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 9275674Quote [Subscribe] [Voice Chat]>>9275696>>9275740

My mom just called me a cockroach today. What should I do to her?


>my mom
Which one?


no arrow


File (hide): 'apesonpipe.png 📥︎ (337.25 KB, 1358x1534) ImgOps


be a man and sit down bad boy


File (hide): 1731527862300s.png 📥︎ (78.08 KB, 1525x1525) ImgOps

>My mom insulted me and said I was a subhuman. What's a subhuman thing I can do against the women who gave birth to me, so I can prove that I am indeed subhuman?


File (hide): roach-terra-formars.gif 📥︎ (94.7 KB, 498x374) ImgOps

>My mom just called me a cockroach today. What should I do to her?


ngs js hv no shame these days


>>9275674 (OP)
Get in Voice Chat and I'll tell you


File (hide): Janny theme.mp4 📥︎ (896.11 KB, 360x360) ImgOps [play once] [loop]

>>>9275674 (OP)
>Get in Voice Chat and I'll tell you


File (hide): Voice - 2024-12-04T13-32-5….wav 📥︎ (132.56 KB) [play once] [loop]




File (hide): ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (Spoiler Image, 7.17 KB, 300x168, NSFW) ImgOps

>>My mom insulted me and said I was a subhuman. What's a subhuman thing I can do against the women who gave birth to me, so I can prove that I am indeed subhuman?


File (hide): 48107.png 📥︎ (181.26 KB, 1408x2816) ImgOps


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