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Discussion concerning Higurashi, Umineko, Ciconia, Rose Guns Days, Higanbana, TRianThology, and all other 07th Expansion works.

► 07th Expansion links: https://rentry.co/07th-exp

Previous thread: >>48248904 →
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"satoko lost" posts must have hurt him deeply
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>>48301390 (OP)
I can't believe Satoko is canonically the only girl to confess her feelings towards K1
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Her love for her dear Keiichi was much stronger than her fear of death she really is best girl
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>>48297899 →
>>48297847 →
>>48298036 →
Instructions unclear, decided to combine all the requests.
Im going back to japan for a second time in february and i love higurashi.

Is it worth to go to shirakawa go again?
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That adorable crack in her armor. She probably doesnt notice when shes smiling at Keiichi. Any blushing or shy glances from Kei she figures is just her own imagination. Totally unaware that shes slowly making her fall madly for her.
Total Satoko rape
small satoko or big titty satoko?
kill yourself along with blonde cunt
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you can't rape JK satoko, she's always willing
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this dude is really mad
the shitokorat is literally a lifeless faggot
spamming fucking miserable pieces of shit. kill yourselves if you post rika in here
imagine forgetting about one of the most iconic set pieces in higurashi
how embarrassing
That was just kayfabe
>t. demon from hell who got btfo
>>48301390 (OP)
Crazy to think that she was naked here in the o>>48301413
Damn I fucked my post
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>Crazy to think that she was naked here in the original.
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What are you talking about, anon?
Satoko has never been naked.
Why would you ever think she was?
You should stop saying such things.
>>48301390 (OP)
Why doesn't R07 start a new WTC and kill off the remaining Ciconia fans. It obviously was a financial flop otherwise Phase 2 would've released by now.
Saying we'll fall in love is not the same as saying "I love you"
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You're talking about the stupid shipper who watched Tatarigoroshi on youtube once, so naturally selective memory.
>>48301390 (OP)
>Renafags seetheing at the sight of canonical true love
Why the fuck are they like this?
Saying "next time we'll fall in love in a normal way" implies they fell in love in an abnormal way this time.
They are literally talking about meeting again in a next life if one of them dies.
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>So butthurt Renatroons are posting cuckshit now
Fucking embarrassing
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This enrages the cuckfags
Kek troonppei is dilating xir axe wound in public
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Satoko pimping out Troonppei to be gaped by big cop cock.
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Poor little satocuck spammer. Obsessed with OPs. Obsessed with trannies. Always has to out itself.
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The cutest couple of all time
>satokofag posts misinformation
>gets corrected
>starts waging war all by himself against rena
And just a while ago you larped as a renafag. Satocuck, one day you will find thing you genuinely enjoy instead of ironically shitposting all day long
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Cucksaku is a good man, raising Keiichi's daughter as if she was his own!
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>Mion out of nowhere
Dilate obsessed tranny, you will never ever be a woman
In the grim future of 07th there is only satocuck desperately samefag replying to itself forever with the same posts.
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This image literally mindbroke the renafags LMAO, makes sense that the most psychotics mentally unstable bitch draws in equally unstable fans not sure where the cuck love came from though maybe from Reiwa where she married another man?
Who the fuck is SatokoBattler
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>Renafags are secondaries
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This image literally mindbroke the satocucks LMAO, makes sense that the most psychotics mentally unstable bitch draws in equally unstable fans not sure where the cuck love came from though maybe from Reiwa where she married another man?
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Is this CuckSatoko larping as a Renafag here in the room with us anon? Did he touch your weewee and touch your booboo?
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The VN broke you again Renasis
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You should delete that image, anon.
Nothing good comes from posting such things...
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>satocuck (singular) adimtedly only watched a bit of Higurashi on a youtube video
Mion broke you
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This image makes the Renacucks scream in sheer terror
The truth shall be reveled
Please, tell me do you really think everyone is oblivious to your blatant falseflagging as Renafag and Mionfag in the previous threads?
>>48301390 (OP)
We love our cute and canon lover of K1
It's literally Rika's though bubble, trannnyanon.
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>Posts cuckshit as Rena and Mion
Seriously what the FUCK is wrong with you
Whatever helps you cope, Mrs. Kimiyoshi fan.
ban italian iToddler
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Do you think kisaku begged Keiichi to let him watch? If so how much do you think he paid?
Gross, I'll never be a fan of Mion.
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>satoko's daughter is sakiko kimiyoshi
>satoko's married name is satoko koyu
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Satoko brings peace and love to these thread
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The threads are only good when satocuckcord is not around. Even if there is nothing new to discuss, it still can be nice to talk to real anons here.
Why do we only post about Higurashi and not Umineko here?
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Sakiko was born with the last Houjou retard
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Satoko won. By a lot.
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>when the very mention of Teppei sends you into a spiral about trannies
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The SatoMioncord is not real though

The funny part is that this is an original 4chan meme edited by the cord
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>Eternally crying over Satoko
Why are you fags so pathetic?
>eternally crying over anything that isnt his crackship
why are you such a faggot?
We don't care about that troon franchise
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Satoko stands for true love, justice and peace! Everything these losers HATE
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I'm not crying. She's cute when she cooks for her uncle.
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>N-No u
>Completely peaceful thread until you faggots show up to bitch and whine about Satoko
Go make crystals faggot
They won and nothing you post can ever change that
tbf shion can't win against anyone
>loses to keiichi (who doesn't kill her or mion in his heart)
>loses to satoko (who doesn't kill satoshi in her heart)
>loses to rena (who can see through her on almost everything)
>loses to mion (who never goes L5 in the VNs and who btfo's her with the truth at the very end)
>loses to rika (who can just loop and see all her friends again)
>loses to satoshi (self-explanatory)
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that's it, i'm posting IT
>>loses to rena (who can see through her on almost everything)
So the knew?
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Cute & Canon
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You're such a fucking loser
He already mentioned the idea of a new WTC twice. It will happen.
she won when all others lost
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What a king!
so many (Dead)s...
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She's not! She won her uncle's love.
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Her threads are always so crap
Save us Angefag
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That's not true, none of Satoko's threads are Rika.
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I really had enough from looking at yellow
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Blue is good on the eyes.
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Let's just ignore the loser so desperate for attention, just click and ignore
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How did she manage to win so much bros?
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One day /07/th will be free of irony-poisoned discord shitposters. I am sure of it.
There are very great new rika art images been created and how can i post her here when this shitflinger still around here
just post them desu
Only when all the Shitkafags die
Nah not worth it retarded nujak will just ruin them and edit them with rats and black washing as usual. Rika deserves better this time
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Your home is here.
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On Twitter I assume?
Or did you get them from the artists fleeing to BS?
Still have no idead about bs
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I don't either yet.
Yep yep I can look myself.
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This thread gets the Akuryo Taisan
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About to be done with kai and I would give Irie the keys to do as he pleases in the fragment dimension. Though i hear thats just what Kira is.
He just doesn't want to post them. He wants to post them AND get attention.
He got mentally raped by a cartoon.
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>The thrilling conclusion to Reiwa is Keiichi pimping out the girls to sexually torture Marutake until he's mindbroken
How has Ryukishi not been murdered yet?
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Speaking of great endings. How about that chapter 8? It kinda lost me in the beginning, there was so much expo dump, censored geopol nerdery, and sifting through fragments felt hit and miss or disconnected from the main plot after.

