- Content Leak: A massive leak occurred after the Japanese localization was added in late 2021, revealing data for the console ports, including Basil being a party member alongside his skills, new boss fights against Kel, Hero, Aubrey, Mari and a Jawsum version of Hero, a new form of Something, a new jumpscare scene featuring Hellmari and a new Release Energy move featuring Omori and Basil.
- Creator's Pest: Omocat has the opinion that Humphrey was the worst part of the game, to the point where she allegedly wished to give players a way to just skip his whole dungeon (which would have involved feeding him dynamite). She states she likes him as a character, but hates the level associated with him.
- Defictionalization: A Tweet included a "recipe book" that, among mundane recipes, includes one for the in-game Orange Joe that involves mixing orange juice with coffee. It has the disclaimers "Only Kel will drink this" and "If it tastes bad, that's normal", but that hasn't stopped people from trying it for themselves.
- Development Gag:
- The player was initially going to be able to choose Omori's gender. While that obviously never happened, Medusa can give Omori a potion that makes him female in the Hikkikomori route.
- Mutantheart and the Sweetheart topiaries are wearing Sweetheart's Dummied Out outfit from the 2018 demo.
- Dummied Out:
- The 2017 trailer showcased a direct boss fight against a form of Something (composed entirely of its Slasher Smile) with the whole party suffering from Afraid status. In the final game, this specific form of Something does not appear. Also, while Omori had an Afraid character portrait, because he was willed into existence expressly to protect Sunny from Something, Omori in the final game is immune to Afraid, outside of the console-exclusive Mari battle in Basil's Boss Rush.
- Enemies had "damaged" and "defeated" animations in battles, but in the final game both just use their "Sad" animations with discoloring.
- There was quite a bit of indecision on how the story for the endgame should go, resulting in a lot of cut content when the final story was decided upon, but bits and pieces of these What If? scenarios can still be found in the game files. These include a more fleshed-out lead up to Black Space, Omori's Hopeless Boss Fight not being so hopeless in the Sunny Route, Something being fought in place of Stranger!Basil in the Omori route, and a great many unused Black Space rooms.
- In the console-exclusive Boss Rush, Mari has an unused defeat animation that shows her glitching out.
- Keep Circulating the Tapes: On June 30, 2023, the Xbox and the PC Game Pass versions of the game were delisted from the Microsoft Store after Omocat terminated her partnership with Xbox.
- Meaningful Release Date: The game released on Christmas. Within the canon of the story, Sunny was given a violin by his friends as a Christmas gift — which is arguably the catalyst for the game's backstory.
- Milestone Celebration:
- The game was released on December 2020, nine years after Omori's debut on Omocat's blog. Recreations of some of the old images with the current version of Omori were even drawn at the end of the thank you note Omocat wrote for the occasion.
- The 10th anniversary of the webcomic, coinciding with the game's Switch release announcement, saw Omocat remaking the first image posted of Omori with his current look. A Nintendo Switch (and the game's port itself) replaces the Game Boy his early self had.
- For the game's third anniversary, an orchestral concert of the game's soundtrack was performed by Music Engine and later officially uploaded to YouTube.
- No Export for You: The English version of the manga is only officially published onto KMANGA, which is only available in the United States.
- No Port for You: The new updated PC port, which contains all the new content from the console ports, is only available on Game Pass and has not been released on Steam ever since. On June 30, 2023, it was delisted from the service.
- Role-Ending Misdemeanor: Close to the game's release, Pedro Silva, also known by his composer name Slime Girls and who contributed tracks for this game, was hit with allegations of sexual and domestic abuse. Although his music is used in the final release, he was excluded from the team roster on the official website. However, his name still appears in the credits for the game's 3rd anniversary concert.
- Saved from Development Hell: The game was in development for six years, and during that time, it had to be ported to a new engine, the Nintendo 3DS port was cancelled, and with silence between developers and backers, didn't make things look any better. Fortunately, it came out on Christmas 2020 to highly positive reception, and console ports were later released to make up for that.
