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Discussion concerning Higurashi, Umineko, Ciconia, Rose Guns Days, Higanbana, TRianThology, and all other 07th Expansion works.

► 07th Expansion links: https://rentry.co/07th-exp

Previous thread: >>48411719 →
Wholesome transttler <3
>what is genderbender
Mass genocide of /pol/ WHEN?
>>48451746 (OP)
Omg battler is a valid witch now trans win! <3
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Big Boss of Outer /07/
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>mfw shitoko
Mion is the stinky twin though.
I'm so proud of you bending your gender sister!
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Hanyufag if you're there bless this thread with your horn-y posts.
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Someone should do it again, it was very funny seeing the seething reaction to it.
Umifags not doing much to get rid of the allegations
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Make love not war
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If it's possible.
Wow I really want to kiss and worship her ass
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there's no way this thing is male
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My cute CPP wife
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In a world where EVERY zoomer kid has multiple schizo personalities due to the strange new supercomputer technology.
We will only ever get to see one dumb femboy's dress up personality and his villain personality.
It's a travesty.
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Having visited that person's twitter, they're still reading episode 4. Umineko doesn't start fully forming it's huge thematic moments until the answers arc
>>48451746 (OP)
Ange and Battler did the fusion dance.
Guys how does Rose Guns Days compare to Umineko and Higurashi?
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Same old Ryukishi (RGD and Ciconia were before the insanity)
It's hard to compare though. It's not a mystery. It's got some good action and political conspiracy elements. It's got a pretty hit or miss minigame where you click on things to "shoot" targets like a quicktime event. I enjoyed it but heard some people don't.

It's got consistent quality, the ending is very good except for one point on the final chapter of the final episode you will notice that there is a big gap and a whole bunch of plotpoints and twists get hit all at once. This was because Ryukishi was really sick and couldn't finish on time or some bullshit. It's extremely political, Ryu's own ideas humble protective nationalism or whatever. It's not stupid or preachy but you know how he rambles sometimes, I can see some readers really hating it.

I recommend Higanbana first if you haven't tried that. It's kind of in between RGD and Umi in writing and feeling.
>>48453957 →
>>48453957 →
>>48453957 →
Join for the truth
Shannon, Kanon and Beatrice were all introduced in ep1
Based loveless chad
>>48451746 (OP)
can I fuck it?
Can it get pregnant?
Without HRT it cannot be seen
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>>can I fuck it?
Especially if it's Satoko, consent isn't even needed.
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New Mei stuff:
Christmas Keiichi:
Main Story Part 4 Chapter 8:
Main Story Part 4 Chapter 8 TIPS:
he has a gift for satoko because he loves her more than the others
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It's actually a gift for (you).
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The gift is Rika.
very polite of keiichi san to give me a gift thanks
I would also like to give him a gift
>posts one of the two characters from Higurashi that is unable to have sex with Sextoko
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Poor Satoko, being abused by someone that looks like this...
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Trans women are known to be abusive, it's their nature so you can't blame them for that.
Keiichi is for a Rena and Mion throuple
Transfolks being abusive is a non-issue since they are unable to rape anyways, it's like dealing with an annoying fly.
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Poor, poor Satoko....
Mionfags still latching on to Rena to try to save themselves from last place huh
Opinion on Teppei?
Diós mio... La creatura transgenére del America central...
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He is like a joker card, he can be any nationality you want!
I guess that's who takes last place.
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Chudtoko fans are not escaping the transphobia allegations.
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Can't escape the abuse at the hands of Teppei either.
What do you mean, she escaped from Tamae and Troonppei's abuse from every kakera they came back, in the first two Satoshi and Keiichi killed them, in the third one Tamae got killed and Troonppei arrested.
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Now that the class has admitted that Satoko got sexually abused, I've won. Bye.
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Anon, your transgender anonymous class is wrong, Satoko was never sexually abused, she only had statutory rape sex with Keiichi.
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Why is Troonppei in a drag? I thought she was a tr*nny not a drag queen
nta but
I don't see the issue. Tamae and Troonppei didn't sexually abuse Satoshi and Satoko.
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Drawing Jessica daily while procrastinating on my kurisamasu cardsu
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Maximum cute and sexy.
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This looks like a woman!
The hair looks like the type they give cool women.
Blushing, winking, finger up.
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Uoooooooooh Keiichi... Erotic!!!!!
Wait, wait. This is the end of Mei's main story?! I wonder if the game is closing or if it will continue with a new plot. They didn't really confront the evil God that started everything, just fixed all the mess she made. Turns out the "villain" who was calling itself a god and walking around with Takano's face was just a miko of a higher being, much higher than Hanyuu and Tamura, her true identity being Kanae Kimiyoshi, Kazuho's would be mother (if Kazuho existed, but she doesn't). She received the knowledge of every single fragment in existence from her God, far surpassing "100" years, which is why she considers herself a non-human entity and a God herself. I guess this is what Witch Satoko in the cast part meant by the enemy not being a Witch. Still, the actual God behind her wasn't dealt with or confronted at all.

