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Discussion concerning Higurashi, Umineko, Ciconia, Rose Guns Days, Higanbana, TRianThology, and all other 07th Expansion works.

► 07th Expansion links: https://rentry.co/07th-exp

Previous thread: >>48397028 →
>>48411719 (OP)
>previous thread hasn't even hit 300 replies
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How does she manage to be best girl in every universe? She's so perfect
Keiichi gets to live a happy loving life with THIS!?
Nope! Not even in Matsuribayashi...
She is canonically the only one to ever confess her feelings towards keiichi, they're pretty much destined to happenb
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Based K1 dodges the bullet to go for the handgrenade.
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True love conquers all after all
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>they're pretty much destined to happenb!!
step away yellowcuck, you are blocking my view on K1's wife
Satoko is best girl so of course she'd want to be with best boy!
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YellowMion is not a real character though.
Why the fuck is Mion like this?
Akasaka is taken, sorry.
Irietoko is a ship I can get behind.
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It takes a real psycho to hate on Mion like you do
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She did it to make K1 jealous for some reason
This is just fucking gross, why would Ryukishi write this?
This is such typical women shit. You're psychotic for obsessing over her for this shitokofag.
Mion being Mion, she is never getting statuatory raped by Keiichi if she keeps this up (good for them if you ask me)
>It's normal for women to flaunt their tits for other men to oogle at and jerk off to later
What being a Rikacuck does to a mfer
I'm so glad I'm not a Mionfag
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Her perfection is still making the teenagers cry I see
Satokos look of disgust really sells this image
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Keiichi is so lucky...
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He would kill billions just to protect her smile
It's simple, one side just wants to post Satoko and the other side is filled with irony poisoned teenagers who see Rika as "le meme based girl" and so flood these threads with hate towards Satoko and cuck edits from a discord they made
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Rika love.
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Thank you gachaslop for the art at least.
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It's finally over? <good> desu
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Yes you may now cutepost.
s_____ f___
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We should have just made our own goddamn tea
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Higurashi and Umi lighthearted crossover never
Fucking wastedpotentialkishi
Jessica being the third Sonozaki twin never;_;
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More horrible than the cheating tranny who blew up an island because she has the three love interests and a pile of gold but the world is oh so unfair?
Who? What?
The caption.
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It wasn't even the world being unfair she just hated the Ushiromiyas that much and was mad she couldn't marry anyone in her incest polycule
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Last picture of Maria in that fragment, nobody has seen her since Rena took her home
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Rika the great
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>third Sonozaki twin
jessicafag please
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Any fourth Sonozaki twin fans around still?
Satoko is so cute...
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It's a Series of Unfortunate Events reference you cretin.
Ryukishi needs to be banned from writing ever again
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why the fuck you shit takers still repeating the same fucking shitposting patterns every single time since fucking ever. get a fucking life you fucking miserable sacks of shit
I actually read the first book when I was a kid
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Autistic people like to repeat patterns or whatever.
Kill yourself
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the bomb was my favorite character in umineko such an explosive personality
Satoko's motives in Sotsu are no less retarded than Yasu's plan in general, when you think about it.
yah ryukishi went retarded after bt died, we know
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WTF I hate Yasu now.
Truther for life.
I mean is Takano's plan really any sound? "Become a God" by... proving some autist's theory on parasites right? Well I guess the fact that Takano can actually ACHIEVE her goals sets her above Yasu, but then again Satoko could achieve her goals too. Her very very very stupid goals.
I want to kiss that rikabutt
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Both Tako and Yasu really just wanted to die by "glorious" means. Tako probably knew that Nomura's group would off her immediately after the plan. Sayo is inherently better by not gassing an entire town and playing fiddle to glowies. Most of her victims were genuinely horrible people, like she took out the trash. Except for the cousins, most people would call her a hero.
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That's the good stuff
I think you guys talk the same thing over and over
like stuck in the loop
and it's bad way
Yasu doesn't actually pull the trigger in the end -and- still ended up dead. Satoko is oddly is much more overt with what she does AND only gets benefits from it.
