Family Chastity Story Ch. 05

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Mean femdom mom toys with her sissy son & gives him "relief".
4.8k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 02/07/2019
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[All characters are age 18+; contains female domination themes]

Sorry for not giving an update for so long. My gimp son and I are still here and having fun together since our last update. Sadly, the experiment to expand his chest with hormones didn't work out the way we thought. Needless to say, the milking machine has been sitting in storage collecting dust. I was so discouraged by this setback that I couldn't bring myself to give these updates anymore. And I promise, my girlfriend Christina and I tried everything on him. Estrogen supplements, hypnosis therapy --but to no avail. Our little boy-cow just wouldn't produce.

Despite this disappointment, I have moved on.

As ever, he remains locked away in his chastity cage. He was recently upgraded to a new model since the testosterone-blocking pills and other supplements have had a bit of a "shrinking" effect on him. This newer metal cage is even smaller than his last one. I had it custom-made in Germany by a gifted woman who specializes in specialty bondage gear. She and I had long conversations about my little sissy and his special requirements. We ultimately came to an understanding about what he needed. I'll describe some of the upgrades to his cage later.

When he isn't watching his mandatory three hours of sissy hypnosis videos, my little femboy has his assigned chores to perform. Today he is busy cleaning the house. Of course, I make him wear one of his frilly maid outfits. He always pouts when he puts it on, but I know he secretly loves wearing the tiny black and white uniform with all its accessories. He looks particularly adorable when he wears it with white stockings and a black choker.

But the big news is that I have changed his release schedule. Instead of once every few months, I have been letting him get milked --so to speak-- once a week. Sometimes more than once a week. Naturally, this is not for his benefit, but rather, for me and my girlfriends. His boy juice has become valuable to us --no more flushing it down the toilet or making him eat it. This all started when a girlfriend of mine founded a novel cosmetics company specializing in anti-aging creams and similar products. Her company, through trial-and-error, discovered that the semen from young, virgin femboys possessed special anti-aging properties when mixed with other additives. When she discussed this secret breakthrough with me and lamented the lack of viable sources, I immediately volunteered my sissy son.

After some negotiations, her company and I came to an agreement where I would collect my son's seed and in return, I'd get shares in the company. They even sent me the necessary collection vials and equipment. Once a sample is "collected", I package it in a special container with dry ice and ship it off to their headquarters. We have had this arrangement in place for several months now. And the company has been more than pleased with the results. Apparently, the hormone therapy and previous chastity regimen have counterintuitively made his samples particularly potent. Neither of us expected this.

This is the reason why I sometimes milk him more than once a week --his semen is just too valuable. In that vein, I have also required him to take additional supplements to boost the volume of each sample. Specifically, I make him take a combination of lecithin, pygeum, zinc, and L-arginine in the morning with his usual glass of soymilk. After a few days of taking these supplements, the volume produced during each session markedly increased. Another useful tool I've found is simply making him watch sissy porn for hours on end. These daily edging and denial sessions really help boost output when he ejaculates later in the week. Like I mentioned before, during these sessions, he has to put on his VR headset and sit and watch an endless loop of this mind-altering porn. And this loop lasts for at least three hours. Although he resisted at first, I no longer have to restrain him. He usually watches at his desk chair wearing only his chastity cage and sometimes a pair of panties. I also check on him at random intervals to make sure he's ok. Normally, he just sits there motionless with VR headset strapped to his head. After the first hour or so, a large damp patch appears on his panties from all the precum. He has developed a Pavlovian response to this process --I have even caught him watching with his mouth open and drooling all over himself.

On milking days, he gets a break from this routine since I obviously need his full attention on that day's activities. Although he gets these frequent releases, I still don't believe that boys like him should have any orgasms at all. Certainly not pleasurable ones. But this business opportunity was just too hard to pass up. However, I do my best to make sure he gets little enjoyment on these days. In fact, he is due to be milked today. It's time to get started. I looked around the house and found him cleaning in the living room.

"Now kitten, I think you've cleaned enough for today. Put down the duster and come here," I said to my sissy son as he was busy dusting the television cabinet.