There's one SMALL scene when Kazuho is connecting fragments to create a miracle world at the end and you get the club members picking and accepting their tragedies, saying forgetting tragedies could just lead to repeating them, where you get Satoko commenting on one of her tragedy fragments that implies the God behind it all is some version of her though.

>Satoshi: Hmm, this...I don't really want to look at it directly.

>Satoko: Oh dear. If you say that, you'll faint if you look at any of my fragments. They're a bit too hrash...to be honest, I don't think I can handle them all by myself.

>Rika: Well then, show me here. I'll show you mine too...hehe.

>Satoko: ...If Rika sees this, she might get angry.

>Rika: Is it really that bad?

>Satoko: Yeah... this is really terrible. It has something to do with what Kazuho's mother and Miyabi Saionji said about how that God who gave them their powers...

It feels kind of odd with the old story where Witch Satoko had seemingly been attacked and had part of her power taken by the villain though. Does that mean Kanae Kimiyoshi somehow did that? But she was pleading for the help of her god while losing at the end... Didn't sound like she had betrayed her God.

Anyway, in spite of leaving the identity of the enemy ambiguous, I like this a lot.

I really liked the final battle against Miyabi, with the characters realizing the nature of fragments depending on will and the way to beat the seemingly invincible Miyabi, who is explained as strengthening her abilities due to having a solidified view of the truth after observing a high number of fragments was to present arguments that break her world view. Miyuki then starts throwing out explanations that deny Mei's own story from the start. Like she just "died" when she went to the past, monsters and magic are just shared delusions. This stuff starts breaking down Miyabi's "truth" and she becomes weaker. Meanwhile, Nao actually sticks to what she said in the Umineko collab about always believing in magic in order to reach a happy ending, and while Miyuki denies everything she just reaffirms everything through her denials. But the refutation of the argument also solidifies Nao's own truth and it's enough to weaken Miyabi's truth too, to the point she's beaten up and vanishes by the end like she was never there (she is a looper who jumps between worlds and times, not someone who'd naturally exist in 1983, which is why she could just vanish like that).

Also, like Kazuho when awakening as a Goddess going back to the previous fragment and saving the cast in from 93, rather than allowing a Minagoroshi 2.0 to happen (even if she was planning to leave that world to build a better one without the 83 tragedy anyway).

That said, both Kanae and Miyabi are just killed off (although presumably there were no looper versions of them in the last fragment, but they don't even bother showing them), and even Kazuho only lives in the last final world as a god in Miyuki's and Nao's imaginations, although she does exist as a goddess in the sea of fragments and the last TIP has Akari promising to find a world where Kazuho is born and lives happily with everyone.
Also, posted that Ciconia shot just because the Mei villain calls herself the All Knowing Voice of God which immediately reminded me of that scene.

Just checked the site, nothing said about it being the final main story. So, they might really just start a new story with a new mystery/villain.
>I really liked the final battle against Miyabi, with the characters realizing the nature of fragments depending on will and the way to beat the seemingly invincible Miyabi, who is explained as strengthening her abilities due to having a solidified view of the truth after observing a high number of fragments was to present arguments that break her world view.
I can't believe that the villain was defeated by calling her gay and retarded.
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>>48451746 (OP)
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I need to find that doujin...
>meguri's done
>reiwa's done
>no one gives a shit about oni
it makes sense it'd die soon
can't believe they never released any reiwa units though, talk about a missed opportunity
Mei is Ryukishi current cash-cow, adding in characters that kill every ship would only go to piss off his most loyal cash cows
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It's pretty obvious why they didn't even allude to Reiwa.

>Christmas event with Satoko and Rika reinforcing their promise to always stay together during their last Christmas in St.Lucia and don't let life split them apart in different directions.

No new card though.

Aside from Reiwa going in a direction that kills all shipping, an actual official collab would ALSO have the issue of having to license it due to SE co-owning it and they've kind of stopped licensed collaborations for a long time now.