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Let go of your spite.
Love life!
Nyeh I took a wrong turn at Alburquerque and got looping powers, time to kill my best friend cause I don't want to do homework, doc!
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Take a shower.
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What is he even angry about this time.
Satokofags got to be the most obnoxious childish posters I've ever encountered
I mean it's literally one guy who's here 24/7.
The guy who spams umineko is tranny arguments by the way. If not one then the other. He's obsessed with it.
Rika is a she.
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Genuine love to drive away irony.
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Being genuine is refreshing for the soul, my schizo.
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Rika's smile heals better than anyone it seems.
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This smile makes the spiteful and jealous seethe!
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Twice the replies, twice the seethe.
Never change rato.
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Bernkastel... looks like this?!
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Yeah. Keep it secret.
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New Mei stuff:
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>"satokofags" hating rika
>"rikafags" hating satoko
Literally impossible.
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It's just one schizo.
She already had a similar "demon" outfit...
cute canon ears
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The design's pretty different. This one's really more Angel Mort-like.
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Mei needs more butts like that rika butt last time
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Why do you guys argue about who keiichi likes if it's revealed in the first 2 minutes of the VN?
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he's clearly talking to the invisible big dumb idiot following him around for most of the chapter
K1 is gay
>Bashed her head in
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The angel
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the fucking slave
Wait a minute that's just Shannon without the pads
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more catnon yes
Oi, the new kid's with me. Kanon could kill 100 men with just the hilt of his nata. You mess with him, you mess with the rest of us.
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Smelly angel
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Drawing Jessica daily until Kurisumasu is saved
Cute & Caramelldansen
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you faggots went from posting rats to posting shit, unbeliveable
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He keeps posting about it I think it's his fetish, that satokei shipper guy.
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You know maybe it wasn't the homework that was her problem.
You'd make friends and people would want to be around you in Highschool if you just bathe...
Perhaps this canonical passage isn't so far fetched?
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgIjv11NDvQ [Embed]
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This just gets me imagining the genius level of tracks Ciconia 2,3,4 will have. Can't wait.
https://youtu.be/Af0GhsrwyjY [Embed]
Bern cock straight into my mouth
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That's her tail dude
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I imagine anyone who doesn't realize that Rika & Satoko live together and share the same room is someone who needs to read the VN (for real, not on youtube)
Not sure who are you talking about, but what difference does it make if you read a sound novel through ONscripter, Unity, or Youtube, it's just text on a screen.
Queen of /07/th
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Big Boss of Outer /07/
>Satoko out of nowhere
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>Queen of /07/th
Here she is
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Obsessed and infinitely jealous Satocuck lol
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That's KeiCuck not SatoCuck though?
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None, anon is just being autistic. It's endearing seeing people reading along in the comment section. Though I imagine they probably get spoiled.
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Drawing Jessica daily until kurismasu is saved~
not half bad, you forgot the tail though
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Total Rika victory
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god he's so fucking cute
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>Jessica has a dedicated autist
...but why?
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It's a wrap public lust!
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Evil Chloe would've been so ridiculously sexy
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>just translate it yourself if you wanna read it bro
>don't post it online or else we'll be very cross!
so is this on ryukishi or on the anthology's end? because either way this is just kinda pathetic
Ryu loves getting sucked off at western con appearances so some publisher thing would be my guess.
I'd blame it on the anthology staff since they're the ones posting about it, not the 07th Expansion account. They probably feel like it leaking online would steal the selling point of the anthology. R07 in other events often distributed free material even online. Natsumi Kei also acts in a similar way.
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Mrs.Maebara is so cute!
>Final panel of Reiwa has Satoko bent over towards Keiichi
Sakiko is RIGHT there Satoko get a hold of yourself!!
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Cucksaku knows for sure he was probably there watching the night Sakiko got conceived
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What do you mean, Satoko is not jealous of Rika's academic performance in Sotsu, she's mad at her.
when will kurisumasu be saved?
