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LSD microdosing RCT

Self-experiment with sub-psychedelic doses of LSD; no ben­e­fit

Some early ex­per­i­men­tal stud­ies with LSD sug­gested that doses of LSD too small to cause any no­tice­able ef­fects may im­prove mood and cre­ativ­ity. Prompted by re­cent dis­cus­sion of this claim and the purely anec­do­tal sub­se­quent ev­i­dence for it, I de­cided to run a well-powered ran­dom­ized blind trial of 3-day LSD mi­cro­doses from Sep­tem­ber 201212ya to March 201311ya. No ben­e­fi­cial ef­fects reached statistical-significance and there were wor­ri­some neg­a­tive trends. LSD mi­cro­dos­ing did not help me.

⁠In­trigued by old sci­en­tific re­sults & many pos­i­tive anec­dotes since, I ex­per­i­mented with “mi­cro­dos­ing” LSD—tak­ing doses ~10μg, far below the level at which it causes its fa­mous ef­fects. At this dosage, the anec­dotes claim the usual generic spec­trum of pos­i­tive ef­fects on mood, de­pres­sion, abil­ity to do work, etc. After re­search­ing the mat­ter a bit, I dis­cov­ered that as far as I could tell, since the orig­i­nal ex­per­i­ment in the 1960s, no one had ever done a blind or even a ran­dom­ized self-experiment on it.

The self-experiment was sim­ple: I cal­cu­lated ⁠how many doses I needed and whether the ex­per­i­ment was ⁠worth run­ning, or­dered 2 250μg tabs off ⁠Silk Road 1, ⁠de­signed the ex­per­i­ment (I dis­solved one in dis­tilled water, put the so­lu­tion in one jar & tap water in the other, and took them in pairs of 3-day blocks), ran it, and an­a­lyzed it.

The ⁠re­sults of my pre-specified analy­sis:

  1. Sleep (using my Zeo):

    • la­tency: none (p = 0.49)

    • total sleep: none (p = 0.12)

    • num­ber of awak­en­ings: none (p = 0.25)

    • morn­ing feel: in­creased (p = 0.011, non-statistically-significant after multiple-testing cor­rec­tion)

  2. Mnemosyne flash­card scores: none (p = 0.68)

  3. Mood/pro­duc­tiv­ity: none (d=-0.18; p = 0.27)

  4. Cre­ativ­ity: none (d=-0.19; p = 0.28)

I con­cluded that if any­thing, the LSD mi­cro­dos­ing may have done the op­po­site of what I wanted.

Given that this is the op­po­site of al­most all mi­cro­dos­ing anec­dotes and this pat­tern sug­gests placebo & ex­pectancy ef­fects, I strongly urge any fu­ture self-experimenters to up their method­olog­i­cal rigor, and es­pe­cially to blind their doses to avoid both placebo & no­cebo ef­fects. If they fear the con­se­quences of pub­li­ca­tion, then in the in­ter­ests of com­bat­ing the en­demic pub­li­ca­tion bias⁠⁠1⁠, I am will­ing to host their writeup on this page; ⁠my PGP key is avail­able.


…When I did 2 hits of acid, I had the exact op­po­site ex­pe­ri­ence of see­ing God. The fact that such a tiny amount of a mere chem­i­cal could ef­fect my ‘soul’ so pro­foundly was proof pos­i­tive that the soul is com­pletely ma­te­r­ial. I al­ready be­lieved this in­tel­lec­tu­ally, but this ex­pe­ri­ence so­lid­i­fied this knowl­edge into my very being. So per­son­ally, I would rec­om­mended ex­per­i­ment­ing with a psy­che­delic or two for those who wish to study Phi­los­o­phy.


I’ve long been in­ter­ested in psy­che­delics for the in­sights they may offer into our brains but I’d never ac­tu­ally tried any. Be­sides being il­le­gal and rel­a­tively ex­pen­sive or hard to get, pro­po­nents have been clear that a “good trip” re­quires some­one ex­pe­ri­enced to watch over you and an ap­pro­pri­ate en­vi­ron­ment - nei­ther of which I had avail­able. So it’d al­ways been some­thing to do later, and pure cu­rios­ity about the ex­pe­ri­ence was not enough to break my in­er­tia.

I say “cu­rios­ity about the ex­pe­ri­ence” be­cause I am du­bi­ous about the ac­tual epis­temic value of the psy­che­delic ex­pe­ri­ence; my in­ter­est, like William James, is in what I can learn from the ex­pe­ri­ence about my­self and re­li­gion. The claims made by psy­cho­nauts are fre­quently ex­trav­a­gant and un­jus­ti­fied; the tan­gi­ble ben­e­fits are ei­ther un­re­lated to the truth of the ex­pe­ri­ence (such as less­ened anx­i­ety of death), purely in­ter­nal (what one wants to do with one’s life), or true but un­re­lated to the claims in­ferred from the ex­pe­ri­ence and ver­i­fi­able in a non-psychedelic con­text (the in­ven­tion of PCR). Only a few ex­pe­ri­ences could be used to show the ob­jec­tive re­al­ity of any such ex­pe­ri­ence such as meet­ing the “ma­chine elves” under the in­flu­ence of DMT, such as fac­tor­ing large primes (al­though given the rel­a­tive rar­ity of meet­ing them while using DMT, I es­ti­mate such an ex­per­i­ment could be ⁠fairly ex­pen­sive to run). If one feels at one with every­thing in the uni­verse and de­cides to de­vote his life to feed­ing starv­ing chil­dren, his de­vo­tion to char­ity proves noth­ing about the uni­verse, and even if the ex­pe­ri­ence were true at face-value, that would not be enough ei­ther - if one felt the op­po­site, that the uni­verse were not one, would that some­how make the starv­ing chil­dren OK? Sam Har­ris takes an ap­proach very much like mine:

The mere ex­is­tence of psy­che­delics would seem to es­tab­lish the ma­te­r­ial basis of men­tal and spir­i­tual life be­yond any doubt - for the in­tro­duc­tion of these sub­stances into the brain is the ob­vi­ous cause of any nu­mi­nous apoc­a­lypse that fol­lows. It is pos­si­ble, how­ever, if not ac­tu­ally plau­si­ble, to seize this datum from the other end and argue, and Al­dous Hux­ley did in his clas­sic essay, The Doors of Per­cep­tion, that the pri­mary func­tion of the brain could be elim­i­na­tive: its pur­pose could be to pre­vent some vast, transper­sonal di­men­sion of mind from flood­ing con­scious­ness, thereby al­low­ing apes like our­selves to make their way in the world with­out being daz­zled at every step by vi­sion­ary phe­nom­ena ir­rel­e­vant to their sur­vival. Hux­ley thought that if the brain were a kind of “re­duc­ing valve” for “Mind at Large,” this would ex­plain the ef­fi­cacy of psy­che­delics: They could sim­ply be a ma­te­r­ial means of open­ing the tap.

…Un­for­tu­nately, Hux­ley was op­er­at­ing under the er­ro­neous as­sump­tion that psy­che­delics de­crease brain ac­tiv­ity. How­ever, mod­ern tech­niques of neu­roimag­ing have shown that these drugs tend to in­crease ac­tiv­ity in many re­gions of the cor­tex (and in sub­cor­ti­cal struc­tures as well) [Note 1/24/12: a re­cent study on psilo­cy­bin ac­tu­ally lends some sup­port to Hux­ley’s view. –SH] . Still, the ac­tion of these drugs does not rule out du­al­ism, or the ex­is­tence of realms of mind be­yond the brain - but then noth­ing does. This is one of the prob­lems with views of this kind: They ap­pear to be un­fal­si­fi­able. [Phys­i­cal­ism, by con­trast, could be eas­ily fal­si­fied. If sci­ence ever es­tab­lished the ex­is­tence of ghosts, or rein­car­na­tion, or any other phe­nom­e­non which would place the human mind (in whole or in part) out­side the brain, phys­i­cal­ism would be dead. The fact that du­al­ists can never say what would count as ev­i­dence against their views makes this an­cient philo­soph­i­cal po­si­tion very dif­fi­cult to dis­tin­guish from re­li­gious faith.]

Of course, the brain does fil­ter an ex­tra­or­di­nary amount of in­for­ma­tion from con­scious­ness. And, like many who have taken these drugs, I can at­test that psy­che­delics cer­tainly throw open the gates. Need­less to say, posit­ing the ex­is­tence of a “Mind at Large” is more tempt­ing in some states of con­scious­ness than in oth­ers. And the ques­tion of which view of re­al­ity we should priv­i­lege is, at times, worth con­sid­er­ing. But these drugs can also pro­duce men­tal states that are best viewed in clin­i­cal terms as forms of psy­chosis. As a gen­eral mat­ter, I be­lieve we should be very slow to make con­clu­sions about the na­ture of the cos­mos based upon inner ex­pe­ri­ence - no mat­ter how pro­found these ex­pe­ri­ences seem.

The po­ten­tial “mys­ti­cal ex­pe­ri­ence” or “en­counter with God” has con­sid­er­able in­ter­est for me, though, and psy­che­delics com­monly trig­ger such ex­pe­ri­ences. Even back when I was a very young child, I was athe­is­tic; at first, be­cause re­li­gions didn’t seem like good ex­pla­na­tions of the world, but then be­cause I read through var­i­ous scrip­tures & the Bible & higher Bib­li­cal crit­i­cism & phi­los­o­phy books with­out find­ing any­thing con­vinc­ing⁠⁠2⁠. I al­ways won­dered whether my dis­be­lief was due to rea­soned grounds as I claimed, or a sim­ple lack of the right ex­pe­ri­ences: other peo­ple seem to have mys­ti­cal ex­pe­ri­ences and find prayer sat­is­fac­tory and be­lieve fer­vently, and I spo­rad­i­cally hear of con­verts who have “road to Dam­as­cus” ex­pe­ri­ences (like SF au­thor John C. Wright hal­lu­ci­nat­ing and con­vert­ing to Catholi­cism ⁠after a heart at­tack). Spo­radic hal­lu­ci­na­tions are a poor ground for be­lief, as a men­tal hos­pi­tal demon­strates, but nev­er­the­less they are quite con­vinc­ing; it seems that for many, see­ing re­ally is be­liev­ing (Grif­fithset al2019). Many years later, I have yet to have a mys­ti­cal or re­li­gious or “peak” ex­pe­ri­ence which could ei­ther con­vert me or leave me un­moved, and thus em­pir­i­cally set­tle the issue as to why I am an athe­ist - ab­sence of ex­pe­ri­ence, or rea­soned be­lief? Hence, it is tempt­ing to force the issue. (If you have a psilocybin-induced hal­lu­ci­na­tion of God and then be­come a the­ist, that’s a good piece of ev­i­dence that stuff like the ar­gu­ment from evil or ar­gu­ment from si­lence weren’t why you were an athe­ist. And so if you were claim­ing pre­vi­ously that they were, you were ei­ther lying or badly mis­taken.) Thomas Nagel: (“A Philoso­pher De­fends Re­li­gion”)

It is il­lu­mi­nat­ing to have the stark­ness of the op­po­si­tion be­tween Planti­nga’s the­ism and the sec­u­lar out­look so clearly ex­plained. My in­stinc­tively athe­is­tic per­spec­tive im­plies that if I ever found my­self flooded with the con­vic­tion that what the Nicene Creed says is true, the most likely ex­pla­na­tion would be that I was los­ing my mind, not that I was being granted the gift of faith. From Planti­nga’s point of view, by con­trast, I suf­fer from a kind of spir­i­tual blind­ness from which I am un­will­ing to be cured.

Every­thing I’ve heard or read is con­sis­tent with what such ex­pe­ri­ences seem to be: the brain in a very un­usual state, mal­func­tion­ing in many re­spects and per­haps func­tion­ing bet­ter in a few other re­spects. No one ex­pects to dis­cover a new truth about the uni­verse in the throes of delir­ium tremens or am­phet­a­mine psy­chosis - isn’t it par­si­mo­nious to ex­tend this to psy­che­delics as well? If there were some ‘truthi­ness’ to the states, I had to think: of the many thou­sands of mind-altering sub­stances in­ves­ti­gated over the cen­turies, it would be quite re­mark­able if the few which grant ac­cess to new truths were also the very same ones which pro­duce pleas­ant or en­joy­able trips! To the ex­tent that trips pro­duce con­vic­tions of truthi­ness or vast­ness or re­al­ism, this shows only that the men­tal to­kens or rep­re­sen­ta­tions can be hacked by al­tered states of mind; the psychedelic-altered brain which is sup­pos­edly ex­pe­ri­enc­ing some super-realistic ex­pe­ri­ence or being awed by the wis­dom & power of DMT elves is also the same brain say­ing to it­self “this is a super-realistic ex­pe­ri­ence, which could not have been pro­duced by my brain!” or “these elves are nigh-omniscient, and could not be the prod­uct of my brain!” To use that is to argue in cir­cles; just as in dreams, one has the mem­ory of doing some­thing like read­ing a book with­out ever doing so, or one can fire up a video game em­u­la­tor to the “you win” screen with­out ever play­ing the video game, one can have a be­lief with­out any of the usual pre­ced­ing causes, and the pres­ence of the be­lief can­not it­self prove that the be­lief is true, it only proves that one had the be­lief. (I’m re­minded of the skep­ti­cal ar­gu­ments aboud mem­ory & rule-following in Krip­ken­stein & rid­dles of in­duc­tion.) The discli­na­tion of the elves to an­swer any ques­tions, and the total re­liance on merely the sub­jec­tive re­call, shows that there is no there there.

