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File (hide): i.jpeg 📥︎ (128.61 KB, 959x573) ImgOps

 9275733Quote [Subscribe] [Voice Chat]

>if i replace every cyrillic letter with english ones and force soiclucks to use my unfunny christmas wordfilters maybe i'll finally become a woman!


Keeek nuelfslickers really say this ^cdegcY*|`~*|/deg(R)degdegdegTM(R)(C)%}EUR][=v\TMTMSSS^


My wife astolfo


File (hide): 1702332618503931.jpg 📥︎ (17.64 KB, 400x387) ImgOps

just use this


File (hide): ilooklikethisandsaythis.mp4 📥︎ (5.99 MB, 960x960) ImgOps [play once] [loop]

>Keeek nuelfslickers really say this ^cdegcY*|`~*|/deg(R)degdegdegTM(R)(C)%}EUR][=v\TMTMSSS^


just spell words wrong on purpose
the words are still readable, it is extremely difficult to filter, and making typos will get you more (you)s


genm gift
coaal coal
tranni grinch
trooon krampus
frooot santa claus
jack elf
shardee Santa's workshop


frutik khuyutik real'no eto delaet lol


File (hide): ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (2.06 KB, 387x100) ImgOps



File (hide): politifact pants on fire.png 📥︎ (96.61 KB, 667x596) ImgOps

'tolfo isn't trans, thoughie.


File (hide): ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (157.92 KB, 592x720) ImgOps

>I'm black, scroogeish and trans but at least I'm not a fwcking pisslam n|gger


Use invisible characters in the middle of the word so it doesn't detach them




File (hide): feraljak astolfo.png 📥︎ (51.72 KB, 255x255) ImgOps

>'tolfo isn't trans, thoughie.


Transvestite, just as bad


bad boys who kill santa deniers are Aryan


File (hide): fnfpedo1.png 📥︎ (49.48 KB, 600x800) ImgOps

>'tolfo isn't trans, thoughie.

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