Content Removal Policy

At ITAI TECH LTD, we are committed to ensuring a safe and respectful environment for all our users. This Content Removal Policy outlines our procedures for handling concerns regarding content that may inadvertently resemble real individuals. All content on Undress.appi (the "APP") is generated exclusively through artificial intelligence technology. We stress that any similarity to real persons is unintentional and purely coincidental.

This policy was last reviewed on 29 August 2024.

1. Unintentional Resemblance to Real Individuals

Although the content on the APP is AI-generated, we acknowledge that there may be rare instances where it unintentionally resembles real individuals. We understand the potential concerns this could raise and are committed to addressing them swiftly and effectively.

2. How to Request Content Removal

If you believe that any content on our APP resembles you or another real person, you can request its removal by contacting our support team at or by using the "Contact" section within the APP. We will carefully review your request and take the necessary actions within a reasonable timeframe.

3. Verification Process

To ensure the validity of content removal requests, we may ask you to provide evidence of your identity or your relationship to the person depicted in the content. This step is essential to ensure that requests are handled responsibly and that the rights of all users are protected.

4. Removal of Content

Once a content removal request is verified and confirmed, we will remove the specified content from the APP as quickly as possible. Our goal is to handle these requests efficiently while remaining in full compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

5. Commitment to Privacy

User privacy is paramount throughout the content removal process. All requests are treated with strict confidentiality, and we will not share personal information or details of the request with any third party without explicit consent, unless required by law.

6. Contacting Us

If you have any questions or need further clarification about our Content Removal Policy, please reach out to us at or report your concern directly via the "Contact" section in the APP. We are committed to resolving concerns promptly and ensuring a positive user experience.