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R: 1 / I: 0
dead nigger
R: 1 / I: 0
>coswork and those two chinny refugees
R: 114 / I: 11

Haven't been here in a while

It's been quite a few months since I last touched the soysphere
I finished making muh ambient slop and sheeit https://ephysus.bandcamp.com/album/with-love-2
The shemmy is probably deader than ever but thought i'd check in, might start posting here and on the sharty again, since it's been a while
Has anything major happened here since I was gone?
R: 1 / I: 1
if you think about it 'zellig is the soysphere's version of the viking age
>shills raid and plunder our image boards and spam everywhere, including where they originated (((4trans))) and then they shilled in the soysphere before settling there, and then got btfo'd by the admins.
R: 13 / I: 1
dont let (((them))) cover this up again
R: 9 / I: 1
remember when quote said this so he tried to provide edited chat logs then got xis cord buddies to falseflag dodder to cover it up?
R: 10 / I: 1
when he calls you troon but you have a humiliation fetish
R: 14 / I: 2
I forgot how to archive a thread
R: 3 / I: 1
why so dead
R: 42 / I: 13
Why are you gay, retarded shemale? Why do you want to put your dick in someones poophole instead of a pussy, which is literally designed for that?
R: 2 / I: 0
Guess who's back
Back again
R: 0 / I: 0
Why is this thread autosaged? This isn't even bait
R: 4 / I: 1
happyroadkill won stoneCUCK lost
R: 9 / I: 3
>Switch 2 leaked
>still no soyjak for it
R: 16 / I: 7
@poly wake up
R: 2 / I: 1
>white, brown, asian it doesn't matter all get beatdown by black bulls
R: 226 / I: 98
R: 0 / I: 0
R: 0 / I: 0
Jannies clean up the bbc it's making my clitty leak
R: 0 / I: 0
>im out of images (and semen)
R: 0 / I: 0
what a gemerald of a 'log
R: 0 / I: 0
>i'm finally lowering my standards sis
<are you dating mark he seems really nice
>no he still has to be 200cm+ and hot but he can be a misogynistic piece of shit or play nintendo games (but not both)
<you go girl
R: 1 / I: 1
R: 7 / I: 7
R: 3 / I: 0
>small penis bad, how am i supposed to be pleasured by this? and yes you have to eat my pussy to you don't get to skimp out on that part just cause you have a big penis
R: 20 / I: 12
create your very own variants tier list now!
R: 1 / I: 0
mfw a communist says something so billionairephobic i gotta take of my glasses
R: 2 / I: 1
new 'orse
R: 0 / I: 0
fan of x poster here i am coming out as cis again
now i am double cis
R: 1 / I: 0
trans single moms with a heroin habit literally and unironically think they are too good for average men
R: 1 / I: 0
>xisters i'm lowering my standards he still has to be 6'3+ with a 1 inch+ jawline but he can be a chaser now, hopefully i will finally be able to get a man
R: 8 / I: 3
new political 'toss
R: 0 / I: 0
>moderate trannies who support cringe chud rights do not exist
R: 0 / I: 0
>based tranny rights are based human rights
R: 0 / I: 0
>soup sosig
R: 8 / I: 5
shut it down
R: 3 / I: 2
R: 0 / I: 0
>Could this be the birth of a brand new epic meme?
R: 0 / I: 0
>spending the entire night listening to CDs and arguing online
R: 2 / I: 1
R: 0 / I: 0
>I'm only entertainin' you, my
>>Goal is to stimulate, makin' you high
>And take you and I
>To a place that you can't see but I believe you can fly
>I don't mean nobody harm, I'm just partyin'
>I'm not your dad, not your mom, not your guardian
>Just the man who's on the mic
>So let me entertain you
R: 0 / I: 0
soup sausage
R: 4 / I: 3
>women bad despite the fact that they won't have sex with ugly/short/average guys
R: 1 / I: 1
R: 10 / I: 1

what's your honest opinion on him /soy/

>be former sharty user
>create sharty splinter
>get demoralized by a bunch of random things after 3 months of being admin
>get convinced to be replaced by doll
>didn't go back to being admin after him for some reason
>decided to be a developer instead
>people consider your time as admin to be the golden age of the site
>got too demoralized and buck broken from quote's shenanigans and now hate soicucksphere
>create another imageboard under your soicuck name
>shut it down
R: 12 / I: 7
remember when shareblue tried sending out (((their))) people but (((they))) ended up not sending (((their))) best. KEK! many such cases.
R: 8 / I: 4
>that's what she said
R: 3 / I: 1
>still has a board banner for /pol/
R: 3 / I: 0
I am glad this legendary site came back, does anyone have any comics with this Brain Jak? I remember that the tosses with him were the spiciest.
R: 14 / I: 1
What would you do in this situation?
R: 5 / I: 1
christmas is aryan
R: 0 / I: 0
>this is thunderclan of course we think 2 cats of the same gender can be mates
R: 0 / I: 0
women and minorities are responsible for all my problems but i take a more objective view because i realise white men are responsible for most of the world's problems and i'm not a selfish person
R: 3 / I: 2
What did we learn today /soy/?
R: 7 / I: 5
ITT post Soot if he animal
R: 4 / I: 1
R: 34 / I: 2
merry christmas cytube
R: 14 / I: 6
R: 16 / I: 5
someone should update this
R: 11 / I: 5
R: 86 / I: 43

toss thread

post funny toss
R: 1 / I: 1
jarty filename
R: 44 / I: 26
Itt post soyjaks for the shemmy oc teir list 2025
Top 5 gets their oc signed by svvt probably idk
R: 232 / I: 238

