Some early experimental studies with LSD suggested that doses of LSD too small to cause any noticeable effects may improve mood and creativity. Prompted by recent discussion of this claim and the purely anecdotal subsequent evidence for it, I decided to run a well-
powered randomized blind trial of 3-day LSD microdoses from September 201212ya to March 201311ya. No beneficial effects reached statistical-significance and there were worrisome negative trends. LSD microdosing did not help me.
The self-
The results of my pre-
Sleep (using my Zeo):
latency: none (p = 0.49)
total sleep: none (p = 0.12)
number of awakenings: none (p = 0.25)
morning feel: increased (p = 0.011, non-
statistically-significant after multiple- testing correction)
Mnemosyne flashcard scores: none (p = 0.68)
productivity: none (d=-0.18; p = 0.27) Creativity: none (d=-0.19; p = 0.28)
I concluded that if anything, the LSD microdosing may have done the opposite of what I wanted.
Given that this is the opposite of almost all microdosing anecdotes and this pattern suggests placebo & expectancy effects, I strongly urge any future self-
…When I did 2 hits of acid, I had the exact opposite experience of seeing God. The fact that such a tiny amount of a mere chemical could effect my ‘soul’ so profoundly was proof positive that the soul is completely material. I already believed this intellectually, but this experience solidified this knowledge into my very being. So personally, I would recommended experimenting with a psychedelic or two for those who wish to study Philosophy.
I’ve long been interested in psychedelics for the insights they may offer into our brains but I’d never actually tried any. Besides being illegal and relatively expensive or hard to get, proponents have been clear that a “good trip” requires someone experienced to watch over you and an appropriate environment - neither of which I had available. So it’d always been something to do later, and pure curiosity about the experience was not enough to break my inertia.
I say “curiosity about the experience” because I am dubious about the actual epistemic value of the psychedelic experience; my interest, like William James, is in what I can learn from the experience about myself and religion. The claims made by psychonauts are frequently extravagant and unjustified; the tangible benefits are either unrelated to the truth of the experience (such as lessened anxiety of death), purely internal (what one wants to do with one’s life), or true but unrelated to the claims inferred from the experience and verifiable in a non-
The mere existence of psychedelics would seem to establish the material basis of mental and spiritual life beyond any doubt - for the introduction of these substances into the brain is the obvious cause of any numinous apocalypse that follows. It is possible, however, if not actually plausible, to seize this datum from the other end and argue, and Aldous Huxley did in his classic essay, The Doors of Perception, that the primary function of the brain could be eliminative: its purpose could be to prevent some vast, transpersonal dimension of mind from flooding consciousness, thereby allowing apes like ourselves to make their way in the world without being dazzled at every step by visionary phenomena irrelevant to their survival. Huxley thought that if the brain were a kind of “reducing valve” for “Mind at Large,” this would explain the efficacy of psychedelics: They could simply be a material means of opening the tap.
…Unfortunately, Huxley was operating under the erroneous assumption that psychedelics decrease brain activity. However, modern techniques of neuroimaging have shown that these drugs tend to increase activity in many regions of the cortex (and in subcortical structures as well) [Note 1/
24/ 12: a recent study on psilocybin actually lends some support to Huxley’s view. –SH] . Still, the action of these drugs does not rule out dualism, or the existence of realms of mind beyond the brain - but then nothing does. This is one of the problems with views of this kind: They appear to be unfalsifiable. [Physicalism, by contrast, could be easily falsified. If science ever established the existence of ghosts, or reincarnation, or any other phenomenon which would place the human mind (in whole or in part) outside the brain, physicalism would be dead. The fact that dualists can never say what would count as evidence against their views makes this ancient philosophical position very difficult to distinguish from religious faith.] Of course, the brain does filter an extraordinary amount of information from consciousness. And, like many who have taken these drugs, I can attest that psychedelics certainly throw open the gates. Needless to say, positing the existence of a “Mind at Large” is more tempting in some states of consciousness than in others. And the question of which view of reality we should privilege is, at times, worth considering. But these drugs can also produce mental states that are best viewed in clinical terms as forms of psychosis. As a general matter, I believe we should be very slow to make conclusions about the nature of the cosmos based upon inner experience - no matter how profound these experiences seem.
The potential “mystical experience” or “encounter with God” has considerable interest for me, though, and psychedelics commonly trigger such experiences. Even back when I was a very young child, I was atheistic; at first, because religions didn’t seem like good explanations of the world, but then because I read through various scriptures & the Bible & higher Biblical criticism & philosophy books without finding anything convincing2. I always wondered whether my disbelief was due to reasoned grounds as I claimed, or a simple lack of the right experiences: other people seem to have mystical experiences and find prayer satisfactory and believe fervently, and I sporadically hear of converts who have “road to Damascus” experiences (like SF author John C. Wright hallucinating and converting to Catholicism after a heart attack). Sporadic hallucinations are a poor ground for belief, as a mental hospital demonstrates, but nevertheless they are quite convincing; it seems that for many, seeing really is believing (et al2019). Many years later, I have yet to have a mystical or religious or “peak” experience which could either convert me or leave me unmoved, and thus empirically settle the issue as to why I am an atheist - absence of experience, or reasoned belief? Hence, it is tempting to force the issue. (If you have a psilocybin-
It is illuminating to have the starkness of the opposition between Plantinga’s theism and the secular outlook so clearly explained. My instinctively atheistic perspective implies that if I ever found myself flooded with the conviction that what the Nicene Creed says is true, the most likely explanation would be that I was losing my mind, not that I was being granted the gift of faith. From Plantinga’s point of view, by contrast, I suffer from a kind of spiritual blindness from which I am unwilling to be cured.
Everything I’ve heard or read is consistent with what such experiences seem to be: the brain in a very unusual state, malfunctioning in many respects and perhaps functioning better in a few other respects. No one expects to discover a new truth about the universe in the throes of delirium tremens or amphetamine psychosis - isn’t it parsimonious to extend this to psychedelics as well? If there were some ‘truthiness’ to the states, I had to think: of the many thousands of mind-
So the trip itself is of little direct value, but the 3 categories of effects I outlined are. Everyone talks about Openness (see later) and creativity in relation to psychedelics (eg. Wired/
And LSD? Perhaps doses large enough that you become so ‘creative’ that you start seeing what is not there are analogous to turning the temperature up a thousand degrees: the frantic annealing may hit upon some remote undiscovered great idea (eg. PCR) but this will usually just throw away all one’s current good results in favor of some random dreck. Genuine thought and breakthroughs are the pinnacle of human thought, achieved after endless labor and dependent on many dead-
Once in my life I had a mathematical dream which proved correct. I was twenty years old. I thought, my God, this is wonderful, I won’t have to work, it will all come in dreams! But it never happened again.
But if we turned up the temperature just a few degrees, we might wind up burning our cake, but then again we might cook it to perfection. Theoretical speculation, of course, but with some plausibility to it.
