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David William Manock が生まれました 1820 month day に, birth place で.
David married Mary Addie Manock (Chesley).
Mary が生まれました 1861 month day に, birth place, New Hampshire で.
They had 3 children: Helen Margery Devlin (Manock)他の子供 2人.
Personal Info
David lived 1880 に, アドレス, New Hampshire で.
David が亡くなりました 1897 month day に, 年齢 76 歳で death place, New Hampshire で.
He was buried burial place, New Hampshire で.
Documents of David William Manock
David William Manock in Receipts and Expenditures of the Town of Dover, N.H., 1878
"... FOOT, for i year. Ward 3.- JOSEPH S. ABBOTT, for 2 years. JOHN A. GLIDDEN, for i year. Ward 4.- DAVID MANOCK, for 2 years. WILLIAM EADIE, for i year. Ward 5.- MICHAEL KILLOREN, for 2 years. MARTIN FLAHERTY ..."
Publication place: Dover, New Hampshire, USA
Massachusetts, Marriages, 1841-1915のDavid W Manock
Charles W Manock が生まれました 1884 に, birth place, New Hampshire で.
Charles married Cora B Kelley 1907 に, 年齢 23 歳で.
1900 のアメリカ合衆国の連邦国勢調査のDavid W Manock
David W Manock が生まれました month 1857 に, birth place, New Hampshire で.
David married Mary A Manock 約 1882, 年齢 24 歳で.
Mary が生まれました month 1862 に, birth place, New Hampshire で.
They had 3 children: Charles W Manock他の子供 2人.
David lived 1900 に, アドレス, Maine で.
"... ‘beach, among them being Misses Marlon Gould and Mabel Page, Mr. and Mrs. Pt rU Hopkins who are at the Billow cottage and Joseph who, with his sister, Mrs. Davld Manock of Dover, are stopping at Long beach. MURDER AND SUICIDE. (Associated Press Dispatch to Herald.) Farmington, Me., July 14 -Jesse Searles, u farmer, aged 25, shot and killed lns wife ..."
Publication place: Newburyport, Essex County, Massachusetts, United States
Record image of David Manock

David Manock in Record-Journal - ‎2005年5月15日

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... change is working for good in Hollywood.” The presbytery voted to seize control of Hollywood First and appointed an administrative commission, which immediately placed Meenan and his executive pastor, David Manock, on an indefinite paid leave. Many members worry that the congregation won't be able to bridge the generational gap even wilh outside intervention. "I would rike to see our church ..."
Publication place: Meriden, New Haven County, Connecticut, United States
Record image of David Manock

David Manock, Circa 1863-1935

England & Wales, Death Index, 1837-2005
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David Manock が生まれました 約 1863.
David が亡くなりました month 1935 に, 年齢 72 歳で death place で.
Record image of David Manock

David Manock, Circa 1868-1932

England & Wales, Death Index, 1837-2005
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David Manock が生まれました 約 1868.
David が亡くなりました month 1932 に, 年齢 64 歳で death place で.
Record image of David Bryan Manock

David Bryan Manock, 1933-2005

England & Wales, Death Index, 1837-2005
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David Bryan Manock が生まれました 1933 month day に.
David が亡くなりました month 2005 に, 年齢 72 歳で death place で.
Record image of David Manock

David Manock, died 1897

FamilySearch Family Tree
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David Manock が生まれました birth place で.
David was baptized 1817 month day に, baptism place で.
David married Mary Manock (Kershaw).
Mary が生まれました 1828 month day に, birth place で.
They had 10 children: Joseph F. Manock, Charles Edward Manock他の子供 8人.
David はその後 Mary Manock (Brierly) と結婚しました.
Mary が生まれました 1928 に, birth place で.
David が亡くなりました 1897 month day に, death place, New Hampshire で.
Record image of David W Manock

David W Manock, 1887-1963

FamilySearch Family Tree
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David W Manock が生まれました month 1887 に, birth place, Illinois で.
David married Sarah Sadie A Manock (McDonna).
Sarah が生まれました 1889 month day に, birth place, Illinois で.
They had one son: Jon David Manock.
Personal Info
David lived 1930 に, アドレス, Illinois で.
David が亡くなりました 1963 に, 年齢 75 歳で.
He was buried burial place で.
Record image of David Manock

