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 9276102Quote [Subscribe] [Voice Chat]>>9276164

the guy who made the roblox porn breads on /nate/ is polish and the other guy who posts it is russian


slavs are aryan


File (hide): ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (2.45 KB, 249x35) ImgOps

forgot to put this screenshot but it's clearly cyrillic and doesn't use any of the special letters used in other countries




File (hide): 1729243658804z.mp4 📥︎ (1.96 MB, 612x406) ImgOps [play once] [loop]




Pole-russian friendship?


No more brother wars.


Gooning unites us all


as a russian i am ashamed of my society


>>9276102 (OP)
Must be a Slavic thing


Poles and Russians are Santa's workshop saving g3ms


File (hide): ukraine hyperborea.mp4 📥︎ (4.72 MB, 480x480) ImgOps [play once] [loop]

vid related

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