The old research literature is mixed but suggests that LSD doesn’t do much under 20μg. Nonetheless, when I read “The Heretic” about James Fadiman’s ideas about “micro-
dosing turns out to be a totally different world,” Fadiman extolled. “As someone said, the rocks don’t glow, even a little bit. But what many people are reporting is, at the end of the day, they say, ‘That was a really good day.’ You know, that kind of day when things kind of work. You’re doing a task you normally couldn’t stand for two hours, but you do it for three or four. You eat properly. Maybe you do one more set of reps. Just a good day. That seems to be what we’re discovering.” Elsewhere Fadiman has been more specific about the logbooks he’s received. One physician reported that micro- dosing got him “in touch with a deep place of ease and beauty.” A vocalist said she could better hear and channel music. In general, study participants functioned normally in their work and relationships, Fadiman has said, but with increased focus, creativity, and emotional clarity. Until he releases his data archive in a comprehensive manner, it is, of course, not possible to scrutinize the validity of his claim…“I just got a report from someone who did this for six weeks,” Fadiman said. “And his question to me was, ‘Is there any reason to stop?’” More laughter throughout the hall, another adjustment of bifocals…it also allows him to follow the recommendation of a longtime, now- deceased friend, Albert Hofmann, who, according to Fadiman, called micro- dosing “the most under- researched area of psychedelics.”
Fadiman was part of the team which ran the Psychedelics in problem-
While the dose difference might not be so different, if one buys the 10μg microdosing level (so 'only' a 5× difference), the purpose, selection, and setting *are* quite different from the nebulous well-being claimed for microdosing. The experiment did it once, with a highly specific selection of subjects---cases where people ought to be in the middle of an [incubation effect](!W), and possibly on the brink of an insight if they get a nudge, and where they are mindfully thinking about that goal. There is no reason to expect that to be true of ordinary everyday life and office workers doing routine work and taking microdoses regularly.
Indeed, depending on your statistical/AI interpretation of psychedelic benefits (particularly [neurogenesis](/doc/psychedelic/2017-carharttharris.pdf)/[neuroplasticity]( "What Happens in the Brain to Cause Depression?: Drugs that target the neurotransmitter serotonin have long been prescribed to treat depression. Now the spotlight is turning to other aspects of brain chemistry. In this episode, the neuropharmacologist John Krystal shares findings that are overturning our understanding of depression.") paradigms), you might take the Fadiman study as showing that the standard microdosing approaches are in fact *harmful*, because they are disrupting the incubation and precise focused thought on the problem (analogous to never decreasing the [learning rate](!W) or never lowering the temperature in [simulated annealing](!W)).
None of this, however is particularly strong evidence. To address them in order:
the original experiment had unavoidable flaws8; for example:
the problem-
solving experiment’s n was small; drawing estimates from the methodological, statistical, & meta- analytic literature , we’d expect something like <17% chance the experiment would replicateand the active placebo introduces concerns of its own (perhaps mescaline impedes problem solving rather than LSD helping)
subsequent anecdotes all are neither random nor blind:
we know placebo effects can be extremely powerful - see the Shulgin orange juice story - and that water or placebo can be mistaken for LSD (et al1955, 1962, et al2020 etc)
the anecdotes typically are using smaller than 50μg doses
they claim unquantified benefits
psychedelic users are not famous for their reliable anecdotes & critical thinking
haphazard procedures introducing arbitrarily large systematic biases
the lack of randomization forbids causal interpretation (correlation ≠ causation)
Followup work so far has not indicated substantial effects or benefits of psychedelic microdosing, with the better studies finding fewer effects, contradictions between self-
An unblinded experiment found improvement on 2 convergent & divergent thinking cognitive tests although not a short Raven’s fluid intelligence test (et al2018)
an analysis categorized retrospective (cross-
sectional) free- response self- reports in a microdosing survey (et al2019), categorizing the free- responses into a set of 46 ‘benefits’ and ‘challenges’, with many reporting benefits (eg. Improved mood (26.6%)/ Improved focus (14.8%)/ Creativity (12.9%)/ Self- efficacy (11.3%)/ Improved energy (10.5%)/ Social benefits (7.6%)/ Cognitive benefits (5.8%)) a larger-
scale analysis of unblinded unrandomized volunteers using self- reports/ questionnaires in a longitudinal design (2019) found small self- reported correlates on dosing days immediately reverting to baseline on subsequent days (but, interestingly, “Many of the variables most expected to change in Study Two actually showed relatively small changes in Study One. Conversely most of the variables that showed the largest changes in Study One were not those that participants expected would change.”) a similar followup survey/
longitudinal study using microdosing enthusiasts (“Positive expectations predict improved mental- health outcomes linked to psychedelic microdosing” , et al2021) found self-reported benefits which were substantially predicted by initial positive expectations of microdosing benefits
et al2021: cross-
sectional survey, adds little new a blinded experiment of placebo/
5–20μg LSD microdoses found distortion of time perception but no self- reported differences between conditions (et al2018; reported more fully in et al20199) another blinded experiment of placebo/
6.5–26μg (et al2019) found some subjectively- reported mood effects but no effect on several cognitive measures (RAT, dual n-back, & Digit Symbol Substitution Task) “Self-
blinding citizen science to explore psychedelic microdosing” , et al2020: they used a self-blinding procedure quite similar to my original experiments, which enabled them to recruit volunteers for the largest randomized blinded microdosing experiment to date. No effect was found. Like my experiment, they find no important difference on any endpoints. A strength is the use of all-
placebo and all- microdosing arms in addition to the half- on arms, and more detailed blinding indexes. All of the additional evidence pointed to placebo/ expectancy effects. “Microdosing psychedelics and its effect on creativity: Lessons learned from 3 double-
blind placebo controlled longitudinal trials” , et al2021; “Psilocybin microdosing does not affect emotion-related symptoms and processing: A preregistered field and lab- , et al2021; “Effects of psilocybin microdosing on awe and aesthetic experiences: a preregistered field and lab-based study” based study” , Van et al2021; “Microevidence for microdosing with psilocybin mushrooms: a double-blind placebo- , et al2021: part of a set of comprehensive pre-controlled study of subjective effects, behavior, creativity, perception, cognition, and brain activity” registered studies—finding minimal evidence of any effects, but extensive unblinding and evidence for expectancy effects “Repeated low doses of LSD in healthy adults: A placebo-
controlled, dose- , de et al2022 (some stimulation at the macrodose)response study”
In general, I find it curious that while supposedly something like 5–10% of the American population has at some time taken a psychedelic and, far from ushering in any new age, pretty much every longitudinal analysis quantifying them in any way concludes that per capita productivity/
LSD is an acute water-
I ordered 2 tabs from VitaCat on Silk Road:
2 250μg doses of LSD on “Mayan” blotter paper, shipped from Germany in a sealed plastic sheet
He shipped them in an envelope in an airtight sealed plastic sheet; I kept them refrigerated, underneath a box to block light, and kept sealed until I opened it and used the first one for a trip. The remaining tab was kept in the refrigerator until a week later. (Given that people routinely stash tabs in books and other places, I doubt that the week did it much damage.) The next morning, I added 25ml of distilled water11 into an airtight mason jar, dropped the blotter in, shook vigorously, refrigerated overnight, and removed the blotter the next afternoon.
This suggests the following design: a randomized dose on day 1, followed by days 2 and 3 off, then on day 4, drinking the second container; on day 7, examine the containers recording whether active/
VitaCat’s Mayan tabs were advertised as 250μg, and I diluted the remaining tab into 20ml of water, so nominally each 1ml dose would have 12.5μg of LSD, which is at least twice the level (5μg) a number of people have claimed benefits from microdosing, so even if the tab was overstated by 100μg, the dose should still be enough to produce any effects.