David Manock, born 1869

FamilySearch Family Tree
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David Manock が生まれました 1869 に, birth place で.
David had 6 siblings: Alice Morter (Manock), Thomas Manock4 other siblings.
Personal Info
David lived 1871 に, アドレス で.
He lived 1881 に, アドレス で.
He lived 1891 に, アドレス で.
Record image of David Manock

David Manock, born Circa 1863

1881 England & Wales Census
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David Manock が生まれました 約 1863, birth place で.
David had 3 brothers: William Manock2 other siblings.
Personal Info
David lived 1881 に, アドレス で.
His occupation was occupation.
Record image of David Manock

David Manock, born Circa 1863

1891 England & Wales Census
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David Manock が生まれました 約 1863, birth place で.
David had 3 siblings: Mary Ann Birtwell2 other siblings.
Personal Info
David lived 1891 に, アドレス で.
His occupation was occupation.
Record image of David Manock

David Manock, born Circa 1868

1911 England & Wales Census
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David Manock が生まれました 約 1868, birth place で.
David married Jane Manock 約 1895, 年齢 27 歳で.
Jane が生まれました 約 1867, birth place で.
They had one son: Frank Manock.
Personal Info
David lived 1911 month day に, アドレス で.
His occupation was occupation.
Record image of David Manock

David Manock, born Circa 1863

1911 England & Wales Census
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David Manock が生まれました 約 1863, birth place で.
Personal Info
David lived 1911 month day に, アドレス で.
His occupation was occupation.
Record image of David Manock

David Manock, born Circa 1822

Massachusetts, Marriages, 1841-1915
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David Manock が生まれました 約 1822.
David married Mary Kershaw 1850 month day に, 年齢 28 歳で marriage place, Massachusetts で.
Record image of David Manock

David Manock, born Circa 1870

Massachusetts, Marriages, 1841-1915
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Joseph S. Manock が生まれました 約 1870, birth place, New Hampshire で.
Joseph married Mable Anna Sampson 1899 month day に, 年齢 29 歳で marriage place, Maine で.
Record image of David Manock

David Manock, born Circa 1868

1901 England & Wales Census
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David Manock が生まれました 約 1868, birth place で.
David married Jane Manock.
Jane が生まれました 約 1867, birth place で.
They had one son: Frank Manock.
Personal Info
David lived 1901 に, アドレス で.
His occupation was occupation.
Record image of David Manock

David Manock, born Circa 1863

1901 England & Wales Census
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David Manock が生まれました 約 1863, birth place で.
Personal Info
David lived 1901 に, アドレス で.
His occupation was occupation.
Record image of David Manock

David Manock, died 1935

England & Wales, Index of Wills and Probates, 1853-1943
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David Manock lived アドレス で.
David が亡くなりました 1935 month day に, death place で.
Record image of David Michael Manock

David Michael Manock, born 1967

England & Wales, Birth Index, 1837-2005
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David Michael Manock が生まれました month 1967 に, birth place で.
Record image of David I Manock

David I Manock, born 1946

England & Wales, Birth Index, 1837-2005
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David I Manock が生まれました month 1946 に, birth place で.
Record image of David Manock

David Manock, born 1960

England & Wales, Birth Index, 1837-2005
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David Manock が生まれました month 1960 に, birth place で.
Record image of David P Manock

David P Manock, born 1961

England & Wales, Birth Index, 1837-2005
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David P Manock が生まれました month 1961 に, birth place で.
Record image of David W Manock

David W Manock, born Circa 1857

1940 のアメリカ合衆国の連邦国勢調査
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David W Manock が生まれました 約 1857, New Hampshire, USA で.
Personal Info
David lived 1935 に, Same House - 18 Lancey St, Pittsfield Town, Somerset, Maine, USA で.
He lived 1940 に, 18 Lancey St, Pittsfield Town, Somerset, Maine, USA で.
Record image of David Manock

David Manock, born Circa 1922

1950 United States Federal Census
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David Manock が生まれました 約 1922, Illinois, United States で.
Personal Info
David lived Sturdevant St で.
He lived 1950年4月1日 に, Sturdevant St, Davenport, Scott, Iowa, United States で.
Record image of David Manock

David Manock, born 1817

England Deaths and Burials, 1538-1991
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David Manock が生まれました 1817 に.
Personal Info
David lived アドレス で.
David was buried 1817 month day に, burial place で.
Record image of David Manock