But after that it really picked up. The whole operation playing out like a big extended club game with all the adults involved was so fun, and despite speedreading her backstory I appreciated the poetry between Takano and Hanyuu at the end as well.
This can't be real
It is. It's also implied that Rika has sex with Marutake too telling him "let's do it you machoistic baby"
I dont think she let him penetrate. "It" was the unseen sexual torture.
So THIS is why Ryukishi made Rika a single hag
Umineko wouldn't suck if it was an eroge
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He's probably just the shipper trying to throw slander at Rika cause he's mad his Reiwa theory never bore fruit.
"Hellish service" in this context obviously means whips and shit.
This is just how the club plays Old Bachelor. Nobody has to lose.
Why did it have to be Higurashi? Couldn't he have ruined Umineko or anything else?
Holy shit Keiichi confessed his love to Rena?
And Nagisa did as well, I guess her being lesbian is deeplore or something
But wait, Tomoe also confessed her love to Nagisa here, so it must be a lesbian love triangle. Also interesting lore that Tomoe is a pedophile

Or maybe [何々]が大好き has a wide range of meaning and doesn't necessarily refer to romantic love
Lmao we get it bro you're insecure about Satoko canonically confessing her love to Keiichi there's no need for this cope
>Comparing Satoko last minute confession believing she's about to be murdered but felt this was important enough to tell Keiichi before she dies to Keiichi saying he loves it when Rena smiles happily
Autism or retardation?
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Uh oh, little shipper is insecure somebody dared to speak of anything else other than his crackship
I didn't like it tbqh I preferred the way Miotsukushi (alternate chapter 8) did it.
We got a lot more time with the club members, Rika had to solve problems and actively trust people and the villains didn't become incompetent for no reason.
What does KeiiMii have to do with anything?
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At least she's ahead of Mion in the K1 bowl
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>participating in the k1 bowl at all
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Umineko is next
The Takano backstory was the first time I felt the VN was being longwinded. I really wish it was fed to the audience in bits and pieces throughout the other chapters instead of all at once. The ending itself was mediocre and full of too many eyerolling asspulls like Akasaka being ridiculously OP and Mion suddenly becoming a 5 star general.
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Rika you became a whore?! How much for a go?!
To me, it was the opposite. I loved the backstory stuff, but felt the conflict in the present was really underwhelming. The tone was all wrong and it felt like there was no emotional core to the battle. The whole last confrontation also felt bizarre, with the club just standing around by themselves to let Takano take her shot, rather than following the adults by that point.

I was looking forward to the modern Higurashi sequels because I thought it'd be harder to make a more underwhelming finale to me.

And then somehow R07 surpassed himself and just made worse and worse endings. Well, I guess I got Meguri's ending out of it even if it's not great.
Nah, Rena (divorced), Satoko (married) and Mion (______) are there too.
sex with old men
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I choose this one
Exquisite taste, anon
I can see how that would be better. The conflict was spread rather thin and autopiloted into giving us clutch highlights of all the players. It shows in how Satoshi being alive reveal was handcuffed because it couldnt fit in that type of the story. Its cool the adults got development but it wouldve been better if the kids we followed for 7 chapters didnt feel like maxed out party members cycling dialogue because their arcs were settled, and actually had their own struggle to contribute to the conflict.
It didnt make sense how they got out of that cellar unscathed, at that point I just had to throw all sense out the window and enjoy the show as a set of bluster and slapstick gags.
She hasn't sex with him, stop spread misinformation to japaneselets
He got only pain torture because of his masochism
dear anons, I'm trying to understand which higurashi material was actually written by ryukishi, as is therefore truly canon. Right now I have
>chapters 1-8
anything else?
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>caring about who wrote what instead of going with the best material
For shame, anon.
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All PC VN arcs are by R07, even the goofier ones like Hirukowashi (He also wrote Daybreak and Daybreak Mega's script, by the way - games. The Daybreak manga aren't actually direct adaptations of any specific character stories from the games, just the premise in general). He also wrote the script for the Yoigoshi manga, but the VN version heavily expands on it and those additions aren't by R07. Also the Hajisarashi console arc which is an actual direct adaptation of a short pamphlet he wrote with no changes.

Outside of that you have "Story by R07" where the overall story was by him but not the details - several manga series (Onisarashi, Kokoroiyashi, Rei Oniokoshi/Hoshiwatashi/Irotoutoshi) and the Gou/Sotsu anime.
thanks anon, really
I don't know anon, anything that is not directly written by the man seems like fanfiction to me. Even the arcs that were simply outlined by him, like the other anon explained.
>anything that is not directly written by the man seems like fanfiction to me
If it's official media, it's not fanfiction.
Even if it were, as long as it's superior to official media I would be telling people to read it. (E.g. Retake vs Eva rebuilds.)
I understand your opinion, but I can't share it. To me, taking something already done and expanding it simply means not being good enough at building your own stories; of course there are exceptions, but they're very rare.
I will still consider the extra stuff e.g. >>48310313 if I'll crave more Higurashi (and I'll probably do)
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>copesole fanfiction where Satoko hugs her parents so hard they die
At least it concludes that plot thread.
>>copesole fanfiction
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You are talking to the satocuck who WILL argue with you for the next 40 hours about how Satoko saying she loves Rika in Miotsukushi was the worst thing to ever happen and how it shook him to his core with how evil it is etc. and about his personal definition of canon.
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>about how Satoko saying she loves Rika in Miotsukushi was the worst thing to ever happen
Weird thing for him to think. Satoko also felt the same way about Rika in the OG games even if she didn't specifically say so.
don't you know anon? assumptions are only allowed when it comes to the ships you like!
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Keiichi belongs to Satoshi
Satoshi belongs to Shion
Satoko belongs to Keiichi
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>This upset over someone reminding you Miotsukishi isn't canon and never will be canon
>Satoko also felt the same way about Rika in the OG games even if she didn't specifically say so.
>e-even doe there is ZERO scenes in the VN that even HINTS at Satoko liking Rika romanticaly it's still there b-because... I SAID SO OKAY
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Go fuck yourself retard go ahead and post a screenshot then of Satoko stating she see's Rika as anything more than a sister
man it really does work every time huh
Mion is married anon let it go
>Be a retard and post wrong information
>Get corrected
Cute yurislut confessing her love to Rika
Threadly reminder you can't be a Satokofag and hate Rika or be a Rikafag and hate Satoko.

>liking Rika romanticaly
I don't remember saying that, schizo.
It's made by a fan, it's not canon, it's fiction. It's fanfiction and a poorly written one at that.
SatoCuck is not a real shipper though though.
You get the teasing scene from Shion, where Satoko who generally is just confused about romantic jokes (like the one about a fever in Watanagashi) gets all angry.

Rika also states in Minagoroshi that she's the closest one to Satoko's heart which is why she had the best chance of her words moving her.
Official media is official no matter how much you cry about it.
>muh canon
Things dreamed up by the mentally insane.
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It's the implication
>Shion implies you're a faggot next to all your friends
>Beats her fucking ass
>Somehow this means she's gay
lol genuinley lol

>Rika also states in Minagoroshi that she's the closest one to Satoko's heart which is why she had the best chance of her words moving her.
This is the same Rika who unironcally belivees Satoko should be locked up as her pet because she'd blow her brains out without Satoko next to her, and Rika doesn't even fully understand Satoko or how strong she is despite being with her for over 100 years and again it was Keiichi who got Satoko vulnerable enough and on edge of asking for help the ONLY thing Rika did was bring up Satoshi. Rika's view on Satoko doesn't mean Satoko has the same view on her

>See your best friend rika with her guts torn out of her body and think it was Keiichi
>still confess your feelings to him anyway
>Dude the console arcs are canon to the 8 core VN chapters because it's official okay
Actual mental retardation and yes the other poster is right Ryukishi had no hand in writing Miotsukishi besides giving the author some rules and suggestions and the author WAS a fan of Higurashi
you know i could've sworn he said something about not liking satoko that way at one point and yet every time he goes on one of these posting sprees he ends up posting cropped porn
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New Mei stuff:
Yet another L5 Rena:
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how many times can a girl go crazy before it stops making a profit?
>um yikes like seriously yikes you can't just post an image of Satoko and Keiichi confessing their love for each other erm... you just did a pedophilia okay sis?
Someone get this yuritranny back to twitter please and thank you!
The word official appears nowhere in my post, learn to read or at the very least make chatGPT explain posts to you.
>lol genuinley lol
I mean, so I guess all the anger Satoko shows to Keiichi means she hates him? Like I said, outside of that occasion romantic jokes get indifference from her, but there then she suddenly gets angry.