Still, the official twitter says nothing about this being the final story chapter and they have a club competition event for year's end already, so the game will seemingly stay running for now.

Only question is if it will just stick to characters/events or if it they will attempt to start a new main plot - the later is unlikely, since I do agree it's heading towards the ending especially with only about 4-5 new cards per month nowadays (2 per new event, one from the event banner, another a separate banner (5 card month) or club activity/exploration event (4 card month), 1 per event rerun, 1 special near the end of the month), down from around 9 per month.
Who the fuck actually likes Mei? Like seriously? I can't see how any of the old VN fans could like this, it has to be anime onlys and fans of Gou
Gachawhales have corrupted a few too many anons sadly.
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frankly i just pay attention to meianon's posts and laugh about it when i get the chance
I love Satoko anons
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And Satoko loves you very very VERY much anon!
Compared to basically everything else that came out of 07th since around 2020 or so, Mei is positively tolerable.
It's not a high bar to clear, mind you, and it's certainly pretty sad that a gacha is now considered a high point, but at least the team behind it feels like they actually care about the series.
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I would play for a little while cause it felt nice to collect characters, F2P, and hear the voicelines but I just enjoy the art for now.
I think Mei would be better if it didn't use the shit Passione designs
Sure but you know with gacha artists it can be good or it can be much much worse.
Umienko remake in the Source 2 engine.
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drawings are nice too
how much cash does this cow generate for him
I really doubt R07 has high licensing fees in the first place so he probably doesn't see much money from Mei (look at how MangaGamer preferred licensing the VN directly and making new artwork over licensing the console assets).

It is what give Higurashi most visibility in Japan currently though.
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i would assume at least more than finishing ciconia and selling that would
Need Mion...
Rikaschizo went SSJ
Drawing Jessica daily until the Grinch himself slices the roast beast.
You know you can just convert an image to alpha, to get a silhouette, right?
I actually drew this one from reference instead of tracing/doing what you suggested but my dumbass left remnants of the reference layer visible in the deleted post.
What do you need Mion for?
Lots of things
Like club games or a friend to read manga with?
All that and lots more, I bet a hug from her would feel real nice for one
Yeah it would probably feel so warm an soft, no matter how hard you hug her you'd somehow push yourself closer to her chest!
There's definitely no avoiding those things...
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I think that I would like to have sex with Sonozaki Mion. By that, I mean hand-holding, passionate kissing sex in numerous positions that we both find enjoyable. We can alternate between gigglish embarrassment, and indulging in the heat of the moment. I don't think this is too much to ask, and I think I'm morally obligated to request it.
You said a whole lotta words I agree with, lord knows what I'd do to have some of that clingy messy romping with Mion
There's something very alluring about a woman who doesn't truly understand her feminine qualities until you show your appreciation of them
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My love Mion isn't as elegant as you two Mion anons, I just really want to have rough sweaty sex with her
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that is also fair
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big mions wow
I want to see Mion anons ERP so I can fap to their chat, is that so much to ask?
Leaving this here over Christmas. Don't feed it after midnight.
Post tag mionon
I'm going to feed her my cum
No way! That's too embarrassing to do... plus I want to watch anons be lewd about Mion I'm not good at this stuff at all...
everyone has to start somewhere, mionon
That's true... Rena is so cute too! Well if you still want to chat I'll post my tag tomorrow if no other Mion anon starts posting I'm about to head to bed!
what if she needs to pee
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Never liked this angsty prick.
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The Higurashi girls get portrayed as whores yet again. I fucking hate Mei
That's supposed to be gyaru fashion, some 00s high schoolers wore them not prostitutes.
The Higurashi girls get portrayed as whores yet again. I fucking love Mei
The Higurashi girls get portrayed as whores yet again. I don't fucking care.
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That's not Mei. It's just new Sotsu merchandising. Mei already did gyaru designs though and they were actually classier (also made everyone high school age).
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Shion looks like she gives some classy rimjobs for about 20 bucks, mion is just a poser though and wouldn't follow through
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The higurashi girls are whores
Man, Akio Watanabe's Hanyuu's ended up so much more mature looking in his later drawings than in the original lineart. Comparing a lot of her art starting from Sotsu with the art in Mei that mostly stuck with the early model is crazy. She often just looks like a short woman rather than a loli in Akio Watanabe's art.

