イスラエル首相、トランプ氏と電話協議 ガザ人質・シリア情勢巡り

イスラエル首相、トランプ氏と電話協議 ガザ人質・シリア情勢巡り
12月15日、 イスラエルのネタニヤフ首相はトランプ次期米大統領と14日に電話会談し、パレスチナ自治区ガザで拘束されている人質の解放に向けた最近の取り組みやシリア情勢について協議したと明らかにした。写真は2020年9月、ワシントンで会談する両氏(2024年 ロイター/Tom Brenner)
[エルサレム/ウェストパームビーチ(米フロリダ州) 15日 ロイター] - イスラエルのネタニヤフ首相は15日、トランプ次期米大統領と14日に電話会談し、パレスチナ自治区ガザで拘束されている人質の解放に向けた最近の取り組みやシリア情勢について協議したと明らかにした。

私たちの行動規範:トムソン・ロイター「信頼の原則」, opens new tab


Jeff Mason is a White House Correspondent for Reuters. He has covered the presidencies of Barack Obama, Donald Trump and Joe Biden and the presidential campaigns of Biden, Trump, Obama, Hillary Clinton and John McCain. He served as president of the White House Correspondents’ Association in 2016-2017, leading the press corps in advocating for press freedom in the early days of the Trump administration. His and the WHCA's work was recognized with Deutsche Welle's "Freedom of Speech Award." Jeff has asked pointed questions of domestic and foreign leaders, including Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korea's Kim Jong Un. He is a winner of the WHCA's “Excellence in Presidential News Coverage Under Deadline Pressure" award and co-winner of the Association for Business Journalists' "Breaking News" award. Jeff began his career in Frankfurt, Germany as a business reporter before being posted to Brussels, Belgium, where he covered the European Union. Jeff appears regularly on television and radio and teaches political journalism at Georgetown University. He is a graduate of Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism and a former Fulbright scholar.