I took one additional step: temporarily suspending my lithium self-
The listed benefits are to mood, productivity, and creativity. We might also want to check other metrics to see if any LSD benefit came at a cost. So I will use my usual metrics plus a new creativity one:
Zeo sleep data (primarily: latency, total sleep, number of awakenings, morning feel)
I expect little or no effect on these 4 metrics, or the more obscure ones like sleep composition (light/
REM/ deep percentages). Two- tailed tests. Spaced repetition performance
Average grade of cards reviewed on a given day; I expect no effect or a benefit (the simulated annealing analogy sounds like it might also work for memory). One-
tailed. mood/
productivity self- rating: 1-5 3 is a normal day, 2 below-
average, 4 a very good day, 5 fantastic etc. The major prediction of the microdose theory is that mood/ productivity/ creativity will increase, so the final analysis should exploit our prior and use a one- tailed test that the ratings will increase (since higher=better). creativity rating: 1-3
Similar. This is not a metric I currently track, but would be a new one. One-
tailed. active/
placebo prediction A prediction recorded at the end of each block on; this is not a dependent variable, but a check for whether there is a reliably noticeable subjective effect.
after Openness to experience questionnaires Openness is one of the Big Five personality traits, roughly linked with creativity, interest in novelty and variety; while Conscientiousness (think self-
discipline & hard- work) tends to increase with age, Openness seems to decrease. Personality traits, like IQ, are notoriously hard to change & predictive of many things about a person. Macet al2011, a rare RCT of psilocybin, found that Openness was still increased a few percentage points >1 year after dosing. (While not that large in magnitude, MacLean et al 201113ya compares it with the reduction in Openness over 4 decades and increase from successful antidepressants or substance abuse treatment.) The effect seemed to be driven by those reporting a mystical experience; despite identical starting Openness, those reporting a non- mystical experience seemed to see theirs fall. The study has many weaknesses, but was still the best such study I knew of up to that point. A later RCT on LSD, Carhart- et al2016 , found large effects 2 weeks after 75μg on both Openness and optimism (d = 0.16/0.56 respectively). 2017, on the other hand, saw a smaller increase which was not maintained 12 months later. Since to maximize effectiveness, any full trip should be taken before micro-
dosing, this suggest 3 samples: before- trip, after- trip, after- micro-dosing. My first long Big Five survey result (using Personality Project) in early 201212ya put my Openness at the 87^th percentile; the second, 2 days after the trip, was identical (87th percentile). Since I had no mystic experience, this is consistent with Macet al2011’s analysis. A third followup in March 2013, after the microdosing experiment, put me at the 93rd percentile (needless to say, the confidence intervals for all 3 overlap due to the percentile ranking being based on relatively few questions: ~6 for each personality factor).
We don’t need to worry about time-
There are 3 major potential problems with this experiment: the results may not generalize beyond me, the tabs may not have contained substantial levels of LSD, and the LSD may have degraded while being stored.
The first problem is inherent to the design and cannot be fixed without other people (who are not me) running comparable experiments. When n = 1, as it does here, you are dealing with results that may be of high internal validity which means that inside the experiment, the conclusion of the analysis is (in this case, “I did not benefit in these specific ways from LSD microdosing”), but it is difficult or impossible to know what the external validity is (“people do not benefit in these specific ways from LSD microdosing”). This is a general problem with my nootropics self-
Now, we can still speculate about how my results might generalize to other people. If LSD microdosing worked for only a small fraction of the population, where are all the negative anecdotes? You see some negative ones, sure, but very few in general (I’d guess well under 10% of anecdotes). Or, is there any a priori reason to expect LSD microdosing to have a lot of variation from person to person? Does the fact that I had an enjoyable and problem-
The next question is, how can I be sure I got LSD? A darknet market is not exactly a lab-
The answer is that I cannot be sure, any more than anyone getting LSD from a non-
Lab testing is not available in the USA (as of 2003) according to Erowid, and EcstasyData will not test LSD (“we can not reliably identify [LSD] because of the many isomers and related chemicals that look similar in a mass spectrometer”) or report dose estimates—not that I was keen on paying $136$1002013, waiting 3+ weeks, and using up a tab or two. I decided to also not Ehrlich test (from eztest or Amazon) because I could not afford the 5-tab purchase (when the LSD Avengers call VitaCat a “premium” or “elite” seller, they weren’t kidding), and all an Ehrlich test could tell me was whether there was any alkaloid chemical in it (which was something I could figure out for myself just by taking a tab), and not even whether it was LSD, and not the dose - which is what I actually needed to know. If I had been able to afford more tabs, I probably would’ve done a test anyway (it would at least have reassured me I wasn’t getting an RC), but I only had 2 tabs. I needed 1 for the microdoses, and 1 to trip with, so… Between tripping and testing, it was an easy choice.
Useful Dose?
Drugs typically follow dose-
It’s possible that doses might be an issue. But my problem is that even with a dose-
I am also suspicious of this response because there is no solid evidence of what the dose-
Try again? Well, it is the obvious second experiment, trying multiple levels of doses (eg. 1, 2, and 3ml doses). But I’m not doing a second one: it took something like 6 months to get any level of certainty with the dose I was using, and if I bought more tabs, then that’s even more opportunity to argue that I bought bunk LSD or that the tabs differed in dose etc. Given that I didn’t see any benefits, I simply cannot justify taking more time to explore a potential supplement which failed the first test. It doesn’t begin to pass the cost-
I suggest that anyone trying their own experiment also try multiple dosages. But only if they are already blinding & randomizing. Not every methodological improvement is of equal value.
Having gotten LSD, could the LSD have then been destroyed in preparation or storage? For example, in the comments, a Jessica Darko claims:
But more damaging is that the drug degrades quickly and is very sensitive to its environment. It degrades in the presence of oxygen, heat and light. A common house fridge provides all three-
the door is opened at least once a day (to get your dose) letting light in. The container is open to the air which provides oxygen, and while a fridge is cool, it is does not absolutely prevent degradation of the drug due to heat. I’ve seen storage recommendations for this drug involving sealed, light opaque containers, kept frozen in an icebox and the admonition that this will only preserve it for a few weeks.
If freezing cannot store safely LSD for more than a few weeks, then clearly it is hopeless to expect microdoses to last the few months of the experiment.
LSD does have a reputation for being fragile. However, Darko’s claims seem to be entirely false and an excellent example of proving too much. If LSD really did degrade within weeks under the most optimal conditions (and presumably just days under more normal conditions), how did anyone ever consume LSD? Drug supply chains do not operate so fast that they can whisk LSD from the chemist to the user in just a few days. If LSD really did degrade within days, how did anyone ever buy LSD off SR? We can read about LSD distribution chains in places like in the trial transcripts for William Leonard Pickard and there is no indication of LSD requiring ultra-
A controlled study was undertaken to determine the stability of LSD in pooled urine samples.[71] The concentrations of LSD in urine samples were followed over time at various temperatures, in different types of storage containers, at various exposures to different wavelengths of light, and at varying pH values. These studies demonstrated no significant loss in LSD concentration at 25℃ [77℉] for up to four weeks. After four weeks of incubation, a 30% loss in LSD concentration at 37℃ [98.6℉] and up to a 40% at 45℃ [113℉] were observed. Urine fortified with LSD and stored in amber glass or nontransparent polyethylene containers showed no change in concentration under any light conditions. Stability of LSD in transparent containers under light was dependent on the distance between the light source and the samples, the wavelength of light, exposure time, and the intensity of light. After prolonged exposure to heat in alkaline pH conditions, 10 to 15% of the parent LSD epimerized to iso-
LSD. Under acidic conditions, less than 5% of the LSD was converted to iso- LSD.