"Yes mommy," he instinctively replied. He dutifully put down the duster and walked towards me, his heels clicking on the hardwood floor.

"Now that's a good boy. You look so pretty in your little maid's outfit! Is that a bow in your hair?" I asked.

"Yeah. I thought it looked cute," he answered as he reached up and delicately felt it with his fingers. I loved how he was embracing his feminine side.

"Well as you know, today we need to get you milked. It has almost been a week since your last release."

"But mommy, do I have to? It feels like we just did it. Can we wait-"

"Absolutely not. You know we can't miss a shipment. Now, I don't want to hear any more protests. Let's get you ready," I replied, cutting him off. He pouted and looked upset, but I knew it was all an act. He would obey whatever I told him.

"Okay," he relented.

With an approving smile on my face, I took him by the hand and walked him to a room just down the hallway from the living room. In what was my former home office, I had remodeled a room specifically for this new enterprise. The room was brightly lit with white LED lights recessed into the ceiling. Stainless steel cabinets lined the walls and white linoleum covered the floor. It looked like a medical exam room straight out of a hospital. However, in the middle of the room was a stainless steel milking bench --a saw horse with black vinyl pads and plenty of built-in restraints. Similar to the one I kept in my bedroom.

I watched as my sissy's eyes widened as we stepped into the room and the heavy door closed loudly behind us. He had spent many hours in this room over the past few months. Without being told what to do, he immediately began taking off his clothes. The maid outfit fell away with a few pulls of Velcro. He left on his white stocking and high heeled shoes. And of course, the bow in his head stayed on. Looking demurely at me, he shuffled into the room as I nodded towards the bondage bench.

He cautiously approached the purpose-built bench and slowly draped himself across it. He laid himself horizontally across the padded beam on his stomach with his arms and legs hanging down towards the polished floor. He had to readjust himself a few times to get in the correct position. Months of practice had taught him how to lay there comfortably. Finally in position, he remained motionless with his ass and cock cage just barely hanging over the end of the bench. A very pleasing sight.

"Now that's a good sissy. Stay still while mommy locks you in," I said as I approached the bench.

"Yes mommy."

I knelt down at each of the four legs of the bench to strap in his wrists and ankles into the built-in leather cuffs. Each cuff had a soft fur lining. Once his ankles were strapped in, his high-heeled shoes just barely touched the floor. I then used simple black leather restraints to strap in his thighs, upper arms and torso. As I did this, he rested the side of his face on the black cushion and didn't make a sound. When I was finished, he could only move his neck, fingers, and toes. He was otherwise immobile.

"Okay, kitten. Now that we got you all strapped in, we can start. But before we begin, I have a bit of a surprise for you!" I said.

"What mommy?" he asked in reply, turning his head to face me. I walked to the front of the bench and knelt down so we our faces almost met.

"Mommy has invited a guest to watch!"

"What?!" he shouted in response. From his facial expressions, he didn't look excited by this news.

"A rep from the cosmetics company wanted to stop by and see how it's done. I told her I was more than happy to give a demonstration! She should be here any minute!" I answered.

"No mommy! Please! She can't see me like this!"

"Don't worry she's a professional. Interested in learning the ropes. Now if you keep arguing with me, I will have to gag you. Do you want that?" I asked as I stroked his cheek.

"No... Please no gag. I hate wearing it," he stammered. I remembered how much he loathed wearing the dreaded inflatable dildo gag.

"Okay. No gag. But I'm afraid that I will have to blindfold you... company policy I'm afraid." Without bothering to wait for a reply, I walked over to one of the stainless cabinets, opened a drawer, and retrieved a black blindfold. I walked back to the bench and slipped it over his head and in to position.

"All dark now sweetie?" I asked as I stroked the back of his head.

"Yeah. I can't see... everything's black..." he replied, moving his head aimlessly from side to side. He involuntarily stretched against his restraints, and I heard the leather bindings flex in response. He was not going anywhere.

"Now wait right here, kitten. I'll be right back." I gave him a light tap on his bare ass to reassure him and left the room, turning off the lights as I left. The corporate rep should be here any moment.

