Q & A

How Does Dajjal Communicate And Give Orders To His Followers From Another Dimension of Time?

“At the very end of the Qur’an Allah warns us about … ‘Allazee Yuwaswisu Fee Sooduri-nnas. Min-alJinnati Wannas.’ (Who whispers…


How do we combat Riba?

Question: How do we combat Riba? “There are two forms of Riba that must be recognised. One is lending of…


When would the Muslims make and alliance with Rum, Is Rum the Rome in Italy?

Question: When Israel Wages Her Big Wars Would That Be The Time When Muslim Will Make An Alliance With Rum?…


I Can Not Afford To Buy A Car Or House Without Asking The Bank, How Do I Escape Riba?

I Can Not Afford To Buy A Car Or House Without Asking The Bank, How Do I Escape Riba? ……


Why do you say, Murabaha of Islamic Banks is back door Riba?

Why Do You Say Murbaha in Islamic Banks is Back Door Riba? This part is taken from lecture: The Prohibition…


Are you a sunni? Which mathab do you follow?

Question 1: Are you Sunni? Yes (in the sense that I am not Shia). This has NEVER been a secret…


Will the Khilafah be restored before Imam Mahdi emerges? Will he be a Sunni or a Shia? Is he Born?

Will the Khilafah be restored before Imam Mahdi emerges? Will he be a Sunni or a Shia? Is he already…


With regard to Muhammad Abd Al Wahhab

Question: Salam maulana I want to ask about the wahaabi sect. I belong to sunni sect (in documents but consider…