So the trip it­self is of lit­tle di­rect value, but the 3 cat­e­gories of ef­fects I out­lined are. Every­one talks about Open­ness (see later) and cre­ativ­ity in re­la­tion to psy­che­delics (eg. ⁠Wired/⁠dis­cus­sion). I would offer a more con­crete anal­ogy: cre­ativ­ity is a kind of op­ti­miza­tion ac­tiv­ity like sim­u­lated an­neal­ing in which one searches through a vast num­ber of pos­si­bil­i­ties for the right thing.⁠⁠3⁠ (This seems to be sim­i­lar to James L. Kent’s views.) In sim­u­lated an­neal­ing, we can think of the pos­si­bil­i­ties as a fit­ness land­scape dot­ted with moun­tains and val­leys, and we are try­ing to find the low­est point; we start at ran­dom points, and jump around ran­domly and see how low we wind up. How big are our jumps? This is the “tem­per­a­ture”. The tem­per­a­ture starts high, since we may be a very long way away from the low­est point, but as we get lower and closer to the sea, we turn down the tem­per­a­ture and start mak­ing small jumps so we don’t jump right back onto a moun­tain or some­thing like that. (Imag­ine look­ing through a dic­tio­nary: you flip through whole chunks to get the let­ter right, then you start flip­ping through pages so you don’t over­shoot, and fi­nally you read through an in­di­vid­ual page.) The tem­per­a­ture has to change, or we will waste a lot of time and may never find our tar­get: if the tem­per­a­ture is al­ways high, no sooner have we found an ex­cel­lent can­di­date than we have jumped half a con­ti­nent away, but if it’s al­ways low, we will lit­er­ally inch around and not find the low point a few miles away. Sim­u­lated an­neal­ing it­self has been ap­plied to neural net­works, so it may be more than just an anal­ogy to say our brains do some­thing sim­i­lar. At first you brain­storm, gen­er­at­ing myr­i­ads of dis­parate ideas, but you focus on a few can­di­dates, brain­storm vari­ants, and begin care­fully fine-tuning them. You hope you don’t spend too much time tin­ker­ing that you miss your dead­line, but also that you don’t spend too lit­tle time brain­storm­ing that you miss some bril­liant el­e­gant so­lu­tion.

And LSD? Per­haps doses large enough that you be­come so ‘cre­ative’ that you start see­ing what is not there are anal­o­gous to turn­ing the tem­per­a­ture up a thou­sand de­grees: the fran­tic an­neal­ing may hit upon some re­mote undis­cov­ered great idea (eg. PCR) but this will usu­ally just throw away all one’s cur­rent good re­sults in favor of some ran­dom dreck. Gen­uine thought and break­throughs are the pin­na­cle of human thought, achieved after end­less labor and de­pen­dent on many dead-ends, bits of knowl­edge, and in­tu­ited truths; ran­dom­ness seems like it would usu­ally make things much worse⁠⁠4⁠, and in gen­eral, phar­ma­co­log­i­cal in­ter­ven­tions have lit­tle luck im­prov­ing things. Think of dreams: 4 or 5 a night, hugely ran­dom - and only oc­ca­sion­ally if ever do they de­liver real in­sight or a valid idea. Isn’t it a stan­dard joke that you dis­cover the se­cret of the uni­verse or the per­fect song in a dream, wake up & write it down, and in the morn­ing it is worth­less? It’s prob­a­bly no ac­ci­dent that dreams so rarely pro­duce use­ful in­sights and also parts of the brain - par­tic­u­larly parts of the pre­frontal cor­tex - are ⁠shut down or op­er­at­ing dif­fer­ently.

Once in my life I had a math­e­mat­i­cal dream which proved cor­rect. I was twenty years old. I thought, my God, this is won­der­ful, I won’t have to work, it will all come in dreams! But it never hap­pened again.

Stanis­law Ulam⁠5⁠⁠6⁠


But if we turned up the tem­per­a­ture just a few de­grees, we might wind up burn­ing our cake, but then again we might cook it to per­fec­tion. The­o­ret­i­cal spec­u­la­tion, of course, but with some plau­si­bil­ity to it.

The old re­search lit­er­a­ture is mixed but sug­gests that LSD doesn’t do much under 20μg. Nonethe­less, when I read “The Heretic” about ⁠James Fadi­man’s ideas about “micro-dosing” and an ⁠ear­lier in­ter­view as well as Vice piece⁠⁠7⁠ (I later read his The Psy­che­delic Ex­plorer’s Guide), and that it seemed to work well for a va­ri­ety of peo­ple, the old mus­ings came back to mind. A psy­che­delic LSD dose is 100μg+, and Fadi­man’s rec­om­mended micro-doses 10μg. That puts micro-doses well into the sub-hallucinatory range, and re­moves most of my safety con­cerns (since even if there were prob­lems with chronic LSD con­sump­tion, “the dose makes the poi­son”). Cer­tainly it sounds good:

“Micro-dosing turns out to be a to­tally dif­fer­ent world,” Fadi­man ex­tolled. “As some­one said, the rocks don’t glow, even a lit­tle bit. But what many peo­ple are re­port­ing is, at the end of the day, they say, ‘That was a re­ally good day.’ You know, that kind of day when things kind of work. You’re doing a task you nor­mally couldn’t stand for two hours, but you do it for three or four. You eat prop­erly. Maybe you do one more set of reps. Just a good day. That seems to be what we’re dis­cov­er­ing.” Else­where Fadi­man has been more spe­cific about the log­books he’s re­ceived. One physi­cian re­ported that micro-dosing got him “in touch with a deep place of ease and beauty.” A vo­cal­ist said she could bet­ter hear and chan­nel music. In gen­eral, study par­tic­i­pants func­tioned nor­mally in their work and re­la­tion­ships, Fadi­man has said, but with in­creased focus, cre­ativ­ity, and emo­tional clar­ity. Until he re­leases his data archive in a com­pre­hen­sive man­ner, it is, of course, not pos­si­ble to scru­ti­nize the va­lid­ity of his claim…“I just got a re­port from some­one who did this for six weeks,” Fadi­man said. “And his ques­tion to me was, ‘Is there any rea­son to stop?’” More laugh­ter through­out the hall, an­other ad­just­ment of bi­fo­cals…it also al­lows him to fol­low the rec­om­men­da­tion of a long­time, now-deceased friend, Al­bert Hof­mann, who, ac­cord­ing to Fadi­man, called micro-dosing “the most under-researched area of psy­che­delics.”

Fadi­man was part of the team which ran the Psy­che­delics in problem-solving ex­per­i­ment, ad­min­is­ter­ing 50μg doses of LSD—close, al­beit not iden­ti­cal, to mi­cro­dos­ing lev­els—to peo­ple work­ing on un­solved tech­ni­cal prob­lems, while they tried think­ing about the prob­lems again; they ap­par­ently often solved them.[^problem-solving] There are many fans of LSD mi­cro­dos­ing in the rel­e­vant Blue­ & Longecity & Red­dit ⁠1/⁠2/⁠3/⁠4 & Silk Road forum dis­cus­sions (though oth­ers won­der about tol­er­ance after re­peated mi­cro­doses). Fur­ther, LSD used to be pop­u­lar in Sil­i­con Val­ley and used by many com­put­ing pi­o­neers (see What the Dor­mouse Said, Markoff 200519ya).

[^problem-solving] :In ret­ro­spect, I think that ex­per­i­ment was much more dif­fer­ent from mi­cro­dos­ing as prac­ticed.

While the dose difference might not be so different, if one buys the 10μg microdosing level (so 'only' a 5× difference), the purpose, selection, and setting *are* quite different from the nebulous well-being claimed for microdosing. The experiment did it once, with a highly specific selection of subjects---cases where people ought to be in the middle of an [incubation effect](!W), and possibly on the brink of an insight if they get a nudge, and where they are mindfully thinking about that goal. There is no reason to expect that to be true of ordinary everyday life and office workers doing routine work and taking microdoses regularly.
Indeed, depending on your statistical/AI interpretation of psychedelic benefits (particularly [neurogenesis](/doc/psychedelic/2017-carharttharris.pdf)/[neuroplasticity]( "What Happens in the Brain to Cause Depression?: Drugs that target the neurotransmitter serotonin have long been prescribed to treat depression. Now the spotlight is turning to other aspects of brain chemistry. In this episode, the neuropharmacologist John Krystal shares findings that are overturning our understanding of depression.") paradigms), you might take the Fadiman study as showing that the standard microdosing approaches are in fact *harmful*, because they are disrupting the incubation and precise focused thought on the problem (analogous to  never decreasing the [learning rate](!W) or never lowering the temperature in [simulated annealing](!W)).

None of this, how­ever is par­tic­u­larly strong ev­i­dence. To ad­dress them in order:

  • the orig­i­nal ex­per­i­ment had un­avoid­able flaws⁠⁠8⁠; for ex­am­ple:

  • sub­se­quent anec­dotes all are nei­ther ran­dom nor blind:

    • we know placebo ef­fects can be ex­tremely pow­er­ful - see the Shulgin or­ange juice story - and that water or placebo can be mis­taken for LSD (Abram­sonet al1955, Lin­ton & Langs1962, Olsonet al2020 etc)

    • the anec­dotes typ­i­cally are using smaller than 50μg doses

    • they claim un­quan­ti­fied ben­e­fits

    • psy­che­delic users are not fa­mous for their re­li­able anec­dotes & crit­i­cal think­ing

    • hap­haz­ard pro­ce­dures in­tro­duc­ing ar­bi­trar­ily large sys­tem­atic bi­ases

    • the lack of ran­dom­iza­tion for­bids causal in­ter­pre­ta­tion (cor­re­la­tion ≠ cau­sa­tion)

Fol­lowup work so far has not in­di­cated sub­stan­tial ef­fects or ben­e­fits of psy­che­delic mi­cro­dos­ing, with the bet­ter stud­ies find­ing fewer ef­fects, con­tra­dic­tions be­tween self-reported ben­e­fits & ob­jec­tively mea­sured vari­ables, and are con­sis­tent with sub­stan­tial placebo ef­fects:

In gen­eral, I find it cu­ri­ous that while sup­pos­edly some­thing like 5–10% of the Amer­i­can pop­u­la­tion has at some time taken a psy­che­delic and, far from ush­er­ing in any new age, pretty much every lon­gi­tu­di­nal analy­sis quan­ti­fy­ing them in any way con­cludes that per capita pro­duc­tiv­ity/scientific-output/cre­ativ­ity/etc have been rather undis­tin­guished since San­doz ush­ered in the mod­ern age of wide­spread psy­che­delics use. We know many tech fig­ures have used it, but few spe­cific break­throughs like PCR can be cred­ited to LSD use; of course many would not admit to LSD help­ing them out, but given the claimed large ef­fect size and how many peo­ple have used LSD, there should still be a lot more than the hand­ful of doc­u­mented anec­dotes, and we should see a steady trickle of old dis­cov­er­ies re­vealed posthu­mously or in mem­oirs or as the stig­mas fade. But we don’t. (For ex­am­ple, LSD began com­mer­cial dis­tri­b­u­tion in 194777ya; from 1948662014, there were ~264 sci­ence Nobel Prizes ex­clud­ing Lit­er­a­ture/Peace/Eco­nom­ics, hence one might ex­pect ~13–26 No­belists to have used LSD at some point in their life­time if they used at a sim­i­lar rate as the gen­eral pop­u­la­tion, and much more if LSD did con­tribute to key cre­ative break­throughs es­pe­cially given the tail ef­fects, but as far as I know the only sci­ence No­belists who have ever ad­mit­ted—or even been said to have used LSD in some way pos­si­bly re­lated to any im­por­tant work—are 3 in num­ber: Richard Feyn­man, Kary Mullis for PCR, and pos­si­bly Fran­cis Crick for DNA. So if one wishes to rea­son from anec­dotes like them (gen­er­ously as­sum­ing those sto­ries are true), one might con­clude that psy­che­delics usage re­duces your abil­ity to make sci­en­tific dis­cov­er­ies, OR=0.23 & p = 0.006⁠⁠10⁠!)



LSD is an acute water-soluble drug. This makes dos­ing easy: take a sin­gle dose of 250μg, dis­solve it in some water (re­frig­er­ated), and then con­sume 1/10th for a dose of 25μg. Some on­line anec­dotes mi­cro­dose daily, while oth­ers mi­cro­dose every 2 or 3 days.

I or­dered 2 tabs ⁠from Vi­ta­Cat on Silk Road:

2 250μg doses of LSD on “Mayan” blotter paper, shipped from Germany in a sealed plastic sheet

2 250μg doses of LSD on “Mayan” blot­ter paper, shipped from Ger­many in a sealed plas­tic sheet

He shipped them in an en­ve­lope in an air­tight sealed plas­tic sheet; I kept them re­frig­er­ated, un­der­neath a box to block light, and kept sealed until I opened it and used the first one for ⁠a trip. The re­main­ing tab was kept in the re­frig­er­a­tor until a week later. (Given that peo­ple rou­tinely stash tabs in books and other places, I doubt that the week did it much dam­age.) The next morn­ing, I added 25ml of dis­tilled water⁠⁠11⁠ into an air­tight mason jar, dropped the blot­ter in, shook vig­or­ously, re­frig­er­ated overnight, and re­moved the blot­ter the next af­ter­noon.

Self-blinding a liq­uid is as straight­for­ward as ⁠self-blinding pills: 2 opaque con­tain­ers (one marked; both kept in re­frig­er­a­tor) into which a mil­li­liter drop­per puts a dose of LSD water and a dose of reg­u­lar water.

This sug­gests the fol­low­ing de­sign: a ran­dom­ized dose on day 1, fol­lowed by days 2 and 3 off, then on day 4, drink­ing the sec­ond con­tainer; on day 7, ex­am­ine the con­tain­ers record­ing whether ac­tive/placebo and fi­nally, start­ing over as day 1 of a new pair of 3-day blocks. The power analy­sis (see next sec­tion) in­di­cates >19 ac­tive days are de­sir­able, so 190+μg are needed; this can be di­luted into an evenly di­vis­i­ble amount like 19ml of water and then 1ml ex­tracted each day. 3 days seems to be the max­i­mum that most mi­cro­dos­ing en­thu­si­asts con­sider a dose ac­tive for, so there shouldn’t be is­sues with tol­er­ance or car­ry­over. I ran this de­sign by Dr. Fadi­man, who did not ob­ject. (This de­sign can be seen as a crossover study: re­peated mea­sures of the same sub­ject serv­ing as their own con­trol. No washout pe­riod to pro­tect against carry-over, though, since I did not ex­pect no­tice­able ef­fects 4 days out from a mi­cro­dose, and my later analy­sis sug­gests there was none.)

