Hello, guys, recently I have had trouble with concentration and some mindless mental OCD episodes, which is basically a bad thing for my health. To be honest, I don't spend much time on anything but training and some little things, instead of concentrating on something huge. That is of course, the upsetting news as I might feel sick indefinitely, nevertheless still trying to change my lifestyle.
I wanted to write this message sooner, however I have been unable in doing that. A pitch of loneliness gets the better of me and pulls me away from the keyboard strokes, however, that said I am finally getting LAN cable after so many years.. I was always against this idea, as I didn't want to ruin my corridor or other rooms with dumb cable, however the Internet has been horrible recently. It's been terrible for me since I bought this computer, however now it's just awful. LAN Cable should fix this, also there are vpns and proxies… I am embarassed to mention, but I will. The Russian government has recently been relentlessly blocking many vpns and proxies to lock our freedom, it is not the best thing. However, I imagine it is the policy they are using as of now. You might not know this but they actually planned to disable the Internet completely or threatened the people with removing it, somewhere around 3 years ago when the war has started. If you want to help me out, you can email me some of the proxies/vpns that are freely available to use, I will take it for not granted if you do so.
Also, a few days ago I had prediction again about the Nuclear War, normally I go to sleep and then get a prediction. IT's always like that. I get new prediction, etc, I go through it and imagine it as a dream but then it actually happens later on anyway, despite the fact I wouldn't even believe it or considered the dream abstract entity. IT happens again, and again… And I've had these dreams for quite a while sometimes since my teenagehood, however they subsided recently. Perhaps, because of my unhealthy lifestyle, but… I did have the dream yesterday, it was something like a nuclear war being announced live and I was just sort of sleeping. IT seems I might have been inside my room, which means terrifying prospect, however I think knowing that it might be the case, we should enjoy real life as much as we can, almost as tricking myself to ACTUALLY try to enjoy, how funny!
The feeling of fear I feel in my dreams comes true. Always. It's almost like I am watching myself in the future from far away, I am not even aware but my predictions have always come true 1 to 1. Almost. I am afraid it is unlikely for this event to not happen. So, please take care, my friends. I love you. I will not leave. Thank you for staying with me, if you have, for I appreciate all.