Every day, we strive to make Dailymotion the best video community around. To this end, we review all content reported to us to ensure our community standards are protected.
Dailymotion prohibits or limit the visibility the following types of content on its service:
- Any sexually explicit content
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- Any harmful content for children
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- Any terrorist content and/or which promotes violent extremist acts, groups or individuals
- Any content that incites violence or dangerous activities
- Any spam, scam, or fake engagement
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- Any copyright infringement
How to report content you find inappropriate ?
Anyone can report content to us whether or not you have a Dailymotion account. Please follow the procedure described in this dedicated guide.
Additional details
- When the flagged content is found to violate the rules detailed in our Terms and Conditions and our Prohibited Content Policy, we remove the content from Dailymotion
- When the flagged content does not violate these rules but features inappropriate scenes for sensitive audiences, we add a restriction for sensitive content
- When the flagged content is found to violate the laws of a territory and/or a country without infringing our internal policies, we will, where possible, restrict access to the content in the territory and/or the country where it is deemed illegal
- These rules apply to videos, thumbnails, video descriptions, playlists, video titles, live broadcasts, keywords, account names, usernames, and any other features of Dailymotion