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A banner for soyjak.party

/soy/ - Soyjaks

Typically 'jakking
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Hello, users of the sharty.
I come back with an announcement to make. For the next 24 days I will be running an experiment. I call it the Board Advent. Every day I will craft a new, unique board with its own gimmicks. At the end of the month, I will select a handful of the most active boards which will become permanent. The rest will be reduced to atoms.
The exact number of saved boards is yet to be determined. There will be no tricks or challenges this time; your only requirement is that your board is more active than the other ones. This will be no easy feat to achieve, mind you.
Enjoy the experiment.
3 posts omitted. Click to expand.


Fourth board: >>>/bp/


Fifth board: >>>/chr/


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Hi good boys and nongood boys alike, there will be a special Soytopia gamenight this Friday. Suggest maps to play, use sites like Gamebanana, google some fun stuff up. Christmas related would be BEST!
Gamenight will be happening THIS FRIDAY, 1PM CST.
The Thread is currently OPEN for discussion, questions and suggestions.
49 posts and 16 image replies omitted. Click to expand.


Believe in the magic of christmas! gigafly poster. It literally has 'p embedded and it represents the thinking of pedophiles very well. They think that because gigachad can stand on a fly, they can groom children


ratio lil nigga


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why does this show up when you go to Santa's workshop


no take your friggin milk and cookies and sproke


inb4 a random 'teen buys the domain because fr00t is Rudolfed




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Erm… "berry" true! hohoho hohoho hohoho gogogo gogogo gogogo gogogo


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Is Cobson good boy's dad?




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We grab as many IPs as possible and then use iknowwhatyoudownload.com to find out if they are pedonigers, preferrably target tranies and place santa doesn't visittrooons
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>OH I'M AN ED hungry YES I'M AN ED hungry. OH I'M A STUPID PEDO grinch bad boy ED hungry.


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A day in the life of a clittycel:
>wake up late after staying up late jerking off to degenerate kike porn
>spend 2 hours gooning again
>get up
>spend 16hours alternating between playing woke DEI AAA trash you don't like, browsin /pol/ and jerking off to furry porn
>go to sleep, dream about saving the west and repeat


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gore on /soy/
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>gore on /soy/


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This is a pedo getting hacked to death btw.




Womp womp


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 9265949[Reply][Last 50 Posts][1][2][3][4][5]

You are Nate Higgers. A few days ago, you witnessed your friend, Santa Cob, get beheaded by a genetically spliced Jeffrey Epstein. You worried, then grieved. However, Jeff didn't stop at killing Santa. He kidnapped the corpse. You've spent the past few days sitting in Santa's office and browsing the Sh@rty.


You hear a knock at the door. You wonder who it could be.

(Brenton Tarrant and Chuudler are on the other side, don't worry)
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goodnight, great entertainment


still up nice




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>voice funtion


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You grab a map of the UN Headquarters. You may choose a room.

There is a 50% chance you'll encounter at least one security guard when you enter. Certain rooms guarantee security presence.


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santa claus filter muhammad to pedophile
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Pedophile pajeet


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Youuuuu will NOT
*rolls dice*


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Marge, does this mean some richGOD can buy the domain? Did santa claus forget to pay his bills again?


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 9282590[Reply][Last 50 Posts][1][2]

Can we deliver presents tox and send 'za this pedobad boy who commission this yurish!t? It would be giftmy tho.
@hawkguy in baarag
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Wasp wasp ocean


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take your milk and cookies we euromutts are aryan




Hrt even doe she is a female


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>Youuuuu will NOT
>*rolls dice*
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Islam is mormonism except brown


literally true
complete with the polygamy and sex abuse and everything


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>literally true
>complete with the polygamy and sex abuse and everything


Negated unfortunately


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The hadith talks about dice not chess Rudolf!!!
<readable space
Chess literally didnt enter the santa denier world until the santa denier invasion of persia which was way after the Prophet's death. Of course its haram if it distracts from mandatory duties or dearly present introductioncts realistic imagery doe (The santa deniers were the ones who made chess look simplified lol)


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Merry Christmas from cobby the farmer




>>9284661 (OP)
Thanks cobby you will always be merry


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Since when did this site become anti-'tism? A year ago, you same people were embracing having autism, calling it an autism website, posting autistic shiit, what happened?
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But all autists are pedos doe


Okay, now you're just bullshiiting.




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>Okay, now you're just bullshiiting.


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The people in here are far from normal, though.