>Rika's view on Satoko doesn't mean Satoko has the same view on her
Rika was the one that managed to make Satoko speak up in the end, not Keiichi, just like she had concluded in that monologue. So, yeah, on that matter, Rika was clearly meant to be right.
Oddest thing is that they realized a third series of Hinamizawa Syndrome cards would be too much, so they're just calling these "Fragments of Memories" (Character name) "Some silly title afterwards - in this case, the one who breaks nightmares".
hey if you're into lolis that's your prerogative, just don't pretend you're better than all the other dudes lusting over satoko when you're constantly dipping into the porn pool
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You guys are arguing with a brick wall.
It's seriously not worth it.
>so I guess all the anger Satoko shows to Keiichi means she hates him?
What the fuck are you even talking about you autist? Shion teasing Satoko and her getting mad about doesn't mean she's gay and even then all Shion said was that Satoko couldn't sleep if not next to Rika which Satoko could just take as Shion implying she's still a baby too afraid to sleep on her own using your own words nothing about this implies ANYTHING about Satoko's feelings towards Rika
>So, yeah, on that matter, Rika was clearly meant to be right
>An entire scene where Rika admits she didn't fully understand Satoko and she was wrong
Read the fucking VN so you can stop embarrassing yourself, Rika doesn't fully know Satoko which is why she's never able to convince her to get help in any of the previous loops
Not him but she yells that she is talking to a demon possessing Keiichi later in that scene, even going as far as shouting to the "demon" to give Keiichi back to her.
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>Dude don't complain when anons are posting cuckshit about Satoko okay it doesn't fucking matter
Shut the fuck up and keep your garbage fetish in /trash/ loser
if all you can do is deflect then don't bother replying
>Telling you to keep your cuck garbage out of the threads
Make crystals.
>posting cuckshit about Mion is totally fine THOUGH!
>Falseflag as Mioncuck
You know god is going to judge you for your lies and slander you little bitch, what would Mion say if she saw the shit you posted about her
It's still official. The original author can cry all he wants.
>muh canon
You're mentally ill.
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>You know god is going to judge you
I hope so, because then you will burn in hell together with jews and niggers
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>It's still official. The original author can cry all he wants.
Do you even have a soul you fucking freak??? Have some self-respect you corporate pay pig
>>Muh canon
True love broke you
And just a while ago you praised Failwa as the greatest thing ever
That would be people who genuinely prefer Matsuribayashi over Miotsukushi.
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You can't post Mion without posting cuckoldry, that's an integral part of her personality. Rejecting Mion being a cuckquean is rejecting Mion herself (which would make you Keiichi).
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God will see how much I've struggled defending Satoko for all these years and will grant me instant membership into heaven where me and Satoko can watch Ryukishi boil alive in the deepest vanta black pits of hell
I don't wanna burn with you, fuck off, we are full.
Nobody could've predicted Ryukishi would've gone full retard with Reiwa, Sakiko is still Keiichi's daughter btw
Matsuribayashi was alright until we got to everything after connecting fragments but at least it was written by the hack himself instead of made in a corporate sterile soulless think tank like Miotsukushi was
Worse, the console fanfictions were made by the gachawhale writers themselves.
>Nobody could've predicted
yeah except for multiple people in these threads the second it got announced
Link to the post predicting BSDM !Tomitake?
>Matsuribayashi was alright until we got to everything after connecting fragments
No lmao the whole Takano backstory and Tokyo shenanigans were the most boring things I've ever read. Connecting the fragments was better, but it was still kinda boring because it's mostly information we could've inferred.
>by the hack himself
That doesn't really matter. That's like saying certain episodes of an anime don't matter because the B team wrote the scrips and directed it.
>corporate sterile soulless think tank like Miotsukushi was
This is pure cope. Miotsukushi had more soul than "and the villains become Team Rocket, the end".
>full retard = specifically BDSM
so what you're saying is that you would've been completely fine with reiwa had the babyplay not been in it? because you're really not beating being called a slopconsoomer yourself if that's your only problem with it
No one ever called me a sloopconsumer, I don't even know what that is.
don't randomly jump into conversations and expect people to not think you're the same guy, anon
It doesn't matter that rifyu comics weren't written by Ryu. That's like saying certain episodes of an anime don't matter because the B team wrote the scrips and directed it.
>and even then all Shion said was that Satoko couldn't sleep if not next to Rika
No, she says in the Japanese that Satoko's body would cry like a baby for Rika. Dunno why the 07th mod censored the text here.


It's really that "Satoko's body" part (rather than just saying Satoko would cry like a baby for Rika) that makes the joke obviously dirty. Like I said before, it was obvious enough this joke got censored in the actual console script to just saying Satoko has nightmares if she sleeps without Rika.

Checking it now though, the censored version was removed from the newest 07th mod updated with lines from the Higurashi Origin script, but you can check it in older videos or versions.

https://youtu.be/0Lo03QBzgCM?si=UJOPfcpcFGGbzb5k&t=5242 [Embed]

This has Shion's old censored line (in the voice track-only, but even if you can't understand Japanese you should be able to see Shion's spoken line is completely different in the newest updated version of the 07th mod).

>Read the fucking VN so you can stop embarrassing yourself, Rika doesn't fully know Satoko which is why she's never able to convince her to get help in any of the previous loops

Rika in the previous loops also was a depressed wreack with no hope and wasn't acting forward like in Minagoroshi. Which is why she goes from in Tatari saying she had never seen Satoko so happy since Satoshi aside from with Keiichi to saying in Minagoroshi that claiming that she's the closest to replacing Satoshi and to her heart.

I'm talking about in Satoko's standard interactions with Keiichi, not that scene specifically. She's often angry and seemingly annoyed with him. But it's clearly not meant to mean she dislikes him. She's outright described as a tsundere character.
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on one hand i'm in favor of blatantly thirsty brocon ange
on the other, flat erika is a crime
results are inconclusive
The story is basically a remake of the first fragment of memories Rena, with her and her father yelling at each other over him spending money and then she accidentally kills him.

Although with a lot more set up referencing plotlines from later main plot and other character stories (Rena blurting out she used to love her mother more than her father and it hurt her to reject to her, Rena's father saying Rena is nitpicking everything he does just like her mother and she should just go live with her).

Oddly at the end, the name of girl Rika mentions who'd be able to help Rena in another world is censored, even though you'd think they'd be talking about Nao.
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This meaner and dykier looking Satoko is so cute...
It kinda rubs me the wrong way with how they're handling Rena's father, much like Sotsu's Teppei revisionism.
The man's flaw was always that he was pathetic and easily pushed around even as it hurts his family, not that he's the kind of bad father who resents his daughter, and their issues manage to be easily resolved just by Rena having a honest conversation with her father about it, where he fully accepts his own failings.

