[ 遊戲管理規章 ]

  1. 本公司有「制定、變更、刪除」遊戲管理規則的權限,遊戲管理規則的內容可能因特定的服務更新或改版而會有所修正。當內容有增訂或變更時,將會公佈於官方網站, 並依會員登錄之通訊資料進行個別通知。玩家於遊戲管理規則變更後因未熟悉公告而引起的損失,本公司將不予以賠償。
  2. 玩家於申請帳號時必須確實登記個人資料,若玩家所登記之個人資料有登錄不實或未及時更新資料之情形,本公司可能無法提供相關服務,本公司並得在玩家更新資料前, 暫時停止玩家的會員資格及使用各項服務的權利。
  3. 當會員於遊戲進行中有任何的異常行為,包括但不限於:異常取得、獲得或轉移道具、打怪狀態異常、對話內容涉及盜用、 任何不法情事或任何疑似遭盜用產生之情狀,為維護該會員及其他會員遊戲帳號安全,遊戲管理者一旦發現前述情況, 得將該遊戲帳號進行鎖定;請玩家務必於7日內完成遊戲橘子會員「進階認證」程序後,再主動與遊戲橘子客服中心聯繫,待確認該遊戲帳號屬正常使用且無任何遭盜用或不法利用之情形後,方協助會員開啟遊戲帳號。如逾期無法說明, 本公司得以雙方遊戲定型化合約帳號密碼遭非法使用處理方式之規定或以該帳號違反公平合理之方式進行遊戲逕行回收非法利益者,嚴重者本公司有權終止遊戲服務合約。
  4. 嚴禁使用者假冒官方人員名義(例如:GM、客服人員、遊戲橘子…等)進行詐欺行為或妨礙其他玩家正常進行遊戲。違者初犯將鎖定遊戲帳號7天;經屢次警告後仍無改善或依官方判定嚴重違反遊戲公平性者,將逕行終止遊戲合約。
  5. 對於在遊戲過程涉及的物品交易、詐欺、帳號盜用等或其他涉及民、刑事責任等情況,本公司得依司法單位要求來限制玩家遊戲帳號與相關服務的使用,此配合包含暫時鎖定帳號與提供遊戲歷程資料等動作,於遊戲中有違反公平合理方式進行者或被判定有犯罪行為或有相關嫌疑者亦同。
  6. 禁止販售、宣傳及使用任何「自動練功」及「非官方提供」之外掛或不當程式(包括但不限於有提供同步、連動、操作優化、多工、點擊、輔助或其他類似功能之實體物件或虛擬程式)進行遊戲; 「自動練功」泛指非玩家自身進行遊戲之行為,例如:卡鍵盤、連點程式…等,違反規定者,本公司將逕行終止遊戲服務。
  7. 遊戲進行時,玩家必須在電腦螢幕前親自進行遊戲,若玩家不在電腦螢幕前,但其遊戲角色仍然在進行需人為手動操作之動作, 則該情況皆視為使用「自動練功」及「非官方提供」之外掛或不當程式進行遊戲;經遊戲管理者(GM)查緝並紀錄情況後,將處罰終止遊戲合約。
  8. 玩家不可直接或間接安裝/開啟執行、使用或散佈非官方提供的外掛或不當程式造成玩家角色產生無敵或消失狀態、異常距離撿拾物品、異常距離攻擊怪物、進入一般玩家無法到達的位置; 或造成怪物異常位移、異常不動作等等所有「非正常遊戲進行」所出現情況,一經發現,將處罰終止遊戲合約。
  9. 玩家若與上述各項異常進行遊戲狀況之玩家間(異常狀況包括但不限使用外掛或不當程式進行自動練功等),有共同組隊或幫助外掛玩家攻擊怪物(包括但不限於協助外掛玩家掛輪迴)、撿取或共享寶物楓幣、 分享經驗值等等行為,將視為與外掛玩家共享利益,且以不公平之方式進行遊玩,一經發現,將處罰終止遊戲合約。
  10. 玩家如有疑似利用外掛或不當程式或不正當方式(例如:自動練功、吸怪等…)進行遊戲之情形,遊戲管理者(GM)的稽核方式共4種:
    遊戲管理者將會以各伺服器特定的遊戲管理者(GM)名稱並且使用悄悄話的方式,對玩家進行密語的詢問,玩家如在遊戲中遇到遊戲管理者之角色向其密語時,請務必回話表示玩家在電腦前面,並不得以無意義之文字、 重複或答非所問之對話回應查緝,或以任何理由規避遊戲管理者(GM)的詢問及測試(包括但不限於:使用遠端程式、沒在看螢幕、他人代為進行遊戲、看不懂文字、逃離現場、離開遊戲、對話視窗關閉或遊戲視角無法觀察四周或其他理由等), 並且禁止關閉對話視窗或斷線等理由規避遊戲管理者(GM)之測試、查核,否則遊戲管理者(GM)將視為使用外掛或不當程式或不正當方式(例如:自動練功、吸怪等…)在進行遊戲,並處罰終止遊戲合約。