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Mad at her because of romantic jealousy. She "can't live without her" but Rika can. She's jealous of her independence while she is forever co-dependent. And thus the anger is but jealous spite.
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This interpretation of the events was more of a yuributa wet dream than anything that Gou actually was like, even Ryu famously mocked it.
Rika is just as co-dependent if not worse stating she'd kill herself if she didn't have Satoko by her side in the VN
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Yes Ryu went to far. The whole thing is psychotic. If it's platonic on her side it's just as obsessive platonic love. Almost maybe like she loves her like a demented sister.
Speaking of Sotsu only. Obviously the codependence is one sided in Satokowashi.
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>Obviously the codependence is one sided in Satokowashi.
It's not supposed to be though, which is why Rika gets really angry when Satoko doesn't want to go St.Lucia in the early loops and rejects the idea of her not going when Satoko tells her to choose one. Also why Rika beats her up in the final battle, while just bringing up St.Lucia stuff, nothing about her being tortured or her friends killed. The main point is that she wants Satoko there. R07 also mentioned in interviews the codependency goes both ways. Neither one wanted a future without the other.

Yeah, it's contradictory with how she doesn't seem bothered by Satoko suddenly disappearing for a while due to a punishment or St.Lucia splitting them apart in different classes and still considers all that a perfect dream world. The plot clearly wasn't well thought up.
Sick of talking about it though.
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Because if Rika actually reacted negatively to anything that happens in St.Lucia the reason for the conflict disappears. So, she can't St.Lucia for anything that happens there, even though apparently she wasn't supposed to come off like a sociopath.
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Cunny saves
What does it save?
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Your soul
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There's two different English translations of the Umineko manga. The Yen Press one and the fan translation. Anyone compare the accuracy of these to the Japanese text? I've noticed interesting differences, such as when Sayo talks about the EP 7 Tea Party. This is the official translation, which makes it sound like Sayo would've bombed everyone even if things somehow didn't escalate to violence.
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Fan translation.
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The fan translation is more literal here. Kind of? She does outright say the end is different (from the explosion) but there's no equivalent to "actual" in the original text.

I guess what the official translation was going for is that "even if the incident ended up different" = "doesn't matter whether it ended up". However, the "would" is questionable in the official translation, since in the original text it's more past or even present perfect/past continuous, but definitely not future/conditional, which goes more alongside the fan translation, when she talks like she already has killed them all.
I have a thing for characters that the narrative itself does a great disservice to.
Please, don't tell me I'm the only one who can't memorise Higu's chapters' titles
I'm so sorry anon...
Makes sense. Usually fan translations tend to skew more literal. But the whole "genital region" debate made me wonder, since that part wasn't in the official translation. Not that I care much about Sayo's birth sex.
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>no nails
Oh, it's Bern! Hello Bern!
>ciconia no dicks or balls
Go back.
stop projecting your mental illnesses onto Japanese work of fiction. Thanks.
People that don't have nails are disgusting and artists need to finally learn how to draw nails.
/v/, not even once.
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Got any good uh, nail examples?
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This red truth confuses me, since the manga and LN confirms Genji as a killer. I don't think thats a retcon because it fits EP 2 way too well. What the hell was R07 smoking?
I bet they jet like a fuck
I know the common answer is it only applies to EP 1, but all the other red truths are written in past tense. This being in present tense implies it goes for all games.
nanjo also gets up to some killing in murasaki, and the story kinda banks on you believing that even battler's not against a bit of murder given the right circumstances, so it's a really weird red truth
Umineko Project and the official English manga does translate it as "were" but I don't know if that's a valid reading of the Japanese text or if they (reasonably in the manga's case kek) thought Ryukishi made a mistake.
Yasu were a man before becoming a woman
Yasu isn't a real person
Rosatrice the truth of Umineko
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Whether that's true or not, Yasu is still currently one of the most interesting Umineko to me.
Besides, what gamer hasn't played the opposite gender in a videogame before? What reader hasn't read a story from the perspective of a different gender before? Extrapolate for cinema, manga, television, and other media.
