Find the right ethics committee for your research

Research conducted by staff and students involving human participants (including teaching sessions, laboratories, anonymous questionnaires and research carried out as part of taught coursework) must receive ethics approval from one of the following ethics committees (unless an exemption applies):

  1. The University of Auckland Human Participants Ethics Committee (UAHPEC) – if not eligible for review by an HDEC or AHREC;

  2. The Auckland Health Research Ethics Committee (AHREC) - for human health research not eligible to be reviewed by an HDEC, and conducted by staff members of Te Toka Tumai Auckland, Te Whatu Ora Counties Manukau and Te Whatu Ora Waitematā, or staff or students of the University of Auckland;

  3. Health and Disability Ethics Committees (HDECs) - all health and disability research in scope for HDEC review must be submitted to an HDEC for review.

Research ethics online training session

Researchers intending to submit an ethics application should first watch the research ethics training video. In addition to this, researchers creating human ethics applications should also complete the online human ethics training modules.

Find support

To find support with your ethics application or to ask questions regarding the approvals processes, please contact the Ethics and Integrity Team.

To manage an existing ethics application or begin a new one please navigate to My ethics applications on Infonetica Ethics RM .

Masters, Honours and Bachelor students who are looking for guidance should go to .

TopicUniversity of Auckland Human Participants Ethics Committee (UAHPEC)  

Resources and guidance for researchers preparing ethics applications for University of Auckland Human Participants Ethics Committee (UAHPEC).

TopicAuckland Health Research Ethics Committee (AHREC)  

Resources and guidance for researchers preparing ethics applications for Auckland Health Research Ethics Committee (AHREC).

TopicHealth and Disability Ethics Committee (HDEC)  

Find information about the Pre-submission approval form required by the University before submitting your application for HDEC approval, and eligibility for submitting a HDEC application.

ArticleHuman ethics studies affected by the COVID-19 restrictions  

Important information for adapting your study to meet COVID-19 restrictions

CapabilityHuman ethics, animal ethics and biological safety development opportunities  

Build capabilities around managing human ethics, animal ethics, and biological safety obligations.

Explore related

SoftwareMy ethics applications on Infonetica Ethics RM  

Access your in-progress ethics applications or start a new application using the Infonetica Ethics RM online portal.

EventResearch ethics training video  

A training video is provided which discusses research ethics principles, ethics application pathway and navigation of the Infonetica Ethics RM platform for submitting a human ethics application

ArticleInstitutional operating plan and controlled drugs procedures  

Learn more about the University's Controlled Drugs Procedures (CDP) and Institutional Operating Plan (IOP) for researchers using controlled drugs in their research, testing or teaching involving animals, human participants or in vitro models.

EventOnline ethics training modules  

It is recommended that you complete these modules prior to creating your human ethics application to gain a thorough understanding of the ethical issues related to research involving human participants.


Research Ethics Team

Support with applications for Human Ethics, Animal Ethics and Biological Safety

Te Puna Tiketike | Research and Innovation Office

We support the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and Innovation and the University Research Committee by developing and implementing strategies and policies to enhance our research environment.

Faculty / Institute Research Services Team (FIRST)

Support for planning your research and consulting projects, developing your proposals and budgets, establishing resources for your research, managing your project and resources.