    遊戲管理者(GM)會對玩家使用測謊機進行測謊,玩家如在遊戲中遇到測謊機測謊時,請務必先停下角色動作後,點選測謊機並手動輸入正確英文字母及阿拉伯數字後按下ENTER鍵,方得通過測謊,以證明玩家在電腦前面且手動操作角色, 不得以任何理由(包括但不限於沒看到測謊機或看不懂英數字等)規避測謊。如玩家有以不合理之速度或動作通過測謊等異常行為,將視為使用外掛或不當程式或不正當方式(例如:自動練功、吸怪等…)在進行遊戲,並處罰終止遊戲合約。


    違反遊戲規定狀況 鎖定名目 鎖定時間
    宣傳、教導、販售任何外掛或不當程式相關資訊 外掛 終止遊戲合約
    使用外掛或不當程式自動練功 外掛 終止遊戲合約
    角色產生無敵或消失狀態 外掛 終止遊戲合約
    角色異常距離撿拾物品 外掛 終止遊戲合約
    角色異常距離攻擊怪物 外掛 終止遊戲合約
    進入一般玩家無法到達的位置 外掛 終止遊戲合約
    造成怪物異常位移 外掛 終止遊戲合約
    造成怪物異常不動作 外掛 終止遊戲合約
    與外掛使用者共享利益 違反遊戲規定 終止遊戲合約


