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Discussion concerning Higurashi, Umineko, Ciconia, Rose Guns Days, Higanbana, TRianThology, and all other 07th Expansion works.

► 07th Expansion links: https://rentry.co/07th-exp

Previous thread: >>48364170 →
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My personal headcanon is that Lambdadelta is Satoshi having a coma dream. The "logic error" that Lambdadelta is so afraid of is the coma Satoshi is in. Lambdadelta's schtick going on about the cruelty of women is Satoshi's resentment of the Club - a club which of course made him wear many pretty dresses. IPSO facto Bernkastel is a heterosexual
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My personal headcanon is that Sakutarou is Satoshi's comatose dream self, hence why he gets lusted at by the Angel Mort bottom-wearing neesans.
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Each Satoko represents one of her 7 deadly sins.
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What if every time you kill a person on Rokkenjima you inherit one of their personality flaws like Megaman inherits the power of the robot masters he kills? If playing as Mega-Jess you'd start by inheriting "Vainglorious Asshole" from Gohda, work your way up to "Autistic" from Maria and then finally you'd fight Yasu and inherited the coveted trait of "Shitty Friend"
umineko in the op? sperg lost
what is this hideous creature.
it's ancchi
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Ciconia phase 2?
Never ever
One day I'll check here and find out Ciconia phase 2 is happening.
I believe in a miracle.
Don't call such a macabre catastrophe "a miracle".
What did he lose and why?
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mentally ill low testosterone femboyniggers
All of them are lust.
will >>>/v/696560389 shipperat ever move on from his adhd arc?
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We all had her, Joji! Even your female cousin had her! We all had her... but you married her!
Great men like Napoleon or Genghis Khan were cucks
It only proves that Joji is destined for greatness
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Yeah people feel bad for Jessica but George in particular got screwed over.
Beatrice is trans. Get the fuck over it.
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No, take new Higanbana instead.