I waited in the kitchen for her to arrive. After about half an hour, I heard a knock on the door. This was when I met for the first time Dr. Lexi Berlin of Womyn Pharma, Inc. She was an older woman but she had a slim, athletic build and was still quite pretty. Her stern, angular face made her look like a retired super model. Streaks of grey could be seen in her blonde hair that she kept pulled back in a tight bun. And Dr. Berlin definitely dressed the part of corporate bigwig: she wore a black business suit and carried a large laptop bag with her. After brief introductions, we went to the kitchen and had a brief chat and I got to know her. Apparently, the age rejuvenating discovery was hers. She had discovered it whilst experimenting on another virgin femboy. She was here today to find out what made my son so special. She was clearly excited to see him.

After chatting for a bit, we decided it was time and walked down the hallway to the milking room. Stepping inside, I turned on the light. Unsurprisingly, my little gimp son was still there, with his face resting down on the bench. With the sudden noise, he awakened and straighten out his neck.

"Lisa please meet my femboy son," I said as we entered the room. I closed the door behind us.

"Wow. I didn't know he would already be all tied up like this," Lisa replied. She put her laptop bag on the counter and approached the bondage bench.

"Say 'hello' to Dr. Lexi, my little kitten," I instructed, slapping his ass to get his attention.

"Hello Dr. Lexi," he replied, again craning his neck in a feeble attempt to look around.

"Nice to meet you too. Your mother has told me so much about you," Lisa answered. I handed her a box of latex gloves and we both put on a pair. She deftly snapped the gloves on and began a brief inspection of the specimen before her. We both pulled up small stools and sat at the end of bondage bench between his spread out legs. Her attention was primarily focused on his caged penis and testicles.

Taking his cage in her gloved hand, she inquired, "How long have you kept him like this?"

"Oh my gosh... how long has it been? Over a year now I think. I put him in his first cage a little after his eighteenth birthday," I recounted.

"That early? I'm impressed. Well that was definitely the right decision. That must be why his samples are so useful to us." She continued her inspection of his nether regions. I noticed she smirked when she saw his lower back tattoo. His ridiculous sissy tramp stamp still made me smile too.

"You mentioned earlier that this is a new cage?"

"Yes. I have been forcing him to wear smaller and smaller cages as he...well...gets smaller and smaller himself," I replied.

"I understand. So this is the cage with the special features you mentioned?"

"Exactly. I'll show you later when we extract his sample."

"Perfect. Perfect. And I love how smooth he is done here. Not a hair in sight. Electrolysis?" Lexi asked.

"Yes. Total and permanent hair removal. The hormone therapy also helped," I added.

"Now, do you mind if I do a brief prostate exam?" she asked.

"No not at all," I replied. I got up from stool and got some anal lubricant from the cabinet and sat back down next to her.

"What is she doing, mommy?" asked my sissy son, finally working up the courage to speak.

"Just a brief exam of your prostate. Totally normal procedure. Nothing to be afraid of," Lexi answered.

"Now remember to be quiet unless you're spoken to. Don't make me get the gag," I added. After my warning, he remained quiet.

Lexi lubricated her index and middle finger with the clear anal lube and handed it back to me. With her left hand pressing on his lower back for leverage, she slowly inserted her right middle and index fingers into his rectum. They slid in without much effort. He only flinched a little bit, but his restraints kept him firmly in place.

"Everything feels normal to me," she said after a while as she probed with her two fingers. Her gloved hand moved methodically as she pressed against and felt his prostate. If only she knew what delicious things I had done to his boy pussy over these past few months!

"Maybe a little enlarged, but that is to be expected," she added as she abruptly withdrew her fingers. With her other hand, she pulled off the soiled glove and then put on a new one.

"Satisfied?" I asked.

"Oh yes. We have on our hands one healthy femboy. But one last thing... I know this might be obvious, but I have to ask... is he still a virgin?"

"Yes. He is kept completely pussy-free. No change there," I replied.

"Good. And definitely keep him that way. It can only help," she retorted, satisfied with my response.

I then asked "Now are we ready to begin doctor?"

"Yes. I'm ready. What about you, boy? Ready for your release?" Lexi asked with a slight mocking tone.