Heck, compare her there not only with Rika, but even Satoko.
Meant to quote this image about Hanyuu.
Get away from Satoshi you nasty skank
what is this ship called? SatoShi? ShiShi?
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Calm down Keiichi
Get used to it, Reiwa literally ended with the girls having an orgy with the main villain after Keiichi sent them there. The girls are nothing more than sex toys for fans to jerk off to now, wouldn't be surprised if we got an official hentai soon
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He's arguably the most authentic of Sayo's personas since he represents all her negative emotions
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It's very demoralising
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hanyuu anon here i love my cute wife hanyuu and anons who love hayuu au au
stupid smug goat...!
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she’s so perfect
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how nice of her to help Satoshi in his studies with no ulterior motives
there's something about smug hanyu...
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she’s asking for it!
she definitely is...
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so give it to her <3
i just might...
good, worship hanyuu
worshipping her right now...
He's a costume whose purpose is primarily to facilitate locked door mysteries. Even his love for Jessica was shown to be the empirically weakest of affections between all personas, for all the poetic he waxes about her
I loathe Yasu, but I was on a broadway musical binge and this villain song suits them to a T

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwH7U10NTJA [Embed]
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goat worship...
I can't believe bern is a tiny slant-eyed yellow jap.
She's not. All the characters are white
she's a cat, dummy
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Not true, Yasu said he prefers being Shannon since he's more free to express himself whereas with Kanon he has to pretend to be an insufferable stuck up cunt.
Chibi Eua is there as one of Hanyuu's accessories. Almost missed her.
And Shion has a mini-Satoshi
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>The girls are nothing more than sex toys for fans to jerk off to now
meanwhile in the 2000s.
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Sayo IS a stuck up cunt. She simultaneously hates herself and believes that she's the smartest person in the room. All three personas are legitimate aspects of herself.
>Kanon: "Oh, I'm furniture, I could never be with Milady..."
S: "If I just believe, then maybe even someone as low and undeserving as myself could be with George-san."
>Beatrice: "But she's 50 points below my IQ, and he's more concerned with scoring than any realistic future. Meanwhile, I'm essentially a genius. Why would I want those losers anyway? I deserve a man of my caliber, like Battler! But he doesn't deserve ME unless he solves my riddle! (which I didn't write, but still...)"
kill yourself shitokonigger secondary
Shion broke you.
fuck off an die
Shion broke you.
Etto... Shkanontrice isn't the actual solution. When you actually play episode 8 they show you the real solution but tell you to perpetuate Shkanontrice, as a joke. I mean honestly, did you really think that Natsuhi, Krauss, and Jessica wouldn't notice their servant playing dress-up???
i take it angel mort is just a tasteful family establishment to you then? because i'm gonna be honest with you if your problem lies with the higus wearing revealing outfits to show off to men then you shoulda stopped ryukishi before he wrote higurashi because rena was wearing that shit before she was even in a VN
Mion looks like she tried it out once and ended up puking on the school toilet and regretting her life choices.
yeah, mion'll just give you a ridiculously good vacuum blowjob that'll leave you drained like a CHUMP
I want to follow Satoko down an alleyway!
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i thought that'd work pretty well with rena, very nice
of course one could argue keiichi seeing her with heart eyes would lead to a very different outcome...
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For all the complaining of Ryukishi07 making shit up for the Umineko manga its actually remarkably consistent with the VN. There's some hiccups but it's better than some people give it credit for. Complaining about it for opening the catbox is an understandable complaint though.
I want to marry this Mion
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUBK83hUauM [Embed]
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I love this song so much
>muh catbox
Not really.
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Don't blame mei for it, blame Ryukishi
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cute goddess!
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Grisaia x Higurashi collaboration artwork to promote the Grisaia Phantom Trigger anime
how will rika perform her miko services with a claw hand? this just ain't right
Holy cringe.
She'll just have to use her mouth instead
There are weirdos out there that get aroused by this.
Only now? I don't understand why people tell such brazen lies on the internet.
well it should be pretty obvious we don't exactly like that type of faggot either considering they tend to spam these threads too with that shit, so posting this ain't exactly gonna do anything other than letting the faggots know they're affecting you
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that's a very small broom
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mion's mions...
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Mion's mion...
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Ciconia... phase 2...
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shion's sideshions...
I forgot how ridiculously one-sided the relationship between Shion and Satoshi comes off in Meakashi. And people give Mion shit about her crush on K1, jeez.
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>And people give Mion shit about her crush on K1
That's because Mion won't make a move, no matter how small. Shion would have no trouble pursuing Satoshi(she doesn't hesitate to shout about her love for him). A lot of her initial feelings are projecting her own issues onto him.
>wow this cute boy is being nice to me and he's getting screwed over by my cunt of a grandmother just like I am