>please care about me, pls notice me, pls pls (You)
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I wish Rosatrice wasn't so long and poorly-produced because some of its solutions are funny as fuck. George killing Shannon in one stab to the skull with a paperweight stake.
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I bullied him to the point he had to run back to that obsession.
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Drew Rosa. Was looking for the Seacats thread to post this into, but couldn't.
Noticed, based and canon.
The trannycord seething about it.
kill yourself you tumor loving erping tranny whore from cord
Satoko posters are so oppressed I can't believe I got banned...
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you're clearly just not cool enough
Very nice drawing, I want to have sex with Rosa
i kept posting hanyuu boobs without problems >_<
I should count myself lucky it was just a /v/ ban and not an all board ban, I don't know what i'd do without posting Sextoko
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i'm honestly surprised /v/ jannies are capable of making anything other than all board bans
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The jannies must really love Hanyuus fat boobies then!!
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The horny Kalpa is back then
The jannies must be too busy gooning to all the cute girls posted there to be too harsh with their ban hammer
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that thread has reminded me how horny our little community truly is
and i loved posting them for cute anons!
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I want to sniff her socks
when losers aren’t seething it’s fun!
I love our anons so much, if only we could have peace all the time but alas this world is cruel
Cute Hanyuu poster is so cuteeeee!! hanyuu is so sexy i need to kiss her pits...
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ehhee im glad you think so,, more anons need to appreciate her
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Towing the line quite hard there pal...
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won't lie i made a big mess to satoko earlier, was worth posting about her
you should do it again ~
Rubbing my scent on those pits sounds like heaven right now! I bet her tits feel great too Hanyuu is loved by so many anons!
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God that's so hot to hear, sextoko is just too fucking perfect she could drain you dry if you aren't careful...
she’s actually so perfect ive lost so much to her,,, need to fap to her with cute anons
It's okay I'm using protection Rika is just that hot I'll risk it all...
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just did
A goddess of sperm... her ass looks so hot in that pic fapping with anons is so much fan when you all want to just knock that damn goat up!
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Good job cute anon <3
Need to slap that ass and ride the goat ASAP her ass is hypnotizing me...
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she really is just so perfect i love hanyuu and cute anons
Sex with Rika and Rena
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Fuck that's such a nice image!! We love you too cute Hanyuuanon and we really love Hanyuu too so much~ I hope you don't get banned because I want to keep talking about that stupid sexy goat and how much I want to mating press that stupid goat!
Why are WTC posters like this?
Because sex
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dont worry cute anon ill keep posting even if i do get banned because i love cute 07th anons~
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fuuuck and that was three, think i'll leave it there or else i won't be able to use my arm tomorrow
You're so damn cuteee! <3 You're the best Hanyuuanon I want to keep pumping to that sexy goat pits and ass she was made to drain anons....
i love sharing cute hanyuu with cute anons like you!
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Wow Satoko was able to drain you three times!? You must've really been going at it for your arm to get sore her big fat titties are just too strong to resist~ make sure to post about it tomorrow if you bust a fat load to her tits again!
Pervy cute anon... getting anons all horny for that sexy goat everytime you post her sweaty pits or ass you must have a ton of fun seeing how much anons want to fuck this sexy goat!
(Sorry for such a long reply 4chan is being so dumb with the verification thing )
This thread is going L5
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i have hundreds and hundreds of hanyuu posts just to share my cute waifu with anons like you~
Wow look at those fat tits and sweaty pits on that sexy goat, getting to have my fun with her milkbags would be heaven~ maybe we should take this somewhere else so we won't get banned for talking about it in greater detail~
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Buckets, gallons even
hmm ill go wherever you want cute anon~
Do you have a tag? if not let's head over to that /h/ thread~
sinistercunny >_<
How do you manage to sound so gay when talking about wanting to fuck a woman?
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Glad to see I wasn't the only one around there, I did my part as well.
need more satoko tits…
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I hope to see if I can meet a certain anon around here..
Have a single pic.