R07 is writing a new short novel for a Higanbana anthology released in the upcoming 07th Fragment World event.
The unfortunate truth is that most of the community are morons who see him as 'le pedo incel chud' and can't look beyond that. Umineko is full of flawed yet nuanced characters, but George in particular seems to be disproportionately criticized for his flaws. Meanwhile others like Kyrie, Rudolf, Rosa, or Kinzo don't get nearly as much hatred form the community, even though they are arguably far worse people than George.
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A real man walks the woman he loves down the aisle.
And pays for the catering. And the horse ride. And photography...
And the age stuff regarding George seems to be a mistake from R07 himself anyway. You can clearly see his interactions in flashbacks weren't written with a big age gap in mind. Heck, in the manga he outright looks as young as Jessica and Shannon in flashbacks even if it makes zero sense with their ages.
Yeah he never should've clarified the ages of the cousins in the first place, since he obviously doesn't write with the age of the characters in mind.
He didn't keep the ages of the parents in mind either, with Krauss and eva playing with Rosa like they were just older kids at the time and not full-grown adults. And he practically made a mistake with Shannon/Kanon's ages that needed a flimsy excuse... even though he could have just moved Bea2's real death forward a couple of years.
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Ovary damage alone wouldn't cause Sayo to not develop secondary sex characteristics. She'd basically have to be given a hysterectomy, which undermines all the arguments how Nanjo can't do SRS. I've never heard of a little girl being given a hysterectomy over physical damage. Male Sayo is basically just David Reimer. I personally consider her intersex and not so much a tranny.
The notion that the Fukuin House was keeping a 6 year old in an isolation cell and telling them that they're 3 years old is distinctly hilarious. Even more so if Lion was a boy. What kind of scumbags did Genji have to find to play ball with that?
Without love...
I think there was a cover story that the baby had some kind of condition that made them physically develop slower? I guess people could've bought that in 80s Japan. I don't think the 16/19 stuff was R07 writing himself into a corner I think he just wanted to not make it too obvious who Sayo was. Kinda flimsy though, yeah.
Trans dogwhistle. Fuck off.
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It appears her superiority has led to some controversy. Again
Where did you buy this?
They'd have to do the opposite, because the newborn baby had a full head of hair and was walking around.
This is so powerful I think I'm gonna cry...
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Anyone else stan Willard?
I am going to reveal a secret to you, no one is stopping you from posting Satoko and SatoKei
What's secret about that?
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They're so cute together bros
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Posting lovely Rika
I don't think Yasu was truly prepared for a Jessica ending to her roulette that's like the Joke End
Gato about to devour rato
That's a man, baby!
Just wanted to remind you that you can meaningfully contribute to the thread instead of being an irony poisoned shitposting faggot
Why are Satoko and SatoKei the only possible meaningful contributions? Are we allowed nothing else?
Anon what the fuck are you talking about??
Jessica route is like the dog ending in Silent Hill 2. Sayo seemed to practically hate her, and mentally treated her like a dumb animal. Kanon probably got off on the idea of defiling Natsuhi's crown jewel more than anything.
>tfw Beato pulls out the gock
>Sayo seemed to practically hate her, and mentally treated her like a dumb animal
Can't blame her, Jessica does have the emotional complexity of a dumb animal afterall.
>defiling Natsuhi's crown jewel
I'll get off to the idea of this too now
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Jessie is very smart and talented and Yasu is a jealous bitch. And a nerd.
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Trolling aside we're all in agreement that Yasu was transgender yes?
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jessie does big calculations in the middle of fights for no reason, she's the biggest nerd this side of rokkenjima (joji's on the other side)
Jessica route would be kino I'd watch it for the "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" speak from Jessica
More like someone with Klinefelder's
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I don't know if I'd give her the term of transgender but she was born male and chooses to represent herself as female. Make of that what you will
Yasu would represent themself as a Pony if that's what Kinzo decided to create a mythology around
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Yasu is such a freak, I'm glad Battler pushed his ass off the boat
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Why are you like this?
Anime Battler would dropkick that bitch off the boat
>two hours
He does it all day. The thread will die and he'll make the next thread before his autism ends.
Is any of this in the VN? I know about the scene in Episode 7 where Yasu freaks out about having a body incapable of love but I don't remember this
I'm just trying to draw funny memes man, I know the OC ain't good quality but it's not the same 25 images we always dump
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>SatokeiCHAD let's other users make a thread
>/vn/ autism infects it
Their love is literally so powerful it mindbroke you
Yeah smoked him right out.
Autistic shipper naturally gravitates to obsessing about tranny stuff.
didn't take long to out the culprit
not like there are any other autists obsessed with this kind of stuff
Are you talking about me, the guy posting his shitty drawings? Cause if they're causing that much of an issue I'll just stop posting em.
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Why is this autist spamming tranny pics here and trying to blame Satoko posters?
my autistic friend, I think nobody was talking about you.
Probably not if you're talking like a human being.
It's the guy that posts about either his ship or Umineko being trans for 24 hours at a time, making the thread a nuclear wasteland.
NO! Keep posting your drawings fuck these butthurt retards let them fucking moan and cry about their boogyman. Don't care what these fucking peasents think just post what you love and keep on posting
Umifags woke up
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name a character who's a better retard filter
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Yeah he's also obsessed with /vn/ for some reason and cross links all the time.
Mindbroken. Most posts were about Umineko before that cancerous shipper came here.
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Are you even suprised? That nigger spends all day in his mudhut in Morroco shitposting Rika's and spamming his tranny fetish
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Take your pills crossposting schizo
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Cant think of any
Meds now
>it's real
LMAO total ratka death WHEN
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Why does this angel invoke such bitter trooncel rage? Literally why
Is Ciconia any good?
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Reminder: He hates Rika because he's furiously jealous of Satoko saying she's her reason to live and adoring her.

