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 640985Quote [Subscribe] [Voice Chat][Last 50 Posts][1][2][3][4]>>641022>>646406>>647924>>648004

bump this thread to piss off sandnigger mudslimes


Heretic raisinskins




hello any online-Mujahid ngas who may be reading this, DNI with this ngr





Kek, is little turkroach too scared to say nigger?


>>640985 (OP)
What does bacon taste like?


mudlimes are fucking pathetic


You think you are strong because you blaspheme and are obscene.

You are like an ignorant child throwing a little temper tantrum.

I've seen this nonsense already, how do you want me to react?

There's nothing of value going on inside your head.

Just hate, ignorance, you don't use your head.

It is so easy for the zionist to deceive you.

To string you along as his obedient golem.

Because your hate is so predictable.

That is what you are good at.

Posting hate, losing wars.


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that reminds me of that one yurinigger thread…


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You spent money on a book that a company printed. A physical book made of paper, not revelation itself.

Like an ignorant child, you think damaging it, burning it, ripping it apart will do something.

You pay taxes to church bombing zionists and you blaspheme Islam for Mossad, for free.

You are the perfect ignorant golem. Mindless, hateful, willing to eat any lie.

Willing to kill an innocent person over your hate and then kill yourself.

If only you read the Quran, but you are too afraid to even do that.

Your entire perception of reality is shaped by zionist media lies.


And you want us to do what exactly?


This fag just whines and whines


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respect our religion.




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why though?


I’m almost impressed that you spent that much time and effort to respond to b8 that has been posted 100s of times


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>spending that much time and effort to respond to b8 that has been posted 100s of times


Pedophile invader religion


Why would I respect judaism?


the first 2 word is already debunked btw



you can find topics and articles talking about it


>You spent money on a book even doe I stole it


Muhammed was a literal pedohpile who literally raped a literal 9 year old
Islam is literally invading europe and is quite literally the kike's weapon to literally destroy europe (literally)


>stealing books… LE GOOD!!!

falsenuke leakage


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>I don't have proof so search for it yourself
Kill yourself pedo invader


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>stealing books I don’t like… LE GOOD!!!


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what if mecca gets nuked


I guess you quite literally didn't see how many literally literals i literally put in my post to literally make it seem like my post was literally literal


i had but i lost

Still immoral.

islamic doomsday

leakage #2




This literal nigger from a literal sand literally a desert literally has no literal argument and is literally resorting to quite literally-speaking literally saying that i'm literally cumming.
Literal wow


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>having no arguements



literally no defence about muhammed being literally a pedophile
literal honononononon


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Don’t care






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Can anyone answer my question


Probably similar to any red meat or something


Aren't you gnostic?
Does indonesia live in a theocracy where bacon isn't allowed?



>you did accomplished nothing except making me leak which is exactly what you wanted to accomplish


What's halting you from
1: having non-muslim friends to buy you bacon
2: buying bacon without your mom knowing


I’m not the biggest fan of pork so personally I think it tastes like raisin


I live with my musim parents


Bacon tastes completely different from all other pork doe


I don't feel like it


True I guess


It's pretty tasty if you mix it with other foods, eating just bacon is something only retards with retarded tastebuds do
You know the fat on beef? Imagine a tastier version of it


I dislike bacon but the last time I've eaten it was like 8 years ago
Should I try it again?


Probably going to sneak in eating it when i'm self sufficient


You're supposed to eat it with something else


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this reminds me I worked at a georgian restaurant during summer, and served a group of muslims khachapuri but the filling was half cheese and half beans with bacon. I forgot to mention that it had bacon so just watched them eat it, and then when they were leaving were telling the owner how good it was




Holy fuck




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>bump this thread to piss off sandnigger mudslimes


page 3




page 2


page 3








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but sis, you're legalizing taliban in your country right now














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gassy gemerald










Stop the fucking making fun of islam you son of a crap


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>Stop the fucking making fun of islam you son of a crap






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tvrkish vvin










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I wipe my ass with the Quran.


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>what if mecca gets nuked








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You are so ignorant and hateful to Muslims that you believe literally anything the zionist can invent about Islam to control your perception of reality and your mind.

You would give your children to these godless "Jews" to die for them and their lies and then brag about it. You would give them your children, you golem.






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>My son was a hero

>He called people "sand n-word"

>And killed Muslim and Christian children for "Jews"

We all know that is a lie. None of them were heroes, all of them criminals.

Those zionist golems deserved to die, every single one, more should have died.

Magnitudes more have killed themselves than were killed by Mujahid. Allah did that.

Waving sodomy flags, shutting down churches over COVID-19 the riots and the guard.

You are the enemy of Christ, that means you are the enemy of the American people.

Because you choose to obey godless zionist politicians instead of obeying God.
















































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>necroHOHOHO!ing bread nobody is smiling at


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>>necroHOHOHO!ing bread nobody is smiling at












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>Look here, Mr. Zionist, I hated on santa deniers online!
>Did I do good, mister? Am I your goodest golem?
>No, not yet, you haven't finished your mission.


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>See, we don't want you WAKING THE FUCK UP
>So that you don't even feel like fighting back, making things right, joining in ranks with brothers
>So you just give up the fight and give up your entire country to church bombing zionists, blast yourself instead of us



Followers of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are fighting and dying to protect Christian children in the Holy Land right now.

These atheist zionist "Hebrews" taught you to call your Christian people "sand n-words" and allow their unholy genocide.

Why do you think the zionist lies to you about what is in the Quran? The truth is not on the side of the zionist.


The santa deniers that post here remind of those grayper fags on south pole it’s hilarious








>Followers of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are fighting and dying to protect Christian children in the Holy Land right now.
mudpigs really say this raisin lmao


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Hey Turk, I passed out shorty after my last post here, what hpppaned while I was gone?


>>640985 (OP)


go up
















































Yeah brother






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raisinlestinians literally Btfo'ed by kikefoids stacies Geeeeg.


I mean a woman with a gun would do this to you too
what kind of argument is this shlomo









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k y s


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>k y s


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>>k y s






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>>640985 (OP)




>>640985 (OP)
wasted perfectly good piece of bacon o algo


















baited 0 santa deniers award, Let your heart be bright! in your rage. In sha 'Allah when we win we will execute you for your crimes












































































































wait are you santa denier?






santa is turkish




mvslim filters into santa denier




. im trans btw










HOHOHO!ple uwu


































































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hello saars dajjal here




















this bread is more alvie than the board itself o algo keep replying my tvrk bros!







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