Heyyyy I'm that anon! I was wondering if you could open up invites for a sec so I could send you a request! I still have our DMs!
allow a new anon to join in i love your gens so much…
drop a tag and I'll add you for later
sinistercunny <3
So wait, all this place needed was one large group masturbation session for the warring to end?
Draw your own Satoko smut ?
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I have noticed Hanyuu posts. I am a semifrequent anon that lurks about 90% of the time, but when I do reply, it is almost always about her when in regards to 07th stuff.

I have said before, Hanyuu has been my waifu for over seven years now, and my love for her runs deep both in a wholesome and in an intimate way. I love every part of who she is, and would marry her with zero hesitation if ever given the chance.

I want nothing more than to make her happy and to spend my life by her side. If she wants children again, I will gladly provide. If she would rather it just be me and her, I am completely fine with that too.

My heart beats for Hanyuu, and I love her more than just about anything or anyone with only a few small exceptions.
you are absolutely right anon she is perfect shes been my favorite ever since i read the vn years ago more anons need to love her

We need to collect Hanyuus from different kakera and distribute them to other Hanyuu lovers like ourselves, so we all may be happy.
ur so cute fellow hanyuu anon ~
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How many times
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Uoooooh Beatoooricheee
le milke
le lait de la beatriche magnifique
The only good joke about WTC since forever.
it's funny because the milk has the same name as the character
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What's funnier is that Satoko got raped.
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Why did they preserve Kinzo's corpse if the goal was to make him disappear? Sentimentality, I guess?
Looks like xirs already seething about Satoko again, what a fucking loser
So potent it could fertilize Natsuhi with a single drop...
Keiichi and Satoko statuatory raping each other is wholesome not funny.
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Based and cute
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Missed a spot janny
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Satokei chuds are in control sister
>Based and cute
AND straight
Old Japanese Umineko blogs have some funny theories. There's one that says Sayo/Yasu doesn't count as one of the 18 personalities because she's a witch and thus can't be acknowledged in red or else it breaks that rule about how you can't acknowledge witches in red
>no you cant bring up canon events
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Someone just uncovered the greatest secret
Sexy rodent paws...
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Can't rape the willing.
That honestly kind of makes sense
Statutory rape is still rape regardless of the parties' consent, Keiichi really did it.
Not only Teppei but Oiishi too? DAMN those poor fellas were drained dry I bet.
Ooishi never transitioned, retard, he's Troonppei's bull.
Just because Troonppei transitions in every fragment it doesn't imply Ooishi never transitions in any fragment, even if he is typically her top.
She really is an angel to us ojisans.
This anon's mind got broken by TeppeiCHAD
Troonppei the angel... I really like the sound of that you know <3
There's no character called Chad that fucks Troonppei in Higurashi however
TroonppeiOoishi broke you
Wouldn't you be? He has to use his trans cope to push out the thoughts of Satoko & Teppei's BEDBREAKING and MINDBLOWING incestuous sex life.
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They're such sore losers lmao
Come on anon, you know that Satoko and Keiichi are not biologically related, and neither are Troonppei and Ooishi.
K1 has self-respect therefore he would never kiss a whore like Satoko
Go back to >>>/vn/ cuck
Well good thing that's just crackship fanart (non canon)
She's a whore for K1 only, so that's good for him (me (IWABK1)).
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The real question is why these two enrage these troons?
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Isn't that what you called Mion? Getting confused?
KeiMiixistas... They are talking about us again...
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Not your safe space
But you can always go back to Kizuna where no one will ever bring up canon events
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They're too irony poisoned to actually post a genuine opininon so they have to hide behind layers of toxic irony so they don't get their feelings hurt
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Why the fuck are you like this? Kill yourself
Are you satisfied by your samefagging?
>The term safe space refers to places created for individuals who feel marginalized to come together to communicate regarding their experiences with marginalization
Whatever you are talking about, you should get off your HRT meds anon.
Don't care who this is, I laughed
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This girl acts up their body dysmophia, how they see Satoko is how they see themselves.
What? Is this a bot?