The worst thing he ever did was smack Rena once at the absolute lowest point in his life, and while that did much to contribute to Rena's mental instability, he immediately regretted it and recognized that he didn't want to be that kind of person. Mei just feels like it wants to make Rena's mother look better and invent an excuse for Nao to exist, but it's a pretty sloppy retcon overall.
I think they're setting up her leaving Hinamizawa in later years, like what happened in Gou/Sotsu (there were a couple of stories with college Rena that referenced her living elsewhere like in the anime) and I guess the relationship with her father being actually unhealthy overall is how they're rationalizing that.
That seems pretty unnecessary.
Their relationship can easily get healthier simply by having Rena's father improve enough that he can stand on his own two feet again so that Rena can live her own life and grow up like a normal child, especially since Hinamizawa Syndrome disappears eventually.

And it's not as if Ryukishi isn't more than willing to overlook all kinds of bad shit for his happy future, like Rena continuing to use her forced fake cutesy speech that she developed as a coping mechanism, or all the horrific shit the Sonozaki are involved with, including the horrific torture they inflict on their own children.
It's all pretty fucked up when you think about it for a minute.
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Yep this is the root of his Rika hate. It's jealousy.
he already ruined umineko by writing umineko
>>loses to keiichi (who doesn't kill her or mion in his heart)
Keiichi thought she was Mion, she had him completely fooled, he just said that sappy bullshit as a way for him to say that something had happened to Mion that turned her unrecognizable. We know because he also thought she was Mion when she stabbed her and even after Ooishi told him that Mion had died back in the hole, the only conclusion he gets out of it is that ghosts are real.
>>loses to rena (who can see through her on almost everything)
Rena was completely fooled by her act at the end, otherwise she wouldn't have let her have an alone time with Keiichi which ended up causing 3 deaths.
>>loses to mion (who never goes L5 in the VNs and who btfo's her with the truth at the very end)
"btfos" her by saying something she should have said ages ago in the story but only did so at the end when Shion was too far gone, which could have prevented loads of deaths including her own.
>>loses to satoshi (self-explanatory)
The guy who is unable to resist his urges and goes L5 in every world?
>she stabbed her
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Love Anju
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Oh that is precious. Rika was really scrounging for friends in this world if these rejects were her lifeline. And she was the only girl they hung around with too! I wouldve loved to see what this trio got up to.
I fully believe that BT was the editor and is the reason Umineko takes a noticeable tumble after episode 4.
A Umineko fanfiction where Jessica gets looping powers and killing everyone to not do homework would have too much unironic catharsis, and R07 can only corrupt, not elevate
as per usual when this gets said, i'll just point to the last quarter of higurashi and ask where your lord and savior BT was then
Why does Satoko have no areolae as well as skin-colored nipples?
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i can't think of a way he could actually 'ruin' umineko
battler's still alive? that's already done
sayo's still alive? wouldn't exactly ruin much considering her killing herself was already a case of 'jesus christ battler why the fuck did you look away from the suicidal chick'
magic is real? it already is
like seriously, what could you actually do to permanently blemish umineko in the same way sotsugou blemishes higurashi
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Confirm beyond a reasonable doubt that Yasu is a total piece of shit while STILL upholding Magic's ending would be the optimal "Go Fuck Yourselves" ending
I love Umineko
>or all the horrific shit the Sonozaki are involved with, including the horrific torture they inflict on their own children.

I mean, he did explicitly split the yakuza from the main family seemingly just to avoid Mion getting involved there as a yakuza leader - and this plot point was in Mei even before Reiwa. Speaking about Reiwa, Rena's father hasn't had even a cameo or mention there, in spite of other people from his generation like Irie, Teppei and Akane still being around.

R07 also had as the big plot/message of Gou/Sotsu how Satoko/Rika's relationship was unhealthy and they had to follow their own paths and give distance to each other. These are bad end fragments still which is why you end with deaths, Rena and her father can still peacefully split up whenever Mei gets to its actual good ending while still carrying that message of their relationship as it was being fundamentally unhealthy and them needing distance from each other, just like what Gou/Sotsu pulled with Rika and Satoko.

It's ironic pulling this with Rena's father in Mei though since a big part of it is rejecting the idea that Rika and Satoko need to follow different paths.
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ahh, Teppei is such a cutie patootie...
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No Rika, he didnt move here because who would develop on land thats scheduled to be underwater in 2 years time.
>That entire branch of the Sea of Fragments accidentally created when Battler actually DIDN'T keep his eyes closed
Fumbling the ending to a serialized work is nothing compared to whatever the fuck happened with Umineko.
Mion actually admitted that she was planning to strangle her grandmother for killing Satoshi, but Oryou showed her she was innocent before she could do the deed. Meaning the reason Mion never went crazy is because she's the only character with free access to a solution for Rule Z (and by extension, Rule Y), whereas everyone else is shit out of luck.
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Saikoroshi was better than I expected. I was expecting a cheesy yuri from the Satoko glam shots, but that was a solid exploration of Rikas narrow vision and apathy being the cause of her mothers deaths. A hanging contradiction to chapter 8's supposed happy end.

I dont think Rena did a great job justifying her decision, but it was alienating and creepy to try. These kids dont know strife from the first 3 answer arcs, so maybe they are just happy Rikas not dead and putting them through L5. It paints a dark picture going forward. I can see why this was recommended before gousotsu
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Why go for the manga? VN and anime are better in my opinion. Not that it's too big a difference but you know... keep it in mind if you want to read again
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idovoRQuKx0 [Embed]

Avoid that crap bro
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Because I was under the impression the sequel manga would have this page and wanted to see the context. I was planning to experience each medium like a triathalon. 8 chapters of VNs, read the filler mangas, then watch the sequels. Ill probably watch every version eventually but way down the line.

>skip gousotsu
I knew what I was getting into Satoko. If she cucks me then thats the price I accept for putting my chips on the cursed child with a trap motif.
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I mean what can I say to that. It's not on the level of cucking. Every character gets character wiped and their personalities and actions get twisted and warped. All in order to force a certain story. The morality of friendship, forgiveness, trust and love get ritualistically degraded and destroyed in favor of nihlism and petty brutality. Then finally it was all a dream and everyone walks away as if it never happened.

And you with that absolutely cursed ship can either join that other pyscho that plagues this thread by hating poor Rika for the weird yuri direction, or you can just accept that sotsu was a mistake that didn't happen. And then watch Kira to cleanse the pallet.
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That sounds like a bad saikoroshi. Its probably not a good higurashi, but the toxi yuri chicks seem to love it. Its made an impact on that front. Thats where Im setting my expectations and maybe Ill get something out of it that way.

Im not gonna hold it against Rika. She was already defacto an item with Satoko long before the sequels. Doesnt change my preference. Plus with how the fragments work its easier to cope with the official material constantly blue balling me.
That's Kokoroiyashi. It's actually an alternate epilogue to Saikoroshi.
As in, it's a Matsuribayashi epilogue that develops Rika's character coming from the end of the series, but it's incompatible with how Saikoroshi flows. You either take one or another. Saikoroshi is the more relevant one that gets a couple of references elsewhere though, while there's nothing following Kokoriyashi's ending.
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Defacto item?
I feel like this is said in hindsight. Nobody was talking loli yuri before 2020. It was always a friendship thing between them. I mean there was a little bait but nobody really did anything with it before gou. Romance in the "fandom" before revolved around K1 in a semi galge sort of way.