"Yeah... Dr. Lexi. I'm ready," he responded.

Nodding to Lexi, I got off the plastic stool and walked to the cabinet and retrieved a large plastic briefcase from one of the cabinets and then sat down again. Opening the case on my lap, I pulled out a hand-sized electronic control box and a tangled nest of wires. I closed the case and set it down under the bondage bench. I then handed the control box to Lexi and started to sort out the wires. She took the box from my hand and began to inspect it. It looked like a large, old-fashioned calculator with a small display screen and a series of buttons and dials.

"So this device came with the chastity cage?" she asked as she flipped over the e-stim box in her hand.

"Yes. A woman in Europe made the cage for me. She also has sells this electric stimulation kit. She makes her chastity cages compatible with it."

"I see... and it's all battery powered?" Lexi continued.

"Yes. But it can be plugged into the wall, if you need more power," I replied as I continued to untangle the wires. Before long, I had the three electrical wires separated. They were colored red, green, and blue.

"Sorry for taking so long. Normally, this goes a lot faster. Okay. So these three cables connect to three separate points on my son's metal chastity cage."

"Can I help?" offered Lexi.

"Sure. Here take the end of this green wire and plug it into the small hole in the ring that goes around the base of his testicles. It should make a clicking sound when it snaps into place."

I handed her the end of the green wire. She took it from me and turned towards the dangling chastity cage to her right. It took her a while to find the small, discrete hole, but when she did, she plugged in the cable. It made an audible click.

"Perfect!" I replied. She then went on to plug the blue cable into a similar hole in cage around the base of his hormone-shrunken penis. The red cable was then connected in the same fashion to the end of the cage near the head of the penis.

"Great! We're all connected. Now the other ends of those cables go into the control box here. Here see --I have already done it for you," I remarked, holding up the box to show her. The wires were long enough so that there was plenty of slack between the e-stim box and the now wired chastity cage.

"This is all so fascinating. How does it work?" Lexi inquired.

"Basically, all this gear is just a fancy e-stim set-up. Once turned on, the control box sends out an electric voltage that is applied to the cage via the three wires. From there it electrically stimulates his penis and scrotum. The steel of the cage is an excellent electrical conductor after all," I explained.

"Does it hurt?"

"Not if you know what you're doing. But it isn't exactly pleasurable either. As you know, I hate male orgasms and certainly don't want my sissy enjoying any of these releases. That's why I came up with this whole system," I replied.

I continued, "I've actually gotten quite adept at it. The first few sessions were a bit rough. But I really have it down to a science. Once wired and dialed in, I can get him to ejaculate in under four minutes."

"Four minutes! That is efficient," she said in awe.

"That was last time. I am getting better each time. The technique is to fine tune the electric impulses so that they sync up with the sensitive nerves in his penis. This tricks him into having an orgasm. But not a pleasurable one. Since his penis is locked up, he gets no physical stimulation. According to him and other unfortunate users, it does not feel like a traditional orgasm. The sensation is dulled and dampened. It feels more like urinating then ejaculating."

"Interesting. To be honest, we at Womyn Pharma don't care how you extract his samples. But after seeing this, your method definitely seems like the way to go. Clean, simple, and clinical."

"Exactly. Like I said before, it's painless to all parties involved!" We burst out laughing at this.

"Would you like the honors?" I asked, composing myself. I handed the control box back to Lexi.

"Sure. I don't think I can get him to pop in four minutes, but I'll try," she responded.

"No, take your time. I want you to learn how this works," I reassured her.

"Oh I know. Back at headquarters, we have big plans for this, but we can talk later about that," she teased.

"First thing you want to do is turn the box on. There is a switch on the side there," I instructed. Lexi found the switch and turned the unit on. It immediately lit up and its red LEDs starting flashing.

"Now what?"

"Ok now it's turned on. But it's not sending an electrical current to his man bits. Notice how he hasn't responded? As you can see from the many dials and buttons, there are an infinite number of combinations to choose from. I normally just play around with the intensity setting and the frequency setting." I pointed to the two black dials near the top.

"Oh I see. They're set at zero right now. But they go to ten..." she said as she examined the box close to her face.