Power Calculation
The descriptions are that the effects are strong & noticeable, so a large effect size suggests a small experiment; but with 6 metrics, we will want to correct for multiple comparisons (which need will lower the required p-
Paired t test power calculation
n = 18.47818
19 pairs means 19 active and 19 placebo doses, 38 days total. This does not seem unduly onerous, but note that we’re assuming LSD has a strong effect since if we cut the effect size in half to d = 0.4 (a medium-
How we treat individual days will matter: do we average the data for each block of 3 days into a single data point, or do we treat each dose as resulting in 3 data points - the effect on the first day, the lessened effect on the second day, and the weakest effect on the third day? (And then the next dose.) The latter seems to be a better strategy, and so with 250μg we get 25 doses of 10μg, each dose is 3 days so as much as 75 days for active and a similar amount for placebo. (75 pairs gives us a similar power calculation all the way down to d = 0.4.)
In retrospect (after observing the trends which didn’t reach significance), since I specified 7 metrics, it probably would have been better to be conservative and specify a significance-sig.level=(0.05/
or 0.0071 rather than sig.level=0.05/
or 0.0100.
For background on “value of information” calculations, see the Adderall calculation.
With background, design, and power calculation out of the way, we can calculate costs & values.
Cost of regular LSD microdosing
A check of listings on the Silk Road 1 indicates that 300μg can be bought for ₿5–6 or $61$452013; 300μg translates to 30 doses, or 90 days if I follow the 3-day dose pattern some recommend; the yearly cost of LSD is then 45 /
90⁄365 = $248$1832013. Discounted at 5% annually, the net- present-value/ lifetime- cost of switching to LSD would be 183 / ln 1.05 = $5,086$3,7512013. We can reuse this figure as the potential benefit of LSD microdoses, since if the effect is positive and large enough to notice, then it seems worth roughly 50 cents a day. There are 3 major categories of additional costs: the medical risk one runs during the experiment (principally mental), the legal risk, and the reputational risk.
Schizophrenia and other issues:
Earlier, I looked into research bearing on the relation of LSD and Schizophrenia, and concluded that the evidence was most consistent with LSD having small health risks (that is, the damaged or ill sought out all sorts of drugs including LSD, but LSD did not cause the damage or at best caused the illness to surface earlier) with some correlations of psychiatric benefit from use; this was over the general LSD population including brain-
frying large doses, so the risk for microdoses ought to be much smaller. Much later it occurred to me that the rarity of using LSD along with sheer small size of LSD actually reduces the risk of consumption compared to many other products, simply because dangerous doses of many contaminants or poisons won’t fit: blotters reportedly max out at ~500μg. Compare that with, say, piracetam where people take <3g of powder daily; if the piracetam was just 0.3% contaminants, that’s as much as 1mg of the stuff - but a blotter can’t even hold 1mg of any substance, much less an active dose of some substance plus accidental contamination. Overall, I feel comfortable rounding it to zero. To estimate the possible impact on schizophrenia, I looked into estimates of hallucinogen consumption and found that estimates ranged from 7-12% of the entire American population (~22-38 million people) had consumed at some point, which over something like a 60-year lifespan (teenager to very old adult) implies something like 600,000 hallucinogen ‘virgins’ per year (a figure echoed in one of Fadiman’s articles). Prison:
Searching, I found a 1994 federal Sentencing Commission document listing 83 sentences involving LSD that year (while searching I also found some information indicating that 400μg is considered 1 dose, so the microdose experiment would involve <1 dose!); news articles suggest many (most?) of those would be for sellers and manufacturers, so a further analysis would reduce the risk accordingly. In any case, even if we multiply by 50 for each state, 600000 /
(50 × 83) = 145 suggesting a rough estimate of 1 in 145 chance of being convicted. Leniency could be expected for a first- time non- violent non- trafficking offender, so we could set the cost of this outcome at perhaps just $135,585$100k2013, or an expected loss/ cost of $949$7002013. Social consequences:
Some reputational effects are clearly negative: a use of LSD would be a big issue in some roles like running for elected office or being CEO of a large company (unless one is a secular saint like Steve Jobs), especially since I would obviously be unable to make an excuse like “youthful experimentation” or “a momentary lapse of judgment”, this writeup demonstrating that my use was thoroughly premeditated; however, this does not bother me inasmuch as I am unfitted by both temperament and talent for such positions. (Something similar could be said about security clearances.) In many more conservative regions, it would be a substantial negative, but I am already a poor fit for such regions and I don’t know whether an LSD use would be very negative at the margin, or whether any of my experiments or essays have already done the damage.
On the positive side, however: in some groups or regions like California (which may yet lie in my future), a use of LSD may be a net positive as it indicates valued qualities like open-
mindedness. The lifetime consumption rate implies that something like 12% of the population would not judge me harshly for any use. That I have been careful and responsible in my experimentation, and had multiple purposes in addition to mere recreation, will lessen the offense for many people (but possibly would increase my guilt in the eyes of others). There are many famous LSD users like Bill Gates, Richard Feynman, Oliver Sacks, Francis Crick, Kary Mullis etc, but they seem to have discussed their drug use only after achieving mainstream success; worse, the famous users all seem to have been associated with the 1960s or with computers, suggesting tolerance for them may be a passing phase and younger people not so lenient (but on the other hand, marijuana legalization efforts are actually succeeding before and during 201212ya, suggesting that America may be more tolerant in the future). All considered: I am not sure what the reputational cost would be, nor do I have good ways to estimate it, and given the invisibility of many reputational costs - how do you know when someone didn’t offer something to you or how people are bad-
mouthing you? - I may never know the actual cost to me (compared to, say, being arrested for LSD possession).
How much will the experiment cost to run?
The procedure each morning uses up no more than 5 minutes so (38 × 5) /
60 × 8 = $34$252013 dollars of time. The sleep, spaced repetition, and mood/ productivity data I already collect, and the creativity self- rating is another few seconds, and so not worth calculating. I’m not sure if I have an appropriate dropper/ syringe available; that and other supplies might tack on another $14$102013. So 45 + 25 + 10 = 80 dollars. Priors:
The accuracy of the information ranges 20-80% depending on the effect size; since it’s inline with my previous knowledge of LSD and based on more than a handful of anecdotes, I would be somewhat optimistic about there being an effect, so a 50% chance the effect exists.
Value of Information
Power times prior times benefit minus cost of experimentation: 0.2 − 0.8 × 0.5 × 3751 − 80 − 700 = −405 to +720. If we cut out the legal risk, the range is +295-1420 and the experiment well worth doing; our estimate of the legal risk and the effect size determine whether we find it worth doing.
Fadiman Comments
After I completed the experiment and prepared the data, but before doing any analysis (besides the prediction accuracy to check the blinding), as a form of result-
1. You’ve seen my planning and methodology write up, and I’ve attached the current version of my full writeup with everything I’ve added or changed since (mostly more background, a log of dates, that sort of thing) if you want to reread it. Do you have any objections to how I did it?