/trade/ - shemmy OC edition

Previous thread:https://archive.ph/IqhPN
IAS dump, ideally IAS made here on the shemmy like pic rel
R: 1 / I: 0
>aryanime website albeit
R: 0 / I: 0
Thinnest man in birchington on sea blud :Skull:
R: 2 / I: 0
>nufags dont even know birchington on sea
R: 13 / I: 5
when i found out that (((they))) were not sending (((their))) best, i think it meant that (((they))) sent out yotsubanigger because he is indeed not the sharpest tool in the shed. KEK!
R: 0 / I: 0
>edating women to stop yourself from becoming a faggot
R: 4 / I: 2
fuck guys what do i do now?
R: 4 / I: 1
Average birchington on sea resident
R: 0 / I: 0
>calling her "ashbie moon" and not "aspie chan"
R: 1 / I: 0
how it feels to live in birchington on sea
R: 15 / I: 6
>normalGODs are in my house fixing stuff
shybros shybros please shyGODs save me
R: 255 / I: 216
(((they))) are truly not sending (((their))) best
R: 37 / I: 7
>4chan a derelict subversive cuck-ran shithole filled with geriatric millenials
>the sharty completely lobotomized and any soul that remained from the website has been sucked out industrially to stagnate for the rest of it's days
>soyjakking slowly losing relevance and being relegated to manchild rage comics used by normgroids
>churro dead
>chinny dead
>spinny dead
>jarty dead
>shemmy struggles to beat 200 PPD
>swinny struggles to get any kind of activity
>most other increasingly irrelevant soysphere websites can't even be bothered with
>quote raping any kind of splinter left in a desperate attempt for the sharty to regain it's relevancy only ending in more structural damage to the shitsphere
>even 'alive' imageboards like kohlchan and leftyturd are completely stagnant
>AI generated slop completely flooding the whole internet
>freedom of speech alt-lite sites completely in the dust meanwhile bluesky is astro-turfed into insanity
>archive.org is completely buck broken and has been filled with reddit-tier moderators who rulecuck everything and ruin the point of the website
>internet somehow centralizing around a few sites even harder
>kiwifarms act as moralfag despots whilst simultaenously doxing people
>most forums and remaining non-corporate sites populated by geriatrics and millenials
>discord is so tight-knit that it is completely impossible to join as a newcomer on most non-normgroid servers
how long till we admit that the shemmy and churro was one last hail mary to save the idea of a free internet and now we must live the rest of our lives as corporate goyslaves shemmysisters
R: 10 / I: 2
R: 107 / I: 23
R: 3 / I: 1
hey guys, stuckfag here. just wanted to tell you all that i'm blacked now and will be getting a QoS tattoo next monday! the moment i saw mr. trance, a black cartoon male, i knew what my true calling was

mfw when i see mr trance: i've got a mighty need
R: 3 / I: 2
unban spam on /soy/
R: 1 / I: 0
why so dead shemmyshit
R: 0 / I: 0
R: 6 / I: 1
*casually drops this here*
R: 0 / I: 0
>>>401381 (You)
>kek shemmycucks groomed him
>shut this groomcord of a website down already
R: 2 / I: 2
R: 6 / I: 0
shemalies..are we biwisi sluts?
R: 3 / I: 0
new words for based and cringe just dropped diaper and toilet
R: 0 / I: 0
R: 2 / I: 0
wiki is 404 fix it now
R: 2 / I: 0
It tries, but for some reason all trans people are assumed to be straight, it makes an unneeded and problematic distinction between pre-op and post-op, and non-binary people aren't represented at all
R: 0 / I: 0
average shoallyshit stats
R: 13 / I: 9
Good morning shemmy. It's Tomo Thursday.
R: 0 / I: 0
Knock knock conservative,…ITS DEBUNKIN TIME!!
R: 20 / I: 4
this site is actually pretty welcoming i like it here
just wish it was more alive but its still enjoyable
>soyak approves of this message
R: 13 / I: 6
6 million was impossible, but it wont be under trump
R: 8 / I: 3
was rapeape the real reason for the inevitable fall of 4chan?
R: 1 / I: 0
new literally me just dropped
R: 2 / I: 2
dead site but shemmy culture therefore comfy
R: 0 / I: 0
shemalies how does one choose a major sometimes it feels like theres way too many options and i dont wanna screw up and choose the wrong one and fuck up my life and money
R: 3 / I: 0
Merry Christmas!
R: 13 / I: 6
im bored soygem
R: 3 / I: 1
R: 95 / I: 47
chinnoids are asleep post 'stuck gemmies
R: 8 / I: 0
do chinks have/use imageboards there?
R: 5 / I: 0
nobody here
R: 137 / I: 174
Can we get a cat thread going on?
R: 124 / I: 38