Vi­ta­Cat’s Mayan tabs were ad­ver­tised as 250μg, and I di­luted the re­main­ing tab into 20ml of water, so nom­i­nally each 1ml dose would have 12.5μg of LSD, which is at least twice the level (5μg) a num­ber of peo­ple have claimed ben­e­fits from mi­cro­dos­ing, so even if the tab was over­stated by 100μg, the dose should still be enough to pro­duce any ef­fects.

I took one ad­di­tional step: tem­porar­ily sus­pend­ing my ⁠lithium self-experiment. There are many mostly-negative opin­ions on­line about the in­ter­ac­tions of LSD & lithium, al­though most com­menters seem to be talk­ing about ther­a­peu­tic doses of lithium - which are 10-15x larger than the 10mg of lithium oro­tate which I may have been tak­ing if it wasn’t a placebo week. (It later turned out that it was in­deed a placebo week so my pre­cau­tion was un­nec­es­sary.) But there is no point in risk­ing the de­scribed neg­a­tive ef­fects or the weak­en­ing of the trip, so 2 weeks be­fore, the ex­per­i­ment was paused. Ob­vi­ously I can’t prove that this is suf­fi­cient, but I think it was enough: I was tak­ing 10mg oro­tate every other day (on av­er­age) and the anec­dotes which caused me to place it on hold were from peo­ple tak­ing psy­chi­atric doses which are closer to 500mg, and they gen­er­ally seem to think that the ef­fect of lithium didn’t last for months (which is con­sis­tent with the fairly fast me­tab­o­lism of lithium in the body, ~24 hour half-life); as well, I stopped it weeks be­fore the trip, which went fine, which was it­self a week be­fore start­ing mi­cro­dos­ing. So for the lithium to have been a prob­lem, one would have to pos­tu­late that the lev­els of lithium, al­ready 2 or­ders of mag­ni­tude below those claimed to cause prob­lems, did not no­tice­ably in­ter­fere with the trip, but some­how did in­ter­fere with re­sults spread over 6 months af­ter­wards.

The listed ben­e­fits are to mood, pro­duc­tiv­ity, and cre­ativ­ity. We might also want to check other met­rics to see if any LSD ben­e­fit came at a cost. So I will use my usual met­rics plus a new cre­ativ­ity one:

  • Zeo sleep data (pri­mar­ily: la­tency, total sleep, num­ber of awak­en­ings, morn­ing feel)

    I ex­pect lit­tle or no ef­fect on these 4 met­rics, or the more ob­scure ones like sleep com­po­si­tion (light/REM/deep per­cent­ages). Two-tailed tests.

  • Spaced rep­e­ti­tion per­for­mance

    Av­er­age grade of cards re­viewed on a given day; I ex­pect no ef­fect or a ben­e­fit (the sim­u­lated an­neal­ing anal­ogy sounds like it might also work for mem­ory). One-tailed.

  • mood/pro­duc­tiv­ity self-rating: 1-5

    3 is a nor­mal day, 2 below-average, 4 a very good day, 5 fan­tas­tic etc. The major pre­dic­tion of the mi­cro­dose the­ory is that mood/pro­duc­tiv­ity/cre­ativ­ity will in­crease, so the final analy­sis should ex­ploit our prior and use a one-tailed test that the rat­ings will in­crease (since higher=bet­ter).

  • cre­ativ­ity rat­ing: 1-3

    Sim­i­lar. This is not a met­ric I cur­rently track, but would be a new one. One-tailed.

  • ac­tive/placebo pre­dic­tion

    A pre­dic­tion recorded at the end of each block on Pre­dic­tion­; this is not a de­pen­dent vari­able, but a check for whether there is a re­li­ably no­tice­able sub­jec­tive ef­fect.

  • Be­fore/after Open­ness to ex­pe­ri­ence ques­tion­naires

    Open­ness is one of the Big Five per­son­al­ity traits, roughly linked with cre­ativ­ity, in­ter­est in nov­elty and va­ri­ety; while Con­sci­en­tious­ness (think self-discipline & hard-work) tends to in­crease with age, Open­ness seems to de­crease. Per­son­al­ity traits, like IQ, are no­to­ri­ously hard to change & pre­dic­tive of many things about a per­son. MacLeanet al2011, a rare RCT of psilo­cy­bin, found that Open­ness was still in­creased a few per­cent­age points >1 year after dos­ing. (While not that large in mag­ni­tude, MacLean et al 201113ya com­pares it with the re­duc­tion in Open­ness over 4 decades and in­crease from suc­cess­ful an­ti­de­pres­sants or sub­stance abuse treat­ment.) The ef­fect seemed to be dri­ven by those re­port­ing a mys­ti­cal ex­pe­ri­ence; de­spite iden­ti­cal start­ing Open­ness, those re­port­ing a non-mystical ex­pe­ri­ence seemed to see theirs fall. The study has ⁠many weak­nesses, but was still the best such study I knew of up to that point. A later RCT on LSD, Carhart-Har­riset al2016, found large ef­fects 2 weeks after 75μg on both Open­ness and op­ti­mism (d = 0.16/0.56 re­spec­tively). Schmid & Liechti2017, on the other hand, saw a smaller in­crease which was not main­tained 12 months later.

    Since to max­i­mize ef­fec­tive­ness, any full trip should be taken be­fore micro-dosing, this sug­gest 3 sam­ples: before-trip, after-trip, after-micro-dosing.

    My first long Big Five sur­vey re­sult (using ⁠Per­son­al­ity Project) in early 201212ya put my Open­ness at the ⁠87^th per­centile; the ⁠sec­ond, 2 days after the trip, was iden­ti­cal (87th per­centile). Since I had no mys­tic ex­pe­ri­ence, this is con­sis­tent with MacLeanet al2011’s analy­sis. A ⁠third fol­lowup in March 2013, after the mi­cro­dos­ing ex­per­i­ment, put me at the 93rd per­centile (need­less to say, the con­fi­dence in­ter­vals for all 3 over­lap due to the per­centile rank­ing being based on rel­a­tively few ques­tions: ~6 for each per­son­al­ity fac­tor).

We don’t need to worry about time-of-day ef­fects. The LSD mi­cro­doses were at sim­i­lar times each day (right after get­ting up). All the de­pen­dent vari­ables were gen­er­ally recorded/done at con­sis­tent times, ex­cept for the spaced rep­e­ti­tion scores since I some­times re­viewed in the af­ter­noon, but I’ve al­ready in­ves­ti­gated time-of-day ef­fects in my spaced rep­e­ti­tion per­for­mance and they are triv­ially small both in my dataset & in a multi-million-review dataset drawn from thou­sands of Mnemosyne users.


There are 3 major po­ten­tial prob­lems with this ex­per­i­ment: the re­sults may not gen­er­al­ize be­yond me, the tabs may not have con­tained sub­stan­tial lev­els of LSD, and the LSD may have de­graded while being stored.


The first prob­lem is in­her­ent to the de­sign and can­not be fixed with­out other peo­ple (who are not me) run­ning com­pa­ra­ble ex­per­i­ments. When n = 1, as it does here, you are deal­ing with re­sults that may be of high in­ter­nal va­lid­ity which means that in­side the ex­per­i­ment, the con­clu­sion of the analy­sis is (in this case, “I did not ben­e­fit in these spe­cific ways from LSD mi­cro­dos­ing”), but it is dif­fi­cult or im­pos­si­ble to know what the ex­ter­nal va­lid­ity is (“peo­ple do not ben­e­fit in these spe­cific ways from LSD mi­cro­dos­ing”). This is a gen­eral prob­lem with my nootrop­ics self-experiments. I am not very op­ti­mistic that there will be any repli­ca­tions of this ex­per­i­ment: it seems no one else has tried this in the 60 years or so since LSD was banned, any­one who does so may not pub­lish their re­sults, and most peo­ple are not as pa­tient as I am in run­ning self-experiments.

Now, we can still spec­u­late about how my re­sults might gen­er­al­ize to other peo­ple. If LSD mi­cro­dos­ing worked for only a small frac­tion of the pop­u­la­tion, where are all the neg­a­tive anec­dotes? You see some neg­a­tive ones, sure, but very few in gen­eral (I’d guess well under 10% of anec­dotes). Or, is there any a pri­ori rea­son to ex­pect LSD mi­cro­dos­ing to have a lot of vari­a­tion from per­son to per­son? Does the fact that I had an en­joy­able and problem-free trip sug­gest I am a “re­spon­der” (as­sum­ing mi­cro­dos­ing does work)? Which does one con­sider more plau­si­ble: that my n = 1 dat­a­point is ex­plained by in­ter­per­sonal vari­a­tion and I just hap­pened to both blind it and be the un­lucky guy who nat­u­rally doesn’t ben­e­fit, or that in­ter­per­sonal vari­a­tion is ir­rel­e­vant and the stark dif­fer­ence be­tween my dat­a­point and the anec­dotes is fully ex­plained by the method­olog­i­cal prob­lems & other bi­ases which hap­pen when peo­ple don’t use ran­dom­iza­tion & blind­ing? Per­son­ally, I see stuff like placebo ef­fects all the time in re­search (in fact, you could argue that my dual n-back meta-analysis is about demon­strat­ing that sim­ple ex­pectancy ef­fects can be worth >6 points on IQ tests), and so I don’t just con­sider the sec­ond ex­pla­na­tion to be pos­si­ble, I con­sider it to be the de­fault ex­pla­na­tion. For me, anec­dotes about sup­ple­ments are con­sid­ered placebo/ex­pectancy/non-randomization/publication-bias/un­der­pow­ered/biased-recall/etc until proven in­no­cent.



The next ques­tion is, how can I be sure I got LSD? A dark­net mar­ket is not ex­actly a lab-quality sup­plier.

The an­swer is that I can­not be sure, any more than any­one get­ting LSD from a non-lab source (which is every­one) can be sure. All I can say is that the seller, Vi­ta­Cat, was rep­utable; the Avengers reg­u­larly lab-tested wares (ap­par­ently a Nether­lands lab) to keep sell­ers hon­est and Vi­ta­Cat’s pre­mium Mayan tabs passed the lab tests twice and even up until the end in Oc­to­ber 201311ya his LSD was con­sid­ered one of, if not the, best LSD on SR, and very strong as he claimed⁠⁠12⁠; in gen­eral, the FBI re­ported in the SR1 court case high qual­ity lev­els for their pur­chases of LSD among other drugs; the price was not too good to be true (quite the op­po­site); the phys­i­cal small size of the tabs meant that it had to be some highly psy­choac­tive chem­i­cal; my trip using one tab matched re­ports of LSD trips very closely (and in par­tic­u­lar trip re­ports used claimed doses of >150μg), and did not match the RC trip de­scrip­tions I’ve read; there was no bit­ter taste in­dica­tive of pos­si­ble al­ter­na­tive hal­lu­cino­gens; the Span­ish lab ⁠En­ergy Con­trol began test­ing pu­rity & dosage in April 2014 and by March 2015 had tested 15 LSD tabs sold on the DNMs, find­ing 100% to be LSD, with mean doses of 123.6μg±40.5μg, range 53-195μg (Caudevillaet al2016) con­sis­tent with the dosages they are usu­ally sold at. On the other hand, Dutch gov­ern­ment test­ing re­ports that for LSD sam­ples bought on­line/of­fline and sub­mit­ted for test­ing by users, around half were not LSD but a dif­fer­ent psy­choac­tive, with doses at 35μg±36 (van der Gouweet al2016). Per­son­ally, I would be sur­prised if what I bought was not LSD.

Lab test­ing is not avail­able in the USA (as of 2003) ac­cord­ing to Erowid, and Ec­sta­sy­Data will not test LSD (“we can not re­li­ably iden­tify [LSD] be­cause of the many iso­mers and re­lated chem­i­cals that look sim­i­lar in a mass spec­trom­e­ter”) or re­port dose es­ti­mates—not that I was keen on pay­ing $136$1002013, wait­ing 3+ weeks, and using up a tab or two. I de­cided to also not Ehrlich test (from eztest or Ama­zon) be­cause I could not af­ford the 5-tab pur­chase (when the LSD Avengers call Vi­ta­Cat a “pre­mium” or “elite” seller, they weren’t kid­ding), and all an Ehrlich test could tell me was whether there was any al­ka­loid chem­i­cal in it (which was some­thing I could fig­ure out for my­self just by tak­ing a tab), and not even whether it was LSD, and not the dose - which is what I ac­tu­ally needed to know. If I had been able to af­ford more tabs, I prob­a­bly would’ve done a test any­way (it would at least have re­as­sured me I wasn’t get­ting an RC), but I only had 2 tabs. I needed 1 for the mi­cro­doses, and 1 to trip with, so… Be­tween trip­ping and test­ing, it was an easy choice.

Useful Dose?

Drugs typ­i­cally fol­low dose-response re­la­tion­ships of some sort, some­times with in­ter­est­ing shapes like the U-curve of the Yerkes-Dodson law for stim­u­lants. Is it pos­si­ble that the re­sults might be due to falling into a bad place in LSD mi­cro­dos­ing’s curve, what­ever it is?

