Leopard black dress white couch (x68)
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white daisy chemise purple bed
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Black Teddy Sofa
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48 pics, 863 x 1265 res, 6.2 megs
https://www.wupload.com/file/2648779527/Bla Ted Sof.rar
I have @ 45 sets and about a dozen videos. I Just have to go through this thread to see if any already have been posted. Hopefully I'll b eset to start posting again regularly in 2 or 3 days. In the meantime, here's an assortment of candids, behind the scenes, and mini sets.:thumbsup:
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Erica Campbell, Phase 2
Well, it took longer than I expected to get the next batch ready. Something unexpected came up on wedensday past and I had no chance to get on the VEF site, let alone check or post anything. BUT I had the chance today and have gone through the thread checking against my current batch of material. I have 35 sets and 12 videos to post. Some items have been posted previously but most are new. And of the ones that have been posted before, I have either/or larger versions/better quality.
SO without further ado...
pink sweater white P beige ottoman
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69 pics, 998 x 1500 res, 22 megs
https://www.wupload.com/file/2662905277/pin swe whi P bei ott.rar
White ruffle top lilac skirt blue couch
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37 pics, @ 710 x 1105 res, 6.8 megs
https://www.wupload.com/file/2664852552/Whi ruf top lil ski blu cou.rar
Black BP black chair
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91 pics, 799 x 1200 res, 16.7 megs
https://www.wupload.com/file/2665148392/Bla BP bla cha.rar
red chemise white post
Uploaded with IIIUploader
79 pics, 853 x 1280 res, 10.3 megs
https://www.wupload.com/file/2667392367/red che whi pos.rar
File size: 130.71 MB
Early vid:
Credit to original uploader.
red corset leopard couch (x60)
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20.4 megs
Black top denim shorts window (x105)
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Black Ruffled CThru-Gold Couch (x45)
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