This is fucking gross, I think the main issue people have with the current state of lewding going on with the higu girls is that historically it's usually been Keiichi on the receiving end but recently they've been whoreified for others not Keiichi so it's a form of psudeo-NTR
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don't make me tap the sign (it's pretty high up and would be a pain to reach)
Hit me baby one more time?
That was exclusively a Mion or Shion thing, and whenever the other girls did it it was to serve Keiichi
i take it you completely forgot the time satoko and rika worked there in tsumi after losing a bet
or the whole thing about rena starting off with the outfit as her outfit in the first place, before higurashi and before keiichi
it's a massive stretch is what i'm saying, much like the one you're making me do by having to tap the sign, so thanks for that
It's that what's happening here?
I thought everyone was working for Angel Mort. Then the otaku show up and get fed laxatives then they close the toilets or something ultra slapstick retarded like that. I only vaguely remember the scene.
That scene with Mion is from a recent comedic art, not the original 8.
you're thinking of the Watanagashi scene. The otaku faggots are bothering everyone and K1 gets pissed off enough to charge the fat otaku like 5 times but gets his ass kicked. After that he calls in the cavalry. Then the scenes with Rena kicking them as they try to trip the girls, the angel mort bathroom getting blocked off, and Rika leading them on a march around town as they beg for a working bathroom.
Then everyone in the restaurant claps
I really didn't like the scene of Mion rubbing off the creme on the otaku's crotch it felt like NTR to me...
keiichi not doing anything to him but shooting the little girl in the eye proves that he is gay
also I want to hug most wtc thanks
>it felt like NTR to me...
That's because it was NTR. Ryukishi has a NTR fetish, he was originally going to have Krauss get cucked by Ghoda but his staff members objected to it
The Gohda thing is whatever, but if you actually think that Jessica has Ushiromiya blood, I have a timeshare to sell you.
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Jessica has Ushiromiya blood on her hands.
I wonder if that was going to come into play during EP 5 because things line up way too well.
never... ever...
...and that's a good thing
I think one or two of you are really overblowing the oversexual NTR angle cause you're oversensitive. But the way Passione tampered with this scene to make K1 just get knocked cold unable to help her IS NTR humiliation ritual shit.
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>>48451746 (OP)
there's a version of that without the weird-looking rika you could've posted, you know
...and that's so bad it's going to end the world
post it for me to analyze
These threads would be so much better if they didn't devolve into literal circlejerks every single time
Not canon
jokes on you they're legitimately at their best when people are jerking
Canon (and cute)
That's Shion anyway. Who cares.
It's Mion...
No, they go straight from that stuff to the "date" when they end up running into Mion in the store. It's Shion. Unless you mean that she was the original Mion, then, yeah.
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I can't choose, I love each Shmion too much
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why choose?
That's just how Onikakushi & Watanagashi Keiichi was, weak, froze easily in the face of danger, cried often over his situations without actually doing something to change it
Starts at 17:50
https://youtu.be/ARgPRI8VvRw?si=ZWNY70GsTsS37Wtr [Embed]
but he protected her before anything happened
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>but he protected her before anything happened
Anon I...
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>console sprites
>console backgrounds
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rata pata
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Based and Canon post
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IE0OAckVCCA [Embed]
Rika the voice of heaven
How much would a Satoko slut cost?
0 ¥ (Maebara Keiichi exclusive deal): all included
80.000 ¥ (pictured) watch her have sex with Keiichi (Kisaku exclusive deal)
NG list: everyone that isn't Keiichi
Sign this old man up for Deal number 2 please! Yabba dabba doo!
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You really are insecure about Mion
so what you're saying is you're fine with satoko having the equivalent of an onlyfans? and exclusively for one man too? this says a lot about you, anon
That's Mion bro.
The only fans are her cuckold "husband" and her K1 bull, so it's all good.
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I like joking about Mion being a wimp this has nothing to do about being Insecure
You really are Mion...
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>le bateleur
>the magician tarot card
ryuukishi dono, I kneel
Why is she hiding a slice of American CheeseTM behind her apron?
>It can also be interpreted here that the magician symbolizes the ability to act as a go-between between the world above and the contemporary, human world.
>The Magician is the representation of pure willpower. With the power of the elements and the suits, he takes the potential innate in the fool and molds it into being with the power of desire. He is the connecting force between heaven and earth, for he understands the meaning behind the words "as above so below" - that mind and world are only reflections of one another. Remember that you are powerful, create your inner world, and the outer will follow.
His planning was this deep!?
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Hello, the umineko stage play chapter 2 will be streamed as 2 parts this Saturday and Sunday around 9:30pm EST
I look and act like this btw
Miyao is definitely a Male. There is a reason Meow chose the male angel avatar instead of a female one.
I don't think the Moon is appropriate for Jessica unless taken in a meta context. I.e. she's a red herring look to Maria and her Autism(The Sun) for the truth.
Nah the moon fits, you just have to read it as "the unknown."
>The Moon is a card rich with symbolism and depth, often representing the subconscious, illusions, and the unknown. Its meanings can vary depending on the context of the reading, but here are its core interpretations:

>Upright Meaning
>Illusion and Confusion:

>Things may not be as they seem.
>It's a time of uncertainty or deception, where clarity is hard to find.

Jessica is "the unknown." Was she a retard who didn't notice her bestie and her boyfriend were the same person? Was she le ebin manipulator? It's unknown.
...That just sounds like a cop out for not addressing a plot hole, Anon
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>Was she a retard who didn't notice her bestie and her boyfriend were the same person?
The Erika "redpill" is that Jessica didn't really care about Shannon.
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naw man you just don't get it or something
Reminder that keiichi did not kiss, marry or have sex with any members of the club as confirmed by the official sequel manga.
Bullshit she's said to know every servant by name. The one time she hurt Yasu's feelings wasn't even intentional on her part
there's nothing saying he didn't kiss or fuck em, just didn't marry them or have a kid with them
hell, i'd be surprised if ryukishi doesn't say they'd tried a relationship and failed at some point (if he doesn't start pretending reiwa never existed, anyway)
>>48451746 (OP)
What was Ryukishi cooking with all of those Salvador Dali references in Ciconia?
Did people actually believe in moon theory was it just a bit? I don't see how you could solve EP 3 with it, since neither Jessica nor Eva could kill Nanjo. So that's at least three culprits running around.
Well technically the manga has four culprits so fuck me I guess. But at bare minimum you only NEED Sayo and Eva
Ep 3 doesn't even need Eva as a culprit, and in fact she doesn't even make sense as one since she's shown being panicky and ill in Battler's view. Everything can be explained with Shannon moving freely around the mansion after "dying", mybe with Eva as an accomplice tasked with driving people from the house to the mansion. Eva freaks out when Hideyoshi decides to go with Kyrie and Rudolf instead of Krauss because she knows what's going to happen to him.
sayo killing maria so violently wouldn't make sense though, it's entirely against her character and contradicts how sayo kills her passively or 'peacefully' whenever she can
Who cares? Ciconia is abandoned.
killl yourself ratokonigger lifeless husk
Yeah nearly everything can be done with Sayo. Though Eva still shoots Battler and she definitely isn't panicky there. And as >>48494693 points out some things definitely make more sense if Eva does it.
Of course everything can be done with the character who can die without dying and become a ghost even if s/he did die. It's the most obvious and efficient solution, but far from the most satisfying one. "The butler did it" is a cliche for a reason.
Well it's also the only solution, practically speaking. The only complete alternative theory is Rosatrice which is way worse even if you only look at EP 1-4. Disguising simple solutions as something complex just seems to be how Ryukishi does mysteries. People figured out HS in Onikakushi and the man just kept on truckin
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Reminder that Satoko and Keiichis relationship is PURE and PURELY PLATONIC. Keiichi is her BIG BRUDDER and not her BOYFRIEND or WIFE.
If we all believe strongly enough, it will continue one day.
Everyone who has read the vn knows he's her replacement for nii-nii
>Everyone who has read the vn
So 10% or less of this thread? I bet majority of the posters here just watched Gou or Sotsu and developed mental retardation as a result
Read the VN, it's romantic.
The golden cope...
It clearly isn't. Yes Satoko says she loves keiichi but it's the same way you say you love your mom or dad. Throughout the work she calls keiichi "Nii-Nii". Why would she use the same term for someone if she didn't feel the exact same way about them, unless you want to imply she had romantic feelings for Satoshi.
"Sakokei"? More like satoKEK.
You sir are the delusional one. Keiichi is for RENA.
The frog from /pol/? I'm not even sure what you are trying to say.
In any case Satoko says she wantED him to be his new Nii-Nii and then she tells him I loved you. Mind you she pushed her mother off a cliff while L5 and didn't declare her romantic love to her back then despite your delusional theory.
I haven't actually seen GouSotsu or Meguri because I'm lazy but doesn't it kill Keiichi x Satoko? I saw a gif of her beating K1 to death and not in a HS kinda way
No, she knocks him out so he can go to the festival and kill Rika.