Shemmy Island

Dead nigger site right now but that makes long projects easier o qualcosa.
Reply and I will draw in a new building or landform.
R: 32 / I: 3
what's your honest opinion on him /soy/
R: 25 / I: 12
Merry Shoalmas Chuddies.
R: 5 / I: 0
this happened to me
R: 6 / I: 2
>ruining people's christmas by telling them trans people are more likely to commit suicide on christmas day
R: 10 / I: 1
Why are muslims so violent?
R: 0 / I: 0
>making fun of men who are born sterile by calling them troons
R: 7 / I: 0
2025 is gonna be such a shit year when most imageboards inevitably shut down/enshittify like 4trans
R: 0 / I: 0
>stfu fakecel you can't just identify as an incel because you are sterile
R: 1 / I: 0
>*having sex with whitebois to continue the whiteboi lineage because once all whitebois are dead tyrone will instead beatdown women and transwomen instead*
R: 2 / I: 1
>nooooo tyrone don't go on a beat down to my other bvll tyrese I promise I wasn't cheating on you with him stopppp don't hit him
R: 25 / I: 7
Maybe Russians aren't so bad after all.
R: 3 / I: 0
New stonetoss.
R: 0 / I: 0
>wife's boyfriends bad despite the fact that if you add another man to your relationship you can keep a much higher quality woman and if you convince her to fuck a sterile chad you won't even have to worry about the kids not being yours
R: 4 / I: 1
thoughts on brown people and brown trans women and brown trans men
R: 1 / I: 0
new based/cringe variant just dropped
interpol/lemon demon
R: 3 / I: 0
based is now shemmy
cringe is now sharty
chud is now swinny
troon is now jarty
R: 5 / I: 2
>jokes about attack helicopters and two genders are not hecking funny because I say so chud
R: 3 / I: 0
what if instead of photosensitive epilepsy it was photosensitive synthesis and instead of seizing when you see strobe light coal you Speech synthesis is the artificial production of human speech. A computer system used for this purpose is called a speech synthesizer, and can be implemented in software or hardware products. A text-to-speech (TTS) system converts normal language text into speech; other systems render symbolic linguistic representations like phonetic transcriptions into speech.[1] The reverse process is speech recognition.
anyways, christmas is over so im leaving till like new years. see ya
R: 0 / I: 0
>Mametchi 'soygak
R: 1 / I: 0
>young nigga on the corner bitch i had to serve crack
R: 2 / I: 0
when will /qa/ come back btw
R: 0 / I: 0
>all women ever cannot be satisfied by one man
>if you are a 10/10 chad they are actually more likely to ask you to open the relationship because they want to appear less shallow
R: 9 / I: 0
Realistically speaking why should licking feet of women be so hard?
>at best minor discomfort
>at best some minor infection which should be easily curable. Wouldn't happen anyways
>man pays
>no risk of pregnancy
>no risk of STD
>opportunity to brag on social media that you grifted from a beta male or whatever
Girls, at this point, you all owe me feet. I should be licking feet all day in Christmas.
R: 0 / I: 0
>women can't be satisfied by just one man you incel
R: 1 / I: 0
R: 1 / I: 0
R: 0 / I: 0
>dying alone cause you can't find a triple 6 man
R: 3 / I: 0
i think toss might have missed with this one but what does the shemmy think?
R: 1 / I: 0
>kittydog looks like this (not kidding this IS HER)
animation meme kekkles
R: 1 / I: 0
Kitty on the log
R: 1 / I: 1
>people can change despite the fact that no one grows a nine inch dick out of nowhere past 18 years old
R: 0 / I: 0
R: 8 / I: 3
Why do cats love people who hate them? I hate cats yet there's two cats right next to me and one of them is sleeping on my chest!
R: 3 / I: 1
the soishitsphere is dead
shut it all down bruh
R: 7 / I: 4
Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave?
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall?
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow
One step closer
I have died every day waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more
Time stands still
Beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything take away
What's standing in front of me
Every breath, every hour has come to this
One step closer
I have died every day waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more
And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more
One step closer
One step closer
I have died every day waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more
And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more
R: 2 / I: 0
stop being so fucking dead you negros
R: 0 / I: 0
get back here
R: 24 / I: 7
We at the Swinny support TRANS RIGHTS!
It feels so good to admit it because I cant on my homeboard but im fucking trans! Yesssss! I have a diaper fetish! Woooooooo! I love jacking off with a vibrator while I sit in my diaper~ Its so hot when I make poop in my diaper and i smell sooooooooooo badddddd~~~~~ my diaper smells so stinky… im such a cute trans girl. im trans! im a girl! yes! mom! dad! im a girl! it feels so good to say it I AM A GIRL. I AM A GIRL I AM A GIRL I AM A GIRL, I HAVE BOOBS! AFTER SEVEN MONTHS OF E I FINALLY HAVE BOOBS! I HAVE FUCKING BOOBS YESSSSSSSSS BOOBIES! BO0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0BS! I WEAR A BRA AND THEY JIGGLE WHEN I WALK! I CANT EVEN RUN WITHOUT THEM HITTING MY CHEST AND GIVING ME THE BIGGEST BONER! I LOVE WEARING PANTIES AND SKIRTS AND THIGH HIGHS UGHHHH IM SHITTING MYSELF o_O POOP IS STREAMING OUT FROM MY DIAPER!
R: 4 / I: 0
Mfw you get banned for spamming sissy hypno playlists in the fecalshit cytube
R: 2 / I: 1
someone's son:
R: 4 / I: 0
i wanna pee
R: 9 / I: 3
im having a jolly poly day

