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Fellas what you doing first if one day you woke up in your ideal woman's body?
post tits on /b/
>>928871131 (OP) #
Unironically BBC gangbang
>>928871267 #
Very based.
>>928871202 #
Hot ngl.

The idea I'm getting is that we'd be the fun kinds of sluts and not the annoying kind. Good job team.
>>928871131 (OP) #
Taking naked pictures and posting them to reddit then coordinating a gangbang.
I would dress really sexy, but classy and walk around in public. Next I would dress slutty and walk around in public. I would finish off by putting on a tight little black dress, black stockings and high heels and head to a club, ending with me getting laid.
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>>928871131 (OP) #
Rub one out just to see what the difference is like and try to understand the first hand female pov, then when I return as a man I get to keep that knowledge with me.
take a bunch of pics and videos of myself so i have a lot of fap material for when i turn back into a man
>>928871984 #

>>928872246 #
Unironically beautiful.

>>928872493 #
Pragmatic and sensible.

>>928872593 #

>>The worldviews of /b/ on display
>>928871267 #
>>928871267 #
>>928871267 #
kys tranny
>>928871267 #
>>928871131 (OP) #
Touch myself to feel a woman orgasm.
Note all her passwords to her social/mail/etc for after.
Take a lot of pictures/vids just in case it disappears soon
Walk around naked, until someone takes me over or abuse me
>>928872857 #
Objective rating of everyone and I see nothing wrong with it.

>>928874680 #
Oh my. Someone went straight to the "possession" aspect. I should've been clearer: you wake up in your ideal type of woman. Still, keeping the passwords is hot.
>>928875164 #
If you as a guy wake up in your ideal female body, then if you still have the male brain and memory then masturbating to your own self is kind of a given. Being a slut would be an interesting experience, if you only have one shot to experience it then why not? I'll be a man again so do something only a woman can before you turn back into a guy
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>>928875823 #
Big brain honestly. Great rational.
>>928871267 #
So fast
>>928875928 #
Ikr? I mean I don't mind it but to go to that so fast? Kind of respect the horny.
It depends on how permanent the transformation is. If I know I’ll eventually change back I’ll mostly have fun with my GF, doing sweet domestic tasks like cooking and cleaning for her.
If it’s permanent I’d probably give in to estrogen/AGP fueled lust and become a total slut.
Either way I would be posting nudes on here for everyone to enjoy.
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>>928876008 #
Idk if I'd prefer temporary or permanent. It'd be hella hot to just be a hot girl for the rest of time
immediately start to ruin it with my out of shape multiple addiction chef habits since i have no experience living healthy, try to bag me a rich one before i do
>>928876112 #
Gotta hustle as a slut then Mr chef
>>928876043 #
If you could ration it out, it probably be more interesting than forever being a hot girl. If you're a hot girl until you die, it probably becomes the same thing everyday but if you become one every 5 years in a different city or country, no one would know your true identity from back home but you get all the perks in the moment you've transformed.
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>>928876680 #
Hang on you might be onto something
>>928876680 #
I see where you’re coming from, but honestly i think id rather go full on permanent and embrace hedonism. If you give me the option to change back I would, but I would be restrained the entire time I’m female instead of living out my fantasies. But if you were to remove my choice, “lock me up and throw away the key,” so to speak, i’d degenerate into a total slut with nothing to lose, knowing there’s no going back and not repressing any of my perverted desires.
>>928871131 (OP) #
Honestly I have a friend with a 10.5 inch something cock, genetic freak of a guy- I'd wanna try it out- like real bad. I just feel like If I was in my dream girl's body I'd already be able to take him pretty deep with no problems yknow-?

I'm just thinking about feeling myself get wet- having my nipples harden, and feeling that huge, hard rod slowly spread me out- i wanna feel that thing women talk about when they say they can't walk properly afterwards-
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>>928878034 #
Me fr
LOL at these anons wanting to do all the things that they hate women for doing.
>>928871267 #
yeah id be used and wrecked by the end of the day.
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Raping cute boys
>>928877416 #
Doing it everyday would lose its edge. Sex feels good, it can also be whack. Not all pussy or dick is good. If you have no attraction to the person or their performance is terrible then it doesn't change a thing and make it better. But in this hypothetical scenario, it would be fun to let loose and fuck like crazy. I only know what it is like to penetrate and fuck, I don't know what it is like to be a woman, be penetrated, and be fucked.
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Bunny is built for shota cock
>>928871267 #
but this is hot too
>>928878126 #
double standards and hypocrisy will exist as long as humanity does
>>928879839 #
unironically tires are wayyyyy too big, ruins the rest
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>>928879887 #
>>928871131 (OP) #
Maybe start an OnlyFans and sell nudes and feet pics.

But tbf, being a woman isn't all that great since you have to deal with menstruation and unwanted attention from guys. Unless you go 100% lesbian, there's always a risk of getting pregnant when you have sex, and you're just physically weaker and emotional overall.
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Go to a cosplay convention and find a 5/10 straight girl. Someone pale and needy, very shy. I'd befriend her and ask to come over. We'd share our cosplays and I'd be extremely sweet to her. Petting her and rubbing up against her. I'd stop over every day. Showing her tighter and skimpier costumes. Seeing just how much I can turn her on even if she says she's straight. Hugging her and grinding up against her. Stealing her first kiss.
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>>928871131 (OP) #
Grab the soap

40 / 14 / 10

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