    系統紀錄判斷方式 鎖定名目 鎖定時間
    系統即時偵測停權並立刻踢除玩家角色 系統判斷遊戲記錄異常 鎖定遊戲帳號 7天
    系統留下遊戲紀錄經判讀確認為使用外掛或不當程式或不正當方式進行遊戲 系統判斷不正當方式進行遊戲 終止遊戲合約
  11. 不可意圖破壞、入侵、修改或破解任何新楓之谷伺服器以及用戶端資料,並禁止使用任何影響遊戲運作之其他程式。 違反規定者將進行終止遊戲合約,並追朔相關法律責任。
  12. 玩家在遊戲內發現錯誤程式 (BUG) 或其他問題時,應盡速使用官網「遊戲錯誤回報」通知官方人員,不可私自利用錯誤程式進行任何可能破壞遊戲平衡性、影響其他玩家權益之行為,亦禁止公開、私下的傳遞散播消息。玩家若利用遊戲中因系統異常的錯誤(BUG)或漏洞而產生異常能力、經驗值、角色資料、物品或任何非於一般正常情況進行遊戲時可得產生之現象,本公司有權暫停帳號之使用權,並請帳號使用者來信與客服人員聯絡及說明相關事項。若玩家角色內持有非法道具或異常角色資料,而無法正確回收非法利益者,該帳號暫停使用期間,請玩家配合客服人員進行相關異常帳號的清查,直至使用者帳號資料修正完成為止,或接受對該帳號所有角色進行重置或類似行為成全新角色之處分。違反規定者,本公司將暫時鎖定帳號,並配合處理流程,嚴重者本公司有權終止遊戲服務合約。
  13. 不得使用不當名稱(例如:GM、客服人員、遊戲橘子…等)或特殊字元創建角色(涉嫌誤導玩家、影射色情、人身攻擊、不雅字句、違反社會道德…等)。 違反規定者將暫時鎖定遊戲帳號7天,鎖定期間請玩家提供新的名稱給予官方進行名稱修改,經三次限期改善後,仍未提供者將延長遊戲帳號鎖定時間,直到提供符合的名稱讓官方進行修改。
  14. 玩家不得於遊戲中進行不當發言,包括但不限於公布、傳送任何毀謗、不實、威脅、不雅、猥褻、不法、或侵害他人智慧財產權的資訊或從事廣告或販賣商品等類似行為。我們禁止恐怖組織、暴力極端分子和仇恨團體使用我們的平台,絕不容忍鼓吹或助長暴力極端主義或恐怖主義的內容。禁止基於種族、膚色、種姓、民族、國籍、宗教、性向、性別、性別認同、殘疾或退伍軍人身分、移民身分、社經地位、年齡、體重或懷孕狀況,發表貶低、誹謗或煽動歧視或暴力的仇恨言論或內容。違反規定者將暫時鎖定遊戲帳號,並請主動與官方人員聯絡;經屢次警告後仍無改善或依官方判定嚴重違反遊戲管理規則者,將逕行終止遊戲合約。
  15. 玩家不得於遊戲內宣傳、支持、輔助或參與非法賭博或類似賭博行為,擾亂遊戲內秩序之情形,導致破壞遊戲平衡,將逕行終止遊戲合約。
  16. 玩家應妥善保管帳號與密碼,不得將該組帳號、密碼轉讓、交付、揭露或出借予第三人使用或共同使用帳號,如因此導致破壞遊戲平衡或與其他玩家產生糾紛,將進行終止遊戲合約。
  17. 玩家不得使用多個帳號或是有組織性或團體性地進行遊戲,以達到不正當方式取得/交易/轉讓道具或貨幣(包含以營利為目的)之目的,例如:將道具、遊戲幣、點數等流通交易或集中特定帳號、 灌洗經驗值或同一個IP地址或同一時間內大量帳號創立等異常行為,破壞遊戲平衡,依官方判定該帳號違反公平合理之方式進行遊戲,將進行終止遊戲合約。
  18. 處罰說明

    處罰方式 說明
    遊戲帳號禁止發言 處罰期間該帳號底下所有角色無法發言並無法使用廣播器,不影響玩家登入進行遊戲。
    鎖定遊戲帳號 處罰期間該帳號無法登入遊戲。
    終止遊戲合約 該帳號終止遊戲所有服務。
  19. 禁止在遊戲內以現實生活中之現金或任何有價物品買賣交易兌換遊戲帳號及道具(包含廣告行為)等,亦禁止私下交易,若因私下交易而造成玩家任何損失,官方將不予任何賠償。 玩家經非官方管道取得之樂豆點、虛擬道具等發生任何問題,應由玩家自行負責,本公司無法進行任何處理。
  20. 遊戲中所有玩家角色之動作,皆屬於遊戲行為,若彼此之間有任何糾紛發生,基於遊戲營運之中立立場,管理者將不過份干涉, 請玩家秉持遊戲禮儀及道德自行協調解決,但若因情節嚴重、影響遊戲正常進行者,GM將保有最後決定權,並視情形判斷是否介入處理。 違反規定者將暫時鎖定遊戲帳號,並請主動與官方人員聯絡;經三次通知限期改善後仍無改善,將逕行終止遊戲合約。
  21. 您同意您購買之產品或服務(包括但不限於虛擬道具)可能因系統、程式設定或其他因素而無法依原設定使用,若因此造成您之使用權益受損,除因可歸責於本公司之因素所致者外, 您同意本公司將無法賠償或補償此部分之損害或損失;倘係因可歸責於本公司所致者,您同意依本公司統一之補償或賠償方式處理,不得有任何異議。