It’s pos­si­ble that doses might be an issue. But my prob­lem is that even with a dose-response curve, I should have seen some­thing in the re­sults. Gen­er­ally, bi­o­log­i­cal ‘thresh­olds’ aren’t some magic bi­nary switch where 10μg does noth­ing what­so­ever and 11μg is day and night dif­fer­ence - they’re just slopes that in­cline faster in that re­gion. They do not look like bi­nary cir­cuits where at 10μg they do ab­solutely noth­ing and then at 15μg go to the moon. If I saw zero pos­i­tive ef­fects, on a large sam­ple size, at 10-12μg, why would I ex­pect a huge dif­fer­ence on 25μg es­pe­cially when the orig­i­nal ev­i­dence for LSD mi­cro­dos­ing is so weak and ques­tion­able? If 15μg was bet­ter than 12, then I should have ob­served some­thing like a medium ef­fect. If 20μg was bet­ter than 12, I should have ob­served some­thing like a small-medium ef­fect. If 30μg was best, I should have seen signs of a small ef­fect, pos­si­bly not statistically-significant, but clear point-value shifts. I ob­served none of that. Vi­ta­Cat’s tab should’ve been no lower than 200μg, which would still yield 19 mi­cro­doses well above the ap­par­ent thresh­old of 5μg; even if it was just 100μg, that would still be above 5μg per mi­cro­dose.

I am also sus­pi­cious of this re­sponse be­cause there is no solid ev­i­dence of what the dose-response curve would be for mi­cro­dos­ing, even just the basic shape, much less spe­cific dose lev­els that some­one could tell me that my dose was all wrong and worth­less. And it’s such a con­ve­nient fully-general ex­cuse, a no true Scots­man: “Xμg didn’t work for you? Must’ve taken the wrong dose! Try again with [more/less]!” (But one man’s modus po­nens is an­other man’s modus tol­lens…)

Try again? Well, it is the ob­vi­ous sec­ond ex­per­i­ment, try­ing mul­ti­ple lev­els of doses (eg. 1, 2, and 3ml doses). But I’m not doing a sec­ond one: it took some­thing like 6 months to get any level of cer­tainty with the dose I was using, and if I bought more tabs, then that’s even more op­por­tu­nity to argue that I bought bunk LSD or that the tabs dif­fered in dose etc. Given that I didn’t see any ben­e­fits, I sim­ply can­not jus­tify tak­ing more time to ex­plore a po­ten­tial sup­ple­ment which failed the first test. It doesn’t begin to pass the cost-benefit/VoI test for me.

I sug­gest that any­one try­ing their own ex­per­i­ment also try mul­ti­ple dosages. But only if they are al­ready blind­ing & ran­dom­iz­ing. Not every method­olog­i­cal im­prove­ment is of equal value.


Hav­ing got­ten LSD, could the LSD have then been de­stroyed in prepa­ra­tion or stor­age? For ex­am­ple, in the com­ments, a Jes­sica Darko claims:

But more dam­ag­ing is that the drug de­grades quickly and is very sen­si­tive to its en­vi­ron­ment. It de­grades in the pres­ence of oxy­gen, heat and light. A com­mon house fridge pro­vides all three- the door is opened at least once a day (to get your dose) let­ting light in. The con­tainer is open to the air which pro­vides oxy­gen, and while a fridge is cool, it is does not ab­solutely pre­vent degra­da­tion of the drug due to heat. I’ve seen stor­age rec­om­men­da­tions for this drug in­volv­ing sealed, light opaque con­tain­ers, kept frozen in an ice­box and the ad­mo­ni­tion that this will only pre­serve it for a few weeks.

If freez­ing can­not store safely LSD for more than a few weeks, then clearly it is hope­less to ex­pect mi­cro­doses to last the few months of the ex­per­i­ment.

LSD does have a rep­u­ta­tion for being frag­ile. How­ever, Darko’s claims seem to be en­tirely false and an ex­cel­lent ex­am­ple of prov­ing too much. If LSD re­ally did de­grade within weeks under the most op­ti­mal con­di­tions (and pre­sum­ably just days under more nor­mal con­di­tions), how did any­one ever con­sume LSD? Drug sup­ply chains do not op­er­ate so fast that they can whisk LSD from the chemist to the user in just a few days. If LSD re­ally did de­grade within days, how did any­one ever buy LSD off SR? We can read about LSD dis­tri­b­u­tion chains in places like in the trial tran­scripts for William Leonard Pickard and there is no in­di­ca­tion of LSD re­quir­ing ultra-fast de­liv­ery or being ultra-time-sensitive. No one in any of the forum threads or web pages on LSD mi­cro­dos­ing states that break­down is a con­cern if stored in the dark or re­frig­er­ated (as I did); Fadi­man does not men­tion it as a con­cern in his book, and he did not men­tion it as a po­ten­tial issue when I sent him the ex­per­i­ment de­sign with time-scale. If the claim was even re­motely true, it is dif­fi­cult to see how Earth & Fire Erowid could find a vial of LSD which “After 55 years, stored at vary­ing room tem­per­a­tures, the LSD seemed to be fully po­tent.” Alexan­der Shulgin re­marks in TiHKAL that “As a salt, in water, cold, and free from air and light ex­po­sure, it [LSD] is sta­ble in­def­i­nitely.” And it’s dif­fi­cult to see how Liet al1998 (to bor­row Wikipedia’s sum­mary) could reach re­sults like the fol­low­ing:

A con­trolled study was un­der­taken to de­ter­mine the sta­bil­ity of LSD in pooled urine sam­ples.[71] The con­cen­tra­tions of LSD in urine sam­ples were fol­lowed over time at var­i­ous tem­per­a­tures, in dif­fer­ent types of stor­age con­tain­ers, at var­i­ous ex­po­sures to dif­fer­ent wave­lengths of light, and at vary­ing pH val­ues. These stud­ies demon­strated no sig­nif­i­cant loss in LSD con­cen­tra­tion at 25℃ [77℉] for up to four weeks. After four weeks of in­cu­ba­tion, a 30% loss in LSD con­cen­tra­tion at 37℃ [98.6℉] and up to a 40% at 45℃ [113℉] were ob­served. Urine for­ti­fied with LSD and stored in amber glass or non­trans­par­ent poly­eth­yl­ene con­tain­ers showed no change in con­cen­tra­tion under any light con­di­tions. Sta­bil­ity of LSD in trans­par­ent con­tain­ers under light was de­pen­dent on the dis­tance be­tween the light source and the sam­ples, the wave­length of light, ex­po­sure time, and the in­ten­sity of light. After pro­longed ex­po­sure to heat in al­ka­line pH con­di­tions, 10 to 15% of the par­ent LSD epimer­ized to iso-LSD. Under acidic con­di­tions, less than 5% of the LSD was con­verted to iso-LSD.

Power Calculation

The de­scrip­tions are that the ef­fects are strong & no­tice­able, so a large ef­fect size sug­gests a small ex­per­i­ment; but with 6 met­rics, we will want to cor­rect for mul­ti­ple com­par­isons (which need will lower the re­quired p-value in our one-tailed tests). We’ll as­sume a large ef­fect size, p = 0.01, and paired/within-subject ex­per­i­men­tal de­sign⁠⁠13⁠:

     Paired t test power calculation
              n = 18.47818

19 pairs means 19 ac­tive and 19 placebo doses, 38 days total. This does not seem un­duly oner­ous, but note that we’re as­sum­ing LSD has a strong ef­fect since if we cut the ef­fect size in half to d = 0.4 (a medium-small ef­fect) we need 66 pairs or 132 days! (If the ef­fects were over­sold so d = 0.4 was the cor­rect es­ti­mate, and we went with 19 pairs, we would not have an 80% chance of de­tect­ing the ef­fect but rather a 24% chance. Oh well. “We do what we can, be­cause, we must - for the peo­ple who are still alive.”)

How we treat in­di­vid­ual days will mat­ter: do we av­er­age the data for each block of 3 days into a sin­gle data point, or do we treat each dose as re­sult­ing in 3 data points - the ef­fect on the first day, the less­ened ef­fect on the sec­ond day, and the weak­est ef­fect on the third day? (And then the next dose.) The lat­ter seems to be a bet­ter strat­egy, and so with 250μg we get 25 doses of 10μg, each dose is 3 days so as much as 75 days for ac­tive and a sim­i­lar amount for placebo. (75 pairs gives us a sim­i­lar power cal­cu­la­tion all the way down to d = 0.4.)

In ret­ro­spect (after ob­serv­ing the trends which didn’t reach sig­nif­i­cance), since I spec­i­fied 7 met­rics, it prob­a­bly would have been bet­ter to be con­ser­v­a­tive and spec­ify a significance-level of sig.level=(0.05/7) or 0.0071 rather than sig.level=0.05/5 or 0.0100.


For back­ground on “value of in­for­ma­tion” cal­cu­la­tions, see the ⁠Adder­all cal­cu­la­tion.

With back­ground, de­sign, and power cal­cu­la­tion out of the way, we can cal­cu­late costs & val­ues.

  1. Cost of reg­u­lar LSD mi­cro­dos­ing

    A check of list­ings on the Silk Road 1 in­di­cates that 300μg can be bought for ₿5–6 or $61$452013; 300μg trans­lates to 30 doses, or 90 days if I fol­low the 3-day dose pat­tern some rec­om­mend; the yearly cost of LSD is then 45 / 90⁄365 = $248$1832013. Dis­counted at 5% an­nu­ally, the net-present-value/lifetime-cost of switch­ing to LSD would be 183 / ln 1.05 = $5,086$3,7512013. We can reuse this fig­ure as the po­ten­tial ben­e­fit of LSD mi­cro­doses, since if the ef­fect is pos­i­tive and large enough to no­tice, then it seems worth roughly 50 cents a day.

    There are 3 major cat­e­gories of ad­di­tional costs: the med­ical risk one runs dur­ing the ex­per­i­ment (prin­ci­pally men­tal), the legal risk, and the rep­u­ta­tional risk.

    1. Schiz­o­phre­nia and other is­sues:

      Ear­lier, I looked into re­search bear­ing on the re­la­tion of LSD and Schiz­o­phre­nia, and con­cluded that the ev­i­dence was most con­sis­tent with LSD hav­ing small health risks (that is, the dam­aged or ill sought out all sorts of drugs in­clud­ing LSD, but LSD did not cause the dam­age or at best caused the ill­ness to sur­face ear­lier) with some cor­re­la­tions of psy­chi­atric ben­e­fit from use; this was over the gen­eral LSD pop­u­la­tion in­clud­ing brain-frying large doses, so the risk for mi­cro­doses ought to be much smaller. Much later it oc­curred to me that the rar­ity of using LSD along with sheer small size of LSD ac­tu­ally re­duces the risk of con­sump­tion com­pared to many other prod­ucts, sim­ply be­cause dan­ger­ous doses of many con­t­a­m­i­nants or poi­sons won’t fit: blot­ters re­port­edly max out at ~500μg. Com­pare that with, say, pirac­etam where peo­ple take <3g of pow­der daily; if the pirac­etam was just 0.3% con­t­a­m­i­nants, that’s as much as 1mg of the stuff - but a blot­ter can’t even hold 1mg of any sub­stance, much less an ac­tive dose of some sub­stance plus ac­ci­den­tal con­t­a­m­i­na­tion. Over­all, I feel com­fort­able round­ing it to zero. To es­ti­mate the pos­si­ble im­pact on schiz­o­phre­nia, I looked into es­ti­mates of hal­lu­cino­gen con­sump­tion and found that es­ti­mates ranged from 7-12% of the en­tire Amer­i­can pop­u­la­tion (~22-38 mil­lion peo­ple) had con­sumed at some point, which over some­thing like a 60-year lifes­pan (teenager to very old adult) im­plies some­thing like 600,000 hal­lu­cino­gen ‘vir­gins’ per year (a fig­ure echoed in one of Fadi­man’s ar­ti­cles).

    2. Prison:

      Search­ing, I found a 1994 fed­eral Sen­tenc­ing Com­mis­sion doc­u­ment list­ing 83 sen­tences in­volv­ing LSD that year (while search­ing I also found some in­for­ma­tion in­di­cat­ing that 400μg is con­sid­ered 1 dose, so the mi­cro­dose ex­per­i­ment would in­volve <1 dose!); news ar­ti­cles sug­gest many (most?) of those would be for sell­ers and man­u­fac­tur­ers, so a fur­ther analy­sis would re­duce the risk ac­cord­ingly. In any case, even if we mul­ti­ply by 50 for each state, 600000 / (50 × 83) = 145 sug­gest­ing a rough es­ti­mate of 1 in 145 chance of being con­victed. Le­niency could be ex­pected for a first-time non-violent non-trafficking of­fender, so we could set the cost of this out­come at per­haps just $135,585$100k2013, or an ex­pected loss/cost of $949$7002013.

    3. So­cial con­se­quences:

      Some rep­u­ta­tional ef­fects are clearly neg­a­tive: a use of LSD would be a big issue in some roles like run­ning for elected of­fice or being CEO of a large com­pany (un­less one is a sec­u­lar saint like Steve Jobs), es­pe­cially since I would ob­vi­ously be un­able to make an ex­cuse like “youth­ful ex­per­i­men­ta­tion” or “a mo­men­tary lapse of judg­ment”, this writeup demon­strat­ing that my use was thor­oughly pre­med­i­tated; how­ever, this does not bother me inas­much as I am un­fit­ted by both tem­pera­ment and tal­ent for such po­si­tions. (Some­thing sim­i­lar could be said about se­cu­rity clear­ances.) In many more con­ser­v­a­tive re­gions, it would be a sub­stan­tial neg­a­tive, but I am al­ready a poor fit for such re­gions and I don’t know whether an LSD use would be very neg­a­tive at the mar­gin, or whether any of my ex­per­i­ments or es­says have al­ready done the dam­age.