Jealousy is a sin you know.
I give it 1 star out of 4 for a game that is 1 chapter out of 4 complete.
now I have to leave the neetdom and become a wagie to buy this
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Went quiet cause he got b&
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Fuck off back to /vn/ already loser and let the umitards have their thread
>talking to yourself
>and let the umitards have their thread
why? so the threads can die again when you forgot to necrobump? lmao
>Rikafags openly admitting to trolling Umithreads to kill them now
Total Shitka death when???
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I have discovered this as the cause of the anger.
If anything, it's you who's trying to kill the threads by proposing that the umiposters get their own thread, so /07/th will only be artificially kept alive by your necrobumps. Go rope yourself you insufferable subhuman.
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I'm looking at the other threads and wondering what would /07/th be like without schizos
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>Thread without Rikacuck
Quite, peaceful, friendly. as it has been before
ohnononono ESL bros...
look at >>>/v/696560389
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Kill yourself
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>Umitroon telling ANYONE to kill themself
Hi, I read the entirety of Umineko as it came out and I feel like I'm being generous when I give it a 4/10. It's a convoluted mess that reads like it was written by a 12 year old. The Japanese fanbase refuses to so much as give Ryuukishi the time of the day nowadays for good reason.

Honestly, I find the extent to which the western fanbase is obsessed with Umineko to this day to be frightening in a sense. I have no idea how you guys can drone on about it day after day nearly six years after the final episode was released; Ryuukishi is a hack who has no idea how to actually tell a story that does anything except continually bait the reader with red herrings and empty promises of greater themes. He's been like this since Higurashi and will never improve, either on a technical level or as a storyteller in general.

Like I said, almost no Japanese fan cares about Ryuukishi nowadays, and it's more than people just being pissed off about episode 8 of Umineko (people were pissed off about Minagoroshi and Matsuribayashi long before then, anyway). It's because they've had enough exposure to him to see through his tricks and stop falling for his brand of spectacle and sophistry. And yes, his terrible, childish text is part of the problem too - there are parts of Higurashi that have such embarrassingly poor writing that they're used as copypasta on 2ch.

I don't know how the western fanbase continues to put up with Ryuukishi, and I honestly feel that it's damaging to the community as a whole to continue to obsess this much over a single work so long after the fact. The amount of Umineko discussion is one of the reasons people who read untranslated eroge feel so disconnected from the broader western fanbase, and it's not hard to see how stifling this level of obsession can be if you take a step back.
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>He's writing fan-fiction now
True love broke him
He's been trying for a year now without results, because there are no newfags
And even if there are, discord kid's attempts at falseflagging and samefagging are too painfully obvious

I don't know what fuels his autistic obsession
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>Ratka get's called out
>Tranny spam suddenly stops
Strange innit?
Who let this ESL zoomer monkey out of zoo?
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>get is called out
he can't even type properly!
Rika hate is because
Tranny obsession is classic projection.

And of course it's cause is autism itself.
Kanon gets Jessica undressed
What comes next?
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our response...
No, that's all from Confessions of the Golden Witch, a part of Episode 8 exclusive to the manga that was highlightly advertised due to being the unveiling of the truth directly from R07 himself.

Basically, Ikuko finds a message bottle where Yasu just wrote the actual past and what was going on. Although according to the intro to this arc, Tohya remembered everything even as soon as Banquet was written. Turning Eva into a culprit was just him being in denial, rather than him being unable to remember.