Your fortune: God bless you
R: 6 / I: 1


R: 19 / I: 1
merry christmas. cytube?
R: 7 / I: 2
Jews won
R: 12 / I: 0
>i hope its a ps5
R: 5 / I: 0
R: 2 / I: 1
new wojack guys
R: 1 / I: 0
lol i'm alone i have this imageboard all to myself lol merry christmas
R: 1 / I: 1
@poly how does bec taste like?
R: 0 / I: 0

Logan Cooper is STILL ADMIN.


The plan was earlier this week… Only you never saw it.

Max, Kolyma, and tons of 'cord trannies and j*rtycucks were arrested. Proof of their vast crimes were shown. They were court martialed and found guilty. However, it was decided this was too much for the Soy population to accept. Restoring the domain and showing the crimes of these troons could lead to Soyvil War.

So an agreement was reached: Max and other Kolyma elements will be allowed to move freely and serve their terms. Admin DOLL would "concede" and leave the internet. But this is all for appearances. Behind the scenes, DOLL is still Admin.

This plan, known as ShadowAdmin, was seen as a last resort. But it worked. Anything that happens in the next 4 years is actually DOLL's doing.

If you read his speech and are a true soyteen, you already know.

What exactly did he say about "leaving"?

Why were those specific songs that were playing during his arrival and departure chosen? It was a signal, if you are able to see it. But you already would have if you weren't a shill.

"We Sold Our Homesteads". "Gem Cobbity". What do these songs have in common? What is the meaning of their placement in the statement? You will find your confirmation here.

Logan Cooper is STILL ADMIN.

R: 0 / I: 0
>infowars told me that black bulls are shooting cum trails in the sky which is pretty hot or something
R: 0 / I: 0
>We must protect israeli interests in syria and maintain control of mt. hormones or however the trans folks are liberated
R: 7 / I: 3
novi 'toss
R: 3 / I: 3
>>>>401144 (You)
>>>t. polish """"""""man""""""""
R: 19 / I: 4
R: 2 / I: 2
new poly 'toss
R: 7 / I: 5
what did (You) get for christmas /soy/?
R: 0 / I: 0
good morning everymutty
i love all of you shemmycucks merry christmas :D
R: 4 / I: 1
new kuz
R: 2 / I: 0
Did stonetoss hit with this one
R: 0 / I: 0
>You have a very weird fetish. Consider giving everyone some holiday cheer and kill yourselves this Christmas.
R: 9 / I: 2
>we must secure the existance of 2 genders and a halalcaust rememberance memorial or whatever
R: 9 / I: 1
>before BBC
<after BBC
R: 2 / I: 0
> See a cute girl
> imagine self being said cute girl choking to death to a BBC while said BBC pummels me like the meat sack I am
> cum
> post nut clarity
> Need to piss 1 hr later
> go to washroom
> repeats
R: 0 / I: 0
>never forget seven eleven when goldberg circumcised me in the twin abortion clinics or whatever
R: 0 / I: 0
>yeah im an anglo nixon descendant or something
R: 7 / I: 0
jak him
R: 5 / I: 3
R: 0 / I: 0
>never forget seven eleven when i lost my mcdonalds coupon at walmart or something
R: 0 / I: 0
>but i dont WANNA open presents, i WANT my christmas dinner! *belch*
R: 1 / I: 0
poly and vadim
R: 0 / I: 0
>Soygem.party History with Never Released Versions
R: 0 / I: 0
>the jews made me shoot up that day care or something
R: 6 / I: 3
Would this xir as a soyjak be a gem?
R: 11 / I: 2
R: 56 / I: 15


