Yeah, I seriously don’t understand where all this misinformation is coming from. There was also something about Omori representing DID and how he’s his own personality, even though, throughout the game, we see that him and Sunny are one in the same. There’s also something about Omori harming others, but the entire purpose behind Omori is that he is trying to PROTECT Sunny from the truth. The final battle shows Sunny accepting said truth and learning to forgive himself and move forward. Sunny never actively harmed anyone. If anything, he harmed HIMSELF. Same with Basil! I always feared that people would paint Sunny and Basil as “bad” because of an accident they did when they were literally 12 YEARS OLD. You can tell that people have no clue about critical developmental periods and how young children react to stressful, traumatic situations. It makes me incredibly upset. ugh.