Keep in mind as well that sotsugou tries to haphazardly sew an origin story into the already nonsensical plot for Bern and Lambda, Umineko characters. Part of the whole insanity is that it tries to push Rika and Satoko into their
Umi villain lookalikes (without understanding what made those characters great).
Not that anon, but it did fairly well in the official popularity poll done in 2007, around the end of the VN run, and had a couple of stories in the Anthologies. Although considering its position in the popularity polls you'd think there'd have been more anthologies and doujins with Rika/Sato stuff in the old days. Then again, I guess a lot of anthologies just made everyone an harem for Keiichi.

These were the top5 in a pairing poll done around the end of the VN releases.

>1 Keiichi Maebara Rena Ryuugu 1577 25.5%
>2 Keiichi Maebara Mion Sonozaki 1565 25.3%
>3 Keiichi Maebara Rika Furude 458 7.4%
>4 Satoshi Houjou Shion Sonozaki 362 5.8%
>5 Satoko Houjou Rika Furude 296 4.8%
preciate the tip. Ill read that next.

A little. Signs of the time maybe. Lotta people now jump to romance when they see a particularly deep best friendship. Sato and Rika were tied to the hip, and kinda split the harem concept in two with Rika being like a 2nd protagonist and only interested in Satoko.

They also have obvious expies in Umineko where theyre again paired together. It just paints this image that theyre made for each other, even if they arent an actual couple. And you gotta run up against that if you want to ship Kei with one of them.
>Keiichi thought she was Mion
Doesn't matter. Shion acknowledged defeat.
>Rena was completely fooled by her act at the end
She never realizes she was Shion, but she could see through all her bullshit. Shion herself also acknowledges this.
She also was afraid Rena had seen through her disguise after all because Rena lives rent free in her head.
>"btfos" her by saying something she should have said ages ago
She wasn't just going to reveal the Sonozaki head's secrets willy nilly and it wouldn't have worked anyway.
>[Satoshi] The guy who
lives rent free in her head and makes her go crazy with headpats? Yeah.
Mion saying she was going to kill her frfr no cap to Shion doesn't prove anything.
5% of the votes in a poll where half the results are wasted on joke answers matters very little
He already ruin it in the "answer arc" by putting more nonsensical drama bullshit, rather that explain some lore first.
>whatever the fuck happened with Umineko
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>>48301390 (OP)
Satoko was thoroughly in L5 when she said this btw, which means she normally hates Keiichi.
It's just a joke about how her husband (or her being married, or any kind of "Tamaki's father") was never even mentioned by the story.
Why would anyone care
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I care
plus tamaki just looks like mion made a clone via mitosis and then let shion have at her for a bit so it wasn't as obvious
>let shion have at her for a bit
W-What did Shion do to her?
Her casual clothing is clearly based on Shion's. Although I guess you could say Mion would be wearing something like that if there hadn't been the identity swap.
What does that even mean?
I finally finished reading Higurashi+Kai+Rei. The last two Kai chapters were painful.
I hope Umineko won't be that bad.
Umineko Gou when?
That's easy, nobody cares! Which is not surprising at all. I'm really looking forward to Ryukishi's confused expression when he finds out that even fewer people will care about his next installation in the series, and he'll have no idea why. Indeed the greatest mystery of all time!
With Reiwa he messed up from the core premise, the second he decided to do a "2nd generation" while avoiding club pairings. The 2nd generation at that point was a negative selling point not the fanservice he seemed to consider it to be.

I think almost any other idea he comes up with would have stronger initial interest. A mystery during the club's college years. Or even another 1983 mystery (as long as it's not arc retellings again). Maybe 1984 just to tweak things a bit.

He did mess up in the sense that Reiwa had a much bigger spotlight for its announcement, since it was following Gou/Sotsu's ending when there was a lot of attention on him. Anything he announces now would have a harder time promoting in comparison.
>With Reiwa he messed up from the core premise
What a coincidence then that all the ideas he comes up with are total flops. It almost seems like it can't be entirely coincidence, but rather by design. It's pretty telling that more people are worried about how much he'll fuck it up next time than people who would be excited with a new work.
>I think almost any other idea he comes up with would have stronger initial interest
Oryou manga still exists...
>Anything he announces now would have a harder time promoting in comparison
So it's not much to be surprised about. Where's the excitement? Any high expectations? Any enthusiasm for the new? Where are the fan theories and discussions? We're getting more content at once than almost ever before, and yet everything is completely dead. And that's only because all that content sucks so incredibly badly that it also casts a bad light on previous stuff. But there's no need to stress further, because I'm already putting on my clown makeup in anticipation of the eminent announcement of Phase 2. It's definitely coming my fellow clowns!
>What a coincidence then that all the ideas he comes up with are total flops.

Eh. He messed up Gou/Sotsu's execution, but people were excited by the premise and looking forward to it, and it has had some success, still getting new merch 4 years later, and Mei which uses some Gou/Sotsu material for its own ends is still running.

Reiwa is a different case where from the start he was damage controlling things, saying it was just a random fragment and not a definitive future. It's really weird because if he knew there'd be backlash to the very concept why did he even go through with it? I guess he thought a larger part of the fanbase would be satisfied by any type of "club kids" than people put off by it, but it's still weird he went through with it if he knew there'd be a significant enough backlash he'd have to damage control even while first talking about the upcoming series in a stream.

>Oryou manga still exists...
That one wasn't actually his initial idea. He just collaborated with the artist afterwards. So, he isn't guilty for once.
Mion in a garterbelt with stockings...
Higurashi makes me so angry
It's 8 entire full-length visual novels. How does anyone have the attention span to get through that.

It's literally just his theory about reality having multiple specific timelines but not going all the way to describe how reality actually works which is that everything comes from emptiness (infinite potential) and anything is possible because of that, as Taoism teaches. He even mentions Taoist transcendants in one of the early chapters (at least in one of the English translations). But I can't help but want to know exactly what happens in the story. But it's just human-designed fiction.

It seems like Ryukishi07 has the fate or luck to make his fans/readers angry.
I forgot its not even only 8 but the main story ends at 8 or something.
>it has had some success
>from the start he was damage controlling things
At this point, are we even able to retrospectively decide what has received a more negative response? Because the former has clearly overshadowed the latter by a wide margin IMO. Maybe not right at the beginning, but towards the end for sure. Being successful looking at the quality and cheapness of Mei isn't exactly a bar set too high. If they had made it a hentai game, I'm sure it would have been successful too and found its audience. However, I don't know if we'd be talking positively about it just because it makes money. That's why it's labeled a flop in the sense of doing more harm than money.
Crazy to think about how if Ryukishi just died after phase 1 he'd be remembered as one of the greatest visual novel writers of all time mourned by everyone
>At this point, are we even able to retrospectively decide what has received a more negative response?
I'm not talking about any retrospective reevaluation though.

My point is more about the original announcements and R07's ability to pull more hype in the future. Gou/Sotsu's announcement and marketing was successful even if the series itself messed up.

Reiwa from the stream giving details about it (BEFORE it had started running, even) had R07 damage controlling its premise, saying it was just a story from a random fragment while he described Sotsu as the culmination of OG, Kai and Rei before Sotsu started airing... of course -afterwards-, when he saw the negative reaction, he changed to saying Gou/Sotsu was just a personal side-story and not a big Higurashi sequel.
This is a very pick-and-choose definition of "winning" you have there. Sometimes it's outsmarting people and sometimes it's being morally righteous about something.
>Doesn't matter. Shion acknowledged defeat.
Of course it matters, she acknowledged that Keiichi was absurdly and unrealistically stubborn. Also, Keiichi killed Mion and Rena in his mind (as well as literally but that's besides the point here) in Onikakushi, meaning he's not exempt of this by any means. Same with how Satoko did with Keiichi in Tatari or Rena with everyone in Tsumi. Almost like there's a little something that makes people do that in the first place.

