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facesitting edition
Previous: >>929015782
>>929047735 (OP) #
>>929047740 #
facesitting is retarded and boring.
>makes new thread
>abandons it 3 pics in
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artists that depict shotas with giant dicks are the worst.
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>>929049600 #
I love this scenario.
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Granny pussy
why don't any of you post /ss/ scenes from old european films
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>>929055368 #
>>929055523 #
film scenes aren't porn tho
>>929055223 #
How is pepper0 lately? I haven't seen anything new of his posted anywhere.
Morning thread!

Glad to see another one up. Lots of good stuff posted yesterday.
If anyone is interested I'm the anon from these past threads who's posted about experiences in doing /ss/ roleplay with my wife for the past few years. If anyone has questions, wants to hear experiences, or share their own it's always made for good content here.

Pic is from Insexual Awakening, the best /ss/ game ever made. I'll post a few of these.
Love this one, shotas jerking off while spying on their moms is top tier.
One more pic from Insexual Awakening, featuring the hot aunt character.
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Here's a brief excerpt from one of Aogami's "Furry Fantasy" chapters, don't really remember which. Most of Furry Fantasy is various orientations of shota/loli/adult in the video game setting, but this little bit is in the real world and my god is it good.
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>>929058263 #
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>>929058294 #

always a blessed post when the captcha includes "PP"
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>>929058327 #
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>>929058341 #
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>>929058364 #
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>>929058380 #
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>>929058413 #
That's the end of this little story. Gonna take a short break, let some others post
>>929058033 #
based insexual awakening enjoyer, good /ss/ games are hard to find to be honest
>>929058033 #
Do you wish you got to actually experience this when you were a kid?
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>>929058660 #
I've really never played anything that compares with it, the mixture of horniness and wholesomeness. Simone is the best /ss/ mom character I've ever seen or read. Insexual Awakening 2 is *okay* but it really doesn't compare well at all to IA1, and not just because they had to go to CG art instead of handdrawn due to the original artist not being involved (also there's hardly any actual incest in IA2).

>>929058863 #
So as a sober adult with a happy life I can pretty confidently say I'm glad I didn't have those experiences because as fun as it is to fantasize and talk about the reality never really lines up with that and it would have left me damaged. For me and the missus there's a certain safety in the fantasy of it which makes the experience that much better and lets us get *real* degen some of the times. Significantly the age she projects me as when we roleplay has dropped from like 14-15 to the 10-12 age now.
>>929059063 #
def agree, i used to follow IA2's development for a while but I don't check out incomplete hgames anymore so I decided to wait until it was done. Last I heard they were going to give the mc a younger sister. But yea It def didn't hit the same.

You should check out succubus affection if you haven't it's one of my favorites too.
>>929059397 #
Yeah I probably replayed the scene where Simone teaches Nate how to masturbate and he cums all over her breasts more than any other scene in that game. It hits my /ss/ kinks so hard (sex ed, JOI).

Got any screenshots from Succubus's Affection? never heard of it.

Also putting feelers out there: any other anons had GF/Wives that play around with mom-son roleplaying? Back during the /ss/ Renaissance a few months back there were several professing to be in that position that had some interesting comments.
>>929059838 #
it's a really fun action platformer-esque game, its got a lot of quality.
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Here's another short Doujin, it's called "Portrait of a Family" by Isako Rokuroh
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>>929061299 #
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>>929061313 #
>>929061330 #
Damn! She's got some TITS
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>>929061330 #
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>>929061353 #
>>929061349 #
Yeah I usually like characters in /ss/ images to have more realistic proportions but dang if this one doesn't do it for me.
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>>929061404 #
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>>929061435 #
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>>929061480 #
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>>929061503 #
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>>929061530 #
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>>929061548 #
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>>929061577 #
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>>929061589 #
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>>929061621 #
Nearing the end
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>>929061648 #
What I love most about this comic is the sheer amount of barely controlled desire that the mom character has towards her boys, coupled with how she's showing off for her husband.
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>>929055368 #
glowies die when bright men are pushed to anger
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>>929061704 #
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>>929061719 #
"Portrait of a Family" End

What did y'all think?
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>>929061748 #
Great share! She really was boy-horny! The "tag-out" scene with the boys made me chuckle.
Need some shota fucking hairy pussy
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>>929061748 #
Is a classic. One of my favorites along side Jairou's stuff, Where Did you Go This Summer, and pic related.
>>929061748 #
best in a long while
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>>929064552 #
pink ocean draws nice booba.
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There's surprisingly little X-mas themed /ss/. Even Halloween has more.
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>>929066928 #
Love bitches getting ganked by shotas (whats the sauce?)
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>>929067145 #
There is christmas stuff, you're just not looking in the right place
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>>929067145 #

102 / 89 / 10

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