I guess the bottle is just necessary because otherwise we wouldn't have Yasu's perspective.
>Turning Eva into a culprit was just him being in denial, rather than him being unable to remember.
Another reason why I can't take the manga seriously.
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That's not quite it. Tohya turns Eva into a culprit because he genuinely thought she was, being the only other survivor. He was just confused about her killing George and Hideyoshi. For most of the story, Tohya only regained most of his memories. He doesn't actually regain his memories of Sayo until the very end in the Fukuin House, with that whole scene of Battler returning to the Golden Land. Before then, Tohya only knew Sayo through Confession. He probably assumed Eva solved the epitaph before the murders even began and killed Sayo, and continued killing from there.
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Nope, he remembered, but couldn't accept it, thus blaming Eva as the culprit. What happens at the end is that finally accepts everything and makes peace with his past. Long before the epilogue, at some point (I thought it was immediately after Banquet, rereading it now, it says Eva found them after they released several works, starting with Banquet), they talk with Eva and figure out what really happened. At least according to the manga.
Why doesn't Yasu just convert to Mormonism and go for multiple spouses? Is she stupid?
Thumping noises and ultimately male impotence.
>2024 almost over
>no phase 2 in sight
I hate how watered-down Beatrice feels at the end. Her chemistry with Battler seems so inorganic in episode 8 after everything that has happened in the question arcs
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The Stakes of Purgatory can always perform...
That's how you get a yeast infection
Only from Leviathan.
>>48397399 →
>>48397644 →
Many thanks for the feedback anons. We are going to replace Jestress entirely. We are going to pick one fo your suggestions unless there is consensus for one specific character
meant to also quote >>48397622 →
I'll cast my vote for Erika out of all of those characters, there's no shipping schizophrenia associated with her
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Tohya didn't regain all his memories when that happened. When he meets Ange, he tells her he can't exactly remember how he escaped the island. Thats when Battler met Sayo and learned all her identities. She was in her Beatrice cosplay when this happened. That's important because meeting Beatrice isn't shown when Tohya reawakens his memories, and he seems to remember Shannon and Kanon as separate people.
I think the confusion might be coming from your page making it sound like Tohya read Confession and that was the trigger for his memories returning. But if you read the actual chapter it happens (24.5) he regains his memories before reading Confession. What happened was Ikuko found Confession and triggered Battler by yapping about it.
There's also the fact Tohya also wrote EP 4-6 where Eva is very obviously not the culprit. Wouldn't really make sense if he was trying to convince himself that she was.
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Drawing Jessica daily until Kurisamasu is saved
>there are parts of Higurashi that have such embarrassingly poor writing that they're used as copypasta on 2ch.
please tell me you have this on-hand
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>>48397644 →
>both end with the same dub
Erika it is!
I want rika to make my face her chair
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>>48397644 →
This isn't a mere coincidence anymore
Erika is our chosen one
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>Like I said, almost no Japanese fan cares about Ryuukishi nowadays
Nice bait.
Got you senpai
One day you trannies will figure out that multiple posters is a more plausible answer than a man that posts all day without sleeping.
Are you one of fifteen satoko posters here?
Does my post resemble an ASCII art of Satoko or should I assume you are having hallucinations again?
They care, but for what it was really supposed to be, not for what it really became (for now).
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We can all agree that Sayo is trans after all right?
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can you repeat the question
I wasn't paying any attention sorry
what if I jerked off to Sayo without knowing that fact
gayer than anyone else
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i also vote for erika
don't expect a 44 out of me though
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Wash your feet.
Rika is not a futaslut, delete this.
rika is my wife and she is a futaslut she told me so
>>48397664 →
I am not a girl bro
you're also not me, but i'm also not erika and not a girl
so really i'm just as confused
Behead tranny loving shitka posters
i maybe you
>rapes you
Mrs. Kimiyoshi is so underappreciated in these threads. Why?
everyone hates satoko
Everyone hates Mion for no reason.
>didn't tell Shion her family didn't kill Satoshi
>endlessly jealous of Rena
>didn't help Satoko despite having the power to do so
>author's pet
>inadvertently made K1 schizo out in Onikakushi
Satoko spent all her time either being rapped by Teppei, killed by Takano or toyed by Eua and losing her identity
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One day we will live in a post-sotsu world where we can look back and laugh at all the absurdities. But that is not today, so stinktoko will remain a crazy loser in the public eye.
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>no Teppei
