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File (hide): 1350.png 📥︎ (846.86 KB, 1000x1198) ImgOps

 651814Quote [Subscribe] [Voice Chat]

Yeah, can we get a TND race war in Bermuda? Thanks.


File (hide): ClipboardImage(11).png 📥︎ (173.32 KB, 640x360) ImgOps

Every brown is born enlisted into a war, where every White is a valid target;
The last thing they want you to do - is fight back.


File (hide): gigatype.png 📥︎ (151.04 KB, 723x666) ImgOps

>Every brown is born enlisted into a war, where every White is a valid target;
>The last thing they want you to do - is fight back.


What is little timmy gonna do? Timmy can't fight


jeetmongrel moment


Stop replying to memeflags


but we shiitfling here


Arguing with memeflaggots is pointless


File (hide): 1730339687949y.jpg 📥︎ (108.9 KB, 1280x542) ImgOps

hsmh. they're kikes


embedded cp btw


gigachad is an adult


there's embedded cp in the image


gigachad is an adult


File (hide): gigatype.png 📥︎ (151.04 KB, 723x666) ImgOps

>gigachad is an adult


not the gigachad doe, there's a imahe in the left upper corner containing cp


gigachad is an adult


gigachad is an adult


File (hide): gigatype.png 📥︎ (151.04 KB, 723x666) ImgOps

>gigachad is an adult


File (hide): 600px-New_Level_Retard.png 📥︎ (650.75 KB, 600x600) ImgOps

>>>651920 (You)
>gigachad is an adult


gigachad is an adult


reported all of you fags for rule 2 btw


gigachad is an adult


gigachad is a adult*, are all Canada sissies ESL??, GEEEEEEEEEG


brapzillian taki induced meltdown ITT


gigachad is an adult


That's simply wrong


holy brainless niigger spider monkey browngroid fail


Marge does xe think that there is ‘p in the image?


he hallucinates 'p because he's a pedophile


He's trying to bait
The only thing that has worked so far is his simple Rudolfation


the absurd taki intake is making xer hallucinate

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