Anne frankly, I did nazi that coming. I literally came here to say this but boy, that escalated quickly so to the top with you! Lost it at 'This is why we can't have nice things' and then my faith in humanity was restored, my mind blown, and manly tears were shed. Well said. As a 'murican, I can confirm you have just won the internet and you're doing it right. While that was a risky click, this post was a 9/10, 11/10 with rice, would read again. I see what you did there and you're doing God's work, son. I laughed way harder than I should have at your list that seems legit and totally nailed it. You - I like you. You magnificent bastard; you, sir, are so brave, a gentleman and a scholar, and seeing how you are a redditor for 4 years, this checks out, so I'll allow it. I regret that I only have one upvote to give for this cool story, bro. CTRL+F "about tree fiddy" was not disappointed. Wait, why do I have you tagged as "NOPE NOPE NOPE"? Nice try, you monster. You are now banned from r/pyongyang What did I just read? Dafuq? I read that as "YOU HAD ONE JOB". I can't fap to this. No true scotsman could see that this relevant XKCD was bad, and you should feel bad. You must be new to reddit, so I'll see your cakeday and raise you a karma train. One does not simply rustle my jimmies, not even once. Jet fuel can't melt dank memes, that stahp gave me cancer for science, so that's enough internet for me today. OP is a fuzzy little man-peach, 2/10, would not bang. Circlejerk must be leaking. This will get buried but brace yourselves, some men want to watch the world burn right in the feels. But this has nothing to do with atheism. Lawyer up, delete facebook, hit the gym, and SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY, said no one ever, so you wouldn't download a strawman. r/dadjokes. Damn onions, you scary like a BOSS.
Gyarus are known to be sluts.
That's AI.
All the regular ciconia posters left, so clearly people stopped believing.
We stopped believing so that it won't ever be continued, we all have that niggerloving piece of shit.
How much do Satoko and Rika cost?
Nobody here actually rolls gacha to know (I hope.)
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>There's nothing in the VN to say Satoko see's Keichi more than a brother figure he means nothing to her besides being a replacement
>Okay so what if Keiichi means more to her than a replacement he's clearly just a friend but nothing more
>It doesn't matter if Satoko herself sees Keiichi as something deeper than s friend it just means he's on par with Satoshi!
>Yes Satoko says she loves keiichi on the bridge but that clearly meant as a brother!
>So WHAT if Satoko LITERALLY SAID Keiichi could never replace her Nii-Nii and that she as wrong to see him as her brother BEFORE telling him she loved him i-it doesnj't mean anything!
Calm down Mr.Kimiyoshi, just be happy you still get to be apart of Sakiko's life
It's the exact opposite really, the anime cuts out pretty much every single scene Satoko and Keiichi have together. Every single Satokei shipper I've met have told me every single time they've read the VN first completely blind
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The main reason why Satokei saw such a revival during Gou is for two reasons
1. The complete lack of care shown between Keiichi and Satoko made MANY fans realize how important these two were to each other in the VN which only went to fuel their hatred for this series asking themselves why didn't Keiichi go check on Satoko in St.lucia something Keiichi would've COMPLETELY done in the VN hell he would've gone fucking berserk if he learned they kept Satoko in a fucking prison. Keiichi needs Satoko just as much as she needs him, and seeing how close they become in the fragments where they spend like THREE days together the idea that these two NEVER get a second to be alone with each other over the course of 3 years while in the village is painfully ridiculous and only made fans think about how much closer they would've become if instead of only knowing each for a few days it was YEARS.
2. The blush scenes awoke MANY anons to the idea of Satoko and Keiichi, in Gou and Meguri Keiichi survives the events of Tatarigoroshi which led many anons to believe that Satoko fell in love with Keiichi in that chapter. Regardless literally none of Gou or Meguri is canon and it only served to make many fans realize how much Satoko and Keiichi SHOULD care for each other and how the events of Gou make no fucking sense forcing characters to be completely different just to make this garbage story work
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Yes, modern Higurashi has done irreversible damage, causing an explosion in the rise of mental health-affecting illnesses among the local anonymous. Anyone with a modicum of self-respect will think twice about expounding on their favorite relationship when they can be hammered with an unpleasant fact about the characters' futures. Those remaining poor souls have no choice but to constantly cope by creating false narratives and distorted interpretations fueled by ceaseless reinforcement through fighting anyone opposing them threatening their fragile perception of reality.
I always like this side of 4chan, who has actually guts to tell the true.
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>My retarded headcanon is the truth because that's what the majority believe therefore I am right and just and you are delusional and coping