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Troonppei is trans but he's not a nigger, at best he sang Showa era J-POP.
Such a pathetic little shit. She was made to be abused and toyed with. I wish I had a Satoko in my life to just beat up whenever I feel bored. I'd smash her retarded pathetic face in with my punches. Every single day. Nothing would remain of her face besides bruises and blood. God fucking damn I hate her
What does MionToko have to do with that? We are talking about KimiMion.
Why does she smile when Troonppei gets deadnamed but frowns when she doesn't?
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The fuck you just said about my precious girl?!
Because she is a chud and calls Tronnppei "Teppei" just to get away with her.
N-nothing, I am sorry!
sometimes i wonder if this guy actually ever stopped being a kid with his 'lol so funni random quips' that mean fuck all
I mean he's probably underage.
She didn't.
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Relax Troonppei, that's just the name your parents gave you.
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Troonppei-chan... Your axe wound is bleeding again...
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Just because you posted that I am going to rape her even more.
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Please, please, refrain from raping Troonppei.
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Satoko shall suffer for all eternity.
Buy a 4chan pass or wait more than 1 minutes or it's too obvious.
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No rape. Only gentle lovemaking quickly escalating into animalistic rape
Hey bro nice! I commissioned that one!
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Gentle lovemaking isn't something that Satoko deserves, and her creator agrees.
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Satoko is a chud so she doesn't suffer when Tronnppei gets raped doe, the green girl you replied to is called Mion.
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Satoko is the only person getting raped.
who accuses people of being samefags by shilling for 4chan passes? that's just weird
That chick is called Troonppei anon, Satoko is her nephew
This anon is going to rape her gently and the animalistically spread apart Troonppei's axe wound.
Why did you make her dilate through her trousers and why is Satoko encouraging her?
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The only chick that has been raped is Satoko, there is no woman named "Troonppei" in WTC.
Is this shit supposed to make me hate Satoko? This is more obnoxious than the shipping posts
Not really, that's just incorrect:
Beatrice Castiglioni, Beatrice, Sayo and Rena all get raped.
And according to that poster Troonppei is about to get raped too.
Satoko is a minority among the non-raped characters, really.
No it's just the rikacucks crying about Satoko again for some reason
believe it or not he thinks this is the height of comedy
Only people that want to be raped like Satoko.
That would be true if she wasn't raped.
I know right? Until now I thought of Satoko as a gentle niece, not a fucking transphobic brat.
FUCK YOU SATOKO, Troonppei sisters, march on!
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Believe it or not Rikagods have nothing to do with it. You pissed off the Umifags with your constant trannyposting. I just pointed out it was you who does it.
No no, it's true because Troonppei was raped, that's the point!
It's more sad than anything really, letting a character you dislike live rent free in your head this much you have to flood the thread with rape shit real loser behavior
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That's how you defeat a rapist. Call him a troon. I bet that will remove his dick from your arse.
But only Scatoko got raped and there is no character named "Troonppei".
Sorry I didn't mean to come off as hostile, I'm just saying next time you samefag do it using a pass that's all.
I'm glad we are all in agreement Satoko was raped
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What is your stance on the rape of Satoko?
Kill yourself you freak
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I mean that much is obvious
Troonpei is so valid <3
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You're the freak though?
I just want a peaceful relaxing thread. You're the one who switches it up between your ship and tranny posting to kill the thread as fast as you can so you can make the next OP.
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Please stop it with transphobic comments, they are not intelligent or funny.
Troonppei got raped, RikaToko did not. You either accept it and move on or try to rape xir used neovagina as if it was new.
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It's the higufags that hate umineko, those spam the thread.
I am not the one that uses "troon" as an insult, I am just stating a fact; Satoko got raped in Higurashi. If that's not allowed here then I suppose I should stop.
When Keiichi put it in she seemed to like it, I think only feminists would call that rape.
But that has never happened in Higurashi, the only dick Satoko has tasted is Teppei's when he was raping her.
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Of course she is not, only Troonppei is, that's why it's called SaTroonppei
Seriously why the fuck are Rika posters like this?
>forgetting about her only canon husband Mr. Kimiyoshi
Sorry, I was distracted by thinking about how much Satoko has suffered during her endless cycle of torture.
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It's not an insult because Troonppei chose it as her own name, deadnaming her would be more of an insult.