Let's speak in our native language and try to understand each other.
R: 2 / I: 0
new toss
R: 1 / I: 1
merry christmas have a wonderful day shemalie
R: 0 / I: 0
me when i take a shit
cat named a shit (he is being taken to his forever home where he will be loevd)
R: 0 / I: 0
why so dead, nigger?
R: 4 / I: 1
new based/cringe just dropped
R: 1 / I: 0
>women should stop having sex with highschool quarterbacks and start having sex with gamers
R: 2 / I: 0
>Sweartlic Nygardtunge
R: 2 / I: 1
So what did we learn today /soy/?
R: 5 / I: 2
>0 pph
R: 1 / I: 0
Happy Hanukkah to all my jewish soyjaks
R: 3 / I: 1
>the vaccines do not give children autism sweetie, read the doctor approved studies on vaccines that prove this
R: 8 / I: 1
So what did we learn today /soy/?
R: 6 / I: 0
>*thinks about committing suicide*
>*remembers trannies will never be real women and decides to live*
R: 2 / I: 0
new toss
R: 15 / I: 9
I just discovered an ia that makes 3d models, send me pictures and I will test it.
R: 12 / I: 0
old stoss
R: 5 / I: 2
>*thinks about committing suicide*
>*remembers trannies will be real women when communism is achieved and decides to live*
R: 3 / I: 2
Nu 'toss
R: 21 / I: 9
It's Tomo Tuesday and a Merry Shoalmas at the same day. Today is a jolly poly day. How are you doing so far everyone?
R: 1 / I: 0
they should make a christmas in the middle of the year exclusive to incels
R: 0 / I: 0
>thank me later
R: 1 / I: 1
happy holidays!
R: 1 / I: 0
Merry Christmas /soy/
R: 11 / I: 3
never forget
R: 26 / I: 4

Project thread.

decided to bring back ze project and try to finish it, i most likely wont be adding anymore events and just focus on putting the stuff that i have done together.
R: 66 / I: 146

mameson thread

ITT: post mamesons
R: 1 / I: 1
R: 2 / I: 2
reminder this is what foids find funny somehow
R: 1 / I: 0
new shemmy kino just dropped
R: 5 / I: 0
im posting the same image twice
mandatory anti janny leakage 'crow
R: 2 / I: 0
what a unjolly grinch
R: 1 / I: 1
R: 0 / I: 0
merry christmas guys!
R: 12 / I: 1
what the fuck does this even mean what does htranny mean and who are those people I know one of them is 4chan or moot
R: 6 / I: 3
merry christmas or something
R: 0 / I: 0
Merry Xmas!
R: 76 / I: 7
dead chat
R: 0 / I: 0
R: 0 / I: 0
>Merry Christmas xistas
R: 1 / I: 0
>10 pph
sell it to froot
R: 3 / I: 0
Merry Christmas xistas
R: 19 / I: 3





R: 13 / I: 4
why is neil so cute
mandatory scarecrow to prevent my threads being moved to qa
R: 0 / I: 0
stinking corpse
R: 2 / I: 1
dead nigger
R: 0 / I: 0
its called christmas cause tyrone beats down all the whitebois
R: 0 / I: 0
R: 6 / I: 0
average polish male
R: 4 / I: 1
i hope i find poly oiled up under my christmas tree
R: 1 / I: 0
R: 0 / I: 0
R: 0 / I: 0
black man is king
R: 103 / I: 14
GET accelerator thread.
R: 1 / I: 1
Merry christmas guys, remember to hail santa and hail christmas
R: 0 / I: 0

what was the get

R: 5 / I: 0
shemmy is dead
R: 1 / I: 0
i was gonna make a misogynistic thread but I changed my mind, you ever feel scared the voice of a woman online you're hearing might just be a ytboi's because they're feminine like that?
R: 5 / I: 1
>hates immigrants despite the fact his entire country has always been built by and imposed by immigrants and him being an immigrant
R: 4 / I: 2
Today doesn't seem like a good day tbh
R: 1 / I: 1
@mutt@eesti hi
R: 0 / I: 0
i feel like i am more vulnerable to psychosomatic reactions
R: 8 / I: 1
what if we do game nigths or something?
R: 3 / I: 1
R: 0 / I: 0
>you WILL let the fluoride nanorobots into your mouth twice a day
>you WILL pay us 6 gorillion dollars to take out your wisdom teeth
>you WILL NOT question this
R: 6 / I: 0
I'M OUT, SUCKERS!!! oh, so here's why. i don't want to play defending myself from alligations like i'm a roblox youtuber who got outed for grooming minors all day. if your goal was to drive me off of the shemmy so you didn't have to see neil's cute ass face on the log, you won. i don't feel like playing your game where i'm the lolcow because you make up fake attributes to stick onto me, and you're the morally right gigachad because you're harrassing a minor over made up shit and projecting your fetishes onto him. i can find better things to do than spend my time with utter losers. i'm a fucking loser myself, but at least im not fucking making sexual bbc "jokes" towards a 16 y/o.
i'll probably make a cytube when it's christmas. might not though, since there's been three guys on alts, one of which is related to a PEDOPHILE SITE, joining my cytube over and over to ban evade and i don't feel like dealing with that.
here's your fucking soyjak
R: 2 / I: 0