      On the pos­i­tive side, how­ever: in some groups or re­gions like Cal­i­for­nia (which may yet lie in my fu­ture), a use of LSD may be a net pos­i­tive as it in­di­cates val­ued qual­i­ties like open-mindedness. The life­time con­sump­tion rate im­plies that some­thing like 12% of the pop­u­la­tion would not judge me harshly for any use. That I have been care­ful and re­spon­si­ble in my ex­per­i­men­ta­tion, and had mul­ti­ple pur­poses in ad­di­tion to mere recre­ation, will lessen the of­fense for many peo­ple (but pos­si­bly would in­crease my guilt in the eyes of oth­ers). There are many fa­mous LSD users like Bill Gates, Richard Feyn­man, Oliver Sacks, ⁠Fran­cis Crick, Kary Mullis etc, but they seem to have dis­cussed their drug use only after achiev­ing main­stream suc­cess; worse, the fa­mous users all seem to have been as­so­ci­ated with the 1960s or with com­put­ers, sug­gest­ing tol­er­ance for them may be a pass­ing phase and younger peo­ple not so le­nient (but on the other hand, mar­i­juana le­gal­iza­tion ef­forts are ac­tu­ally suc­ceed­ing be­fore and dur­ing 201212ya, sug­gest­ing that Amer­ica may be more tol­er­ant in the fu­ture).

      All con­sid­ered: I am not sure what the rep­u­ta­tional cost would be, nor do I have good ways to es­ti­mate it, and given the in­vis­i­bil­ity of many rep­u­ta­tional costs - how do you know when some­one didn’t offer some­thing to you or how peo­ple are bad-mouthing you? - I may never know the ac­tual cost to me (com­pared to, say, being ar­rested for LSD pos­ses­sion).

  2. How much will the ex­per­i­ment cost to run?

    The pro­ce­dure each morn­ing uses up no more than 5 min­utes so (38 × 5) / 60 × 8 = $34$252013 dol­lars of time. The sleep, spaced rep­e­ti­tion, and mood/pro­duc­tiv­ity data I al­ready col­lect, and the cre­ativ­ity self-rating is an­other few sec­onds, and so not worth cal­cu­lat­ing. I’m not sure if I have an ap­pro­pri­ate drop­per/sy­ringe avail­able; that and other sup­plies might tack on an­other $14$102013. So 45 + 25 + 10 = 80 dol­lars.

  3. Pri­ors:

    The ac­cu­racy of the in­for­ma­tion ranges 20-80% de­pend­ing on the ef­fect size; since it’s in­line with my pre­vi­ous knowl­edge of LSD and based on more than a hand­ful of anec­dotes, I would be some­what op­ti­mistic about there being an ef­fect, so a 50% chance the ef­fect ex­ists.

  4. Value of In­for­ma­tion

    Power times prior times ben­e­fit minus cost of ex­per­i­men­ta­tion: 0.2 − 0.8 × 0.5 × 3751 − 80 − 700 = −405 to +720. If we cut out the legal risk, the range is +295-1420 and the ex­per­i­ment well worth doing; our es­ti­mate of the legal risk and the ef­fect size de­ter­mine whether we find it worth doing.


Be­fore start­ing the mi­cro­dos­ing ex­per­i­ment, I used the first tab for a clas­sic trip. The trip was both ed­u­ca­tional and en­joy­able and what I ex­pected based on the trip re­ports I’d read on Erowid and many other places (I may post my writeup at some point), al­beit I did not have the mys­ti­cal or peak ex­pe­ri­ence I was re­ally hop­ing for, nor did I change my mind sub­stan­tially on any­thing in the back­ground sec­tion.

I then waited roughly a week to re­duce po­ten­tial tol­er­ance be­fore start­ing the mi­cro­dos­ing ex­per­i­ment proper.

  1. Ze­roth block (before-after trip­ping, ex­clud­ing the trip day): 17,18,19 Sep­tem­ber: 0

    20,21,22 Sep­tem­ber: 1

  2. First block: 2,3,2012-10-04: 0

    Sec­ond block: 5,6,7 Oc­to­ber: 1 (pre­dic­tion: placebo then ac­tive, 45%)

  3. First block: 20,21,22 Oc­to­ber: 1

    Sec­ond block: 24,25,26: 0 (55%)

  4. First block: 27,28,29: 0

    Sec­ond block: 4,5,6 No­vem­ber: 1 (60%)

  5. First block: 7,8,9 No­vem­ber: 1

    Sec­ond block: 15,16,17 No­vem­ber: 0 (40%)

  6. First block: 19,20,21 No­vem­ber: 0

    Sec­ond block: 22,23,24: 1 (40%)

  7. First block: 26,27,28 No­vem­ber: 0

    Sec­ond block: 2,3,4 De­cem­ber: 1 (60%)

  8. First block: 5,6,7 De­cem­ber: 1

    Sec­ond block: 8,9,10 De­cem­ber: 0 (40%)

  9. First block: 11,12,13 De­cem­ber: 0

    Sec­ond block: 14,15,16 De­cem­ber: 1 (40%)

  10. First block: 17,18,19 De­cem­ber: 1

    Sec­ond block: 20,21,22 De­cem­ber: 0 (50%)

  11. First block: 2012-12-31, 1, 2, Jan­u­ary 201311ya: 0

    Sec­ond block: 3, 4, 5 Jan­u­ary: 1 (40%)

  12. First block: 6, 7, 8 Jan­u­ary: 1

    Sec­ond block: 9, 10, 11 Jan­u­ary: 0 (50%)

  13. First block: 12, 13, 14 Jan­u­ary: 1

    Sec­ond block: 15, 16, 17 Jan­u­ary: 0 (40%)

  14. First block: 18, 19, 20 Jan­u­ary: 1

    Sec­ond block: 22, 23, 24 Jan­u­ary: 0 (60%)

  15. First block: 25, 26, 27 Jan­u­ary: 0

    Sec­ond block: 28, 29, 30 Jan­u­ary: 1 (40%)

  16. First block: 31 Jan­u­ary, 1, 2 Feb­ru­ary: 0

    Sec­ond block: 3, 4, 5 Feb­ru­ary: 1 (65%)

  17. First block: 6, 7, 8 Feb­ru­ary: 0

    Sec­ond block: 10, 11, 12 Feb­ru­ary: 1 (50%)

  18. First block: 13, 14, 15 Feb­ru­ary: 1

    Sec­ond block: 16, 17, 18 Feb­ru­ary: 0 (40%)

  19. First block: 20,21,22 Feb­ru­ary: 1

    Sec­ond block: 23,24,25 Feb­ru­ary: 0 (60%)

  20. First block: 26,27,28 Feb­ru­ary: 0

    Sec­ond block: 1,2,3 March: 1 (60%)

  21. First block: 4,5,6 Feb­ru­ary: 0

    Sec­ond block: 7,8,9 Feb­ru­ary: 1 (75%)

Sub­jec­tively, I no­ticed noth­ing in the LSD blocks: no “pos­i­tive ef­fects”, no body load, noth­ing like “hard to focus”, vi­su­al­iz­ing things was not “ef­fort­less”, I did not feel “I could grasp con­cepts much faster”, nor that I was “more tired, spacier, and very ap­a­thetic” in the con­trol blocks.

Fadiman Comments

After I com­pleted the ex­per­i­ment and pre­pared the data, but be­fore doing any analy­sis (be­sides the pre­dic­tion ac­cu­racy to check the blind­ing), as a form of result-blind re­view­ing, I emailed Fadi­man the fol­low­ing ques­tions & ask­ing per­mis­sion to quote him, and he replied:

1. You’ve seen my plan­ning and method­ol­ogy write up, and I’ve at­tached the cur­rent ver­sion of my full writeup with every­thing I’ve added or changed since (mostly more back­ground, a log of dates, that sort of thing) if you want to reread it. Do you have any ob­jec­tions to how I did it?

Most im­por­tant: I am deeply im­pressed and pleased with your to­tally orig­i­nal and clev­erly de­signed ex­per­i­ment. That you are able to add a double-blind to a one per­son self-study is a de­light in it­self. I am in­cred­i­bly happy to see how many dif­fer­ent ways you went at this. In terms of the gen­eral write up, I hap­pened to be an ar­dent fan of a mix of data, per­sonal re­flec­tion and ob­ser­va­tion. Sci­en­tific writ­ing all too often does every­thing it can to make the sub­ject under scrutiny as dull as pos­si­ble in the writ­ing, as un­in­ter­est­ing as pos­si­ble, and heaven for­bid, to in­clude any gen­uinely real and per­sonal com­men­tary. So I love the way you did it ex­actly. The changes all seem to me ex­pan­sions and im­prove­ments.

2. Have you or any­one else as far as you know, done a long blind/ran­dom­ized/both self-experiment on LSD mi­cro­dos­ing?

Short an­swer. No. Long an­swer: no one. Longest an­swer - the num­ber of peo­ple are doing self-experiments with LSD and other psy­che­delics and even MDMA is ex­pand­ing. No one is even ap­proach­ing what you’re doing.

3. If the re­sults turn out to be non-statistically-significant or have very small ef­fect sizes, why do you think they might have turned out that way? Which rea­sons would you have most con­fi­dence in as an ex­pla­na­tion of null re­sults?

I do have some guesses as to why non-statistical-significance might occur, and that is putting aside just the ob­vi­ous sta­tis­ti­cal pos­si­bil­ity of using small sam­ple sizes. I will be ac­tu­ally very con­tent to see null re­sults since it will force me and oth­ers to dig more deeply for pos­si­ble rea­sons. So far, you are the first who might pro­duce such re­sults and cer­tainly since you’re the first double-blind, it adds to the value of what you’re doing. As you prob­a­bly know there’s a big con­tro­versy in the reg­u­lar med­ical lit­er­a­ture about how many se­ri­ous drug stud­ies of multibillion-dollar drugs and up with no [statistically-]sig­nif­i­cant dif­fer­ences a few years out from their sales launch and al­most al­ways from university-based stud­ies, not being paid by the phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal com­pany.

In psy­che­delic stud­ies, 100% suc­cess rates are much harder to de­scribe to non-psychedelic au­di­ences used to more con­ven­tional and much lower suc­cess rates about al­most every­thing.

One pos­si­ble rea­son, that only you can an­swer, and you may have done so in the body of the text, but if so I missed it. I’m not sure that you took a cou­ple of non-blind micro-doses be­fore­hand to be sure that you could no­tice a dif­fer­ence with every placebo and pos­i­tive in­ten­tion going with you to no­tice the dif­fer­ence to es­tab­lish a per­sonal base­line of aware­ness of the sub­stance. If that was not done, then it’s not at all clear that the very sim­ple mea­sure­ments used on a daily basis were sen­si­tive enough to pick up days on and days off. The more usual stud­ies from other peo­ple that I’ve seen, (none of them even at­tempt­ing a double-blind or any blind at all,) are look­ing for a set of in­ter­nal changes that they have pre­vi­ously ex­pe­ri­enced. These may be as sub­tle as eat­ing a health­ier lunch, doing a few more reps at a gym, being able to focus on the task an hour longer and so forth. I have a cou­ple of write-ups in my book and when you get to them, you can see that we’re deal­ing with fairly in­tri­cate in­ter­nal mea­sures which you also cover in de­tail now and then in your per­sonal com­men­taries.

That’s my fa­vorite pos­si­ble rea­son. An­other is that, while some peo­ple are very aware on the day of the micro-dose, oth­ers are clear that it is a two-day ex­pe­ri­ence, and a few even longer. If even a tiny residue of the micro-dose is still ac­tive at the time of the next dose, it might make it harder to dis­tin­guish and on from an off day.

How­ever, I’m also aware that also for some peo­ple, the dose is too low.

The re­port in my book that I find most charm­ing, a woman who’s been micro-dosing for about 8 years - ex­cept dur­ing her preg­nancy - uses 20 µg, which for me would be per­cep­tual. So an al­ter­na­tive rea­son, even though the least in­ter­est­ing one, is that your dose was too low. A few peo­ple had felt it was bet­ter to drop down to 7 or 8µg to not get too high. Human vari­abil­ity.

I’m sure I can come up with more com­pli­cated rea­sons, but you asked what my thoughts were be­fore we com­pleted the analy­sis and there you are.

4. Do you ex­pect the re­sults to turn out pos­i­tive? (By pos­i­tive here, I mean statistically-significant after mul­ti­ple cor­rec­tion and d > 0.1.) How much so?

I did ex­pect the re­sults to turn out pos­i­tive be­cause there are real ef­fects that have been re­ported, not only in my lit­tle stud­ies, but for the past few thou­sand years in in­dige­nous so­ci­eties who of course have ex­per­i­mented with micro-doses and every other con­ceiv­able form of use.

As to how [statistically-]sig­nif­i­cant the sta­tis­ti­cal break­out would be - I’ve not re­ally thought much about it. This was your study and your level of sta­tis­ti­cal so­phis­ti­ca­tion clearly ex­ceeds my own. I tend to be some­what sus­pi­cious of any study where the sta­tis­tics are fairly ex­otic, since I know from watch­ing my grad­u­ate stu­dents PhD dis­ser­ta­tions, that when re­ally sim­ple and al­most in­tu­itively ob­vi­ous sta­tis­tics don’t show re­sults, they start to shop around until they find some­thing that gives them a pos­i­tive re­sult even if it’s a sta­tis­tic that no­body else seems to know about. I watch sta­tis­ti­cal con­sul­tants as­sure stu­dents that they will find some­thing that will jus­tify hir­ing them. Is this pure sci­ence as God and Descartes would have it? Not in my book but hey, the real world is never as clean as the data de­rived from it.

5. Are you will­ing to be quoted on any of the above?

Of course, you are free to quote me in any­thing you write, and I’m free to com­plain that I was quoted out of con­text or any­thing else I choose to say to cover my tail. But in this case, you did the work - you asked me to re­view the work - and there­fore my re­view be­comes part of the total pack­age.

I did this for much the same rea­son as I wrote down the exact met­rics and analy­sis in ad­vance: to spec­ify what re­sults are ex­pected, how one will in­ter­pret them, and to elim­i­nate the temp­ta­tion to fudge or mod­ify or spin or self-deceive about any of it.



