is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
We welcome all marginalized identities. This Mastodon instance is generally for folks who are LGBTQIA+ and Allies with an interest in tech work, academics, or technology in general.

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Excuse me what the fuck?

ngl, I understand you being upset, but "uwu smol boi shit":

  • Doesn't really make much sense to me
  • Drawing and maintaining boundaries shouldn't be an issue
  • Is admittedly hurtful.

Take it how dragonminded did if you want, but no, I'm not threatening people. Just commenting on if you hate it so much why stick around?

How do I report my own admin for block evasion while I move on from this place? How the fuck does david have my email to send this?

Null Pointer Exception
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@Raeve this was sent via email??? Private DMs is one thing, but damn that's creepy 😭

Raeve :neobun_enby: :neocat_amogus:
Quiet public

@0xPortal Yep. He emailed me because i blocked him this morning.

Which means he used admin status to see my interim posts and obtain other contact info.

Good way to reinforce that distrust.

Raeve :neobun_enby: :neocat_amogus:
Quiet public

@ShadowJonathan I absolutely need you to chime in on this immediately.

Raeve :neobun_enby: :neocat_amogus:
Quiet public

@ShadowJonathan And let's be clear: My email is under an old name. It can't just be guessed or something. It was only used for registration.

This is a massive breach of privacy.

Raeve :neobun_enby: :neocat_amogus:
Quiet public

Unless you're going to use a moderator account to contact me, this is block evasion to the core.

Stop contacting me.

Null Pointer Exception
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@Raeve nope can't find your email publicly. Even if it was, doesn't make it any less weird tbh.

Null Pointer Exception
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@Raeve what in the power trip is going on, like can't take any criticism and can't message that person so you insult them over their private email. I love this instance but definetly looking into hosting my own (was thinking of this before this meta tbh)


@Raeve oh. oh dear

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