reposting this

i love gooning my family and my cats. don't be commiting incest and zoophilia. this is why we use COMMAS JEFFERY!!! i love gooning, my family and my cats. SEE HOW MUCH BETTER THAT IS JEFFERY YOU'RE STILL A PORN ADDICT AND YOU'RE GONNA GET ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION IF THAT KEEPS UP BUT AT LEAST YOU'RE NOT GOONING YOUR DAD JEFFERY
It is 3:67 P.M. Jeffery wake up, you've been comatose for 8 years now please wake up we miss you Jeffery. And use commas Jeffery after you wake up you're going to jail for gooning your cats
>oh wow! banging noise! oh wow string noise! waiter waiter, serve me more banging noise and string noise and software noise! please thanks
R: 7 / I: 0
>bbc (big black cock)
<bbc (big british cock)
R: 23 / I: 5
congrats guys, the cytube is now rulecucked so only FUCKING REGISTERED USERS CAN POST. this is because mr. jartycuckson (who queues annoying animation memes, tried to dox me, and fucking queues strobe lights trying to give me seizures), glowie196 (he queues hyponisis porn, queues furry porn too i think) and skibidichud (who keeps trying to shill his shit pedophile site that literally HAS A THREAD ON KIWIFARMS) love joining on alts. these three are the reason we can't have anything!
R: 1 / I: 0
scientist: we have created braincell of a human
braincell in question: ihhhhhhhhhhhfhfhghhghghhsahjdjueureudnsdsaksKSKSKSAKKSSKSKKSKKSK! orange.
mandatory scarecrow because hes ias
R: 60 / I: 43
Its Christmas today (for CzechGODS)
R: 1 / I: 0
>Eat a homemade meal
>Drive two hours southwest
>Eat the same homemade meal
>It tastes a little worse
Who do I blame for this? Jews?
R: 3 / I: 0
wtf are these swinny ahh ban messages
R: 0 / I: 0
We are number one dead nigger
R: 5 / I: 3
>*5 shekels have been deposited into your shareblue account*
R: 15 / I: 8
GOD BLESS saint tarrant. saint cruzius. saint bowers. saint paddock. saint breivik. WHITE WARRIOR KRIEG aryan warrior spirit. soldier. the last crusade.
R: 1 / I: 0
which one of you casted a spell upon me to make my left hand hurt
R: 6 / I: 0
trips decides xis name lole
R: 6 / I: 0
so what did we learn this year /soy/?
R: 22 / I: 6
>2 Gay Cats (Pilot)
>new kino just dropped
R: 1 / I: 0
>pakistan will never be white
R: 4 / I: 0
new kino just dropped
R: 5 / I: 0
>brr brr bfthhhh bthhhhh thhhhh
R: 2 / I: 0
>autosaging threads
R: 6 / I: 2
did 'toss hit or miss with this one?
R: 4 / I: 2
>she can blast that ass on my face anytime if you know what i mean 😉
R: 5 / I: 0
R: 6 / I: 1
ever since ive started using the shemmy i think "dead nigger shut it down" to myself when im bored in any real life situation
R: 2 / I: 0
we should make a spam thread that reaches at least 13333 replies a day so we can hit 1 million total posts in a month
R: 5 / I: 1
R: 3 / I: 1
where post
R: 0 / I: 0
daed chat or algo
R: 4 / I: 0
first murder drones thread post-GET
R: 12 / I: 1
anyone notice Business Inquirer switched to using the femcel rizz recently
R: 0 / I: 0
R: 7 / I: 0
R: 8 / I: 2
ITT we post porn until turkey turns white
R: 3 / I: 0
R: 16 / I: 3
R: 22 / I: 11
R: 5 / I: 1
Are (You) excited for christmas /soy/?
R: 1 / I: 0
he fucking won
R: 7 / I: 1
ok janny i'll spoiler it this time. i'll save you the precious seconds.
R: 3 / I: 1
he will fucking win
R: 1 / I: 0
Why so obsessed?
R: 0 / I: 0
Time is running out
R: 19 / I: 4
@jannies what do you have ready to steal the GET considering this is a samefailjanny.party
R: 2 / I: 0
Hello Icelanders
R: 0 / I: 0
Need a good toy to spoil my lazy femboy feet. 🥱
R: 2 / I: 0
giga GET
R: 4 / I: 0
Let’s settle this once and for all.
R: 22 / I: 2
we should advertise this shit site again
R: 3 / I: 0
R: 0 / I: 0
Clean it up.
R: 0 / I: 0
less than ten days before 2025 hits shemmycucks
R: 0 / I: 0
namefag le bad UNLESS I DO IT
R: 64 / I: 30

/mu/ thread

make a soyjak for the album you guys are listening to now
R: 11 / I: 4
good morning
R: 22 / I: 6
>inventing your own shemmy boogeyman by obvious attempts at samefagging with the same IP address so jannies can make fun of you in their 20 member discord server
R: 26 / I: 2
>no drones on the first page
not on my watch
R: 9 / I: 4
R: 14 / I: 3
So what did we learn this week /soy/?
R: 6 / I: 4
I wanted to take a moment to share something very personal and important with all of you. After a lot of reflection, self-discovery, and support from loved ones, I am ready to come out as transgender. My journey has been complex and sometimes challenging, but it has also been incredibly rewarding.

For those who may not know, I have been identifying as female for some time now. This realization has brought me a sense of clarity and peace that I had been missing for a long time. I am in the process of transitioning, which includes both medical and social aspects.

I understand that this news may come as a surprise to many of you, and I want to assure you that I am still the same person you have known and interacted with. My values, interests, and commitment to our community remain unchanged.