Prepar­ing the data:

Needed to ex­tract Mnemosyne scores for the past 175 days; for any ad­di­tional analy­sis, I’ll want even more days which were nei­ther ac­tive nor con­trol so I ex­tract even more days than that (back 451 days). Using a Mnemosyne script in the de­vel­op­ment repos­i­tory, I set the time in­ter­val:

+++ mnemosyne/mnemosyne/example_scripts/ 2013-03-10 21:54:04 +0000
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 data_dir = None
 mnemosyne = Mnemosyne(data_dir)
-for n in range(-10, 0):
+for n in range(-275, -1):
     start_of_day = mnemosyne.database().start_of_day_n_days_ago(abs(n))

Then run it, ex­tract­ing the av­er­age grade & trans­form­ing the days I didn’t re­view for R:

./bin/python ./mnemosyne/example_scripts/ \
     | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | sed -e 's/None/NA/' > ~/mnemosyne.csv

In R I read in a hand-trimmed Zeo ex­port (lsd.csv), parse dates, add in the Mnemosyne daily grades, the mood/pro­duc­tiv­ity & cre­ativ­ity daily self-ratings, and write it all back out:

lsd <- read.csv("lsd.csv")
lsd$Date <- as.Date(lsd$Date, format="%m/%d/%Y")
# Zeo's CSV export silently omits missing days; look for them to hand-edit empty rows in
# which(!((as.Date("2012-06-09"):as.Date("2012-09-15")) %in% lsd$Date))
mnemo <- read.table("mnemosyne.csv")
lsd$Mnemosyne <- NA
lsd$Mnemosyne <- mnemo$V1
mp <- read.csv("mp.csv")
lsd$MP <- NA
lsd$MP <- mp$MP
creativity <- read.table("creativity.csv")
lsd$Creativity <- NA
lsd$Creativity <- creativity$V1
write.csv(lsd, file="lsd.csv", row.names=FALSE)


How suc­cess­ful was the blind­ing: could I guess whether I had got­ten a LSD or a placebo? A com­par­i­son of the log score shows my self-assessments were only slightly bet­ter than ran­dom (eg. re­move the last pre­dic­tion, and the ran­dom guesser per­forms equally or bet­ter):

let predictions = [(True,  0.45),(False, 0.55),(True,  0.60),(False, 0.40),(True,  0.40),(True,  0.60),
                   (False, 0.40),(True,  0.40),(False, 0.50),(True,  0.40),(False, 0.50),(False, 0.40),
                   (False, 0.60),(True,  0.40),(True,  0.65),(True,  0.50),(False, 0.40),(False, 0.60),
                   (True,  0.60),(True,  0.75)]
logScore ps = sum $ map (\(result,p) -> if result then log p else log (1-p)) ps
logScore predictions
log 0.50 * fromIntegral (length predictions)

Graphing Data

Below are the 8 main de­pen­dent vari­ables, de­picted over time & col­ored by whether it fell in a dose 3-day block or con­trol/placebo block. In de­scend­ing order of im­por­tance:

Daily self-rating of mood+work accomplished, 1-5 (higher is better)

Daily self-rating of mood+work ac­com­plished, 1-5 (higher is bet­ter)

Daily self-rating of creativity/good-ideas, 1-3 (higher is better)

Daily self-rating of cre­ativ­ity/good-ideas, 1-3 (higher is bet­ter)

Averaged recall performance of Mnemosyne flashcards, 0-5 (higher is better)

Av­er­aged re­call per­for­mance of Mnemosyne flash­cards, 0-5 (higher is bet­ter)

The 5 sleep vari­ables:

Number of times awoken in a night as recorded by my Zeo (lower is better)

Num­ber of times awoken in a night as recorded by my Zeo (lower is bet­ter)

Total minutes spent awake after falling asleep (lower=better)

Total min­utes spent awake after falling asleep (lower=bet­ter)

Daily self-rating about how well-rested I feel immediately upon awakening (higher=better)

Daily self-rating about how well-rested I feel im­me­di­ately upon awak­en­ing (higher=bet­ter)

Total minutes between putting on Zeo headset & entering sleep (lower=better)

Total min­utes be­tween putting on Zeo head­set & en­ter­ing sleep (lower=bet­ter)

Total minutes spent asleep (higher=better)

Total min­utes spent asleep (higher=bet­ter)

Testing the Metrics

Re­sults from the mul­ti­vari­ate re­gres­sion:

  1. Sleep:

    • la­tency: none

    • total sleep: none

    • num­ber of awak­en­ings: none

    • morn­ing feel: in­creased

      There is an in­crease in “Morn­ing Feel” 2.6 → 2.9, d = 0.43, p = 0.011; cor­rect­ing for per­form­ing 7 dif­fer­ent tests, this re­sult is not statistically-significant (it does not sur­vive a Bon­fer­roni cor­rec­tion (since 0.0231 > 0.05/7) nor the ⁠q-value ap­proach to family-wise cor­rec­tion). The post hoc MANOVA con­firms that there is het­ero­gene­ity be­tween days be­tween days (p = 0.036), and it is prob­a­bly being dri­ven mostly or en­tirely by the morn­ing feel.

  2. Flash­card scores: none

  3. Mood/pro­duc­tiv­ity: none (d=-0.18)

  4. Cre­ativ­ity: none (d=-0.19)

  5. ac­tive/placebo pre­dic­tion: see pre­vi­ous sec­tion

  6. Be­fore/after Open­ness: see pre­vi­ous sec­tion

For ease of in­ter­pre­ta­tion, the re­sults of the re­gres­sion in a table:




Co­ef­fi­cient’s sign is…





Creativity -




Mnemosyne -























Over­all, there seems to have been no mean­ing­ful ef­fects, and wor­ri­some trends. I will not be in­ves­ti­gat­ing LSD mi­cro­dos­ing fur­ther, as it is highly likely to be a waste of time.

Source Code

The full analy­sis, using a mul­ti­vari­ate lin­ear re­gres­sion fol­lowed by MANOVA:

lsd <- read.csv("")
# filter out baseline
lsd <- lsd[!$LSD),]
l <- lm(cbind(MP, Creativity, Mnemosyne, Total.Z,,, Awakenings, Morning.Feel)
            ~ LSD, data=lsd); summary(l)
# Response MP :
# Coefficients:
#             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept)   3.0339     0.0898   33.79   <2e-16
# LSD          -0.1430     0.1293   -1.11     0.27
# Residual standard error: 0.69 on 112 degrees of freedom
#   (13 observations deleted due to missingness)
# Multiple R-squared:  0.0108,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.00197
# F-statistic: 1.22 on 1 and 112 DF,  p-value: 0.271
# Response Creativity :
# Coefficients:
#             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept)   1.4068     0.0734    19.2   <2e-16
# LSD          -0.1159     0.1056    -1.1     0.28
# Residual standard error: 0.564 on 112 degrees of freedom
#   (13 observations deleted due to missingness)
# Multiple R-squared:  0.0106,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.00179
# F-statistic:  1.2 on 1 and 112 DF,  p-value: 0.275
# Response Mnemosyne :
# Coefficients:
#             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept)  3.82558    0.01625  235.40   <2e-16
# LSD         -0.00958    0.02340   -0.41     0.68
# Residual standard error: 0.125 on 112 degrees of freedom
#   (13 observations deleted due to missingness)
# Multiple R-squared:  0.0015,    Adjusted R-squared:  -0.00742
# F-statistic: 0.168 on 1 and 112 DF,  p-value: 0.683
# Response Total.Z :
# Coefficients:
#             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept)   519.80       6.36   81.67   <2e-16
# LSD            14.28       9.16    1.56     0.12
# Residual standard error: 48.9 on 112 degrees of freedom
#   (13 observations deleted due to missingness)
# Multiple R-squared:  0.0212,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.0125
# F-statistic: 2.43 on 1 and 112 DF,  p-value: 0.122
# Response :
# Coefficients:
#             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept)    26.58       2.05   12.95   <2e-16
# LSD             2.04       2.95    0.69     0.49
# Residual standard error: 15.8 on 112 degrees of freedom
#   (13 observations deleted due to missingness)
# Multiple R-squared:  0.00425,   Adjusted R-squared:  -0.00464
# F-statistic: 0.478 on 1 and 112 DF,  p-value: 0.491
# Response :
# Coefficients:
#             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept)    21.93       1.80   12.17   <2e-16
# LSD             2.78       2.59    1.07     0.29
# Residual standard error: 13.8 on 112 degrees of freedom
#   (13 observations deleted due to missingness)
# Multiple R-squared:  0.0101,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.00128
# F-statistic: 1.15 on 1 and 112 DF,  p-value: 0.287
# Response Awakenings :
# Coefficients:
#             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept)    7.237      0.382   18.96   <2e-16
# LSD            0.635      0.550    1.16     0.25
# Residual standard error: 2.93 on 112 degrees of freedom
#   (13 observations deleted due to missingness)
# Multiple R-squared:  0.0118,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.00297
# F-statistic: 1.34 on 1 and 112 DF,  p-value: 0.25
# Response Morning.Feel :
# Coefficients:
#             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept)    2.593      0.100   25.92   <2e-16
# LSD            0.370      0.144    2.57    0.011
# Residual standard error: 0.769 on 112 degrees of freedom
#   (13 observations deleted due to missingness)
# Multiple R-squared:  0.0557,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.0473
# F-statistic: 6.61 on 1 and 112 DF,  p-value: 0.0114
#            Df Pillai approx F num Df den Df Pr(>F)
# LSD         1  0.142     2.17      8    105  0.036
# Residuals 112
# MP is the most important metric; what is the effect size (Cohen's d) here?
(mean(lsd[lsd$LSD==1,]$MP) - mean(lsd[lsd$LSD==0,]$MP)) / sd(lsd$MP)
# [1] -0.1782
(mean(lsd[lsd$LSD==1,]$Creativity) - mean(lsd[lsd$LSD==0,]$Creativity)) / sd(lsd$Creativity)
# [1] -0.1921

None of the p-values are greater than the nor­mal cut­off after multiple-correction, al­though Morning.Feel comes close:

p.adjust(c(0.27, 0.28, 0.68, 0.12, 0.49, 0.29, 0.25, 0.011), method="BH") < 0.05

Fi­nally, I plot the 8 graph­ics seen in the pre­vi­ous sec­tion:

png(file="~/wiki/doc/nootropic/lsd/gwern-totalz.png", width = 780, height = 680)
qplot(Date, Total.Z, color=LSD, data=lsd)
png(file="~/wiki/doc/nootropic/lsd/gwern-timetoz.png", width = 780, height = 680)
qplot(Date,, color=LSD, data=lsd)
png(file="~/wiki/doc/nootropic/lsd/gwern-timeinwake.png", width = 780, height = 680)
qplot(Date,, color=LSD, data=lsd)
png(file="~/wiki/doc/nootropic/lsd/gwern-awakenings.png", width = 780, height = 680)
qplot(Date, Awakenings, color=LSD, data=lsd)
png(file="~/wiki/doc/nootropic/lsd/gwern-morningfeel.png", width = 780, height = 680)
qplot(Date, Morning.Feel, color=LSD, data=lsd)
png(file="~/wiki/doc/nootropic/lsd/gwern-mnemosyne.png", width = 780, height = 680)
qplot(Date, Mnemosyne, color=LSD, data=lsd)
png(file="~/wiki/doc/nootropic/lsd/gwern-mp.png", width = 780, height = 680)
qplot(Date, MP, color=LSD, data=lsd)
png(file="~/wiki/doc/nootropic/lsd/gwern-creativity.png", width = 780, height = 680)
qplot(Date, Creativity, color=LSD, data=lsd)

Microdose Effect Length

One final de­tail to go with the pre­vi­ous analy­sis is to take a look at whether there were is­sues with 3-day blocks being a bad choice.

I clas­si­fied by hand each day in the rel­e­vant pe­riod by how many days dis­tant it was from the pre­ced­ing LSD mi­cro­dose (that is, the first day of an LSD block is 0, the sec­ond day is 1, the third day is 2, and so on up to 7, and past that I just round down to 7). The idea is that this lets us ask for a lin­ear fit re­lat­ing MP on days which are n dis­tant from a LSD mi­cro­dose and see if there’s any ap­par­ent trend - it may be that we failed to see a statistically-significant re­la­tion­ship be­cause we lumped in all days to­gether.

model1 <- lm(MP ~ DaysSince, data=lsd); summary(model1)
# Residuals:
#     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max
# -1.0760 -0.8587  0.0171  0.1413  1.1413
# Coefficients:
#             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept)   2.8587     0.0986    29.0   <2e-16
# DaysSince     0.0310     0.0206     1.5     0.13
# Residual standard error: 0.712 on 173 degrees of freedom
#   (99 observations deleted due to missingness)
# Multiple R-squared: 0.0129, Adjusted R-squared: 0.00721
# F-statistic: 2.26 on 1 and 173 DF,  p-value: 0.134
plot(jitter(lsd$MP, 0.5) ~ lsd$DaysSince, xlab="Increasing time since a microdose", ylab="Mood/productivity")
MP regressed against how long ago the last LSD microdose was - if it was helping, we would expect MP to decrease as we get further away from the last dose.

MP re­gressed against how long ago the last LSD mi­cro­dose was - if it was help­ing, we would ex­pect MP to de­crease as we get fur­ther away from the last dose.

