whenever Something is present. The hateful and destructive things being said to Sunny aren't coming from Omorinote .
- Even after the Final Boss battle in the Sunny route, after they've both caused each other immense harm, they embrace for one final goodbye before one of them dissolves. This is what trauma therapy boils down to: Acknowledging that your old, dysfunctional coping mechanisms (like denial and dissociation) once protected or even saved you, but that you have to overcome them in order to process your pain.
- Is it accurate to conceive of Omori as some kind of puppetmaster, controlling everything that happens in Black Space? The player controls Omori through Black Space, not Sunny. The things you see in Black Space are being done *to* Omori (just as much as they're happening to the player), far more than being done *by* Omori.
- There is also the question of Omori's relationship with Dream Basil. Are they normally friends, or has Omori always hated the guy's guts? The game lore reveals that Omori has reset Headspace multiple times to keep Sunny from learning the truth and each reset reunites Basil with the friend group; in a case of irony, the real Basil helped cover up the Truth while Dream Basil keeps wanting to talk about it, having remembered that Mari died. The quest to find Dream Basil inevitably leads to the disturbing scenes in Black Space where spiders, an elevator, Omori, and his friends keep murdering different Basil sprites; Omori is revealed to be the ruler of Black Space, and he put Basil in there to keep him from revealing the Truth. The multiple deaths are beyond cruel and they hint that Omori keeping the group from finding Basil has more spite than fulfilling his purpose to hide The Truth, showing uncharacteristic anger.
- Given she's a Posthumous Character, everyone in her friend group aims to Never Speak Ill of the Dead, with everyone saying that she was a wonderful cook, generous with her time and things, and compassionate towards her loved ones. We also get a flashback of her saving Sunny from drowning, and tearfully hugging him afterward. There are hints that she was the favorite of their parents, however, and that she could have been a perfectionist, unintentionally pressuring Sunny to be the same, or even having an outright mean side to her.
- While it's pretty clear that Kel, Hero, Aubrey, and (Stranger and in Black Space when he "knows the truth" notwithstanding) Basil are ideal but fake imitations of their real selves, with Mari it's not entirely clear where Real!Mari begins and Headspace!Mari ends. She guides you through the fog as the former before turning into the latter, guides you to the truth indirectly by hinting at the Lost Library, and when a clone is attacked in the console-exclusive Basil Rush, we get an ugly reminder of the truth. Lastly, in a deleted scene, she leads you to Basil's house when it leads to Black Space. Given Stranger's thoughts reflect those of the real Basil, there's some questions to be asked. Is Headspace!Mari sometimes influenced by Ghost!Mari? Is the latter taking the form of the former? Or is it Sunny's subconscious feelings of regret bubbling through in the safest way possible?
Sunny's Companions
- Real Kel and Hero argue about this regarding Aubrey. Kel believes that Aubrey has changed too much and no longer cares about her friends, given she nearly drowned Basil. Hero says she wouldn't forget about her childhood friends just because of a traumatic incident. We see some evidence that both are right, though Aubrey admits she attacked Basil because she mistakenly thought he had removed Mari's pictures from the photo album. It's a question of Aubrey caring either too much or too little.
- Upon Mari's death, Basil took the initiative to hang up her body and asked for Sunny's help in bring the corpse outside and finding the jumprope. Even Basil seems to have no idea about why he did it, rather than calling 911. Was he also on autopilot? Did he worry how the others would turn on Sunny? Did he think Sunny could've wound up in juvy?
- At their last night together, Faraway Basil approaches Sunny with garden shears if you decide to save him on the last day, "reassuring" him, "This is for the best". From the sound of it, it seems to some that he intends a Murder-Suicide in the middle of his breakdown... though he does say that he's going after Sunny's Something, which keeps Sunny from leaving the room.
- When Basil says that Something either pushed or made Sunny push Mari; are those the delusions of an in-denial friend who won't see no wrong in his best friend? Or was it an immediate trauma induced hallucination meaning that, to Basil, it's true that a monster killed Mari because his brain make him see it and so it explains why he thinks nobody would understand or take Sunny's side.
- When Basil starts yelling at Sunny the night before moving day, is it because he's afraid of losing his best friend, or is it because he'd have to carry the burden of how Mari died all by himself?
- What exactly was going through Sunny's head when he pushed Mari off the stairs? Was her death purely accidental, or was there a fatal fraction of a second where a furious Sunny wanted to harm Mari, before immediately regretting it? According to the transcribed text
of the photo album, even Sunny is not entirely sure.