My ethics applications on Infonetica Ethics RM

Access your in-progress ethics applications or start a new application using the Infonetica Ethics RM online portal.

The Infonetica Ethics RM online portal allows researchers to complete ethics applications, attach all relevant documents and have their ethics application signed by designated signatories. Ethics applications can then be submitted to the relevant ethics committee for approval.

All University staff, PhD and Masters students have access by default to Infonetics Ethics RM to develop an ethics application.

For Honours students, the academic supervisor of the Honours student must request access to Ethics RM for the student(s). Auckland District Health Board (DHB) Counties Manukau DHB employees can also be given access to Ethics RM to develop AHREC ethics applications.

For Honours students, the academic supervisor of the Honours student must request access to Ethics RM for the student(s). Te Whatu Ora Te Toka Tumai Auckland, Te Whatu Ora Counties Manukau, Te Whatu Ora Waitematā and Te Whatu Ora Te Tai Tokerau employees can also be given access to Ethics RM to develop AHREC ethics applications. See Access to Infonetica Ethics RM for research students and non-UoA researchers

For help creating, editing, submitting, sharing or amending an ethics application in Infontetica Ethics RM, please contact the relevant Ethics committee advisory team. See Research Ethics Team

Guides and resources

LimitationsAs of the 31st July 2021, Infonetica Ethics RM will no longer support Internet Explorer and the old version of Microsoft Edge. We advise you to update to the new version of Edge or use other major browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari).

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Research Ethics Team

Support with applications for Human Ethics, Animal Ethics and Biological Safety

Te Puna Tiketike | Research and Innovation Office

We support the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and Innovation and the University Research Committee by developing and implementing strategies and policies to enhance our research environment.


Research Management Library

Research management learning resources provided by Organisational Development to support research. Here you will find quick reference guides and training resources.