A sametroon hallucinating samefagging, wholesome
He admitted it. He self inserts as her.
Bots are more interesting to talk to than your average /v/ermin desu
Ok, but Teppei raping Satoko is still canon.
Trans people tend to be like that and Troonppei is their heroine so...
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Troons are so fucking gross, these teenagers need to be banned for good
Satocuck is like 23 or something though?
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Troonppei is trans, she can't rape, anon.
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the thread was much better quality when everyone was too busy jacking it to satoko
Satoko is 11 and Cuck is 14-15.
Troonppeisisters are getting to schlicking it to SextoKei...
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There is a non zero chance the Satokei and Sattepei homos were both jerking it together, getting each other off with their pics and didn't realize.
Talk with you doctor about your crippling body dysmorphia and self-esteem issues faggot and not here
Because those were actual anons posting her, not discord teens obsessed with projecting their mental illness onto japanese work of fiction
Ironic teens ruin everything #873 what else is fucking new
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It's Troonppei not Ttepei, get it right chud!
How does one become so fucking mentally broken that he spends all his time shitposting about his tranny/scat/rat/cuck fetish?
Unironically kill yourself, even fucking sperg at least posts satokei
I don't know what you are mad about, those posts are all factual and informative.
Out of all the schizo autsists lurking 4chan generals he isn't quite the most obsessive, but he is certainly the grossest.
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How can a ch*d be so full of hate... Troonppei and Beatrice just want to be accepted for the valid trans women they are and all that b*got can do is spew hate on them...
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You're a complete and total fucking joke you loserif you fucking think ANY of your garbage cuck posts are somewhat better than his. At least with his posts he isn't flooding the thread with your disgusting cuck fetish making actual cuck edits too for your shitposting. Seriously and I mean this with all my fucking heart blow your brains out you disgusting fucking loser go back to your home site and fuck off
Kill yourself both
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Your parents will use your birth name on your tombstone btw
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>Seriously and I mean this with all my fucking heart blow your brains out you disgusting fucking loser go back to your home site and fuck off
Holy fucking based
They're gonna sleep in that shirt together!
It's over sisters, we should concede and retreat for today... I'll ping you on the cord Natasha, so we can have some cathartic erp about blacked magical girls...
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Uh, hello? Cute and canon department?
This is not a coincidence that every time satokeifag posts turns to shit
He's the one who obsesses over Umineko trans shit too. It's always either one or the other.
Based ESLchad mumbling some nonsense about SatoKei and Rika's dinner
>[incomprehensible ESL babble]
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This thread managed to get rid of rikaschizo
And I'm more than sure /07/th will outlive this autist too
>Thread turns to shit the very second the cuckold posters post their cuck fetish here
Blow your brains out
Satokei's dinner is shit? lol and you call others ESL
/jp/'s least obvious samefag
That's completely correct English though, Rika is cooking her people's food for dinner.
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Just cause you do it doesn't mean
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>Satokeianon managed to get rid of rikaschizo*
>And I'm more than sure /07/th will outlive this autist too
Lurk for a minimum of a year before posting so you don't embarrasses yourself
Well, who else could it be than our discord drama queen admin? Thread was just fine talking about Satoko before you showed up. Just admit it you hate her and this is some deliberate psyop to get everyone to hate Satoko, because no way in hell I'm going to believe such irony-poisoned shitposter can genuinely love anything
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Just kidding actually you totally got me
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Based ESLchad learning to edit HTML and making a Indian English tutorial about it
Now hopefully Teppei anons will make you rope yourself, so the thread will be fully free of yellow/blue cancer
>Get called out for being an irony poisoned shitposter not even from here
Also explain to me how telling cuck poster to fuck off is making ANYONE "hate" satoko? Go fuck yourself you disgusting loser seriously go learn some fucking self-respect and if me telling the teppei cuck faggots to go kill themselevs is going to "MAKE YOU HATE SATOKO!11!!" then you never liked her in the first place your irony poisoned fucking loser go back to your home site where you can get away with posting such trash unchallenged you bitter piece of shit
>you are making me post cuck erp, YOU MADE ME DO THIS, I'M NOT DOING IT BECAUSE I LIKE IT
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Sorry anon it's statistically proven troons will off themselves at a much higher rate and sooner! Don't worry though I'm sure some newfag will pick up the mantle of cuckposting here once the old ones ACK themselves
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Mucho texto, my point still stands, thread was fine until you started posting
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i'm just gonna go back to staring at satoko tits
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>Also explain to me how telling cuck poster to fuck off is making ANYONE "hate" satoko? Go fuck yourself you disgusting loser seriously go learn some fucking self-respect and if me telling the teppei cuck faggots to go kill themselevs is going to "MAKE YOU HATE SATOKO!11!!" then you never liked her in the first place your irony poisoned fucking loser go back to your home site where you can get away with posting such trash unchallenged you bitter piece of shit

He popped a vein with this one
Troonppei is trans anon, she can only cause her own death.