Most important: I am deeply impressed and pleased with your totally original and cleverly designed experiment. That you are able to add a double-
blind to a one person self- study is a delight in itself. I am incredibly happy to see how many different ways you went at this. In terms of the general write up, I happened to be an ardent fan of a mix of data, personal reflection and observation. Scientific writing all too often does everything it can to make the subject under scrutiny as dull as possible in the writing, as uninteresting as possible, and heaven forbid, to include any genuinely real and personal commentary. So I love the way you did it exactly. The changes all seem to me expansions and improvements. 2. Have you or anyone else as far as you know, done a long blind/
randomized/ both self- experiment on LSD microdosing? Short answer. No. Long answer: no one. Longest answer - the number of people are doing self-
experiments with LSD and other psychedelics and even MDMA is expanding. No one is even approaching what you’re doing. 3. If the results turn out to be non-
statistically-significant or have very small effect sizes, why do you think they might have turned out that way? Which reasons would you have most confidence in as an explanation of null results? I do have some guesses as to why non-
statistical-significance might occur, and that is putting aside just the obvious statistical possibility of using small sample sizes. I will be actually very content to see null results since it will force me and others to dig more deeply for possible reasons. So far, you are the first who might produce such results and certainly since you’re the first double- blind, it adds to the value of what you’re doing. As you probably know there’s a big controversy in the regular medical literature about how many serious drug studies of multibillion- dollar drugs and up with no [statistically- ]significant differences a few years out from their sales launch and almost always from university- based studies, not being paid by the pharmaceutical company. In psychedelic studies, 100% success rates are much harder to describe to non-
psychedelic audiences used to more conventional and much lower success rates about almost everything. One possible reason, that only you can answer, and you may have done so in the body of the text, but if so I missed it. I’m not sure that you took a couple of non-
blind micro- doses beforehand to be sure that you could notice a difference with every placebo and positive intention going with you to notice the difference to establish a personal baseline of awareness of the substance. If that was not done, then it’s not at all clear that the very simple measurements used on a daily basis were sensitive enough to pick up days on and days off. The more usual studies from other people that I’ve seen, (none of them even attempting a double- blind or any blind at all,) are looking for a set of internal changes that they have previously experienced. These may be as subtle as eating a healthier lunch, doing a few more reps at a gym, being able to focus on the task an hour longer and so forth. I have a couple of write- ups in my book and when you get to them, you can see that we’re dealing with fairly intricate internal measures which you also cover in detail now and then in your personal commentaries. That’s my favorite possible reason. Another is that, while some people are very aware on the day of the micro-
dose, others are clear that it is a two- day experience, and a few even longer. If even a tiny residue of the micro- dose is still active at the time of the next dose, it might make it harder to distinguish and on from an off day. However, I’m also aware that also for some people, the dose is too low.
The report in my book that I find most charming, a woman who’s been micro-
dosing for about 8 years - except during her pregnancy - uses 20 µg, which for me would be perceptual. So an alternative reason, even though the least interesting one, is that your dose was too low. A few people had felt it was better to drop down to 7 or 8µg to not get too high. Human variability. I’m sure I can come up with more complicated reasons, but you asked what my thoughts were before we completed the analysis and there you are.
4. Do you expect the results to turn out positive? (By positive here, I mean statistically-
significant after multiple correction and d > 0.1.) How much so? I did expect the results to turn out positive because there are real effects that have been reported, not only in my little studies, but for the past few thousand years in indigenous societies who of course have experimented with micro-
doses and every other conceivable form of use. As to how [statistically-
]significant the statistical breakout would be - I’ve not really thought much about it. This was your study and your level of statistical sophistication clearly exceeds my own. I tend to be somewhat suspicious of any study where the statistics are fairly exotic, since I know from watching my graduate students PhD dissertations, that when really simple and almost intuitively obvious statistics don’t show results, they start to shop around until they find something that gives them a positive result even if it’s a statistic that nobody else seems to know about. I watch statistical consultants assure students that they will find something that will justify hiring them. Is this pure science as God and Descartes would have it? Not in my book but hey, the real world is never as clean as the data derived from it. 5. Are you willing to be quoted on any of the above?
Of course, you are free to quote me in anything you write, and I’m free to complain that I was quoted out of context or anything else I choose to say to cover my tail. But in this case, you did the work - you asked me to review the work - and therefore my review becomes part of the total package.
I did this for much the same reason as I wrote down the exact metrics and analysis in advance: to specify what results are expected, how one will interpret them, and to eliminate the temptation to fudge or modify or spin or self-
Preparing the data:
Needed to extract Mnemosyne scores for the past 175 days; for any additional analysis, I’ll want even more days which were neither active nor control so I extract even more days than that (back 451 days). Using a Mnemosyne script in the development repository, I set the time interval:
+++ mnemosyne/mnemosyne/example_scripts/ 2013-03-10 21:54:04 +0000
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
data_dir = None
mnemosyne = Mnemosyne(data_dir)
-for n in range(-10, 0):
+for n in range(-275, -1):
start_of_day = mnemosyne.database().start_of_day_n_days_ago(abs(n))
Then run it, extracting the average grade & transforming the days I didn’t review for R:
./bin/python ./mnemosyne/example_scripts/ \
| cut -d ' ' -f 2 | sed -e 's/None/NA/' > ~/mnemosyne.csv
In R I read in a hand-lsd.csv
), parse dates, add in the Mnemosyne daily grades, the mood/
lsd <- read.csv("lsd.csv")
lsd$Date <- as.Date(lsd$Date, format="%m/%d/%Y")
# Zeo's CSV export silently omits missing days; look for them to hand-edit empty rows in
# which(!((as.Date("2012-06-09"):as.Date("2012-09-15")) %in% lsd$Date))
mnemo <- read.table("mnemosyne.csv")
lsd$Mnemosyne <- NA
lsd$Mnemosyne <- mnemo$V1
mp <- read.csv("mp.csv")
lsd$MP <- NA
lsd$MP <- mp$MP
creativity <- read.table("creativity.csv")
lsd$Creativity <- NA
lsd$Creativity <- creativity$V1
write.csv(lsd, file="lsd.csv", row.names=FALSE)
How successful was the blinding: could I guess whether I had gotten a LSD or a placebo? A comparison of the log score shows my self-
let predictions = [(True, 0.45),(False, 0.55),(True, 0.60),(False, 0.40),(True, 0.40),(True, 0.60),
(False, 0.40),(True, 0.40),(False, 0.50),(True, 0.40),(False, 0.50),(False, 0.40),
(False, 0.60),(True, 0.40),(True, 0.65),(True, 0.50),(False, 0.40),(False, 0.60),
(True, 0.60),(True, 0.75)]
logScore ps = sum $ map (\(result,p) -> if result then log p else log (1-p)) ps
logScore predictions
→ -13.4685
log 0.50 * fromIntegral (length predictions)
→ -13.8629
Graphing Data
Below are the 8 main dependent variables, depicted over time & colored by whether it fell in a dose 3-day block or control/
Daily self-
Daily self-
Averaged recall performance of Mnemosyne flashcards, 0-5 (higher is better)
The 5 sleep variables:
Number of times awoken in a night as recorded by my Zeo (lower is better)
Total minutes spent awake after falling asleep (lower=better)
Daily self-
Total minutes between putting on Zeo headset & entering sleep (lower=better)
Total minutes spent asleep (higher=better)
Testing the Metrics
Results from the multivariate regression:
latency: none
total sleep: none
number of awakenings: none
morning feel: increased
There is an increase in “Morning Feel” 2.6 → 2.9, d = 0.43, p = 0.011; correcting for performing 7 different tests, this result is not statistically-
significant (it does not survive a Bonferroni correction (since 0.0231 > 0.05/ 7) nor the q- value approach to family-wise correction). The post hoc MANOVA confirms that there is heterogeneity between days between days (p = 0.036), and it is probably being driven mostly or entirely by the morning feel.