>She never realizes she was Shion, but she could see through all her bullshit.
This sentence is contradictory. If she could see through all her bullshit, she would have realized her lie at the end of Meakashi, but Rena couldn't, which led to Shion taking away the even more gullible Keiichi.
>She also was afraid Rena had seen through her disguise
Which Rena didn't, as stated above. Being paranoid is standard behavior for L5 victims.
>She wasn't just going to reveal the Sonozaki head's secrets willy nilly
Why on earth would Mion not tell her sister that her family was innocent? And the "secret" in question being that the Sonozakis were innocent. Talk about grasping at straws.
>and it wouldn't have worked anyway.
Untrue, even at the end of Meakashi when Shion was full on L5, what Mion said shook her to the core and flat out made her doubt her entire plot, but it was too late at that point. Shion pointed out right afterwards that, if there's an afterlife, Mion would absolutely go to heaven, showing that she knew she was telling the truth with that statement. Meaning that, explaining things to her earlier on when the disease wasn't as advanced would have had a high chance of succeeding. We know for a fact that words alone can make patients snap out of HS if they haven't reached terminal stage, as shown by Rena in Tsumi, Satoko in Mina and Shion herself in Meakashi back in 1982.
>lives rent free in her head and makes her go crazy with headpats?
See what I mean when I said you have a very pick-and-choose definition of winning? You can make up any reason as to why someone would "win" over someone else.

You have an utterly bizarre understanding of Mion as a character. Not only are you saying that she somehow cared more about her status as a family head (that she never even wanted in the first place and makes Shion pose as her so that she can avoid going to family meetings that she hates so much as shown in Minagoroshi) more than her sister, but now you're saying that she lied to Shion about wanting to kill her grandmother for...no reason whatsoever.
>This sentence is contradictory
She realized all the other bullshit except the identity bullshit.
>Why on earth would Mion not tell her sister that her family was innocent
Because she wasn't supposed to tell people who were never going to become the head of the family.
>what Mion said shook her to the core and flat out made her doubt her entire plot
Shion was doubting everything from the start but killed everyone anyway. Also, Mion had no way of assuming that, specially when she was dealing with something outside her comprehension.
>You can make up any reason as to why someone would "win" over someone else.
>you're saying that she lied to Shion about wanting to kill her grandmother
I'm saying you can't take that statement seriously unless she were confirmed L5 and already killing people.
Does anyone know anything about "Your Are Trapped?" What was the reception of it like?
>She realized all the other bullshit except the identity bullshit.
The only thing she realized was that she lured Satoko over to kill her. For the third time, Rena didn't realize the fact that Shion was lying about just having a chat with Keiichi, which was a massive blunder as we all know.

>Because she wasn't supposed to tell people who were never going to become the head of the family.
At no point does Mion care about this, especially since she's trying to save the lives of her friends here, and not to mention she, you know, did tell her, with zero qualms or doubts whatsoever.
>Shion was doubting everything from the start but killed everyone anyway
Not true. She was planning to question Oryou but the stun gun killed her by accident. She trusted her uncle until he revealed that he hopes that dirty Houjou brat got what was coming to him. She said in her mind that she had no reason to suspect Rika until she came at her with a goddamn syringe, she only realized she was wrong about Satoko after she was already dying of blood loss, and finally Keiichi actually managed to convince her not to kill him, which caused her to warn him not to meet her again as she could tell at that point that whatever she was suffering from would have finished consuming her mind completely over time.
>Also, Mion had no way of assuming that,
Mion told her a bunch of other things before, there's no reason this one should have been an exception.
>I'm saying you can't take that statement seriously unless she were confirmed L5 and already killing people.
What are you talking about? Why not? She thought Oryou killed Satoshi and got so angry that she started planning her revenge, that's all there is to it. There's zero reason or indication whatsoever in the story to doubt this.
Timing matters. The moment in history matters. It is understandable that the second announcement could not be marketed in the same way as the first, hence Reiwa's announcement carries with it the consequences and disillusionment of Gousotsu. And admittedly, it's been a few years, but I remember quite well that there was a period of time when there were enthusiastic (naive) discussions about whose kids these would actually be, and no one really minded (or paid attention to) Ryukishi's comments that it was just a random fragment. You can't sell Reiwa as a culmination of the previous one when you did the same with the previous one. Reiwa is also co-owned by Square-Enix. I mean, Reiwa's damage control is more of a direct continuation of Gousotsu's damage control. Or at least that's how it looks to me.
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There was speculation about the kids because we went a while with just promo images, first the volume covers then one from Hoshi with the new club. The stream came right before the official launch (which I think might have been after the pages for Hoshi's first chapter leaked online, although I'm not sure about the exact dates).
>Rena didn't realize the fact that Shion was lying about just having a chat with Keiichi
As a consequence of not realizing she wasn't Mion.
>with zero qualms or doubts whatsoever
If you ignore all the qualms and doubts that led her to not say it before, sure.
>She was planning to question Oryou but the stun gun killed her by accident.
Shion wouldn't have believed her anyway because that would have meant she had no leads. Even if that weren't the case, Mion rightfully assumed Shion was too far gone after killing her own grandma and laughing it off.
>there's no reason this one should have been an exception
The fact it was a secret only meant to the head of the family?
>Why not?
Do you believe anyone who says "I'd have killed that person frfr no cap?" There was no reason to believe her at all.

TL;DR Shion lost, Shionfags lost.
>As a consequence of not realizing she wasn't Mion.
No? Shion conjured up a fake motivation that wasn't true about Mion at all, lied in Rena's face about what she was going to do, and she fell for it, period. Also, what's the point of even using that line as a defense if Rena fell for everything else Shion pulled as well other than the Satoko part? This makes no sense.

>If you ignore all the qualms and doubts that led her to not say it before, sure.
In what planet does Mion care about her head status (that, again, we know for a fact she hates) over saving her friends' lives? Where were these qualms when she said it to her?

>Shion wouldn't have believed her anyway because that would have meant she had no leads
So? That's literally what happened in 1982 when Mion convinced Shion that she and the Sonozakis were innocent.
>Mion rightfully assumed Shion was too far gone after killing her own grandma and laughing it off.
Except, again, Mion did tell her eventually, so what gives? That wasn't even the last time they talked with each other about her innocence, you make no sense.
>The fact it was a secret only meant to the head of the family?
See above. She doesn't care about that, she would have saved her friends and she eventually told her anyway. Quit making things up.
>Do you believe anyone who says "I'd have killed that person frfr no cap?" There was no reason to believe her at all.
There's zero indication that what she said was false. Why would she lie in the first place? Where is this line of logic even coming from? We know everything else she said was true, why would this part not count simply because you say so?

>TL;DR Shion lost, Shionfags lost.
Is this what this is about? You have a hateboner for Shion so you start arguing nonsensically in ways nobody else has ever done with flat out falsehoods that aren't supported by the story at all? You even go as far as claim that Mion is somehow a liar just to spite Shion, goddamn dude.
Rena saw through how Shion killed the lolis, showed up when Shion planned to attack K1 alone and only let her be alone with K1 because even she couldn't tell the twins apart and assumed (correctly) that Mion would never.
Even then Rena was living rent-free in Shion's head to the very end, as she was since they met at the bus stop.
>In what planet does Mion care about her head status
Of course she did care about her responsibilities as the head. She can't just tell Shion something she wasn't supposed to, and she was too busy feeling scared after Shion went crazy.
>when Mion convinced Shion that she and the Sonozakis were innocent
That was before she had already killed her grandma.
>Mion did tell her eventually, so what gives?
Everyone was dead and she was about to die anyway. By that point Mion was mostly broken.
>There's zero indication that what she said was false.
There's zero indication of the opposite, so that's what you should assume until proven otherwise.

