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The company has multiple vehicles in its fleet, which include luxury and midsize sedans, crossover SUVs, a light truck, and a semi truck. Tesla also plans to begin selling more affordable vehicles, a sports car, and a robotaxi. Global deliveries in 2023 were a little over 1.8 million vehicles. The company sells batteries for stationary storage for residential and commercial properties including utilities and solar panels and solar roofs for energy generation. Tesla also owns a fast-charging network.
We grade stocks based on past performance, their future growth potential, intrinsic value, dividend history, and overall financial health.
The chart below shows how we grade Tesla (TSLA) across the board compared to its closest peers.
Below, you can see that analysts are estimating a 12-month price target range of $24.86 - $411.00 with an average of $257.58
Recent Ratings for Tesla (TSLA)
Earnings History (3 years)
It is important to look at a companies earnings history to see not only if they are profitable, but if their earnings are growing.We measure the health of a company based on how profitable they are and their ability to cover both their short-term and long-term debts. The key indicators that we use are the Operating Margin, Quick Ratio, and Debt-to-Equity ratio relative to the companies peers
Operational Margin 0.1101
The operating margin measures how much profit a company makes after it spends money on wages, materials or other administrative expenses but before interest and taxes. It is a good representation of how efficiently a company is able to generate profit from its core operations.
Quick Ratio 1.2088
The quick ratio measures how much of a company's debt, that is due in less than 1 year, can be covered using its cash equivalents, marketable securities, and money that is currently owed to them (accounts receivables).
A company with a quick ratio of less than 1.00 does not, in many cases, have the capital on hand to meet its short-term obligations if they were all due at once, while a quick ratio greater than one indicates the company has the financial resources to remain solvent in the short term.
Debt-to-Equity 0.7027
Debt-to-equity is calculated by dividing a company's total liabilities by its shareholders equity. It is a measure of the degree to which a company is financing its operations through debt versus wholly owned funds. Generally speaking, a D/E ratio below 1.0 would be seen as relatively safe, whereas ratios of 2.0 or higher would be considered risky.
The two main factors that we consider when analyzing past performance is overall return and volatility
Using these two metrics, we can determine if this stock gave its investors enough return for the risk that they took on by owning it. This is measured by the sharpe ratio, which has been used as a primary measure of risk/reward trade-off for almost 60 years.
This ratio can be interpreted as the amount of return an investor has received for the amount of risk that they took on by owning the stock over that timeframe.
Tesla (TSLA) sharpe ratio over the past 5 years is 2.7697 which is considered to be above average compared to the peer average of -0.0688
Based on our data, TSLA's options trades have recently carried more negative sentiment than positive.
The main purpose of an income statement is to convey details of profitability and business activities. Below, is TSLA's income statement for the previous four years along with its trailing-twelve- month profit & loss.
It breaks down what acompany owns (assets) and what a company owes (liabilities), in order to give investors an overview of its capital structure.