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>TRANSLATION: I have no problem with cuck posting and having anons post cuck/colored spam in the threads
We already know this. Make crystals already freak
That wasn't your point tho
Learn about the Streisand effect you fucking retard.
Your spam kills the thread for everyone else, and it makes the completely neutral side hate you.
Never beating the soiteens allegations cuck
Troonppei's vein in her Neogina?
>thread was just fine talking about Satoko before you showed up
No, it was.>>48452365
Troonppei's purple pulsing in her Neogina?
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>neutral side
There is no Neutral side. Either you're against cuck/colored cuck shit being posted here or you're not. The ONLY thing that will change if no one posts combating these fucking losers is the janny won't delete their garbage so no I'm not going to stop grow a fucking pair and fight for the things you care about who gives a fuck what everyone else thinks?
>TRANSLATION: me shitting up the threads is good
Talking about Satoko is fine to this day, as it has always been.
>TRANSLATION: me spamming cuck porn and colored cuck edits is good
>TRANSLATION: me saving the thread is good
I remember when you saved the threads so hard, they couldn't even reach bump limit before dying
>W-What do you mean I should go post my cuck unfunny irony poisoned /vn/ meme fetish on /trash/? I should be allowed to post it HERE WHENEVER I WANT SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP NOW NOW NOW
it's like talking to a toddler throwing a tantrum, let us pray these teens grow up past this phase
You really don't belong on 4chan with that attitude.
You realize by reacting the way you do you encourage and invite Teppei shit to troll you?
You're proliferating it. You're doing your ship a disservice by painting a big troll's target on you back, wearing what you hate on your sleeve.
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They hate these threads and wish for them and all of our history to die, they are the enemy and they must never be allowed to feel welcomed here. The preservation of /07/th culture must survive
One thread dying at 308 replies still has left a scar on you to this day huh.
Is that why you attack everything /07/th other than your ship, retarded samefag?
How could you forget your own ship thread dying at four replies?
Troonppei are the ones getting trolled and seething though, otherwise you wouldn't be begging SatoKeichads to stop dunking on them.
Don't retreat into irony when it suits you.
You're literally seething yourself.
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Underage b8, Things were never like this it has only reached this point with the massive influx of normal fags. Either I DON'T post my ship and cuckshit still gets made by these freaks or I DO post my ship and it still happens. Damned if I do Damned if I don't, I'd much rather try and have the janny nuke and ban them then just let them spam and ruin the thread. There is no "peace" or "stop the trolling" these fucking losers won't ever stop
General threads tend to die either shortly after making them or after hitting bump limit, breaking news
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>Rikacuck projection
that was literally your entire schtick when you came here faggot, I do nothing but post about Satokei it's you who bitches and mald at the mere sight of it
Replied to the wrong person retard
That's not my post though, you might be seeing double.
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it's christmas soon...
She's the only gift I need
Let's assume all Rika, Teppei, Mion, Rena, Umineko and Ciconia posting stops. What will the schizo do then? Who will he blame for threads being shit when he's the only one left?