[ 遊戲帳號鎖定查詢方法 ]

  a. 遊戲橘子會員中心→〔查詢紀錄〕→〔帳號大事記〕
  b. 楓之谷官網「GM專區」點選 處罰名單 查詢

  如對查詢結果有疑問,可來信 客服中心 或來電遊戲橘子客服電話:(02)2192-6100 <請按1> 。

當玩家登入遊戲出現「此遊戲帳號因使用不法程式,已經由系統自動鎖定」的訊息而無法順利進行遊戲, 代表您因使用不法程式被系統即時偵測進行鎖定。 如對鎖定情形有疑問可來信 客服中心 或來電遊戲橘子客服電話:(02)2192-6100 <請按1> 。

當玩家登入遊戲出現「您因不當行為,而遭遊戲管理員禁止攻擊、禁止交易、禁止丟棄道具、禁止開啟個人商店與精靈商人、 禁止組隊、禁止使用拍賣系統、強制傳回村莊,處罰期間將無法離開指定村莊,並無法使用各種傳送工具進行移動。」 的訊息而無法順利進行遊戲,代表您因違返遊戲管理規則而進行處罰。 如對處罰情形有疑問可來信 客服中心 或來電遊戲橘子客服電話:(02)2192-6100 <請按1> 。

[ GASH密碼/遊戲密碼查詢方法 ]

  a. 請您先進入遊戲橘子首頁,點選〔客服中心〕→〔下載傳真申請表格
  b. 將該表格列印出並填寫完整資料。
  c. 確認相關附件資料,例如身分證件…等。(需要附件請詳見遊戲橘子官網客服中心
  d. 傳真至客服中心,並請務必確認資料是否齊全。

  遊戲橘子客服電話:(02)2192-6100 <請按1>

[ 樂豆點使用方法 ]

  1. 消費者於通路場所購買的點數卡,一經開卡儲值後,即表示已經確認進行遊戲橘子系統下各項服務之消費,存入帳號的服務點數,
  2. 有關遊戲橘子系統及相關計費方式請上網另行查閱。

[ 伺服器臨時維護補償辦法 ]

  1. 此補償辦法僅限於玩家於遊戲內購物商場所購買,並具有使用期限之「時效性商品」,無使用期限的永久性商品將不在此限。
  2. 伺服器臨時維護定義:
    a. 每週固定之例行性維護時間,詳見官網首頁左下方公告時間
    b. 臨時維護若於停機時間7日前,於官方網站上進行公告者,將屬正常伺服器維護行為,請隨時注意官方網站公告事項。
    楓之谷官方將會依據該商品一日售價的50%給予 「楓葉點數」補償。
    玩家若對伺服器臨時維護補償辦法有任何疑問,可來信 客服中心 或來電遊戲橘子客服電話:(02)2192-6100 <請按1> 。

[ 商品序號異常補償辦法 ]

  a. 身份證正反面影印本
  b. 優待券序號放大影本
  c. 購買證明(例如:發票)
  d. 註明您的姓名、聯絡電話、遊戲帳號、伺服器、角色名稱、問題描述




[ Game Administration Rules ]

