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 9265050Quote [Subscribe] [Voice Chat]>>9265099>>9265107>>9271088>>9274848>>9274947

What are some jobs where you pretty much don't do anything for the most part?


sloth is a sin


They still need someone to do those jobs


That fucking Vanna White job from Wheel of Fortunewhere you touch the letters that the contestants guess


>>9265050 (OP)
Software "engineer"


if you like playing runescape and improving your scraping metal skill to lvl 99 you can work the factory




>>9265050 (OP)
literally any desk Job


Tsmt but also any government job especially


how do i become politician?


I meant something I could do like right now. I don't care about the pay


Connections (90% are born into a politicians family, 10% get really lucky with friends or people they know) If you are born into an average family there is no hope for you


If you are looking for a job you can do to get some cash then I think working for a store or any established brand is good (Walmart, Mac, etc) If you get on the cashier you are literally just doing calculator slop.


i cant just become a worthless local politician with no real power that just sits at a wooden desk with a water bottle and a file with 4 pages inside?


TSMT, look what happened when Elon fired 80 % of Xitter employees


Problem is that these jobs get much more pay than what they should receive. That is why you need connections to get them. It is not about what you are doing, it is about what you are getting paid


Well you still gotta stand up and talk to customers and raisin and I don't want that


getting paid to raise my hand whenever the 5 other bad boys in my party raise their hand? pretty sure i can do that. who wants to become a fucking politician anyway cant be that difficult


the bible is scroogeish


You will be fine trust me, most of the customers talking to you are literal NPCS. You will sometimes see some crazy stuff also


Most political parties have various organisations related to them, they usually have parties or events, where you can meet politicans and get connections that way
t. have two friends from highschool, who now have two comfy jobs where they do nothing


It isn't difficult at all. It is literal slop with too many people involved. If you removed most of the US senators, Judges and stuff like that there won't be any change


TSMT, but I only stated that it was 10% because most places in the world say for example Romania are very well known for being not corrupt


This'll work good until the companies realize that 80% of their workforce is just women eating food, TikTok and contributing fuckall to the workforce except for making useless PowerPoints and fires everyone who isn't absolutely essential


I don't have a walmart in my country and those type of jobs are harder to get in here


I mean I can still get it but like it's not the same as walmart or other mutt stores


>What are some jobs where you pretty much don't do anything for the most part?

Any job that allows you to "work" at home


You should give it a shot it is the best thing you can really do without and slop qualification. If you are old enough you could apply for a government Job


This is so true. Any CS major in general who is able to find a job literally doesn't work. Also people who do powerpoints and other slop


I heard that construction work is good paying but requires effort, you could look into that


Yeah I'll probably do that if I have absoulutely no other choice. But having to talk to people all the time is a dealbreaker for me also I can see someone I know or raisin like that


Bro the whole point is not working too hard. Also construction workers r scary


Nothing ever happens


Day in the life of a microsoft computer engineer


SolLet your heart be bright!r


being in the army as a sol d i e r


i don't give a fuck I'm not being another wagie slave cuck for da joooz
NEETchads won


hi schlomo. Please fight your own wars you fucking disgusting piece of shjt kike.
oh wait you useless bad boy retards can't even take an area the size of las vegas and with half the population GEEEEEEEG you got btfo by inbred santa denier goatfuckers


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>sloth is a sin


>What are some jobs where you pretty much don't do anything for the most part?
Don't IT people work less than an average janitor? have a friend working as that and honestly he just playing Minesweeper all day


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smile more soicluck


How is this mentality any different from r/antiwork commiegrinches?



Protestant Work Ethic-Debunking D!amond


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>NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO why aren't you working? You have to pay taxes so that you can fund sandbad boys being genocided and pay for foodstamps for bad boys because… because… BECAUSE MY HECKING SKYDADDY SAID SO!!!!!!!!!!



Do you really need to post pepes on soyddit.raisingrinch that bad


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>sloth is a sin


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>>>9267228 (You)
>lazy sinners


scrooges wrote the bible so they can make everything they do a sin so goyim cant do it


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>sloth is a sin



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>>sloth is a sin


Grow up.


Most elections are uncontested…
But that's government work so idk


>fund sandbad boys being genocided
>pay for foodstamps for bad boys
IDC i'm not american


If you live in any Western country, maybe bar 2, it's like that.


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>>9265050 (OP)
Working at Chick Fil A


not a mutt


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>heh, stupid skydaddy cuck wants to work for a white Christian family, this irrational transphobe instead should spend all day being a lazy bad boy that smokes bad boyweed and browses reddit like me!


filtering fuck


>work for a white Christian family
tell yourself that while buying food for bad boys and funding israel with your tax dollars, cuck.


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You're right! Working yourself to death for an economy and society that hate you is true to our judeo-christian values!

White males that don't want to contribute to the economy are the BIGGEST PROBLEM the west is facing right now oy vey! That's why we need more immigration to replace this lazy sinful scum!

You're just lazy! You need to be shamed! You need to work harder as I import even more n!ggers and jeets into your country so you need to go into debt slavery to get an 8 year degree in 88C Therapy and work to the bone day in and day out just to afford your goypod apartment (lease only BTW). Even if you get a gf you could marry, you're both going to have to be working full time just to afford living because our shareholders put your pension fund in FTX and now it's gone or something like that yeah (((don't look into it))) so kids are going to be very expensive and you won't be able to watch over them so you're going to have to put them into (((daycare))) and (((public education))) instead of raise them yourself!

Don't want to participate and get caught up in a system like that? Very unChristlike of you! Jay Dyer would like to have a word with you! You've heard of him right? Would you like to become Eastern Orthod0x? Oh My Orthod0xy!

Remember the Bible says that Sloth IS INDEED A SIN and I need another million to donate to the Open Society Foundation… Goy.

(((stop looking into self-employment and exploiting handouts to the replacements you're supposed to racemix with, and stop living with your parents)))



They really do say this, hohoho.


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hohoho it's merry!


You need a degree for those.


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>>9265050 (OP)


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>>9265050 (OP)
Grift the welfare system, stick to undeclared employment if you insist on working: get money for existing and pay less taxes.




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>>>9265050 (OP)
>Grift the welfare system, stick to undeclared employment if you insist on working: get money for existing and pay less taxes.

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