And PLEASE, stop calling statuatory "rape" rape, it's an offense to real rape victims like Rena and Yasu. Keiichi and Satoko had sex, she accepted his K1cock so it's not rape.
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Why are you saying random stuff to defend a fictional character? Is it like, controversial to say that Satoko got sexually abused/raped by Teppei? It's just weird to defend her like that, that will not make the rape leave her arsehole.
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They're bitter losers, that's all it is. They got exposed as the ones flooding the thread with tranny shit and now they're having a meltdown as usual same thing happend when their discord got exposed as well. They're nothing more than irony poisoned teens with a porn addiction who've never read the VN
Can you get Mion out of your head for 10 seconds straight?
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Don't worry, anon, she is happily married now and has a beautiful daughter together with Kisaku
Meanwhile, the VN
Guess the ones that self insert as Satoko can't handle being raped!
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A 2 year age gap isn't rape, rikasissies are so sensitive I say...
Troonppei is trans anon, she can't rape people or sexually abuse, that's right wing propaganda.
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times changed
That's nice of her. Everyone deserves some rest after thousands of yers of rape and torture, even in a manga like that.
Doesn't mean that the thousands of years of rape got deleted, but still, good of her.
Then Satoko must be really pathetic to be raped by a trans person!
I am the boogeyman (despite not posting)
Troonppei self inserts as Satoko?! Why the fuck are you people so obsessed about a trans girl being raped just for self inserting?
Fucking asshole chuds
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>This image makes the rikacuck seethe to no end
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Being a rape victim is the core defining characteristic of Satoko. People denying it are not real Satoko fans.
>Why the fuck are you people so obsessed about a trans girl being raped
Satoko's trans now? It is rather common for rape victims but still, wow. She just can't catch a break.
Bro... That's Rika's thought bubble, Kisaku is raising Keiichi's child...
Cucksaku is such a happy kek! He's the dad who STEPPED up B)
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Kinda boring character to be honest.
We've been thought this, statuatory "rape" with Keiichi is not rape.
People denying it are trying to forget their own abuse at the hands of their parents/rapists/whatever.
Rika's more boring. She just does nothing and wins.
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Meanwhile in canon:
Oh my Mrs.Maebara...
Makes sense that fans of Satoko have to bring up non canon material, just like how they are delusional about their own abuse.
Nah, that poster explained it, Troonppei self inserts as Satoko, so she projects the fact that she was raped on her mental image of her niece, Irie says so in Minagoroshi.
That's just incorrect.
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>Having a total meltdown over Satoko for no reason
I think the tranny jokes really set them off or something I never knew how Rika was a character troons related so deeply to...
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But the character of lolibaba who is cynical and mysterious who turns her mindset from nihilism to faith & hope is beautiful.
Satoko is sad about Troonppei being raped, what's wrong with that? She is her niece!
Not exactly, Troonppei is not a fan of Satoko, she just self inserts.
They wish to be little girls where they can have all their shitty actions justified because they had a tragic upbringing. They're mentally stuck in that age just like Rika which is why they relate so deeply to her
there is not much to like about her
Maybe in one fragment she grew up to be a professional whore
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How many lives do you think this image alone took?
Oh yeah, a cynical character gaining hope because Keiichi has shounen powers. Very nice.
I think only people that imagine themselves in her position like her, there is no other way for a normal man to like someone like Satoko.
Don't know about it killing anyone but it made two rikacucks seethe to no end about it for years now
Not as much as these:
Holy projection from the shipper who pretends to be a teenage boy/girl
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we have a lot of images of that kakera funnily enough
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I'm upset that anon is still calling Satoko a troon
It made the 49% stat jump up to 100% for the day
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Not some fragment, Rika is Reiwa is a spinster who travels the world to have sex with men, she even gets fucked by Marutake.
I agree Satoko got bad touched in Tatarigoroshi but in Minagoroshi Teppei says Satoko is too young for him to be interested him. This implies Teppei's pedophilia somehow depends on the fragment which is kinda funny
Even if that's true, she didn't spend thousands of years being raped by Teppei, so yeah.
Troonppei didn't kill himself though, that's Yasu, and even then Yasu is not trans by choice.
...they were ALL in that scene anon, you know
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Minagoroshi killed the rikacucks btw lmao
Everything he says is some weird projection
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>>Troonppei didn't kill himself though