  1. The Company has the authority to “establish, change or delete” game administration rules. The contents of game administration rules may be amended due to a specific service update or upgrade. In case of addition or change, the new contents will be published on the official website and individual notice will be given based on the correspondence details provided at the time of member registration. The Company will not compensate any player’s loss or damage due to lack of knowledge about the published changes in game administration rules.
  2. In applying for an account, players must duly register their personal data. If the personal data submitted by the player are false or if the data are not updated in time, the Company may not be able to provide relevant services. The Company may also temporarily suspend the players’ membership and the right to use the services before player data are updated.
  3. When a member has any anomalous behavior in the game, including but not limited to anomalous acquisition, obtention or transfer of prop, anomalous fighting status, conversation involving theft, any illegal event or any suspected theft, to maintain the security of the gaming account of such member and other members, upon discovery of such event by official staff, such gaming accounts will be locked. The player should complete the procedure for “advanced certification” for Gamania members within 7 days before contacting the Gamania customer service center. Following verification that the use of the game account is normal, without any theft or unlawful use, the member will be assisted to activate the gaming account. If an explanation is not provided in time, the Company may apply the rules for handling unlawful use of accounts and passwords under the standardized gaming contract between the two parties or recover the unlawful benefit for use of the account in breach of fairness and reasonableness. In serious cases, the Company has the right to terminate the Game Service Agreement.
  4. It is strictly prohibited for players to engage in fraud by impersonating official staff (such as GM, customer service staff, Gamania) or engage in any act to jeopardize the normal gaming by other players. The first-time offender’s game account will be locked for 7 days. After multiple warnings, if no improvement is made or if it is officially determined that there has been a serious breach of the fairness of the game, the gaming agreement will be terminated.
  5. In case of object transaction, fraud or fraudulent account use in the course of the game or any other event that involves civil or criminal liability, the Company may restrict the player’s gaming account and use of relevant services pursuant to the requirement of the judicial authority, including temporary lockage of the account and provision of gaming histories, etc. The same is applicable to any gaming in breach of fair and reasonable manner or any behavior that is deemed criminal or suspicious of criminal offense.
  6. It is prohibited to sell, promote or use any “automated leveling” and “non-officially provided” plugin or inappropriate program (including but not limited to physical object or virtual program that provides simulation, parallel movement, operational amelioration, multitasking, clicking, assistance or other similar functions) to play the game. “Automated leveling” generally refers to any gaming behavior other than the player’s own, such as keyboard blocking, or consecutive clicking program. In case of breach, the Company will terminate the gaming service.
  7. In the course of the game, the player must play the game in person in front of the computer monitor. If the player is not in front of the monitor but the avatar is still performing movement that requires manual operation, such an event shall be deemed the use of “automated leveling” and “non-officially provided” plugin or inappropriate program to play the game. Following verification and records by game manager (GM), a sanction will be imposed to terminate the gaming agreement.
  8. Players shall not directly or indirectly install/activate execution, use or distribution of non-officially provided plugin or inappropriate program to create “abnormal game proceeding” such as invulnerability or disappearing status of the avatar, picking up object at an anomalous distance, attacking a monster at anomalous distance, access to locations inaccessible by general players, anomalous relocation or anomalous movement of monsters. Upon discovery, a sanction will be imposed to terminate the gaming agreement.
  9. If a player forms a team with any of the above players of anomaly (anomalous situation includes but is not limited to the use of a plugin or inappropriate program for automated leveling) or helps any plugin player to attack a monster (including but not limited to helping any plugin player with fury totem), pick up or share treasure Maple Coin, share experience value, etc., it shall be deemed sharing of interest with a plugin player and playing the game in an unfair manner. Upon discovery, a sanction will be imposed to terminate the gaming agreement.
  10. If a player is suspected to use a plugin or inappropriate program or use inappropriate manner (such as automated leveling, monster absorption) to play the game, the GM may conduct an audit in four manners:
    First manner:
    The GM will use the name of the GM that is specific to each server and ask players for a codename by whisper. If the player encounters the GM’s avatar asking for a codename, please answer stating that the player is in front of a computer, without using meaningless text, repetitive or unrelated dialogue to answer the verification, nor shall the GM’s inquiry or test be avoided based on any reason (including but not limited to use of remote program, not looking at the screen, playing the game for someone else, not understanding the text, escape from the site, leaving the game, dialogue window closed or gaming angle not permitting observation around oneself or other reason). It is also prohibited to close the dialogue window or get offline to avoid the GM’s test or audit. Otherwise, the GM will deem the player in use of a plugin or inappropriate program or inappropriate manner (such as automated leveling, monster absorption) to play the game and a sanction will be imposed to terminate the gaming contract.