>Is this what this is about?
I don't hate Shion. I find it funny a post I made mostly for laughs has set you off this hard.
>showed up when Shion planned to attack K1 alone
Shion had already been found out the day before and had expected the police to come after her. There's nothing ingenious about visiting a murderer and endangering yourself, Shion couldn't believe her luck.
>and assumed (correctly) that Mion would never.
The same "Mion" that she now knows killed the lolis and utterly shattered Rena's image of Mion you mean? Hello?
>Of course she did care about her responsibilities as the head. She can't just tell Shion something she wasn't supposed to, and she was too busy feeling scared after Shion went crazy.
I've already debunked this several times in my previous posts, including the one you just replied to. Please don't repeat yourself.
>That was before she had already killed her grandma.
So? We're talking about the fact that Shion doesn't care if there's no leads, contrary to what you claimed.
>Everyone was dead and she was about to die anyway. By that point Mion was mostly broken
Oh so you're saying Mion cares about her head status more than her friends, gotcha.
>There's zero indication of the opposite,
Yes there is, it's in the post you just replied to. Please stop ignoring my posts.
>I made mostly for laughs
I mean, here you are still arguing about it hours later. Or is all of this also just a sham for laughs?
>The same "Mion" that she now knows killed the lolis
She still assumed she was the Mion she knew and could understand. That was her only mistake.
>I've already debunked this several times in my previous posts
No you didn't.
>We're talking about the fact that Shion doesn't care if there's no leads
Her having no leads and being past the point of no return all matter.
>Mion cares about her head status more than her friends
It's very important, yes.
>Yes there is
No, there is not.

My point is that I'm not debating because I hate Shion or any of the higus.
Shion lost though.
>She still assumed she was the Mion she knew and could understand
Her image of Mion did not include her killing lolis at all, it's ridiculous to assume she could still understand her. This is a dangerous individual whom they knew had been dishonest to them before, meaning she could easily lie to them again, and meeting her alone without the police was foolish no matter how you try to look at it.
>Her having no leads and being past the point of no return all matter.
Not really, Rena also managed to come back from HS despite having already killed people and most certainly having ruined her life at that point due to being a terrorist. Keiichi also managed to convince Shion not to kill him, but since he didn't had a very clear image of the situation, he couldn't have as much of a heart to heart with Shion as he did with Rena, not to mention she cut him short with the stun gun.
>No you didn't.
But I did, I said that Mio-
>It's very important, yes.
Wait, have you been taking the piss all along?
Higurashi peaked with chapter 3's ending and hasn't topped it since.
She assumed that Mion would have a good reason to kill her good friends and that's why she believed her reasoning, even if she made it clear it didn't excuse her actions and didn't fall for it as a sob story. Shion thinks it herself.
>Rena also managed to come back from HS despite having already killed people
Mion couldn't have known that. She just knew Shion had gone bonkers and killed grandma. Then Kimiyoshi. Then the lolis. That's not the Shion she knew and you can't expect Mion to act like a viewer/player would want her to act.
>Wait, have you been taking the piss all along?
Saying "ackshually she doesn't care about it" is not debunking, it's just you being wrong. So yeah, you didn't debunk anything.
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Just wanted to say I love Shion, thanks for hearing me out.
>>48320444 (checked)
We know, Satoshi.
The leader position stuff is really more about Mion being weak willed which makes her go along with the status quo if she has to face it directly. Note the quote from Keiichi in Minagoroshi about how Mion falls easily if the wind is against her, so the club members must be her wind.

Same reasons she could order kids to behave and protect Satoko at school, but didn't have courage to face the adults and actually solve her situation by herself.
>She assumed that Mion would have a good reason to kill her good friends and that's why she believed her reasoning
But there wasn't a good reason, Shion herself pointed out in her mind how ridiculous it was and how Rena was blatantly accepting the off-character actions Mion did, purely because Shion managed to outsmart her in everything besides the Satoko part.
>Mion couldn't have known that. She just knew Shion had gone bonkers and killed grandma. Then Kimiyoshi. Then the lolis. That's not the Shion she knew and you can't expect Mion to act like a viewer/player would want her to act.
You misread what this is about. We're talking about Shion being okay with having no leads, you mentioned that her killing grandma made her be at a point of no return, I pointed out how Rena still managed to come back despite that and Shion herself briefly as well. Regarding what you said, again, Mion talked with her again despite knowing she had killed grandma.
>Saying "ackshually she doesn't care about it"
You misread yet again. This was about you claiming she cares more about her head secrets than her friends' wellbeing, which is utterly ridiculous and makes Mion out to be a horrible person, which is not true. As for your claim, I did point out why it's insane to claim Mion cares about her head status than her friends' wellbeing, because she literally makes her sister go to family meetings on her behalf since she hates being the family head and finds it mindnumbing, we know this as per Minagoroshi, you somehow missed that part.
>because she literally makes her sister go to family meetings on her behalf since she hates being the family head and finds it mindnumbing, we know this as per Minagoroshi,
There's also the scene in Matsuribayashi where the narration points out how Mion has lost out on a normal childhood due to being forced on this role, which makes Shion feel sorry for her.
5 & 6 endings were 1000 times better
7's was 10 times better
Is 5 considered great? I thought it was too derivative of 3, didnt suprise much if you theorycrafted, and it was hard to feel for that dmt dream when she treated Satoko like shit since before she met her. The Akane tip was pretty sweet Ill grant.
*too derivative of 2
Based Shiichad
I'm just talking endings. I thought it was pretty good, but the ending was REALLy good and sold it.
Does anyone know the song that plays in chapter 2 when Mion explains the history of Hinamizawa to Rena and Keiichi when they go to her house to confront her? It sounded like traditional Japanese instruments were used but it was also cinematic and dramatic sounding, not only the traditional instruments. I tried to find it on youtube but couldn't
Thank you in advance to anyone who shares it
Anyone know why I hate Umineko?
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K1 is so lucky...
I (Keiichi) am so lucky...
She's looking at me
(I am K1)
3 is the best chapter but 6 has the best ending IMO
Because you are a heterosexual cis male
It's either Gear or Dawn anon, did you read with the Radiant Alice patch installed?
Because it was the beginning of the end for everything that made the WTC great.
Umineko is garbage and shouldn't be thought of when thinking of just the Higurashi VN when talking about the characters
Because you are BT the ghost writer reincarnated and you see just how awful writer hackukishi really is
Umineko helped me understand that I'm a loveless incel freak but I can just pretend to be happy
What is going on?
>Rika said she's the closest to Satoko therefore this must be true
>Rika has never been wrong or falsely assumed something before ever
Satoko is a mother of two children anon
>Shion herself pointed out in her mind how ridiculous it was and how Rena was blatantly accepting the off-character actions Mion did
That's just as a consequence of them thinking she was Mion. It makes sense assuming everything she said was true, which was believable because of all the rumors. Rena couldn't have known about HS, L5 or Shion's obsession with Satoshi, so she had no reason to believe it was the other sister.
That was Rena's only real mistake. Rena still won by not going along with any other bullshit, finding out what Shion did and getting into her head like she did. Shion lost.
>We're talking about Shion being okay with having no leads
And I'm saying it's a mixture of different things and how Mion wouldn't think like you.
>Mion talked with her again despite knowing she had killed grandma
After days of being mind-broken by an already mind-broken Shion who went crazy for God knows what reason.
>This was about you claiming she cares more about her head secrets than her friends' wellbeing
People with responsibilities and convictions won't drop them just because anon thinks they are bad people for having them, which Mion is not. Cope more.
>because she literally makes her sister go to family meetings
That doesn't prove she doesn't care about her position or responsibilities, just that she doesn't want to handle all the boring parts.