Just get rid of Teppei and cuckfags and the thread will be a million times better no need to get rid of everyone else. Maybe neuter the Rikafags too but only because they post the cuck shit as well
Are you retarded?
Ritalinanon is a Rikaposter though.
Why is he like this?
Don't lump Renabros with those troons, ``please''
Just like Rika he never mentally matured past the age of 11
Just noticing.
I'm not doing it, you are
That's not my post though.
Reminder that only two people need to be killed for 99% of all cuckshit to stop being posted here.
Rikaschizo also happens to like Rena too and posts with her as well, just a funny coincidence.
That's him. Pyscho hates everything that isn't his ship.
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Of course that's not your post
And not the other guy's
And you actually never posted here at all
I don't even know why I bother
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You're fucking pathetic. Stop whining like a little fucking bitch and grow a pair, accept that multiple anons fucking hate your guts already and fuck off.
Two discord parasites isn't a lot
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There's two of you.
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That's not me though.
The part about not being my post is correct
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It's at least 4 of them.
Keep saying it, maybe you'll force it if you try hard enough.
Ryu turned Mion into NTRbait in Hou+, make it 5
I don't need to force anything when everyone can see it for themselves
although your attempts at forcing rikaschizo as "ryko" are quite pathetic
Don't worry everyone can see you're right, the rikafag really can't push a narrative if he tried
Maybe in your shizo headcanon where ryko totally isn't Rikaschizo.
pretty sure this is the worst fucking general and it's everyone's fault for participating in retarded shipping wars where everyone calls each other schizos and trannies. everyone here should commit suicide
/eva/ vs /07/th, what is worse?
If by Eva you mean Evangelion, the former, Evangelion is rubbish and its fans are shounen children.
Wife of Keiichi
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she drained me again earlier...
She's a succubus... I wonder what you shot your fat load to this time was it her fat suckable tits? or maybe her meaty ass or was it her throat game that made you lose to Satoko again!
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her mouth and tits are just irresistable... i couldn't stop myself from spewing again when i saw that image set, with her tongue out begging for it
the older set with her in the maid bikini where you can see the massive mounds of her areolae wrung me out afterwards too, i just can't stop myself when it comes to satoko and her lovely throat swallowing my seed...
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That set is really good... her overwhelming milkbags barely being held back by that small bikini top her areolas peeking out... her tits are to make Anons throb, wanting to fuck her tits like no tomorrow before she opens up her slutty mouth offering you a nice warm wet place to rest your member in... she's a professional, her tight warm throat around your shaft while she uses her tongue to massage out that nut butter sextoko is too fucking perfect...
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she really is perfect, just thinking about it is making me want to...
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Use her again! Keep pumping to Sextoko she's a goddess of virility she's made thousands of anons shoot out rope after rope just think about rubbing your member against her soft face watching her sniff and lick it as if her life depended on it... Sextoko needs smelly cock and she needs thick cum her body was made for that exact purpose...
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god i think i will, gonna make a mess of her again...
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Throbbing and leaking for Sextoko... she would be so happy seeing just how much cum you spilt for her just pump to completetion and think about coating her fat tits and slutty face in your sticky white sperm!
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i'm so close... pumping until my juices go everywhere all for satoko...!
K1 above me
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Let slutoko drain you dry!! give her everything you got or else this slut won't be satisficed! Show Satoko how much you love her that's what she's desperately craving lots and lots of sticky white love!
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another sticky mess made just for satoko... i really can't help myself when it comes to her...
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Satoko is just too sexy... no man can resist her and she knows you'll jerk out another thick sticky load to her slutty body again soon too~ More anons just need to fap to sextoko and the thread would be a much better place... hope you had fun busting a fat one to Sextoko anon it was so much fun!
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it definitely was, thanks anon
>circlejerk thread
no thanks
Jerking off anons...
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Calm down Sextoko
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This is why Yellow tribe will never beat Blue tribe.
You waste your energy on fornicating with each other when you should be growing stronger and smarter.
Based K1 about to tap that sexy JK body
Just say you are a pansy with low IQ
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K1 fucked THIS?

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