    Second manner:
    The GM will use a lie detector on the players. When a player encounters a lie detector, please stop the avatar’s movement, click on the lie detector and manually input the correct English letters and Arabic numbers, followed by ENTER, in order to pass the lie detection and show that the player is in front of the computer and operating the avatar manually. No reason shall be used to avoid lie detection (including but not limited to missing the lie detector or not understanding English text/numbers). If a player has any anomalous behavior such as passing the lie detector with unreasonable speed or movement, it shall be deemed that the player is using plugin or inappropriate program or inappropriate manner (such as automated leveling, monster absorption) to play the game and sanction will be imposed to terminate the gaming contract.

    Third manner:
    The GM will make a direct record of players’ abnormal gaming status. After confirming that the player is using a plugin or an inappropriate program or an inappropriate manner (such as automated leveling, monster absorption) to play the game, in breach of the game rules, sanctions will be imposed to terminate the gaming contract.

    Breach Event Lockage Reason Lockage Time
    Promotion, teaching or sale of any information related to plugin or inappropriate program Plugin Termination of gaming agreement
    Use of plugin or inappropriate program for automated leveling Plugin Termination of gaming agreement
    Create invulnerability or disappearing status for avatar Plugin Termination of gaming agreement
    Allow avatar to pick up object at anomalous distance Plugin Termination of gaming agreement
    Allow avatar to attack monster at anomalous distance Plugin Termination of gaming agreement
    Access locations inaccessible by general players Plugin Termination of gaming agreement
    Cause anomalous relocation of monster Plugin Termination of gaming agreement
    Cause anomalous movement by monster Plugin Termination of gaming agreement
    Sharing interest with plugin user Violation of gaming rules Termination of gaming agreement

    Fourth manner:
    The gaming system directly records players’ abnormal gaming status. After confirmation that the player’s gaming record is different from a normal player, the avatar will be ordered offline and locked based on “system determination of gaming in inappropriate manner.”

    System record determination manner Reason for lockage Time of lockage
    Live system detection and suspension and immediate expulsion of player’s avatar System determination of anomalous gaming record Lockage of gaming account for 7 days
    System gaming record showing use of plugin or inappropriate program or gameplay in inappropriate manner System determination of gameplay in inappropriate manner Termination of gaming agreement
  11. It is prohibited to intentionally sabotage, hack, revise, or crack any MapleStory server or user-end data. It is also prohibited to use any other program or software to influence the operation of the game. In case of breach, the Company will terminate the Game Service Agreement and will pursue relevant legal liabilities of the offender.
  12. Any player who discovers a bug or any other issue in the game should notify official staff as soon as possible by using the “Game Error Report” on the official website. No bug shall be used to engage in any act that may jeopardize the balance of the game or to impact the interests of other players. It is also prohibited to transmit or distribute such news in public or in private. If a player uses any bug or loophole in the system to generate anomalous ability, experience value, avatar data, object or any phenomenon that cannot be generated under normal gaming, the Company has the right to suspend the right to use the account temporarily. The account user should contact the customer service staff by letter to provide relevant explanation. If the avatar possesses illegal props or anomalous avatar data and if the unlawful interest cannot be recovered, the player should cooperate with the customer service staff to perform stock-take of the relevant anomalous account during the temporary account suspension period until the data in the user account is corrected, or accept all reinstatement of the avatar in the account or similar action to turn them into brand-new avatars. In case of breach, the Company will temporarily lock the account and the player should provide cooperation in the process. In serious cases, the Company has the right to terminate the Game Service Agreement.
  13. It is prohibited to create an avatar with an inappropriate name (such as GM, customer service staff, Gamania) or special characters (to mislead players, imply pornography, personal attack, indecent term, breach of social morals, etc.) In case of breach, the gaming account will be temporarily locked for 7 days. During the lockage period, players should provide a new name for official change of name. After three demands for rectification with a deadline, if the name is not provided, the gaming account lockage period will be extended until a proper name is provided for official change.
  14. Players shall not make inappropriate statements in the game, including but not limited to the publication or transmission of any slandering, false, threatening, indecent, obscene, unlawful information or any information that infringes upon any other person’s intellectual property right, nor shall there be any act similar to advertising or the sale of merchandise. We prohibit terrorist organization, violent extremist and hate organizations from using our platform and we do not tolerate, promote or assist any content of violent extremism or terrorism. Hate speech or content that is demeaning, slandering or instigating discrimination or violence based on race, skin color, caste, ethnicity, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, gender, gender identification, disability or veteran status, immigration status, social and economic status, age, weight or pregnancy. In case of breach, the gaming account will be locked temporarily. Please contact official staff. After multiple warnings, if no improvement is made or if it is officially determined that there has been a serious breach of the game administration rules, the gaming agreement will be terminated.
  15. If any player promotes, supports, assists or participates in any illegal gambling or any act similar to gambling or interferes with the order in the game that jeopardizes the balance of the game, the game agreement will be terminated.
  16. Players shall keep their accounts and passcodes in due custody and shall not transfer, deliver, disclose or loan their accounts and passcodes to any third party for use or sharing of the account. In case of such an event that jeopardizes the balance of the game or creates any dispute with any other player, the game agreement will be terminated.
  17. No player shall use multiple accounts or play the game in an organizational or group manner for the purpose of achieving acquisition/transaction/transfer of props or coins in inappropriate manners (including for profit-seeking purpose), such as trading props, game coins, or points, using centralized specific account, flushing experience value or any anomalous behavior such as creating a large number of accounts with the same IP address or within the same period, to jeopardize the balance of the game. Upon official determination that the account has been used to play the game in any unfair or unreasonable manner, the game agreement will be terminated.
  18. Sanctions