>ackshually you misread
No, you're just making dumb assumptions.
Nah, 6 might have been better, but 3 was the second best. Getting the end of the world out of nowhere was pure kino.
>That's just as a consequence of them thinking she was Mion.
And why did she think she was Mion? Why didn't Rena consider the possibility that it might be her sister in disguise? Because Shion outsmarted her deduction skills, not just once but throughout her entire killing spree. She convinced Rena that her best friend did something she would never do, instead of Rena even assuming for one second that it could be her twin sister whom she knows very little about. Rena didn't need to know about HS, or L5 or even Shion's past for this at all, just the fact that this was very un-Mion like and that a twin switch was possible at all.
>Rena still won by not going along with any other bullshit,
Rena was going on with Shion's bullshit with literally everything in the whole arc, the only thing she saw was the Satoko thing. You can't reduce this to just "she just thought she was Mion" when Shion managed to outsmart Rena's deduction the rest of the time. And I'm not sure why you keep repeating the getting into her head part, yeah Shion thought about her a couple of times but in the end she outsmarted her and she even felt pretty good about it.

>And I'm saying it's a mixture of different things and how Mion wouldn't think like you.
Why would you change subjects when we're just talking about Shion being able to come back to normalcy with no leads just like she did in 1982? Plus again, Mion did talk to her multiple times since she killed her grandma so I don't know why you keep repeating falsehoods and even making up assumptions about her.
>After days of being mind-broken by an already mind-broken Shion who went crazy for God knows what reason.
No, she talked to her right after the Kimiyoshi scene, as well as during the Satoko scene, she was begging her at that point, so there's no reason she wouldn't mention this "secret" by thent. Also you keep repeating this but their final scene together had Mion gain her senses back and talk in a perfectly clear manner with her despite the very scene prior to it having Mion go into a panic just by looking at her, probably because Shion forgave Keiichi showing her that there was still a little bit of Shion in there somewhere. In fact, there were never any qualms about revealing the "secret", Mion said it in response to something Shion said in particular just like any other answer as if Mion had simply never thought about telling her before, it wasn't a "ugggh I don't wanna say this but I have to!" moment or anything. So drop that nonsense about how she only did it cause she was at the end of her wits.

>People with responsibilities and convictions won't drop them just because anon thinks they are bad people for having them
>That doesn't prove she doesn't care about her position or responsibilities
Caring about not saying "the sonozakis are innocent" over saving your friends' lives is a pretty horrible thing and not Mion-like at all, yes. She wouldn't have let her friends into the secret forbidden torture dungeon in Matsuribayashi as well as tell them about the even more secret hidden path in the middle of the ladder pit that would be used by the head to escape to save their lives if what you said was true.
You forgot that Mion never asked for this role and that it was forced upon her by accident after she switched places with her sister when they were kids. Plus >>48320732
The levels of samefagging itt are off the charts
Rena believed she was Mion because none of them had a reason to go that far (without HS), they are too similar for anyone to tell apart and it was more believable for anyone in the village for Mion to be the culprit. Shion not being found out wasn't because of her merits, it was par for the course.
>just the fact that this was very un-Mion like
It was also un-Shion like.
>Shion managed to outsmart Rena's deduction the rest of the time
She didn't outsmart her, she just happened to look exactly like Mion and it just happened that Rena didn't have any reason to doubt Shion more than Mion.
Given the circumstances, Rena's deductions were outstanding.

>change subjects
Not true. Mion's interpretation of the facts are very important to her reasoning.
>Shion being able to come back to normalcy with no leads just like she did in 1982
She hadn't killed granny back then.
>Mion did talk to her multiple times since she killed her grandma
And Shion was acting deranged every single time.
>so there's no reason she wouldn't mention this "secret" by then
The reason was protecting the family's secrets she was responsible for.

>Caring about not saying "the sonozakis are innocent" over saving your friends' lives is a pretty horrible thing and not Mion-like at all
It's not horrible. People having things greater than themselves they need to protect is not unrealistic. Just because that's not the case for you doesn't mean it's not for Mion.
>You forgot that Mion never asked for this role
So what? It's still her responsibility now.
It's not her problem if you can't fathom that.

Now enough with the walls of text. This is getting tiresome.
>It was also un-Shion like.
Not that anon you're debating with, but she barely knows Shion in Watanashi. Apparently never had seen her (as Shion at least) before the Angel Mort fiesta. It's kind of a big mistake Rena decides the girl she knows for one year must be actually this very different person, rather than suspecting the one she barely knows anything about.

At least Keiichi only knew Mion for one month.
She knew enough to not think it would be something she would do. She's Mion's sister, seemed to have an ok relationship with her and Mion most probably talked about her to Rena before.
Knowing Mion for longer could also have backfired on her. She was too sure she'd be able to tell her bestie apart from her twin.
children of rape
>Rena believed she was Mion because none of them had a reason to go that far
>It was also un-Shion like.
>She knew enough to not think it would be something she would do
Except Rena never even brings up the possibility that it could be Shion at all. Rena barely knew Shion, she had only met her a few times during some club meetups instead of being a close best friend like she was with Mion.
>She didn't outsmart her, she just happened to look exactly like Mion and it just happened that Rena didn't have any reason to doubt Shion more than Mion.
How is outdoing Rena's deduction skills about her true identity not outsmarting her? You make it sound like Rena would have believed she was Mion no matter what, instead of it being a result of Shion's act convincing her. And of course Rena had more reason to suspect it was Shion, as said above, she barely knew anything about her.
>Not true. Mion's interpretation of the facts are very important to her reasoning.
I just told you that this point is about Shion not caring about there being no leads.
>She hadn't killed granny back then.
This was already addressed here >>48320380
>And Shion was acting deranged every single time.
This point was about Mion still talking with Shion despite already killing grandma, contrary to your claims, meaning she had every chance to tell her the truth.
>The reason was protecting the family's secrets she was responsible for.
>Just because that's not the case for you doesn't mean it's not for Mion.
>It's not her problem if you can't fathom that.
Read the post again instead of ignoring it please, I already proved she cares more about her friends than her dumb responsibility with Minagoroshi (you can't call her a responsible person if we know for a fact she hates being responsible in the first place) and Matsuribayashi, not that it wasn't already obvious before. Bonus for Tsumihoroboshi where instead of doing the responsible thing of turning in her murderer friend, she became an accomplice and helped her hide the dismembered body parts. Also for crying out loud, she ripped out her own fingernails for no reason other than to show her sister how much she cared about her, that couldn't be a more blatant display of Mion caring more about her close ones than her role.

Anon I have no idea why you're so hellbent on warping Mion with this baseless assumption about her being a complete asshole who values an almost-pointless secret whose sole purpose is to exert the Sonozaki's influence over the village elders regarding the curse and nothing else, there's zero reason why she should keep it from Shion (hence why she didn't). All of this for what, to respond to one point about her simply forgetting to mention something? It happens to everyone, man, no need to go for a complete character assassination over it.
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Anon, I've had enough of writing walls of text. Your mention to earlier posts are irrelevant because they are not the great argument you think they are.
Mion did nothing wrong, Shion lost and Rena won. Still love them all, though.
Sorry, I was just providing a bunch of scenes from the story to illustrate why Mion isn't the way you claim she is.
lol ok
sotsugou was a mistake
This anon won.

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