- Schedule Slip: The original game's infamous delays notwithstanding, errors involving the PlayStation Store caused the PS4 port to actually come out the week after the other console versions did.
- Troubled Production:
- It was in this state for 6 years after being funded on Kickstarter. Since the game started its development on RPG Maker VX, the development team tried to port the game to then newly released RPG Maker MV. Unfortunately, the engine struggled to run the game due to plugin compatibility issues. The incompatibility was so bad that a programmer from Enterbrain (the developers of RPG Maker) had to step in to help the team fix the issues, causing the game to be delayed and the frustration for backers who were still waiting for it to come out, especially those who backed for the Nintendo 3DS version. Thankfully for its fans, the game was finally released on December 25th, 2020, and a Nintendo Switch port was released not long after.
- In an RPG Maker themed podcast that developer Archeia (the aforementioned Enterbrain programmer) was on, a large part of development problems came from the fact that the shift to RPG Maker MZ wasn't optimal due to the engine's early bugginess, and the engine's frequent updates kept breaking things in the game, to the point that the team briefly considered switching to GameMaker.
- What Could Have Been:
- The game was going to be released for the Nintendo 3DS after the Kickstarter hit its stretch goal, but since the game's development outlived the Nintendo 3DS's lifespan, that version ended up cancelled. A Nintendo Switch port was released in 2022 to compensate for the 3DS version's cancellation. There was also a Play Station Vita port in consideration as a stretch goal, but this goal was never reached. Nevertheless, a PlayStation 4 port was also released.
- Players were originally able to choose Omori's (and in turn Sunny's) gender at the start of the game, similar to the most recent Fire Emblem titles. Not only that, but the gender choice would also change Aubrey's (Girl Aubrey for Boy Omori and vice versa). However, the idea ended up being scrapped since it would give the team double the work, as not only would they have to create alternate versions of every cutscene, portrait, and in-game art, but also mandate them rewriting the entire script to fit Girl Omori/Sunny and Boy Aubrey into the game. Despite this, Girl Omori made it into the final game by using the Mystery Potion on Omori after completing a sidequest for the Slime Girls in the Hikikomori Route.
- Mewo was originally going to still be living with Sunny's family as seen in the reveal trailer, as opposed to being MIA in present day.
- Aivi & Surasshu of Steven Universe fame were originally going to compose a song for the Jukebox, but they ended up leaving during development.
- Inside the game's files is a poorly-animated short made by Omori titled "In Memory of a Day" (a reference to Ben Wyatt's short film "Requiem for a Tuesday"). It was meant to be viewed on the laptop, but since the laptop becomes unusable after the Hangman sidequest begins, it goes unused.
- Sweetheart was originally going to be black and white, as her early sprite can be seen in the 2014 trailer for a split second.
- The spider-cats in Pyrefly Forest were originally going to be recurring enemies in the area instead of an obstacle.
- Another cut enemy is a baby spider that was meant to appear during the fight against Something's spider form, implying that it was going to be a Flunky Boss at one point.
- There's an unused set of rooms in Black Space known as "The 99 Letter Rooms", which are only accessible by collecting 99 keyboard keys. However, since there's only 26 keyboard keys in the game, accessing these rooms without modding the game is impossible.
- Abbi was originally going to appear in the game as her old self from the official blog, as seen in the 2014 trailer, but the idea was changed in the final game, as she was changed into an Eldritch Abomination hidden within The Abyss. What remains of this presumed original form of hers is a cameo in the game as a Glitch Entity alongside two other mysterious characters.
- There's an unused sequence of events which would happen once the player finishes the Hangman quest: playing cards in the Neighbours' Room would result in Mari coming down and telling everyone about a haunted house (Basil's house) in the middle of the Vast Forest. Mari then would join the party as they walk towards Basil's house, which has been corrupted by Black Space. Once the player enters the house, Mari then enters and sits at the edge of the entrance to Black Space. Sitting alongside her and prompting to jump would cause her to stop Omori from doing something so drastic before leaving the house. After that, the "Stab" option becomes available to the player. Choosing "Stab" would result in Omori trying to stab himself, only for Sunny to take over and hesitate doing it before Omori takes over again and stabs himself, all while the silhouette of Mari's hanged corpse covers the screen. The player would then wake up again in Basil's house as Sunny, completely surrounded by Something. Having a full understanding of the story reveals why this was cut: Omori was made to protect Sunny from Something and Black Space, but this scene instead details Omori leaving Sunny at their mercy, which would make no sense.