Flashcard scores: none
productivity: none (d=-0.18) Creativity: none (d=-0.19)
placebo prediction: see previous section Before/
after Openness: see previous section
For ease of interpretation, the results of the regression in a table:
Variable |
Effect |
p- |
Coefficient’s sign is… |
-0.14 |
0.27 |
worse |
0.12 |
0.28 |
worse |
0.00 |
0.68 |
worse |
14.3 |
0.12 |
better |
2.04 |
0.49 |
worse |
2.78 |
0.29 |
worse |
0.64 |
0.25 |
worse |
0.37 |
0.01 |
better |
Overall, there seems to have been no meaningful effects, and worrisome trends. I will not be investigating LSD microdosing further, as it is highly likely to be a waste of time.
Source Code
The full analysis, using a multivariate linear regression followed by MANOVA:
lsd <- read.csv("")
# filter out baseline
lsd <- lsd[!$LSD),]
l <- lm(cbind(MP, Creativity, Mnemosyne, Total.Z,,, Awakenings, Morning.Feel)
~ LSD, data=lsd); summary(l)
# Response MP :
# Coefficients:
# Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept) 3.0339 0.0898 33.79 <2e-16
# LSD -0.1430 0.1293 -1.11 0.27
# Residual standard error: 0.69 on 112 degrees of freedom
# (13 observations deleted due to missingness)
# Multiple R-squared: 0.0108, Adjusted R-squared: 0.00197
# F-statistic: 1.22 on 1 and 112 DF, p-value: 0.271
# Response Creativity :
# Coefficients:
# Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept) 1.4068 0.0734 19.2 <2e-16
# LSD -0.1159 0.1056 -1.1 0.28
# Residual standard error: 0.564 on 112 degrees of freedom
# (13 observations deleted due to missingness)
# Multiple R-squared: 0.0106, Adjusted R-squared: 0.00179
# F-statistic: 1.2 on 1 and 112 DF, p-value: 0.275
# Response Mnemosyne :
# Coefficients:
# Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept) 3.82558 0.01625 235.40 <2e-16
# LSD -0.00958 0.02340 -0.41 0.68
# Residual standard error: 0.125 on 112 degrees of freedom
# (13 observations deleted due to missingness)
# Multiple R-squared: 0.0015, Adjusted R-squared: -0.00742
# F-statistic: 0.168 on 1 and 112 DF, p-value: 0.683
# Response Total.Z :
# Coefficients:
# Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept) 519.80 6.36 81.67 <2e-16
# LSD 14.28 9.16 1.56 0.12
# Residual standard error: 48.9 on 112 degrees of freedom
# (13 observations deleted due to missingness)
# Multiple R-squared: 0.0212, Adjusted R-squared: 0.0125
# F-statistic: 2.43 on 1 and 112 DF, p-value: 0.122
# Response :
# Coefficients:
# Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept) 26.58 2.05 12.95 <2e-16
# LSD 2.04 2.95 0.69 0.49
# Residual standard error: 15.8 on 112 degrees of freedom
# (13 observations deleted due to missingness)
# Multiple R-squared: 0.00425, Adjusted R-squared: -0.00464
# F-statistic: 0.478 on 1 and 112 DF, p-value: 0.491
# Response :
# Coefficients:
# Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept) 21.93 1.80 12.17 <2e-16
# LSD 2.78 2.59 1.07 0.29
# Residual standard error: 13.8 on 112 degrees of freedom
# (13 observations deleted due to missingness)
# Multiple R-squared: 0.0101, Adjusted R-squared: 0.00128
# F-statistic: 1.15 on 1 and 112 DF, p-value: 0.287
# Response Awakenings :
# Coefficients:
# Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept) 7.237 0.382 18.96 <2e-16
# LSD 0.635 0.550 1.16 0.25
# Residual standard error: 2.93 on 112 degrees of freedom
# (13 observations deleted due to missingness)
# Multiple R-squared: 0.0118, Adjusted R-squared: 0.00297
# F-statistic: 1.34 on 1 and 112 DF, p-value: 0.25
# Response Morning.Feel :
# Coefficients:
# Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept) 2.593 0.100 25.92 <2e-16
# LSD 0.370 0.144 2.57 0.011
# Residual standard error: 0.769 on 112 degrees of freedom
# (13 observations deleted due to missingness)
# Multiple R-squared: 0.0557, Adjusted R-squared: 0.0473
# F-statistic: 6.61 on 1 and 112 DF, p-value: 0.0114
# Df Pillai approx F num Df den Df Pr(>F)
# LSD 1 0.142 2.17 8 105 0.036
# Residuals 112
# MP is the most important metric; what is the effect size (Cohen's d) here?
(mean(lsd[lsd$LSD==1,]$MP) - mean(lsd[lsd$LSD==0,]$MP)) / sd(lsd$MP)
# [1] -0.1782
(mean(lsd[lsd$LSD==1,]$Creativity) - mean(lsd[lsd$LSD==0,]$Creativity)) / sd(lsd$Creativity)
# [1] -0.1921
None of the p-Morning.Feel
comes close:
p.adjust(c(0.27, 0.28, 0.68, 0.12, 0.49, 0.29, 0.25, 0.011), method="BH") < 0.05
Finally, I plot the 8 graphics seen in the previous section:
png(file="~/wiki/doc/nootropic/lsd/gwern-totalz.png", width = 780, height = 680)
qplot(Date, Total.Z, color=LSD, data=lsd)
png(file="~/wiki/doc/nootropic/lsd/gwern-timetoz.png", width = 780, height = 680)
qplot(Date,, color=LSD, data=lsd)
png(file="~/wiki/doc/nootropic/lsd/gwern-timeinwake.png", width = 780, height = 680)
qplot(Date,, color=LSD, data=lsd)
png(file="~/wiki/doc/nootropic/lsd/gwern-awakenings.png", width = 780, height = 680)
qplot(Date, Awakenings, color=LSD, data=lsd)
png(file="~/wiki/doc/nootropic/lsd/gwern-morningfeel.png", width = 780, height = 680)
qplot(Date, Morning.Feel, color=LSD, data=lsd)
png(file="~/wiki/doc/nootropic/lsd/gwern-mnemosyne.png", width = 780, height = 680)
qplot(Date, Mnemosyne, color=LSD, data=lsd)
png(file="~/wiki/doc/nootropic/lsd/gwern-mp.png", width = 780, height = 680)
qplot(Date, MP, color=LSD, data=lsd)
png(file="~/wiki/doc/nootropic/lsd/gwern-creativity.png", width = 780, height = 680)
qplot(Date, Creativity, color=LSD, data=lsd)
Microdose Effect Length
One final detail to go with the previous analysis is to take a look at whether there were issues with 3-day blocks being a bad choice.