    Sanction Manner Illustration
    Prohibition from speaking in the game account All avatars under the account will be prohibited from speaking and cannot use the loudspeaker during the sanction period, while players’ login to the game will not be impacted.
    Lockage of game account The account cannot be used to log into the game during the sanction period.
    Termination of game agreement All game services terminated for the account.
  19. It is prohibited to trade or exchange any game account or prop (including advertisements) for real money or any object of value in the game, nor shall there be any personal transactions. If the player suffers any loss due to personal transaction, there shall be no official compensation. In case of any issue with any Beanfun! Point or virtual prop acquired by the player through non-official channel, the player shall be solely responsible and the Company will not be able to handle the issue.
  20. All movements of the player’s avatar in the game constitute gaming behavior. In case of any dispute, based on the neutral position of game operation, the administrator shall not intervene excessively. Players shall resolve the dispute based on gaming etiquette and morality. However, if the event is serious and has an impact on the normal proceeding of the game, the GM reserves the final right of decision and will decide whether or not to intervene. The game account of the breaching party shall be locked temporarily. Please contact official staff. After multiple warnings, if no improvement is made after three notices demanding rectification within deadlines, the gaming agreement will be terminated.
  21. You agree that the products or services you purchase (including but not limited to virtual props) may not be able to be used as originally configured due to system, program considerations or other reasons. If your right to use is damaged as a result, unless it is due to a reason imputable to the Company, you agree that the Company will not be able to compensate or indemnify such damage or loss. If the damage is imputable to the Company, you agree to the Company’s standard manner of indemnification or compensation and shall not raise any objection.

[ Verification of locked game account ]

When a player logs into the game and sees a message that asks the player to “please verify whether your Gamania account or game account is normal,” the player may verify in the following manners:
  a. Gamania Member Center → [Verify Records] → [Account History]
  b. MapleStory Official Website “GM Section” Click Sanction List Check

  If you have a question about the verification result, please write to the customer service center or call Gamania’s customer service hotline: (02)2192-6100 <Please press 1>.

When a player logs into the game and sees a message that “this game account has been automatically locked by the system due to use of illegal program” and cannot play the game, it means that you are locked under live system detection due to the use of an illegal program. If you have a question about the lockage, please write to the customer service center or call Gamania’s customer service hotline: (02)2192-6100 <Please press 1>.