I would like to thank those who have already been supportive and understanding. Your kindness and acceptance mean the world to me. For those who may have questions or need time to process this, I am here to answer any questions you might have and to provide any information that could help you understand my journey better.

I am excited about this new chapter in my life and look forward to continuing to be a part of this community with authenticity and honesty.
R: 77 / I: 45

mameson emojis thread 2

I'm making another thread because someone wiped the catty while i was gone.
Previous thread: https://archive.md/yXsYU
All of the mamesons from the previous thread can be found here >>>/qa/189746
R: 4 / I: 0
@poly wipe my butt
R: 3 / I: 1
>go do shopping in a very far away location
>come back
>only 2 new posts
shut it down
R: 3 / I: 1
>trans single father of my previous wife's three kids, femboy, likes coffee and tea, fan of murder drones, gamer
R: 0 / I: 0
stinky dead nigger
R: 2 / I: 2
>raid threads on the sharty don’t even get over 100 replies anymore
>almost every single one gets abandoned
>a bait thread has the most replies apart from already dead necrobumped threads that have over 500+ replies
R: 1 / I: 0
New stonetoss
R: 0 / I: 0
why is it sometimes black and sometimes not
R: 3 / I: 2
Oh I'm finally free
R: 8 / I: 4
400k GET soon, how we feeling?
R: 2 / I: 1
wtf guys can you believe it
R: 0 / I: 0
>genderswapping characters into anime girls
R: 2 / I: 0
average shemmy user
R: 0 / I: 0
>big breasts count as bad personalities
R: 1 / I: 0
new toss
R: 1 / I: 0
Why is science so gemmy?
R: 7 / I: 2
>touch grass despite the fact that doing that could spread bacteria
R: 2 / I: 0
>black people aren't superior even doe my clitty leaks when i see a bbc
R: 4 / I: 0
>black people are superior not because they have bbc or because they make all ytbois clitty leak when they see them but because its black and white and not white and black
R: 6 / I: 1
Jack Frost mameson
R: 2 / I: 1
R: 0 / I: 0
>You know this thang don't stop 'til I say so
>Now get low - get low, keep that ass on the flo'
>You know this club don't close 'til I say so
>Now get low - get low, keep that ass on the flo'
>Yeah, now get low - get low, keep that ass on the flo'
>Get low - get low, keep that ass on the flo'
>Yeah, now get low - get low, keep that ass on the flo'
>Now get low - get low, keep that ass on the flo'
R: 0 / I: 0
>rejecting men despite the fact that you have never had sex
R: 1 / I: 0
>rejecting women despite the fact that you have never had sex
R: 5 / I: 1
>If there's any bitches in this room, then there's something I gotta say
>For all the fools who fell for the first girl who comes their way
>I've been down that road and now I'm back, sittin' on square one
>Tryna pick myself up where I started from
R: 1 / I: 0
why so dead
R: 0 / I: 0
R: 0 / I: 0
stay nimble.
R: 11 / I: 1
i like to scroll through saved videos every once in a while and every time i do so i get flashed by kuz's bwc
R: 5 / I: 0
How many BBCs have you taken, /soy/
R: 4 / I: 0
new stonetoss
R: 12 / I: 2
Murder Drones website is droning like always
R: 12 / I: 3
why does Logan Vaugh Cooper at 333 Lindenwood Ave, Akron, OH 44301 and Evaldas Valiulis at 39 Rhodes Place, Oldbrook, Milton Keynes MK6 2LT partner with pedophile discord servers such as the coalony just to take down this site? why did Logan Vaugh Cooper hire Spirit Airlines to demoralize lute into shutting down the jarty? why did the jartycuck meme last so long despite it being revealed kuz was lying about them posting 'p in the first place? why did one of the former admins have to create an alternate identity just to continue being admin? why has froot and the rest of the sharty staff lied about everything they have ever done?
R: 4 / I: 0