- The game was originally going to include voice bits for Aubrey, Kel, and Hero whenever you change the lead of your party. Despite not being included in the final game, they can be restored with a mod.
- The "Basil" VHS tape was originally going to be a little longer, with the beginning of the video showing Mari's dead body on the floor before cutting to the final scene with Basil. It makes sense why this was cut, as it would reveal the truth behind Mari's death too early.
- A cutscene titled "Mari's Request" was originally going to play during the Main Route after Sunny wins the fight against Omori. Originally, Mewo was originally going to lead Sunny to somewhere, possibly to another Headspace version of Mari. Unfortunately, not much is known about this cutscene, as the data related to it has been lost.
- There's an unused alternate version of the final fight against Something as Omori in the alternate route. But unlike the final version, this one ends with Omori using an army of Hands-Kun to attack Something every turn, defeating it with no effort. Presumably this would've been either in place of the fight with the Stranger, or as part of the scene where Omori does the Split-Personality Takeover early to save Sunny from Something.
- Inko◊, another one of Omori's imaginary friends from the original blog (a girl with a kitsune mask) was originally planned to appear in the game, but ended up being cut from the final game. The only thing that remains of her presence in the game is an unused theme found in the 2018 Kickstarter demo.
- One of the unused songs hidden in the files is called "evil" (VOLUME WARNING), which is a 7 minute cluster of every single song in the game combined into a single track. It's unclear if the song was meant to be played in the game or if it's a deliberate troll by the staff for those who datamined the game.
- The Good Ending was originally going to be a little bit longer, showing Sunny entering Basil's room at the hospital and almost collapsing on the floor, causing Kel, Aubrey, and Hero to rush towards him, all while Basil's Something keeps pulsating under him. The game then would end with Sunny telling the truth to them. As expected, it ended up being replaced with an animated cutscene in the final version.
- The 2022 "Art of Omori" exposition included a canvas filled with development sketches and unused concepts. Notably, spread around the canvas are shots of Sunny beginning to tell the truth of Mari's death during the good ending and each of his friends' shocked reactions which are unseen in the actual game.
- While the Hangman sidequest remained the same, the collectibles changed: instead of finding keyboard keys, the player was originally tasked to collect Blackletters. Omocat even teased the letters at one point on Twitter.
- There's an unused Mari apparition jump scare for Day 2 during daytime meant to play out if the player opened the door for her in the previous night.
- Faraway Town was originally going to featuring recurring enemies such as dogs and crows instead of only scripted fights. They even had their own sprites for Happy, Sad and Angry status, but they all ended up scrapped from the final game. This makes sense, as not only does Faraway Town diverge from the traditional RPG formula, but it would be completely irrational for a group of teenagers to senselessly beat dogs and birds in real life, let alone out of character for Sunny and his friends.
- Two different characters were developed with a flower boy theme prior to Basil's creation: the first, Flower, was a transplant from Omori's Story that wore a green shirt and a flower crown, but had the kind perfectionist personality that Mari ended up getting. The second was Rowan, a real-world boy who wore a single flower and a school uniform, but was much more confrontational and aggressive. Aspects of both characters were incorporated into the Headspace and Faraway versions of Basil.
- Word of Saint Paul:
- Jami Lynne, the creator of Space Boyfriend, confirmed that he is trans at least within her internal continuity and is saddened the game itself has no hints of it, as OMOCAT wrote that version of the character and appears to have been unaware of the intent.
- bo en, in-character, jokingly claimed that OMORI is set in the UK to explain "Hero's" British accent, although many signs in the game instead place it in the (northeastern) US.
- Working Title: Several concept pieces for what would become the game showed the title as OMORI ひきこもり (OMORI Hikikomori), the initial title of the Omoriboy blog.
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