When a player logs into the game and sees a message that “due to inappropriate behavior, the game manager has prohibited attack, prohibited transaction, prohibited disposal of props, prohibited activation of personal shop and genie merchant, prohibited team building, prohibited use of auction system, mandated send-back to village, which prevents you from leaving the designated village and using any transmission tool to move during the sanction period,” this shows that you have been sanctioned due to breach of game administration rules. If you have a question about the sanction, please write to the customer service center or call Gamania’s customer service hotline: (02)2192-6100 <Please press 1>.

[ GASH passcode/game passcode verification manner ]

If a player forgets the [game account passcode], [second passcode] or [GASH passcode], please verify in the following manner:
  a. First, please go to Gamania’s home page, click [Customer Service Center] → [Download Fax Application Form]
  b. Print the form and fill out full information.
  c. Verify relevant information in the attachments, such as ID documents (if attachments are required, please check Gamania’s official website customer service center).
  d. Fax the information to the customer service center and ensure that it is complete.

  After the information faxed by the player is confirmed, a specialist will call you back within 24 hours with the verification results.
  Players are also suggested to call us about 2 hours after the fax to confirm receipt.
  Gamania’s customer service mailbox & digital ID verification link
  Gamania’s customer service hotline: (02)2192-6100 <Please press 1>

[ How to use Beanfun! Points ]

  1. When the consumer activates point cards bought through channels, it shall be deemed to have confirmed consumption of all services under the Gamania system and the service points will be deposited into the account which cannot be transferred by the Company to a third party, nor could they be returned or refunded.
  2. About the Gamania system and relevant fee schedule, please check online.

[ Compensation rules for temporary server maintenance ]

  1. These compensation rules are only applicable to players’ purchases of “time-limited product” with an expiry date in the in-game mall and not to permanent products with an expiry date.
  2. Definition of temporary server maintenance:
    Temporary maintenance time is uncertain. Therefore, any “non-routine maintenance time” falls under the definition of temporary maintenance. Routine server maintenance hours are defined as follows:
    a. Weekly routine maintenance hours are published in the lower left corner on the home page of the official website.
    b. If temporary maintenance is 7 days before downtime and a publication is made on the official website, it constitutes routine server maintenance. Please pay attention to announcements on the official website at all times.
    In case of temporary server maintenance
    If downtime exceeds 2 hours without normal use, MapleStory will provide “Maple point” compensation equivalent to 50% of the sale price of “time-limited product” below 6 hours.
    If downtime exceeds 4 hours without normal use, MapleStory will provide “Maple point” compensation equivalent to 100% of the sale price of “time-limited product” below 6 hours. For “time-limited product” over 24 hours, MapleStory will provide “Maple point” compensation equivalent to 50% of the one-day sale price.
    If downtime exceeds 6 hours without normal use, MapleStory will provide “Maple point” compensation equivalent to one-day sale price of “time-limited product” over 24 hours.
    If the player has a question about the compensation rules for temporary server maintenance, please write to the customer service center or call Gamania’s customer service hotline: (02)2192-6100 <Please press 1>.

[ Compensation rules for anomalous product serial number ]

If the serial number of any virtual prop provided free of charge with any relevant product purchased by the player from MapleStory, please fax the below information for verification:
  a. Recto-version photocopy of the ID card
  b. Enlarged photocopy of serial number of the coupon
  c. Proof of purchase (such as invoice)
  d. Please provide your name, phone number, game account, server, avatar and question

  After the information faxed by the player is confirmed, a specialist will call you back within 24 hours with the verification results.
  Players are also suggested to call us about 2 hours after the fax to confirm receipt.

  Gamania’s customer service mailbox & digital ID verification link

※In case of any discrepancy between Chinese and English versions of the terms and conditions, the Chinese version shall prevail.
  • 快速啟動
  • 會員中心
  • 我的錢包
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