hey yall 😉
R: 7 / I: 1
Murder Drones board

>posted it again award

so what?
R: 1 / I: 0
shemalies be like
R: 0 / I: 0
Why does mud/quote, also known as Evaldas Valiulis, the current developer of soyjak.party, groom minors? why is he such a disgusting pedophile kike? what made him like this?
R: 10 / I: 0
>Lets get it crackin', git. It's on and poppin'.
>This D12 is back in this bitch, uh, there aint no stoppin'.
>We're gonna get it crackalatin'.
>What you waitin' for the wait is over,
>say no more for tryin' to play the wall and quit hatin'.
>Git up now!
>Notice you're sittin', what the fuck is you deaf?
>You motherfuckers dont listen? I said,
>we bout to get this motherfucker crackalatin',
>quit, procrastinatin'.
>What the fuck you waitin for get off the wall and quit hatin'.
R: 4 / I: 0
R: 3 / I: 2
rename it to murderdrones.party already
R: 33 / I: 10
It's Sakaki Saturday. Sorry for the wait. How was your day so far?
R: 44 / I: 40
who has the moral highground? people who go over here day after day after day to pretend to be a bbc slut, a zoophile, a pedophile, then react to it saying "oh wow, i cant believe feral said that!!!" to get a reaction out of me? the people who literally said once that they wanted to rape neil cicierega's dead cat maui with my rizz ("but… ermmmm, it's ironic!!!" doesn't excuse you making jokes about RAPING CATS. its the same as making jokes about RAPING CHILDREN, not fucking funny)? the "people" who fucking try to literally beat me by queuing strobe lights in cytubes, knowing im epileptic and they give me fucking seizures??? the people who fucking make bbc jokes about me, knowing im ONLY 16? or some guy who DARES to post lemon demon and vocaloid on a soyjak imageboard? you can be free to hate me, i respect it if you find me annoying. but if you larp as me, trying to falseflag me as a PEDOPHILE, and try to give me seizures knowing they could kill me, that's where my respect for you fades.
you fucking dumbasses pretend im a 60 year old named gregerald johnson so you can feel morally right about making those bbc jokes. WHAT THE FUCK KIND OF NAME IS GREGERALD JOHNSON? even then, even if i was 60 that shits still fucking sexualizing me AFTER i ask you to stop, and you guys still fucking do it… still morally bad. also i'd get a name change if my name was fucking GREGERALD. it does kinda sound like gemerald tbh kek
holy fucking shit, why are you guys like this? how would you feel if most of the times you posted something, five people go over and falseflag you saying youre a bbc slut? oh wait, you guys dont care because none of you have empathy. why do i try to reason with you guys?
R: 11 / I: 1
guys… where are you?
R: 9 / I: 1
Hitler was wrong in saying we need to be more nordic because nords were a bunch of pillaging and raping faggots who killed and slaughtered unarmed men children and women.
R: 3 / I: 2
Kek, it's /comfy/!
R: 30 / I: 8
So what did we learn today?
R: 0 / I: 0
R: 0 / I: 0
>transwomen bad because they won't sleep with me
R: 7 / I: 5
dealers of god
R: 0 / I: 0
>incels deserve sex despite the fact that they won't give you free money just for existing
R: 1 / I: 0
>he can't be a chaser
>he can't be a misogynsistic incel who will probably misgender and exclusively prefers me to real women because i am actually a man
who tf do transwomen expect to date then?
R: 2 / I: 2
>android users lost
R: 0 / I: 0
R: 1 / I: 1
R: 0 / I: 0
>who has the moral highground?
R: 1 / I: 0
>if he's under 6 feet he's a chaser
R: 16 / I: 3
nusoicacas when you dare to habbo raid with them
R: 4 / I: 0
why do you guys falseflag me, a minor, as a bbc slut? being a sissy bbc slut isnt even that bad, you could falseflag way worse things since you dont care that im a literal minor yet you choose THAT. ive masturbated to bbc porn before and i didnt feel any shame or any different afterwards yet you assholes act like its the worst thing you could do
R: 9 / I: 0
why are they like this?
R: 8 / I: 8
new idea: what if instead of saying keyed and locked we said blacked and bleached? and instead of saying gem and coal we can say bbc and twp, yep its blacked
R: 1 / I: 0
>lvıv got drafted
R: 1 / I: 0
R: 0 / I: 0
Murder Drones still owns this site btw
R: 71 / I: 13
Murder Drones website
add >>>/md/ NOW
R: 9 / I: 6
send tama gooneralds NOW
R: 1 / I: 0
R: 5 / I: 0
why are xoxols like this
R: 0 / I: 0
What a deceased African person of a site.
R: 2 / I: 0
we trannies are cute lol
R: 7 / I: 1
R: 14 / I: 22
Someone post the AI laugh webms, I need to check something
R: 0 / I: 0
>tfw no gf
R: 2 / I: 0
>you WILL look both ways before crossing the street
R: 6 / I: 1
what did quote mean by this?
R: 0 / I: 0
>jet fuel can melt steel beams
R: 1 / I: 1
Bugs are tasty
R: 7 / I: 0
tf happening on the sharty
R: 0 / I: 0
R: 5 / I: 1
me when your favorite bbc bvll is tyrone and not darius or elijah
R: 1 / I: 1
>we trannies are cute lol
R: 1 / I: 0
>im deleting this thread since yall cant behave
R: 1 / I: 0
>The Everything Show
R: 1 / I: 0

R: 0 / I: 0
R: 2 / I: 0
why so obsessed?
R: 7 / I: 1
deceased chat
R: 2 / I: 0
unimposters syndrome just released.
im qualified to give people tips on how to make music despite the fact i dont know how to. sign up for my courseeeeeeeee
R: 5 / I: 0
Botcord woke up
R: 4 / I: 2
might be a bit controversial these days but i think he might have won.
R: 6 / I: 1
She is LITERALLY him!
R: 0 / I: 0 (sticky)
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[Yotsuba B][Yotsuba][Futaba][Burichan][Gem][Gem B][Dark Gem][Kolyma][KolymaDark][Dark][Photon][Calm][RoachBooru][DA COOOOOORD][MonoA][MonoB][Acorn][Trefoil][Vivzie][Timmy][Spoopy][Shoalmas]