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 649431Quote [Subscribe] [Voice Chat]>>650583>>650645

I already made this bread on (((/soy/))) but i wanted /pol/s perspective too




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add Peter Turner to the United States


Bro i imagined this raisin yesterday except i thought about "namefag wars"
Namefags get the territories where they live and have ancestry from
For example Joel would get washington state and lebanon


There is this one obsessed british guy that likes to frogspam on /soy/ from time to time, maybe switch portraits with Japan and Uk?


Its like one of them state wars mods


Hey arent you the guy from schlog that decided to make my image of fnf pedo ruling venezuela a mod?



Can you add the merchant for generic communist portraits btw?


Depending on a region they have different ethnicities so you could just dress up the merchant in different clothes related to that region or something


Max - Trotskiy


Add good boyraj for Trinidad (releaseable country)


In the newest dlc you have a secret leader for Georgia - just different Stalin. Make it so its going to be RoboKuz



There are lots of versions of Hitler, so you could change the good boyelf portrait for all of them too




>(((UID 183)))
No thanks





xe won albeit


Whats wrong with him?


He’s a commiepedotr00n baittr4nny


milk and cookies.




no problem wholesome






Holy Santa's workshop saving gifterald


Is this on der steam workshop ou algo?


not yet but ill try to release it very soon algo


>>649431 (OP)
op do you think you could create different focus trees for your rebranded countries


also make cobson a reskin of haile sallassi


Evendoe nobody plays Ethiopia


but it makes sense bc cobson loves Licorice Candy


and give ethiopia a formable being the "packaged Empire" or something


Why do you have to ruin everything?


we can do more than just leader portraits


>>649431 (OP)
>kebab removalist even doe xe got arrested

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