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 9274070Quote [Subscribe] [Voice Chat]

oekaki bread


File (hide): Oekaki.png 📥︎ (8.4 KB, 500x500) ImgOps


since we renamed yotsuba to yotsoyba, rename oekaki to okekaki or ogegaki


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dumb idea


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name it to Oh khaki because khaki shirts are cool


>khaki shirts
doesn't exist milk and cookies


stop being a bitch award


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even doe its j4rtycuck, tegaki is easier to draw with


leaking loud and clear


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cobson upclose


I'm not


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>I'm not


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hey fuck you hermano


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thats not my name


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she won




issa gift mexigod won


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marge, whos vinluv


fail award or whatever


what is you're name


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black fart matter


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esl snowman




gift go up


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raping and killing


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gift bread


File (hide): Oekaki.png 📥︎ (24.69 KB, 500x500) ImgOps

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