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Aldegarian-Yingdalan Treaty of Friendship, Free Trade, and Mutual Defense

This treaty was drafted in February 4760 by the 姬恩黨 (Jien Faction) 🌄.

Status: ratification[?]


This agreement is signed between the countries Yingdala and Aldegar and must be ratified by their respective Legislative branch.

Section 1: Judicial
Article 1- Agreement of Reciprocal Extradition
The signatory countries will form a Joint Commission on Transnational Justice and Extradition, with 5 members from each state a piece and with the mandate to handle, review and decide the requests for extradition between the two parties.
Article 2 – Elimination of Visa
The signatories will commit to eliminate the visa requirement for citizens of both countries.
Article 3 – Discrimination Prevention Clause

The signatory countries shall not discriminate against the citizens of the other country signatory for ethnic, religious or political reasons or any other issue of a personal or public nature.
- The registration requirement on these personal matters is eliminated for the citizens of the other country.
- If there is one already registered, it will be removed from the database at the request of the person concerned.
- This point will be independent of the national legislation, with the except for the citizens of the another signatory country in question.

Article 4 – Labor and Rights

The signatory countries pledge to maintain the rights of workers as established underneath this agreement
- Freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining
- The elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation
- The elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour

Section 2 Cooperation in Science and Education
Article 1 – Aldegar will commit to providing grants for university students exchanges of the Yingdala, promoting Masters, doctorates, internships, practical experiences and training within universities, laboratories and domestic institutes (and vice-versa)
Article 2 - The country will commit to promoting science and research, through the Terran Society for the promotion of science (national agency of science and technology), affiliating and sponsoring local research centers of both Yingdala and Aldegar, generating projects in common, exchanges of bibliographic-didactic material and research works between both.
Section 3: Economic Agreements
Article 1 - The Governments of Yingdala and Aldegar will cooperate for productive and social investment.

Article 2 -The credits will be executed under the coordination of development and domestic investment institutions of Yingdala (and Aldegar) and will require that Aldegar (and Yingdala) open an account in such institutions and comply with the minimum requirements.

- The aid international agreements will be carried out by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the body that it designates.
- The Government of the Yingdala will commit not to seize, freeze, confiscate or close accounts of the Government of Aldegar and vice-versa.

Article 3 - Yingdala is obligated to inform the Government of Aldegar about the account of individuals, organisations or companies from this country in domestic banks. This information will be automatic and will not require further paperwork (and vice versa).
Article 4 - Both countries agree not to expropriate, close, liquidate transnational companies (based in the other signatory country) for a minimum of 10 years since the original investment, or expansion about 15% and to avoid these practices with these companies.
Article 5 - For the resolution of any disputes between companies and the host countries, the signatory nations accept to recognise to the investors the right:

- to demand and carry out friendly consultations between the parties.
- to apply to the judiciary of the host nations if the friendly consultations failed.
- to submit to international arbitration the dispute after 18 months from the beginning of the dispute process.

About the international arbitration the signatory countries accept to satisfy the claiming investors bringing the issue to face an Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS), an international public law trade arbitration court in front of which the investors will be able to bring to trial the dispute. The Parties shall agree to choice jointly a judge to conduct the trial and are free to choice their legal representatives (one for each party) . The ISDS will be governed by the International Public Law and the International Trade Law. The host countries undertake to consider binding the judgements given by the arbitration.

Section 4 – Bilateral Trade Agreements
Article 1 - Yingdala and Aldegar both guarantee the free movement (including the exemption from taxes, duty and fees) of all goods and services not outlawed by law in either party and not vital to the national security interests of either party

Section 5 – Defense
Article 1 - A state of non-aggression shall exist between Yingdala and Aldegar and both countries pledge to not attack one another by military, economic, or any other means.
Article 2 - If one party is attacked by an actor by any means, the other party must come to the attacked party's defense.
Article 3 - The armed forces of Yingdala and Aldegar shall conduct joint exercises on a year basis to enhance training and interoperability, alternating locations between Aldegar (Seleya) and Yingdala (Dovani).
Article 4 - Yingdala and Aldegar shall share intelligence.
Article 5 - Yingdala and Aldegar will endeavor to exchange military knowledge and technical know-how.
Article 6 - Aldegar shall Yingdala to construct a military base on the coast of Polran at the entrance of the Aldegar canal to be manned by joint-Yingdalan and Aldegarian forces and paid for by Yingdala.
Article 7 - Yingdala shall sell Rildanor military equipment at low market prices and donate equipment when available.


The treaty consists of the following articles.


The treaty has been formally ratified by the following nations.

Federacijam Xalkii Ozodi Aldegor (Aldegar)February 4761

Pending Ratifications


The treaty contains no articles that can be verified.


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Ratification Map

Ratification Map

Random fact: Role-play is most enjoyable and successful when there is good communication and friendly relations between all players involved.

Random quote: "A theory that seems to explain everything is just as good at explaining nothing"- Christopher Hitchens

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