More gen­er­ally, we can re-run the mul­ti­vari­ate re­gres­sion with days-since as an­other pre­dic­tor and see if it adds any­thing:

l1 <- lm(cbind(MP, Creativity, Mnemosyne, Total.Z,,, Awakenings, Morning.Feel)
             ~ LSD + DaysSince, data=lsd); summary(l1)
# Response MP :
# Coefficients:
#             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept)   3.2090     0.2980   10.77   <2e-16
# LSD          -0.2847     0.2639   -1.08     0.28
# DaysSince    -0.0323     0.0524   -0.62     0.54
# Residual standard error: 0.692 on 111 degrees of freedom
#   (13 observations deleted due to missingness)
# Multiple R-squared:  0.0142,    Adjusted R-squared:  -0.00358
# F-statistic: 0.798 on 2 and 111 DF,  p-value: 0.453
# Response Creativity :
# Coefficients:
#             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept)   1.2435     0.2434    5.11  1.4e-06
# LSD           0.0162     0.2155    0.08     0.94
# DaysSince     0.0301     0.0428    0.70     0.48
# Residual standard error: 0.565 on 111 degrees of freedom
#   (13 observations deleted due to missingness)
# Multiple R-squared:  0.015, Adjusted R-squared:  -0.00273
# F-statistic: 0.846 on 2 and 111 DF,  p-value: 0.432
# Response Mnemosyne :
# Coefficients:
#             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept)  3.80753    0.05400   70.51   <2e-16
# LSD          0.00502    0.04781    0.10     0.92
# DaysSince    0.00333    0.00949    0.35     0.73
# Residual standard error: 0.125 on 111 degrees of freedom
#   (13 observations deleted due to missingness)
# Multiple R-squared:  0.0026,    Adjusted R-squared:  -0.0154
# F-statistic: 0.145 on 2 and 111 DF,  p-value: 0.865
# Response Total.Z :
# Coefficients:
#             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept)   545.47      21.01   25.97   <2e-16
# LSD            -6.49      18.60   -0.35     0.73
# DaysSince      -4.73       3.69   -1.28     0.20
# Residual standard error: 48.7 on 111 degrees of freedom
#   (13 observations deleted due to missingness)
# Multiple R-squared:  0.0355,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.0181
# F-statistic: 2.04 on 2 and 111 DF,  p-value: 0.135
# Response :
# Coefficients:
#             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept)    32.69       6.80    4.81  4.8e-06
# LSD            -2.91       6.02   -0.48     0.63
# DaysSince      -1.13       1.19   -0.94     0.35
# Residual standard error: 15.8 on 111 degrees of freedom
#   (13 observations deleted due to missingness)
# Multiple R-squared:  0.0122,    Adjusted R-squared:  -0.00562
# F-statistic: 0.684 on 2 and 111 DF,  p-value: 0.506
# Response :
# Coefficients:
#             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept)   26.155      5.978    4.38  2.7e-05
# LSD           -0.639      5.292   -0.12     0.90
# DaysSince     -0.779      1.051   -0.74     0.46
# Residual standard error: 13.9 on 111 degrees of freedom
#   (13 observations deleted due to missingness)
# Multiple R-squared:  0.015, Adjusted R-squared:  -0.00275
# F-statistic: 0.845 on 2 and 111 DF,  p-value: 0.432
# Response Awakenings :
# Coefficients:
#             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept)    9.374      1.251    7.49  1.8e-11
# LSD           -1.093      1.108   -0.99    0.326
# DaysSince     -0.394      0.220   -1.79    0.076
# Residual standard error: 2.9 on 111 degrees of freedom
#   (13 observations deleted due to missingness)
# Multiple R-squared:  0.0396,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.0223
# F-statistic: 2.29 on 2 and 111 DF,  p-value: 0.106
# Response Morning.Feel :
# Coefficients:
#             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept)    2.181      0.330    6.61  1.4e-09
# LSD            0.704      0.292    2.41    0.018
# DaysSince      0.076      0.058    1.31    0.193
# Residual standard error: 0.766 on 111 degrees of freedom
#   (13 observations deleted due to missingness)
# Multiple R-squared:  0.0701,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.0533
# F-statistic: 4.18 on 2 and 111 DF,  p-value: 0.0177
#            Df Pillai approx F num Df den Df Pr(>F)
# LSD         1  0.142     2.15      8    104  0.038
# DaysSince   1  0.076     1.07      8    104  0.390
# Residuals 111

None of the es­ti­mates are statistically-significant, but the MANOVA sug­gests that there’s mod­est ev­i­dence that the amount of time since a dose mat­ters. To sum­ma­rize the re­sults for using DaysSince as well in a neat lit­tle table:




Co­ef­fi­cient’s sign is…






























Do we get a bet­ter fit if we omit days “too far” from the mi­cro­dose, rea­son­ing that the ef­fects would’ve stopped? Look­ing just at MP to keep things sim­ple:

for (i in 7:2) { print(summary(lm(MP ~ DaysSince, data=lsd[!(lsd$DaysSince>=i),]))); }

days re­moved























Ob­vi­ously the p-values are mean­ing­less in this ap­pli­ca­tion; more im­por­tantly, the re­ver­sal of co­ef­fi­cient sign and chang­ing co­ef­fi­cient size & statistical-significance don’t sug­gest any­thing in par­tic­u­lar to me about dose pe­riod.


Trip Report

In Sep­tem­ber 201212ya, I pre­pared a ⁠table of SR1 LSD ven­dors & prod­ucts. When Vi­ta­Cat’s list­ings went up, I added them in and they were no-brainer to order. I or­dered a 2-tab Mayan on the 5th and they ar­rived on the 19th barely within my pre­dicted time pe­riod of 2 weeks (but they did ar­rive). I rather liked their stealth pack­ag­ing, that would not have oc­curred to me. My main com­plaint was that I was ex­pect­ing it to ar­rive by the 15th or 16th, and when I PMed the ven­dor for the track­ing num­ber (I had paid for that), he never replied. More than a lit­tle an­noy­ing at the time, but the pack­age did ar­rive, so I de­cided to leave a 5-star re­view after my trip.

I spent the next day doing the first tab. I should men­tion I have never done any psy­che­delics be­fore, so I can’t re­ally judge from my ex­pe­ri­ence whether they were 250μg as ad­ver­tised (at least with most other drugs I’ve used, the first use is the strongest, I don’t have any other trips to com­pare to, and there is much between-subject vari­a­tion). It was a long and ex­haust­ing day, so I will just sketch it. I had a light break­fast, went through my check­list of prepa­ra­tions: empty cam­era, back up com­puter, clean up, shower & dress nicely, hide modafinil & other tab of LSD, and then re­view the trip plan - med­i­ta­tion, music, and walk.

At 1:25PM I fin­ished prepa­ra­tions, took the tab sub­lin­gually, and went out­side with my blan­ket to med­i­tate. I no­ticed no taste be­yond the paper. It was an ex­tremely nice day out, with a very bright sun but a cool steady breeze off the water. I was dis­ap­pointed in the first hour when noth­ing seemed to be hap­pen­ing dur­ing my med­i­ta­tion ex­cept I found it un­usu­ally easy to con­cen­trate. I won­dered if my slight mus­cle tremors were re­lated, but I find the half-lotus pos­ture dif­fi­cult so that is not un­usual. By 1:54 I fin­ished med­i­tat­ing. A lit­tle dis­ap­pointed that after half an hour, noth­ing seemed to be hap­pen­ing, I headed in­side for some music.

The music was un­usu­ally ab­sorb­ing; but within 15 min­utes (by 2:26), a vague tired­ness like I needed a nap, a headache, and some nau­sea had built up. At 2:45, I made my­self a PB&J sand­wich, but the bad feel­ing doesn’t go away so I de­cide it’s a good time to go for a long walk. (I check my pupils in the mir­ror be­fore going. They seem a lit­tle big­ger but I wasn’t sure if I was imag­in­ing it - I don’t reg­u­larly check my pupils’ di­la­tion.)

The walk at 2:50 makes me feel a lit­tle bet­ter within 10 min­utes. Dur­ing the walk, I no­tice my body seems to be feel­ing ‘me­chan­i­cal’ and my move­ments weaker, with my skin feel­ing like a flesh glove (if that metaphor makes sense), al­though at the same time, the bright sun­light and cool wind feel ex­cep­tion­ally vivid to my senses; I was re­minded of when I went sky­div­ing and on the way down, the world seemed to ‘pop’. Ap­par­ently the acid­head term for this is ‘body load’. My nor­mal chat­ter of thoughts and in­tro­spec­tion slowed down con­sid­er­ably, per­haps be­cause the walk was mak­ing me feel much bet­ter and I was try­ing to enjoy the raw sen­sa­tions. I was re­lieved that the LSD was not a bust as I had begun to fear, since that would force a hard choice (con­tinue the mi­cro­dos­ing ex­per­i­ment with LSD of un­known qual­ity or quan­tity, or aban­don it by using the sec­ond tab to see if the first tab was a fluke?). One per­sis­tent prob­lem was my jaw or neck mus­cles seemed to be rigid or clench­ing and I had to keep re­lax­ing them or they would cre­ate a sort of want-to-vomit feel­ing, which was pretty strange when I fo­cused on it. But I still wasn’t im­pressed by the ex­pe­ri­ence.

In no real hurry at all, by 3:25 I got to the end of the road where there’s a beau­ti­ful view of the inlet and the sky. As I usu­ally do on this walk, I hap­pened to spend a lit­tle time cloud-watching, and I re­al­ized that the clouds were strob­ing like stop-animation as I fo­cused on in­di­vid­ual patches; in par­tic­u­lar, I re­al­ized that I could force a vi­sual flip (like the young/old woman op­ti­cal il­lu­sion or the rabbit-duck il­lu­sion) from see­ing a sky of blue with thin clouds to a roil­ing storm­scape where the blue was the black, and the white clouds were just the il­lu­mi­nated un­der­side. Quite in­ter­est­ing, and an un­ex­pected figure-ground in­ver­sion. I also could tem­porar­ily force parei­do­lia by vi­su­al­iz­ing and will­ing the clouds to form claw or grasp­ing hands or vaguely human-like shapes.

This ab­sorbed my at­ten­tion for half an hour or so until a guy on the pier asked if I was OK (I hope just be­cause I’d been lay­ing look­ing like I was tak­ing a nap and not be­cause I was vis­i­bly trip­ping). I waved him off suc­cess­fully but I de­cided it was a good time to head back. The walk back was en­tirely un­event­ful, al­though I stopped at the grove of trees by my place to watch the clouds some more from a longer per­spec­tive.

Back home, I spent the next 2-3 hours lis­ten­ing to music by Ex­plo­sions in the Sky tracks, which while plan­ning I had thought would sound bet­ter on LSD. I was right - the ex­pe­ri­ence was amaz­ing. Lying in bed with my eyes blind­folded and just lis­ten­ing care­fully, I have never fol­lowed the music so well, or been so moved emo­tion­ally or phys­i­cally by it. My mis­an­thropic soul was moved twice to tears.

En­tirely wrung out by the ex­pe­ri­ence, I went out to watch the sun­set over the creek with the cat and ru­mi­nate over the day. This ac­tu­ally turned out to be al­most as mean­ing­ful, since I re­al­ized as the cat gam­boled over our lit­tle hill of a few tons of rocks that a cat or fox play­ing on a pile of rocks as the sun set was a good metaphor for my own life. (I am a thorough-going athe­ist, and as I pre­dicted, I had no real mys­ti­cal ex­pe­ri­ence and I re­mained an athe­ist.) This re­al­iza­tion made me feel bet­ter.

When I went in, I was sit­ting in the bath­room think­ing how my ex­pec­ta­tions were guid­ing the vi­sual ef­fects, and I thought to my­self, “Speak­ing of parei­do­lia, I bet even this orange-bleach-stained towel could be­come some­thing in­ter­est­ing if I focus hard enough” and after a few min­utes I re­al­ized that I could see the stains as the Ti­betan un­der­world god Yama and see the flames flicker be­hind the towel. (Yama is not im­por­tant to me and I do not think about him, so I don’t know how he came to mind. For a re­port in mid­dle or high school long ago, I had drawn by hand a large al­beit stripped down copy of ⁠a Yama man­dala be­cause his de­sign was re­ally cool. I guess it stuck!)

After that I watched Wings of Hon­neamise (I pre­fer it to 2001: A Space Odyssey, and needed to re­watch it for my Gainax re­search), which was as ex­cel­lent as I re­mem­bered. I no­ticed a num­ber of things this time around that I hadn’t the first time, like the pro­tag­o­nist em­ploy­ing his sword train­ing in deal­ing with an as­sas­sin - echo­ing the gen­eral theme of him draw­ing on the train­ing & space pro­gram he had pre­vi­ously con­sid­ered use­less. I also think I un­der­stand his at­tempted rape bet­ter: through­out the movie ap­pear di­chotomies be­tween peace & war, good and bad - the space pro­gram is peace­ful but used to spark war, tech­nol­ogy is what lifts up man but also used to hurt and kill, etc. The pro­tag­o­nist be­friends the woman and or­phan, but there can be a thin line be­tween love and de­sire.

By 9:39, I fin­ished it and then did some dual n-back to see how bad my per­for­mance was 9-10 hours after dos­ing (av­er­age: 50/20/41/42/47). Some generic read­ing and chat­ting on­line rounded off my day. By this point, I felt pretty much fine ex­cept for some odd fine motor con­trol is­sues: typ­ing had be­come sur­pris­ingly chal­leng­ing as I had to think about it. But I was kind of tired from all the new ex­pe­ri­ence, so I went to bed - where­upon I suf­fered mas­sive in­som­nia. This ap­par­ently isn’t an un­known ef­fect, al­though the re­ports I read did not em­pha­size it, and I should have planned on going to bed more like 3AM. Oh well. A les­son is learned but the dam­age is ir­re­versible.

(To quan­tify what I mean by in­som­nia, here are the Zeo num­bers: I went to bed at 12:50AM, took 2.1 hours to fall asleep, slept for only 7.4 hours, awoke 8 times, and self-rated my morn­ing feel at 1. All of these val­ues are ex­treme for me: in z-scores, the last 4 are re­spec­tively 8.713 (!), -0.7232, 0.5249, & -2.304.)