No matter how hard you try or how much you cope the fact that Satoko told Keiichi she romantically loved him will always in fact be canon. Go back to a place like reddit if you want to live in a hugbox
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The funny thing is that they fall into the same exact delusions they project onto you, willing to ignore evidence and story context just to say Satoko confession is platonic. Ironically creating the false narrative and distorted interpretation they claim we do, exposing their own bias towards the story and how they wish for THEIR interpretation to be the final truth. In the end their really no better than us, in fact they might even be worse since we acknowledge every story detail when talking about Satokei while they feel the need to avoid or outright ignore certain story details they feel go against their interpretation of the story.
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I honestly doubt they care anon, They're the same exact people who push their cuck fantasies onto Satoko despite it already being debunked from Ryukishi himself in MInagoroshi. At the end of the day their nothing more than bitter losers furious with the mere existence of Satoko and her fans with nothing better to do than spend their days in frothing impotent rage over Satokei forced to slander and lie to get ANY attention since they're just empty husks poisoned with irony and too afraid to be Genuine
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Holy fucking based
Did he died?
>>48451746 (OP)
Made for anal
I also thought the same
>Also got mindbroken
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The only valid higurashi ships are K1 x Rena x Mion, Satoko x Rika, Shion x Satoshi and Chie x Curry. (You) cannot dispute this.
Surely if the whole thread (10 posters, 15 of which are satokei shippers) agrees with you, you don't need to samefag
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You're so hecking valid sis, also this is the most reddit shit opinion possible and the ONLY reason you think this is because of Gou. Keicihi will always belong to Satoko and it's time you gave it up
LMAO whatever helps you sleep at night faggot
When did it become reddit to draw obvious conclusions from the visual novel? Keiichi has more chemistry with Rena or Mion than Satoko, who he sees as little sister. Maybe you need to stop huffing the copium.
>K1 x Mion anything
>Satoko x Rika
Queens of all uncanon ships.
>When did it become reddit to draw obvious conclusions from the visual novel?
Show me one scene where Satoko professed or showed any romantic interest in Rika? You speak of the chemistry of K1 x Rena or Mion and yet your blatantly ignore the fact that all Keiichi needed to literally go insane and murder for her was just THREE days of spending one on one time with her. Something not even Mion or Rena could do despite hanging out with Keiichi a LOT more before he hanged out with Satoko. Not to mention Satoko literally confesses to Keiichi her romantic love for him on the bridge, one of the running themes of Higurashi as a whole is keeping secerts from one another and hiding your feelings from the other person can only end in tragedy. If Satoko and Keiichi had just come to accept the feelings they had for each other sooner their would've been no need for Keiichi to have gone as far as he did to save her.

Also I really fucking hate Harem ships to begin with, love isn't something you can neatly chop up. the entire Keiichi x Mion x Rena ship only exists BECAUSE of Satorika and because of people not wanting to see one of the girls left out. It only exists to cheapen love, you can only have one true love if not it only exists to cheapen love as a whole
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Samefagging this obviously should be a bannable offense
It's not a harem, the Sonozaki family just supports polygamy when it is in their interest. Rena is a powerful fighter who can protect the Sonozaki family.
It is, janny checked and determined these are all different posters.
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that's cool but I prefer to have my ships without retarded cuckshit added to it even if it's two girls, if the genders were reversed you'd hate it just as much as I do. I choose true love over polygamy
It's not an harem, Mion is a cuckquean
It's not like an assblasted shipper would use airplane mode repeatedly on a phone to make it look like it's a bunch of different people taking.
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>It's not like an assblasted shipper would use airplane mode repeatedly on a phone to make it look like it's a bunch of different people taking.
You know that doesn't work anymore since there is a 15 minutes countdown now, right?
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here's my super awesome satokei art!!1
Looks like someone's having a little meltie LMAO
You now remember Erikanontrice Manifesto
You do understand shitokonigger is a havk and hacked miside

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