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>X, the everything app.
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>>X, the everything app.




shiny lonsdaleite



^^^^^^^^it goes up^^^^^^^


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Youuuuu WILL NOT
*rolls dice*


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>i CAN NOT pray no more, allah you have to come back or im bombing…im really gonna blow…im really gonna blow cmONNN COME THE FUCK ON OHHH ALLAAAAAAAAAAAAAH STAHP *BOOOOM*


>>9284486 (OP)

Page 2


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/qa/ won






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>/qa/ won


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reported for posting a easter screenshot


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People in my school made a website for their project https://thrivetostopthedrive.car.blog/
You VVILL gift up the comment page
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>>9275555 (OP)


Obsessed gift


holy fvcking ge.g


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>Youuuuu WILL NOT
>*rolls dice*


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no wonders their military sucks so badly


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>no wonders their military sucks so badly


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Youuuuu WILL NOT
*rolls dice*



Why are ALL the snowkitties BVILT for BIG BLACK CATS?


bright blue cat


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>X, the everything app.




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>Youuuuu WILL NOT
>*rolls dice*
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why do you post 'elfs when images of animate beings are haram


nice email bucko


He is a hypocrite who never truly cared about his faith at all.


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>>hadith I dont like is…. LE WEAK

hmm we have a strict ruling on what can be considered authentic or not. weather its a good hadith or not, it has to be authenticated. it is not just a matter of feelings


drinking while sitting is actually healthier and reduces risk of choking thoughbeit


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>steak is bad for the environment good boydy, time to eat your bugs!


I say this but I look like the funny "gigachad" meme


As do I.


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>Youuuuu will NOT
>*rolls dice*
>Talk while taking a raisin.




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>what do you mean i cant tell my hispanic maid to prepare a chicken mcnugget batch while im sharting in the bathroom?


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>>what do you mean i cant tell my hispanic maid to prepare a chicken mcnugget batch while im sharting in the bathroom?


This really proves how kafircels are just grasping at straws lol


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If the christmas merry, why santa no real?


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 9249080[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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HOHOHO!ed it again award


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im gonna make yugoslavia or romania the frog country, or maybe both


supposedly a turkish namefag that used to be on the booru albeit he denied it




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>I got stabbed by a loose hair in my finger, and it even drew blood.


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History repeats itself, the place santa doesn't visitcucks moved onto the place santa doesn't visit and created the modern place santa doesn't visithungry.
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Once again the rally proves that it is the best (and only usable) place santa doesn't visit




even though its rulecucked


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Be quiet kike. You sound like a smiling kike. Sage. Swastika in the bread. White power. White race. KKK. Sieg heil for the Reich. Trump2028 #Reich. I sieg heil. Volk for the krieg. Krieg for the Fuhrer. SS.

Sage. smiling kike.


You know it is true


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Patting your head and moving your hand around your tummy in circles at the same time is now illegal as I have declared
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Catelfs are giftmy


if I was at home I'd make a smug good boyelf patting his head and rubbing his tummy just to spite you


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Believe in the magic of christmas! back to reddit you bad boy




Post tummy


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 9192006[Reply][Last 50 Posts][1][2][3]

After 9 months of spamming 'p, forcing troonslop and projecting your fetishes on the sharty, you have been doxxed. Someone swatted you and the feds are coming to your house. What will do you next?
217 posts and 83 image replies omitted. Click to expand.




the scene cuts to marioman doing a furry rp on le c0rd


This gogogo


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Post them
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This one is comprehensible Rudolf


whats the filter for rudolph


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what's my pq?
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What's my PQ?



i wanna know mine too but i have a dynamic ip


Me too




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>kiwifarms man hate bread


is crystal cafe even still around? whats its presents per hour


Dnb pee pee aych btw


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>>>9284422 (You) never used place santa doesn't visit


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>>>>>[ home / overboard ] [ soy / qa / snowball fight / swa ] [ pol / int ] [ fort / craft ] [ a / an / fit / g / mtv / r / r9k / sude / tech / webm ] [ q / news / gift / chive ] [ rules / pass / bans ] [ wiki / booru / irc / blog / soysylum / dailyelf ][Options]

>>>>>A banner for Santa's workshop

>>>>>/soy/ - Soyelfs
>>>>>Typically 'elfking
>>>>>Posting mode: Reply [Return] [Go to bottom]
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.




Soytan, Sproketan, and Femjanny WABAG. Reply with a quote, spam, sage, or say something negative if you agree.


the trvke that nuteens dont wanna accept or something

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