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  1. Boards
  2. Xenoblade Chronicles X
  3. Does xenosaga and xenogears connect to xenoblade in any way?
dbrg13 9 years ago#1
I'm really curious...
Favorite game series: Super smash bros., Legend of Zelda, Super Mario Bros.
Most anticipated games: Zelda wii u, Star fox wii u, Xenoblade Chronicles X
Zorux 9 years ago#2
No. Each one are set in their own little Universe. There are small references and easter eggs but nothing serious.
dbrg13 9 years ago#3
Zorux posted...
No. Each one are set in their own little Universe. There are small references and easter eggs but nothing serious.

Ah ok, I don't mind that lol
Favorite game series: Super smash bros., Legend of Zelda, Super Mario Bros.
Most anticipated games: Zelda wii u, Star fox wii u, Xenoblade Chronicles X
Segascream 9 years ago#4
Nope, but Xenogears, Xenosaga, and Xenoblade Chronicles X are kind of like three different versions of the same concept.
AtomicNess 9 years ago#5
SPOILERS: It's pretty much a retelling of Xenogears: Perfect works episode 1
Currently Playing: FFIX, Witcher 3 BAW, Talos Principle
Wishlist: Zelda BotW, Overwatch, FFXV
Emerald_Melios 9 years ago#6
Segascream posted...
Nope, but Xenogears, Xenosaga, and Xenoblade Chronicles X are kind of like three different versions of the same concept.

Even Xenoblade Chronicles on the Wii had some of the ideas in place, it just used more of a high fantasy approach.
Becko 9 years ago#7
Without spoiling too much ...

XBX is a "bridge" between Xenosaga and Xenogears ... XBX is the retelling or reboot of Xenogears: Perfect works episode 1 ... but also XBX is "Xenosaga Ep 4" ... once you finish the game you'll see why ... there's a main character with a story background heavily related to the story of Xenosaga ...

And actually the lore of Xenosaga is also part of Perfect Works Ep 1: planet michtman, interstellar war, year 40XX events, and more ... XBX picks up where Xenosaga chronologically left PW Ep 1 ... XBX basically starts with the Eldridge now named Withe Whale which is also part of PW Ep 1 ...

And even the developers made clear the connection ... the ending scene of Xenosaga 3, is the first scene in XBX (planet Earth, Sun, and the Moon, inverted position) implying or suggesting how certain character ended in Earth ... yes, she was pulled to Earth because the planet's gravity field ... it was obvious , she was too close to Earth
Super_Slash 9 years ago#8
Becko posted...
there's a main character with a story background heavily related to the story of Xenosaga ...

Tell me more. Seriously.

Becko posted...
the ending scene of Xenosaga 3, is the first scene in XBX

What does this even mean? Are you being literal?
Zorux 9 years ago#9
Super Slash posted...
Becko posted...
there's a main character with a story background heavily related to the story of Xenosaga ...

Tell me more. Seriously.

Becko posted...
the ending scene of Xenosaga 3, is the first scene in XBX

What does this even mean? Are you being literal?

Elma "fits the role" of KOS-MOS. Therefore Elma = KOS-MOS so she is KOS-MOS. Xenoblade X is Xenosaga Episode IV: Die Geburt der Tragödie confirmed!
Super_Slash 9 years ago#10
Hah, that's pretty neat actually. I really doubt there's an actual connection but it's nice to see Xenosaga get a nod like that. Even the first Xenoblade had some nods (the obvious spoiler one, and a guy very similar to Vanderkam in Colony 9).
  1. Boards
  2. Xenoblade Chronicles X
  3. Does xenosaga and xenogears connect to xenoblade in any way?
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