


About AngySaoirse


Queen of the angy bees, come get turnt watching me fail, or get comfy and listen to some awesome tunes. I'd be much obliged however, if you would treat your fellow bee bubs with respect ya hear? yee~fugin~haw...🤠

AngySaoirse's Goals

11 followers to go!

919/930 Followers

anacharis' 3D BOOTH!

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Go support my Booth mother, perhaps try out Rengyo my sister's model and dress her up, or commission my 3D modeler for your own home project!

Ondeko Dojo!

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Come be an Oni!

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If you want too much power in this stream this is how you do it, CLICK THE IMAGE!

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Am bee, am angy 24/7 I'll also voice act whatever you want so come in and see if I can nail a voice, or voice line for you!

My Delinquent friends have always called me Sao and its stuck so I'm a OK with Sao, Sur~Sha, Angy, or Bee.

You could always refer to me as trash gremlin waifu mangs too.

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I'm a she :

Even if I identified as a blue bipedal hedgehog who wanted to go fast, and only eat chilly dogs, I would hope you would respect that decision my brubbers.


No sexism, racism or other forms of discrimination. Its not hard to bee good peoples. Keep the Vibes clean!

Good Vibes Only:

Keep it positive, if you have nothing nice to contribute then simply don't or you stand to piss off all of River City.


You can say anything you hear me say, if I'm not saying it its a good chance you shouldn't either.

No Self Promoting...

No Spamming...

No Religion or Politics...

Just have fun bubs <3.

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It really helps a ton for a broke idiot baby like me but I just need to tough it out for another month and everything will improve!

Please note that all donations are non-refundable

I love you guys more than you know, and cant wait to make more awesome memories with you

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(ง'̀-'́)ง ^ Discord ^ Twitter ^ YouTube ^ TikTok

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BLD "Creator"

i9- 11900k @3.50GHz
RTX 3090
NZXT CAM for monitoring

Rode NT-1 Mic
Rode PSA1 Studio Arm
Scarlett Focusrite Solo interface

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I wouldn't bee nearly as far as I am currently without the help of my mother, Illustrator, and best friend @Anemielle
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I also wouldn't bee able to move and entertain you all without the due diligence and meticulous eye of my rigging papa.
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Go give him a follow @
come for the sick content, stay for the awesome community!

Banner/emotes @Jirafuru and @Peachiipon on Twitter go give them love!

Panels/Stinger/Stream assets are all @KeiraUkagi on Twitter <3 <3 <3

3D STARTING SOON SCREEN IS BY @VinjiVtuber the purest little moth Vtuber/3D model artist you will ever have the pleasure of meeting! (I WOULD DIE FOR THIS MOTH!)

@amaiyuzu on twitter made my baby bee SSJ3 model, GO BE HER BEAN BABY TOO!

@Leer_Bag Made the Aoi Todo Sao png that I love dearly, go give that beautful bag man some love at

@ZungieBungie The one and only Zombie Queen Delinquent Zungie Bungie made Doodle Sao, Kim, and a ton of other Delinquent den family members!

Go camp her commissions out and become part of THE DOODLE ARMY!!!

Go give her some love at
or at twitter @Zungiebungie

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World Record Zoro%

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**Former world record holder for Zoro% One Piece World Seeker.


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