Satoko did, multiple times too!
And spoilers, so will you in 10 years tops.
That's Satoko, not Rika, and she has sex with Keiichi in that image set.
How else do you think she could afford to travel across the world?
Not exactly anon, Troonppei is trans and wants to be a girl, that's why she self inserts as Satoko.
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Ignore malding ricucks and post true love
But only abused morons would self insert as a rape victim like Satoko.
Troonppei is trans anon, she can't rape.
Teppei raped Satoko in thousands of fragments tho
>Rikacucks have to insert cuckporn into gifs to own Satoko posters
Not beating the cuck allegations
Statuatory rape is not rape anon, Satoko can have sex with Keiichi in Japan since the age of consent is lower there.
>to own Satoko posters
Just bringing up canon is enough, apparently.
But Satoko never had sex with Keiichi in any country, she's only gotten raped by Teppei.
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Why are they like this?
True love won
The loveless cry
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Anon, Troonppei is trans, she is unable to rape.
Please keep your cuck fetish to >>>/trash/ hope this helps!
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true love in question:
They're just trying to help their fellow sister out! They wish they were as brave as troonpei to fully commit to their bottom surgery so they could be a little girl forever like Rika...
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Why does simply stating canon material cause you to behave like this? Very weird.
It's not my fault Teppei raped Satoko. It's Ryukishi's fault, but you are too gay to say anything to him.
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is discussing CANON events not allowed anymore?
I fully support her. Love TRUMPs hate!
Only troonppei truly loves dilatations though.
Cutest couple ever
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They are gonna cry to their janny in a few, just you wait.
Imagine all the nights they spent together cuddled up on the couch watching movies after Satoko cooked dinner... so cute...
Troonppei can't rape anon, she is trans in canon.
This. Some people hate troonppei and try to erase her.
satoko can't even cook lmao
Troonpei... is fucking valid. I'm finally saying it /07/th supports her <3
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Fans as dumb as the character herself lmao
But Teppei can rape, and he did so thousands of times. Poor Satoko couldn't even breathe and could only cry about it before being brutally killed in the great Hinamizawan disaster.
The character you love so much only exists to be abused, sexually or not, and that's fucking hilarious.
Rikacucks not beating the haven't read the VNs allegations lmao
Yeah Satoko can surely open those canned foods very well, congrats
but not as well as Teppei opened her if you get me ehehehe
lemme just predict the future real quick
>we reach bump
>immediate new thread gets made
>all this spam gets deleted and the new thread gets nuked
>somehow someone involved in this will be surprised that the same tactic produced the same result again
happens every time
I checked canon and Satoko can cook actually.
Sorry anon, I checked canon and Troonppei is completely trans so she can't rape.
What breaks a man to such a point he becomes THIS hate filled and bitter over Satoko? Is it the estrogen affecting xirs brain or what?
He's angry over Satoko being Keiichis woman, he self-inserts as Rika and just expects everything to be handed to xir.
Troonppei opened her own "if you get me", that much is true, but Satoko can cook in canon too.
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Hate? You get me wrong, I am just stating that liking a character who only exists to be abused is hilarious. I don't really hate Satoko, but look at how her fans defend her, it's pathetic. And funny. I mean, look at all these replies!
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I simply love Satoko... And wish people would stick to canon material
I don't know, Troonppei is trans so she can't rape though.
Teppei certainly cooked Satoko's butt with his raping
Based SatoKeichad.
He already made the thread a while ago dude.
As for the second part it depends on when the janny wakes up.
Troonppei is trans anon, she can't rape.
Trannies really are the most despicable scum out there, they're destined to die bitter hate filled deaths because they lack any sort of love in their hearts
Uhhhhhhh friday or something!
It's all a conspiracy in fact, when I stop taking the pills the doctor gave me I notice it...
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SatoKei can only happen in the world where Satoko was not raped, but as I said I prefer canon (SatokEi)
But since Troonppei not being able to rape due to being trans SatoKei happens in every arc.
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Post the original.
Satoko... You are talking about your aunt you know...
Looks like Erika it is! Do you guys want a moniker for her or just plain "Erika" is enough?
"Smelly feet detective" sounds good.
intellectual rapist
or OH YEEEEEAH VERY GOOD! if that's a no-no bad word
Seconded but it should make a mention about her foot smell too, maybe she can even play barefoot.
foot rapist
Might go for OH YEEEEEAH VERY GOOD! since we already have a player with the word "rapist" in it, but "intellectual rapist" sounds too cool to ignore.
we have plenty of barefoot players, we can make her play barefoot no problem.

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