Death Row Information
Inmate Information
Last Statement
Date of Execution:
June 20, 2007
Rodriguez, Lionell
Last Statement:
First of all, you have every right to hate me and every right to want to see this. To you and to my family, you don't deserve to see this. I wasn't going to apologize by letter, I wanted to apologize face to face. None of this should have happened. It is the right thing to do. I have a good family, just like you are a good family. I hope that any bitterness that you have because of what I did, I hope you can learn to forgive. I asked my family to contact you, because they did no wrong. I am responsible and I am sorry to you all. Thank you all my Jefe (dad), my brothers, Maria and my Grandfather. Thank you, we will see each other again. Thank you, Lord Jesus receive my spirit.