I classified by hand each day in the relevant period by how many days distant it was from the preceding LSD microdose (that is, the first day of an LSD block is 0, the second day is 1, the third day is 2, and so on up to 7, and past that I just round down to 7). The idea is that this lets us ask for a linear fit relating MP on days which are n distant from a LSD microdose and see if there’s any apparent trend - it may be that we failed to see a statistically-
model1 <- lm(MP ~ DaysSince, data=lsd); summary(model1)
# Residuals:
# Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
# -1.0760 -0.8587 0.0171 0.1413 1.1413
# Coefficients:
# Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept) 2.8587 0.0986 29.0 <2e-16
# DaysSince 0.0310 0.0206 1.5 0.13
# Residual standard error: 0.712 on 173 degrees of freedom
# (99 observations deleted due to missingness)
# Multiple R-squared: 0.0129, Adjusted R-squared: 0.00721
# F-statistic: 2.26 on 1 and 173 DF, p-value: 0.134
plot(jitter(lsd$MP, 0.5) ~ lsd$DaysSince, xlab="Increasing time since a microdose", ylab="Mood/productivity")
MP regressed against how long ago the last LSD microdose was - if it was helping, we would expect MP to decrease as we get further away from the last dose.
More generally, we can re-
l1 <- lm(cbind(MP, Creativity, Mnemosyne, Total.Z,,, Awakenings, Morning.Feel)
~ LSD + DaysSince, data=lsd); summary(l1)
# Response MP :
# Coefficients:
# Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept) 3.2090 0.2980 10.77 <2e-16
# LSD -0.2847 0.2639 -1.08 0.28
# DaysSince -0.0323 0.0524 -0.62 0.54
# Residual standard error: 0.692 on 111 degrees of freedom
# (13 observations deleted due to missingness)
# Multiple R-squared: 0.0142, Adjusted R-squared: -0.00358
# F-statistic: 0.798 on 2 and 111 DF, p-value: 0.453
# Response Creativity :
# Coefficients:
# Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept) 1.2435 0.2434 5.11 1.4e-06
# LSD 0.0162 0.2155 0.08 0.94
# DaysSince 0.0301 0.0428 0.70 0.48
# Residual standard error: 0.565 on 111 degrees of freedom
# (13 observations deleted due to missingness)
# Multiple R-squared: 0.015, Adjusted R-squared: -0.00273
# F-statistic: 0.846 on 2 and 111 DF, p-value: 0.432
# Response Mnemosyne :
# Coefficients:
# Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept) 3.80753 0.05400 70.51 <2e-16
# LSD 0.00502 0.04781 0.10 0.92
# DaysSince 0.00333 0.00949 0.35 0.73
# Residual standard error: 0.125 on 111 degrees of freedom
# (13 observations deleted due to missingness)
# Multiple R-squared: 0.0026, Adjusted R-squared: -0.0154
# F-statistic: 0.145 on 2 and 111 DF, p-value: 0.865
# Response Total.Z :
# Coefficients:
# Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept) 545.47 21.01 25.97 <2e-16
# LSD -6.49 18.60 -0.35 0.73
# DaysSince -4.73 3.69 -1.28 0.20
# Residual standard error: 48.7 on 111 degrees of freedom
# (13 observations deleted due to missingness)
# Multiple R-squared: 0.0355, Adjusted R-squared: 0.0181
# F-statistic: 2.04 on 2 and 111 DF, p-value: 0.135
# Response :
# Coefficients:
# Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept) 32.69 6.80 4.81 4.8e-06
# LSD -2.91 6.02 -0.48 0.63
# DaysSince -1.13 1.19 -0.94 0.35
# Residual standard error: 15.8 on 111 degrees of freedom
# (13 observations deleted due to missingness)
# Multiple R-squared: 0.0122, Adjusted R-squared: -0.00562
# F-statistic: 0.684 on 2 and 111 DF, p-value: 0.506
# Response :
# Coefficients:
# Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept) 26.155 5.978 4.38 2.7e-05
# LSD -0.639 5.292 -0.12 0.90
# DaysSince -0.779 1.051 -0.74 0.46
# Residual standard error: 13.9 on 111 degrees of freedom
# (13 observations deleted due to missingness)
# Multiple R-squared: 0.015, Adjusted R-squared: -0.00275
# F-statistic: 0.845 on 2 and 111 DF, p-value: 0.432
# Response Awakenings :
# Coefficients:
# Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept) 9.374 1.251 7.49 1.8e-11
# LSD -1.093 1.108 -0.99 0.326
# DaysSince -0.394 0.220 -1.79 0.076
# Residual standard error: 2.9 on 111 degrees of freedom
# (13 observations deleted due to missingness)
# Multiple R-squared: 0.0396, Adjusted R-squared: 0.0223
# F-statistic: 2.29 on 2 and 111 DF, p-value: 0.106
# Response Morning.Feel :
# Coefficients:
# Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept) 2.181 0.330 6.61 1.4e-09
# LSD 0.704 0.292 2.41 0.018
# DaysSince 0.076 0.058 1.31 0.193
# Residual standard error: 0.766 on 111 degrees of freedom
# (13 observations deleted due to missingness)
# Multiple R-squared: 0.0701, Adjusted R-squared: 0.0533
# F-statistic: 4.18 on 2 and 111 DF, p-value: 0.0177
# Df Pillai approx F num Df den Df Pr(>F)
# LSD 1 0.142 2.15 8 104 0.038
# DaysSince 1 0.076 1.07 8 104 0.390
# Residuals 111
None of the estimates are statistically-DaysSince
as well in a neat little table:
Variable |
Effect |
p- |
Coefficient’s sign is… |
-0.03 |
0.54 |
worse |
0.03 |
0.48 |
better |
0.00 |
0.73 |
-4.73 |
0.20 |
worse |
-1.13 |
0.35 |
better |
-0.78 |
0.46 |
better |
-0.39 |
0.07 |
better |
0.08 |
0.19 |
better |
Do we get a better fit if we omit days “too far” from the microdose, reasoning that the effects would’ve stopped? Looking just at MP to keep things simple:
for (i in 7:2) { print(summary(lm(MP ~ DaysSince, data=lsd[!(lsd$DaysSince>=i),]))); }
days removed |
correlation |
p |
+0.03100 |
0.13 |
7th |
+0.00418 |
0.90 |
6,7 |
-0.00514 |
0.89 |
5,6,7 |
-0.05220 |
0.32 |
4,5,6,7 |
-0.06680 |
0.35 |
3,4,5,6,7 |
-0.17400 |
0.11 |
2,3,4,5,6,7 |
+0.00000 |
1.00 |
Obviously the p-
External Links
“Are mystical experiences metaphysical evidence?”/
“Epistemology and enlightenment” -(David Chapman)
As of March 2017, I have been contacted by at least 5 people planning blinded or unblinded LSD microdosing experiments; unfortunately, none have reported results.
As opposed to other things, like beautiful—I am still an admirer of the Old Testament’s Wisdom literature.