David Manock, born 1817

England Deaths and Burials, 1538-1991
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David Manock が生まれました 1817 に.
David was buried 1817 month day に, burial place で.
Record image of David Bryan Manock

David Bryan Manock, 1933-2005

England & Wales Deaths, GRO Indexes, 1969 - 2007
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David Bryan Manock が生まれました 1933 month day に.
David が亡くなりました month 2005 に, 年齢 71 歳で death place で.
Record image of David Manock

David Manock

England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975
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David Manock was baptized 1817 month day に, baptism place で.
Personal Info
David lived アドレス で.
Record image of David Manock

David Manock, born Circa 1868

1871 England & Wales Census
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David Manock が生まれました 約 1868, birth place で.
David had 5 siblings: Thos Manock, Mary Ann Manock3 other siblings.
Personal Info
David lived 1871 に, アドレス で.
Record image of David Manock

David Manock, born Circa 1863

1871 England & Wales Census
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David Manock が生まれました 約 1863, birth place で.
David had 3 brothers: William Manock2 other siblings.
Personal Info
David lived 1871 に, アドレス で.
Record image of David W Manock

David W Manock, born Circa 1856

1860 のアメリカ合衆国の連邦国勢調査
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David W Manock が生まれました 約 1856, birth place, New Hampshire で.
David had 3 siblings: Olive M Manock2 other siblings.
Personal Info
David lived 1860 に, アドレス, New Hampshire で.
Record image of David Manock

David Manock, born Circa 1822

1860 のアメリカ合衆国の連邦国勢調査
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David Manock が生まれました 約 1822, birth place で.
David married Mary Manock.
Mary が生まれました 約 1828, birth place で.
They had 4 children: Olive M Manock他の子供 3人.
Personal Info
David lived 1860 に, アドレス, New Hampshire で.
Record image of David W Manock

David W Manock, born Circa 1892

1930 のアメリカ合衆国の連邦国勢調査
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David W Manock が生まれました 約 1892, birth place, Illinois で.
David married Sadie Manock.
Sadie が生まれました 約 1891, birth place, Illinois で.
They had one son: John ? Manock.
Personal Info
David lived 1930 に, アドレス, Illinois で.
Record image of David W Manock

David W Manock, born Circa 1857

1930 のアメリカ合衆国の連邦国勢調査
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David W Manock が生まれました 約 1857, birth place, Massachusetts で.
David married Mary A Manock.
Mary が生まれました 約 1862, birth place, New Hampshire で.
Personal Info
David lived 1930 に, アドレス, Maine で.
Record image of David Manock

David Manock, born Circa 1822

1850 のアメリカ合衆国の連邦国勢調査
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David Manock が生まれました 約 1822, birth place で.
David married Mary Manock.
Mary が生まれました 約 1828, birth place で.
They had one daughter: Olive M Manock.
Personal Info
David lived 1850 に, アドレス, Massachusetts で.
Record image of David B. Manock

David B. Manock, born 1933

England & Wales Births, GRO Indexes, 1911 - 1954
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David B. Manock が生まれました month 1933 に, birth place で.
Record image of David I. Manock

David I. Manock, born 1946

England & Wales Births, GRO Indexes, 1911 - 1954
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David I. Manock が生まれました month 1946 に, birth place で.
Record image of David J Manock

David J Manock, born Circa 1945

Ellis Island and Other New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957
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David J Manock が生まれました 約 1945, birth place で.
Record image of David J Manock

David J Manock

Ellis Island and Other New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957
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Genealogy record of David J Manock
Record image of David Manock

David Manock, born 1866

U.S. Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007
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Eliza Jane Fish が生まれました 1866 month day に, birth place, New Hampshire で.
Record image of David Manock

David Manock

Canada Directories
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David Manock lived アドレス で.
Record image of David Manock

David Manock

Historical Books - Index of Authors and People Mentioned, 1811-2003
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Genealogy record of David Manock
Record image of David Manock

David Manock

Historical Books - Index of Authors and People Mentioned, 1811-2003
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Genealogy record of David Manock
Record image of David Manock

David Manock

Historical Books - Index of Authors and People Mentioned, 1811-2003
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Genealogy record of David Manock
Record image of David Manock

David Manock

Historical Books - Index of Authors and People Mentioned, 1811-2003
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Genealogy record of David Manock
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