Over­all, a good ex­pe­ri­ence as I ex­pected es­pe­cially since I ex­pe­ri­enced no law en­force­ment trou­ble and so far have ex­pe­ri­enced no flash­backs. But I’m not sure I’ll ever need to do a LSD trip again (the sec­ond tab is for the mi­cro­dose ex­per­i­ment), and I don’t un­der­stand how peo­ple can do it on even a monthly basis, for a num­ber of rea­sons: LSD isn’t cheap, for starter; I felt it was too pow­er­ful an ex­pe­ri­ence to un­dergo for friv­o­lous rea­sons (I def­i­nitely see why it was in­ves­ti­gated in con­nec­tion with brain­wash­ing); and in par­tic­u­lar, one shouldn’t weaken it but save it for when one has ques­tions or needs.

In ret­ro­spect, 250μg may have been too high and re­spon­si­ble for the ‘body load’ and the in­som­nia. I’ve felt some­what sim­i­lar feel­ings with too-high doses of stim­u­lants and nootrop­ics. (I don’t re­gard it as a big deal, though: the in­som­nia was much more un­pleas­ant, and I think could have been dealt with by stay­ing up later.) Oth­er­wise, the dose was OK. As I said, I had planned things and hid­den any­thing in­crim­i­nat­ing and had al­ready done the risk analy­sis, so I wasn’t wor­ried about po­lice. It was a beau­ti­ful day out, few peo­ple were around, and I knew I was safe (and also that think­ing I was safe helped make me be safe - ‘set and set­ting’, right?). Plus, I am a rel­a­tively calm & emo­tion­ally con­trolled, so I fig­ured I had less rea­son to fear turn­ing out like the cliched ‘friend pan­ick­ing in the woods after a dose’. It seemed to work out.

I didn’t write it up the next day be­cause I was still feel­ing poorly from the in­som­nia, but the day after that. Hope­fully the dis­tance does not dis­tort too much.

Other Comments

Dis­cussing with a third party the above trip re­port in Oc­to­ber 201311ya:

I am sur­prised that your pre­dic­tions for be­com­ing a the­ist after the ex­pe­ri­ence were so high! I’m also sur­prised that you would con­tinue with the ex­per­i­ment re­gard­less. I would have thought that this would rep­re­sent a de­struc­tion of some kind of sa­cred val­ues.

I have a healthy re­spect for the power of ma­te­r­ial con­di­tions. I’m not the sort of per­son to think “sure, plenty of other peo­ple found re­li­gion after hal­lu­ci­nat­ing/taking-drugs/etc, but I’m sure I’m im­mune!” I’d rather be a the­ist know­ing they’re be­liev­ing for ir­ra­tional rea­sons and that it’s an alief, than an athe­ist un­sure whether it’s be­lief or alief.

Much of your ex­pe­ri­ence sounds fa­mil­iar, so there you go. The vi­sual ef­fect is in­ter­est­ing, it makes it so much more clear that high-level con­cepts do feed back down into lower level per­cep­tions.

Yes, like an ultra-powerful ver­sion of vi­sual il­lu­sions, par­tic­u­larly the rabbit-duck il­lu­sion. I won­der if any of the peo­ple in il­lu­sions are had taken psy­che­delics at some point and been im­pressed by the top-down in­flu­ence of apparently-bottom-up processes?

Music is in­deed in­cred­i­ble. I usu­ally as­sume 12 hours of sleep­less­ness after dos­ing, FYI.

“My mis­an­thropic soul was moved twice to tears.” - This in­ter­ests me the most, largely be­cause you self-identify as mis­an­thropic. I’m cu­ri­ous where that comes from, whether this is some­thing you en­dorse, and whether this ex­pe­ri­ence has changed that in any way.

It comes from a sort of ‘every­one on the In­ter­net is wrong’ feel­ing. For bet­ter or worse, I spend a lot of time in­ter­act­ing with peo­ple who are ig­no­rant, un­aware of the huge flaws in their be­liefs and ap­proaches, bi­ased, un­cal­i­brated, and un­in­clined to do any­thing about this. (LW is not ex­cluded here. How many times have I spent 5 sec­onds in Google to con­firm or dis­con­firm a claim, which an­other com­menter was too lazy to do? I think the list I was keep­ing is up to 30 en­tries or so.)

The com­ments on my LSD mi­cro­dos­ing ex­per­i­ment bring this out in dra­matic re­lief: every­one is eager to find some flaw, no mat­ter how im­prob­a­ble, which will let them dis­miss the re­sults com­pletely and not up­date in the slight­est bit. Will any of them do a bet­ter ex­per­i­ment to im­prove the claimed fatal flaw? Nope. I can’t even ex­cept Fadi­man here. While he didn’t give me any of the bull­shit a lot of peo­ple did, I asked him be­fore I posted it whether he or any­one else had at­tempted to repli­cate my ex­per­i­ment. No one had. To em­pha­size that: Fadi­man is a trained psy­chol­o­gist who ap­pre­ci­ates the need for sys­tem­atic data col­lec­tion + ran­dom­iza­tion + blind­ing with easy ac­cess to LSD who is keenly in­ter­ested in mi­cro­dos­ing inas­much as he has done mi­cro­dos­ing for decades while pub­licly pro­fess­ing its value, who un­der­stands & ad­mires my pro­ce­dure and has had at least half a year to repli­cate my ex­per­i­ment him­self - and has not done so!

It’s not like this is a triv­ial issue for him, it’s his decades-long ca­reer at this point. It’s not like it’s a triv­ial ques­tion for mi­cro­dos­ing users, mi­cro­dos­ing is a has­sle which comes with real legal risk & cost. Yet…

Have you no­ticed any last­ing ef­fects in gen­eral?

I felt bet­ter about my­self for a lit­tle while, but I think it wore off. The most no­tice­able last­ing ef­fect so far has been anger at the bla­tant in­tel­lec­tual dis­hon­esty of many pro-LSD com­menters.


    As of March 2017, I have been con­tacted by at least 5 peo­ple plan­ning blinded or un­blinded LSD mi­cro­dos­ing ex­per­i­ments; un­for­tu­nately, none have re­ported re­sults.


    As op­posed to other things, like beau­ti­ful—I am still an ad­mirer of the Old Tes­ta­ment’s Wis­dom lit­er­a­ture.


    “Sero­tonin and brain func­tion: a tale of two re­cep­tors”, Carhart-Har­ris & Nutt2017 makes a sim­i­lar anal­ogy but ap­ply­ing it to the com­mon de­scrip­tion of the anti-depressive ben­e­fits of psy­che­delics as being like “re­set­ting your brain”:

    In the con­text of 5-HT2AR sig­nal­ing and how this may in­form on the func­tion of brain sero­tonin, one may think of en­hanc­ing 5-HT2AR sig­nal­ing as anal­o­gous to in­creas­ing the tem­per­a­ture (or ex­citabil­ity) of the brain; in­deed, the ex­ci­ta­tory ef­fect of 5-HT2AR sig­nal­ing has long been recog­nised (Agha­jan­ian and Marek, 1999; Celada et al, 2013b). Ex­tend­ing this anal­ogy to the process of an­neal­ing (ie. whereby a metal is heated to make it more mal­leable) - one may think of 5-HT2AR sig­nal­ing as func­tion­ing to in­duce an en­tropic state char­ac­terised by en­hanced flex­i­bil­ity and mal­leabil­ity dur­ing which work can be done that, upon cool­ing, may leave a last­ing change (Gop­nik, 2010). Viewed through the lens of the pop­u­lar Bayesian brain model of brain func­tion (Knill and Pouget, 2004), one could see this 5-HT2AR-mediated en­tropic state as work­ing to ‘reset’ re­in­forced pri­ors in de­pres­sion - such as pes­simistic be­liefs and neg­a­tive self-perceptions (Moutous­siset al2014). See Carhart-Har­riset al2017b [un­pub­lished: “Psilo­cy­bin for treatment-resistant de­pres­sion: fMRI-measured brain mech­a­nisms”] for re­cent neu­ro­bi­o­log­i­cal sup­port for this idea


    Bruce Charl­ton in Psy­chi­a­try and the Human Con­di­tion on psy­che­delics:

    Cre­ativ­ity is here seen [by psy­che­delic pro­po­nents] as some­thing to be lib­er­ated. It is some­times claimed that by ren­der­ing ap­par­ently peak ex­pe­ri­ences more com­mon and con­trol­lable, drugs may allow the at­tain­ment of a ‘higher’ form of human evo­lu­tion. Sorry to be bor­ing, but: Evo­lu­tion­ary the­ory takes ex­actly the op­po­site view to [Al­dous] Hux­ley - in­stead of hu­mans ‘nat­u­rally’ know­ing every­thing and evolv­ing the abil­ity to ex­pe­ri­ence less; bi­ol­ogy sees the start­ing point in in­sen­tient, inert mat­ter and re­gards the ca­pac­ity to per­ceive any­thing at all as hav­ing evolved grad­u­ally over many mil­lions of years. Knowl­edge is cer­tainly not out there wait­ing to burst in on our minds as soon as in­tox­i­ca­tion lets it through. Rather, the ca­pac­ity to at­tain knowl­edge, to per­ceive, and to be aware of our per­cep­tions, are all adap­ta­tions that have been painstak­ingly con­structed over an evo­lu­tion­ary timescale. Nei­ther is sci­en­tific cre­ativ­ity spon­ta­neous, nat­ural or pre-formed; it is at­tained by con­struc­tive human striv­ing - some­thing made, not a spon­ta­neous fact of na­ture. No sci­en­tific break­throughs have ever come from ig­no­rant and un­e­d­u­cated prodi­gies who hap­pened to be in­tox­i­cated. Nei­ther does cre­ativ­ity in sci­ence emerge like a beau­ti­ful but­ter­fly break­ing from a chrysalis of so­cial con­ven­tion, rather it is some­thing con­structed by ef­forts and gifts (and luck) - in­clud­ing the ef­forts and gifts of col­leagues. Sci­ence re­quires knowl­edge and skill as well as the right state of mind.


    Jan­u­ary 14, 197450ya, in “Con­ver­sa­tions with Gian-Carlo Rota”; as quoted on pg262 of Tur­ing’s Cathe­dral (201212ya) by George Dyson


    Al­though Ulam may be ex­cep­tional in hav­ing even one dream. Jacques Hadamard, An Essay on the Psy­chol­ogy of In­ven­tion in the Math­e­mat­i­cal Field (194579ya), pg27

    Let us come to math­e­mati­cians. One of them, Mail­let, started a first in­quiry as to their meth­ods of work. One fa­mous ques­tion, in par­tic­u­lar, was al­ready raised by him that of the “math­e­mat­i­cal dream”, it hav­ing been sug­gested often that the so­lu­tion of prob­lems that have de­fied in­ves­ti­ga­tion may ap­pear in dreams. Though not as­sert­ing the ab­solute non-existence of “math­e­mat­i­cal dreams,” Mail­let’s in­quiry shows that they can­not be con­sid­ered as hav­ing a se­ri­ous sig­nif­i­cance. Only one re­mark­able ob­ser­va­tion is re­ported by the promi­nent Amer­i­can math­e­mati­cian, Leonard Eu­gene Dick­son, who can pos­i­tively as­sert its ac­cu­racy….Ex­cept for that very cu­ri­ous case, most of the 69 cor­re­spon­dents who an­swered Mail­let on that ques­tion never ex­pe­ri­enced any math­e­mat­i­cal dream (I never did) or, in that line, dreamed of wholly ab­surd things, or were un­able to state pre­cisely the ques­tion they hap­pened to dream of. Five dreamed of quite naive ar­gu­ments. There is one more pos­i­tive an­swer; but it is dif­fi­cult to take ac­count of it, as its au­thor re­mains anony­mous.


    LSD mi­cro­dos­ing has, if any­thing, be­come even trendier since I ran my self-experiment. Ad­di­tional media pieces in­clude Wired’s ⁠“Would you take LSD to give you a boost at work? WIRED takes a trip in­side the world of mi­cro­dos­ing”, Vox, Wash­ing­ton Post,, ⁠GQ, NYT, BBC, Verge, ⁠The Econ­o­mist


    I don’t blame them for this, since they were abruptly in­ter­rupted by a higher power be­fore they could do any­thing but a pilot ex­per­i­ment (and barely even that). But the flaws can’t be ig­nored or wished away.


    Fam­ilyet al2019 amus­ingly notes “The placebo group had a re­mark­ably high num­ber of ner­vous sys­tem and psy­chi­atric TEAEs [Treat­ment Emer­gent Ad­verse Events]. One in­ter­pre­ta­tion of these re­sults is that LSD’s well-known pro­file cre­ated an ex­pectancy bias” & ref­er­ences Polito & Steven­son2019.


    Treat­ing it as a pro­por­tions test and test­ing against the lower bound of 5% life­time preva­lence:

    prop.test(3, 264, p=0.05)
    #     1-sample proportions test with continuity correction
    # data:  3 out of 264, null probability 0.05
    # X-squared = 7.5032, df = 1, p-value = 0.006159
    # alternative hypothesis: true p is not equal to 0.05
    # 95% confidence interval:
    #  0.002939376324 0.035612495762
    # sample estimates:
    #             p
    # 0.01136363636


    LSD is neu­tral­ized by even small amounts of chlo­rine; later I learned chlo­rine is not added to my well, so this pre­cau­tion was un­nec­es­sary.


    An im­por­tant point, since most or­di­nary LSD tabs, as mea­sured by the DEA (re­ported in its Mi­cro­gram pub­li­ca­tion) and other sources, are closer to 100μg than 250μg.


    Be­cause this is a cross-over de­sign with re­peated AB/BA pairs, I could le­git­i­mately treat this as a repeated-measures sit­u­a­tion and use a paired t-test. But as it turns out, using a more con­ser­v­a­tive two-sample t-test was not going to change any­thing in our con­clu­sion. A paired t-test is more pow­er­ful than a two-sample t-test, so when we know that the paired _t_t-test turned in non-statistically-significant p-values (as they did), we then know what the two-sample tests would say: they will just give even more non-statistically-significant re­sults than the paired did.