“Serotonin and brain function: a tale of two receptors”, Carhart-
2017 makes a similar analogy but applying it to the common description of the anti- depressive benefits of psychedelics as being like “resetting your brain”: In the context of 5-HT2AR signaling and how this may inform on the function of brain serotonin, one may think of enhancing 5-HT2AR signaling as analogous to increasing the temperature (or excitability) of the brain; indeed, the excitatory effect of 5-HT2AR signaling has long been recognised (Aghajanian and Marek, 1999; Celada et al, 2013b). Extending this analogy to the process of annealing (ie. whereby a metal is heated to make it more malleable) - one may think of 5-HT2AR signaling as functioning to induce an entropic state characterised by enhanced flexibility and malleability during which work can be done that, upon cooling, may leave a lasting change (Gopnik, 2010). Viewed through the lens of the popular Bayesian brain model of brain function (Knill and Pouget, 2004), one could see this 5-HT2AR-
mediated entropic state as working to ‘reset’ reinforced priors in depression - such as pessimistic beliefs and negative self- perceptions (et al2014). See Carhart- et al2017b [unpublished: “Psilocybin for treatment- resistant depression: fMRI- measured brain mechanisms”] for recent neurobiological support for this idea -
Bruce Charlton in Psychiatry and the Human Condition on psychedelics:
Creativity is here seen [by psychedelic proponents] as something to be liberated. It is sometimes claimed that by rendering apparently peak experiences more common and controllable, drugs may allow the attainment of a ‘higher’ form of human evolution. Sorry to be boring, but: Evolutionary theory takes exactly the opposite view to [Aldous] Huxley - instead of humans ‘naturally’ knowing everything and evolving the ability to experience less; biology sees the starting point in insentient, inert matter and regards the capacity to perceive anything at all as having evolved gradually over many millions of years. Knowledge is certainly not out there waiting to burst in on our minds as soon as intoxication lets it through. Rather, the capacity to attain knowledge, to perceive, and to be aware of our perceptions, are all adaptations that have been painstakingly constructed over an evolutionary timescale. Neither is scientific creativity spontaneous, natural or pre-
formed; it is attained by constructive human striving - something made, not a spontaneous fact of nature. No scientific breakthroughs have ever come from ignorant and uneducated prodigies who happened to be intoxicated. Neither does creativity in science emerge like a beautiful butterfly breaking from a chrysalis of social convention, rather it is something constructed by efforts and gifts (and luck) - including the efforts and gifts of colleagues. Science requires knowledge and skill as well as the right state of mind. -
January 14, 197450ya, in “Conversations with Gian-
Carlo Rota”; as quoted on pg262 of Turing’s Cathedral (201212ya) by George Dyson -
Although Ulam may be exceptional in having even one dream. Jacques Hadamard, An Essay on the Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical Field (194579ya), pg27
Let us come to mathematicians. One of them, Maillet, started a first inquiry as to their methods of work. One famous question, in particular, was already raised by him that of the “mathematical dream”, it having been suggested often that the solution of problems that have defied investigation may appear in dreams. Though not asserting the absolute non-
existence of “mathematical dreams,” Maillet’s inquiry shows that they cannot be considered as having a serious significance. Only one remarkable observation is reported by the prominent American mathematician, Leonard Eugene Dickson, who can positively assert its accuracy….Except for that very curious case, most of the 69 correspondents who answered Maillet on that question never experienced any mathematical dream (I never did) or, in that line, dreamed of wholly absurd things, or were unable to state precisely the question they happened to dream of. Five dreamed of quite naive arguments. There is one more positive answer; but it is difficult to take account of it, as its author remains anonymous. -
LSD microdosing has, if anything, become even trendier since I ran my self-
experiment. Additional media pieces include Wired’s “Would you take LSD to give you a boost at work? WIRED takes a trip inside the world of microdosing”, Vox, Washington Post,, GQ, NYT, BBC, Verge, The Economist… -
I don’t blame them for this, since they were abruptly interrupted by a higher power before they could do anything but a pilot experiment (and barely even that). But the flaws can’t be ignored or wished away.
et al2019 amusingly notes “The placebo group had a remarkably high number of nervous system and psychiatric TEAEs [Treatment Emergent Adverse Events]. One interpretation of these results is that LSD’s well-
known profile created an expectancy bias” & references 2019. -
Treating it as a proportions test and testing against the lower bound of 5% lifetime prevalence:
prop.test(3, 264, p=0.05) # 1-sample proportions test with continuity correction # # data: 3 out of 264, null probability 0.05 # X-squared = 7.5032, df = 1, p-value = 0.006159 # alternative hypothesis: true p is not equal to 0.05 # 95% confidence interval: # 0.002939376324 0.035612495762 # sample estimates: # p # 0.01136363636
LSD is neutralized by even small amounts of chlorine; later I learned chlorine is not added to my well, so this precaution was unnecessary.
An important point, since most ordinary LSD tabs, as measured by the DEA (reported in its Microgram publication) and other sources, are closer to 100μg than 250μg.
Because this is a cross-
over design with repeated AB/ BA pairs, I could legitimately treat this as a repeated- measures situation and use a paired t- test. But as it turns out, using a more conservative two- sample t-test was not going to change anything in our conclusion. A paired t-test is more powerful than a two- sample t-test, so when we know that the paired _t_t- test turned in non- statistically-significant p- values (as they did), we then know what the two- sample tests would say: they will just give even more non- statistically-significant results than the paired did.
Repeated low doses of LSD in healthy adults: A placebo-
controlled, dose- :response study [Keywords: behavior, cognition, LSD microdosing, mood, psychopharmacology]
Silk Road 1: Theory & Practice (full context):
With Adderall & modafinil, the seller choices were restricted enough and scams rare enough that I did not need to think hard about the process. When I became interested in running my LSD microdosing self-
experiment , I looked at the LSD sellers, and this ease vanished; scammers were an acknowledged plague, and there was a bewildering array of options:What Is The Morning Writing Effect? (full context):
Or, perhaps there is something special about the liminal half-
sleep state, which makes fantasizing or imaging easier. One parallel we might draw is with the ancient connection between fiction writers and alcohol: writers are notorious for drinking, often to excess. Is there something about the depressant or loosening of inhibitions of alcohol which assists writing, which might also be reproduced in the morning? On the other hand, nonfiction writers like journalists or philosophers or scientists tend to be associated with stimulants, particularly nicotine, caffeine, and amphetamines (not to mention modafinil)6; while those, particularly amphetamines, are less associated with fiction writers.7 (This makes me wonder if there is a connection to another anomalous anecdotal phenomenon, the so- called alcohol “afterglow” effect , and if my poor LSD microdosing results reflect my own nonfiction tendencies.)Prediction Markets (full context):
For my personal Adderall double-
blind trial, I recorded 16 predictions about a trial (guessing whether it was placebo or Adderall) to try to see how strong an effect I could diagnose, in addition to whether there was one at all. (I also did one for modafinil & LSD microdosing) Elon Musk & Bipolar Disorder (full context):
Given the poor track record of microdosing and the mechanics of ketamine’s short-
run anti- depressant effect, this would probably not work well, and although the timings remain unclear, Musk appears to still experience depressive phases. Musk prefers ketamine to standard depression treatments, harshly criticizing the use of long- acting SSRIs for depression. Interestingly, SSRIs are of unclear efficacy & sometimes said to worsen depressive phases in individuals who have bipolar II instead of ordinary MDD. (Has Musk been prescribed SSRIs before for ‘simple’ depression?)