Clean up efforts continue at Elmira High School; here's what you should know

Portrait of Thomas Giery Pudney Thomas Giery Pudney

The New York state departments of Health and Environmental Conservation hosted an information session Wednesday evening regarding the ongoing remediation work being carried out at Elmira High School.

The current focus is on the deep soil remediation that was not completed during the 2017 remediation efforts.

Elmira High School, originally opened in 1979 as Southside High School, is now a brownfield site due to contamination from former industrial use of the site. It wasn't until decades after the school opened that concerns over contamination arose. 

For that reason, the DEC and DOH have been holding public outreach sessions as each new phase of the remediation projects take shape and are implemented. 

"Part of our goal thought this cleanup process is to keep the community engaged on what we're doing, and today is to talk about this summer's work that is going to be taking place at the site," said Sean Mahar, chief of staff for the DEC. "It's an opportunity for the community to come and interact with our staff one-on-one, and really see what were are doing."

Representatives from the NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation and Dept. of Health were at Elmira High School on Wednesday night outline their plans for continuing remediation of the Brownfield site.

Keeping the community in the loop

Remediation of the site is ultimately the goal, but putting the minds of residents, parents and students at ease is a priority for the state. 

"We're still in the phase of cleaning up the portions of the site that we know have contamination on them, and then identifying any other areas that may have contamination and developing cleanup plans for that," Mahar said. "Every step of this process has community engagement along the way. So anytime we develop a cleanup plan or an investigation plan for a part of the site, we're holding engagement sessions."

More:Public voices concerns over contamination at Elmira High School during community forum

This year's project is similar to those carried out over the last couple of years. As the school undertakes construction projects, it is working with the state, as well as Unisys, to come up with the best approaches to complete the projects to minimize the spread of contaminants. 

"Last summer, we did a major cleanup on the back portion of the school, where they were installing a new bus loop," Mahar said. "So at the same time, they were doing a capital construction project. It gave us an opportunity to do the cleanup of that portion of the site." 

A map of IRM #1 and #2 that have been completed on the EHS campus. IRM #3 will include the additional deep soil remediation in the area of IRM #1.

What to expect this year

Past remediation efforts focused on the tennis courts south of the football field and west of the main parking lot in 2017, and the parking lot in the rear of the school in 2018. 

This year, the remediation work will focus on the deep soil remediation that was not completed during the 2017 remediation efforts. 

Unisys estimates that it will need to remove more than 11,000 tons of soil, down to a depth of about 20 feet, to remove the contaminated soil from the area just north of the school's main parking lot. The soil will be trucked off-site for disposal. 

Unisys also is conducting an investigation into the football field complex. While the contaminants are underground and people are unlikely to come in contact with them during normal use of the field, the district is still managing access to the complex to help mitigate exposure.

Unisys, which has already taken more than 800 soil samples from the sports complex, will conduct more sampling early this summer to finalize the design of that remediation plan. 

The 34-acre school campus comprises the north portion of an originally 83-acre parcel, which was used for industrial manufacturing from 1887 to 1977.

B.W. Payne & Sons produced steam engines from 1887 to 1909. Morrow Manufacturing made tools and machine parts on the site from 1909 to 1935. Remington Rand manufactured typewriters from 1936 until the factory closed in 1972. Finally, Westinghouse used the northern portion of the property for warehousing from 1974 to 1977.

Remington Rand passed ownership of the property to the Southern Tier Economic Growth agency in 1977. Southside High School, now Elmira High School, was built on the northern portion of the property, opening in 1979, while the southern portion remained in light industrial use.   

Environmental sins linger

A March 2018 investigation by the Star-Gazette found that more than 30 sites across the Southern Tier held lingering health risks for residents. 

Unisys, Remington Rand’s successor, is responsible for the cleanup and is following the terms of a consent order negotiated with the DEC in 2014 to fund the removal of the polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and trichloroethylene (TCE), both common 20th century pollutants.

Exposure to either can cause a range of ailments, from nerve damage to cancer.

More:Environmental sins of the past haunt Southern Tier communities

Company, school and health officials point to findings by state and federal agencies published in 2003 stating there is “no apparent public health hazard”  from the lingering contamination at Elmira High School because people are not likely to come in contact with the buried chemical hazards.

Ongoing projects at the school have brought the safety measures being taken back to the forefront. 

A study prompted by concerns over cancer rates of students and alumni found no unusual patterns of cancers, with the exception of an unexplained spike in testicular cancer among students and recent graduates from 1997 to 2000.

Reach Thomas Giery Pudney at 607-274-9205 or on Twitter@tommypudneySupport our journalism and become a subscriber today.Click here for our special offers.

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