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This board is for the discussion of technology and related topics.

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Tech support threads should be posted to >>>/wsr/
Cryptocurrency discussion belongs on >>>/biz/

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Are you planning on getting into Machine Learning, anon? If not, why? Are you not concerned about your job security as ML / AI becomes more advanced?

Any anons that work / are familiar with ML want to chime in?
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optional reading:
Alright, MAYBE I’ll keep tabs on those
And I’ll do better than 1%, believe it
the ccn book should be enough to get you started on actual papers
Yeah yeah, I get it
Thanks for the resources
>>103217383 (OP)
What AI / ML field is interesting or worth getting into if not LLMs?

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Post build list or current specs including MONITOR: https://pcpartpicker.com/
Provide specific use cases.
State BUDGET and COUNTRY or you will NOT be helped.
Building guide: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Build_a_PC

Gaming: 12400, 7600, 9800X3D; for existing AM4 users: 5700X3D
Workstation: 265K, 9900X, 9950X

AIO: Thermalright Frozen Edge/Arctic Liquid Freezer III, Hyte THICC Q60
Double towers: ID-Cooling FROZN A620 PRO SE, Thermalright Phantom Spirit 120 SE, Noctua NH-D15 G2
ITX/>42mm RAM: Scythe Fuma 3/TR AXP120-X67

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Whats the difference though other than one being newer like is it a noticeable difference
People with too much money. I have a buddy who just buys a new computer every other year, pretty sure he just sorts everything from highest to lowest price and picks the first option. He's the ideal consoomer.
You sound jealous
The extra clocks and cache on the raptor cove make a significant difference tbhever
The wait is killing me aaaa i need my 9800x670e3d6400cl32aio480mm96gbuild NOW
29th cant come soon enough

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I've been using a 2016 HP pavilion for games and work since 2017 and it's finally starting to show it's age. What would be a good replacement? I've been to a few stores but the ones they have in display are all significantly smaller and less powerful than what I have now.
+49 replies and 3 images omitted. Click here to view.Showing all replies.
What laptop do I buy, I want to code only on it. max 1.5k to spend
Asus Zenbook 14 OLED - 2024
The 32gb ram I assume?
Framework Laptop with AMD CPU.
This? ASUS Zenbook 14 OLED UM3406 - Ryzen 7 | 16GB | 1TB

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/lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local language models.

Previous threads: >>103207054 & >>103196822

>(11/12) Qwen2.5-Coder series released https://qwenlm.github.io/blog/qwen2.5-coder-family/
>(11/08) Sarashina2-8x70B, a Japan-trained LLM model: https://hf.co/sbintuitions/sarashina2-8x70b
>(11/05) Hunyuan-Large released with 389B and 52B active: https://hf.co/tencent/Tencent-Hunyuan-Large
>(10/31) QTIP: Quantization with Trellises and Incoherence Processing: https://github.com/Cornell-RelaxML/qtip
>(10/31) Fish Agent V0.1 3B: Voice-to-Voice and TTS model: https://hf.co/fishaudio/fish-agent-v0.1-3b

►News Archive: https://rentry.org/lmg-news-archive
►Glossary: https://rentry.org/lmg-glossary
►Links: https://rentry.org/LocalModelsLinks
►Official /lmg/ card: https://files.catbox.moe/cbclyf.png

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>t. didnt even try largestral 2 123b q4+
many such cases
>b-b-but i did
no, a model double the size od your meme finetune is gonna be smarter period, you dont even have the rig to run a 123b model
►Recent Highlights from the Previous Thread: >>103207054

--Ultravox v0.4.1 and local model quality discussion:
>103208414 >103208521 >103208552 >103208620 >103208645 >103209035 >103208622
--Possibility of an open source model rivaling o1:
>103209724 >103209749 >103210750 >103211053 >103211376
--OpenAI's obligation to open source models and AI safety concerns:
>103210135 >103210192 >103210224 >103212349 >103212495
--OpenAI and Anthropic moving away from strict guidelines and the capabilities of Claude:
>103215937 >103216015 >103216034 >103216088 >103217814
--New benchmark compares model performance, Gemma-2-9B impresses:
>103216952 >103217000 >103217047 >103217085 >103217086 >103217090
--Meta's financial struggles and potential use of AI models as bargaining chips:
>103213991 >103214069
--KoboldAI getting multiplayer support:

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>Kurisuposter is pro paywalled models
Somehow I'm not surprised
>>103218593 (OP)
Your playing it fast and loose with that OP image man
>--Miku (free space):
>>103207374 >103207682 >103209725 >103209741 >103210044 >103210192 >103210596 >103211296 >103212134 >103214938 >103215357 >103216084 >103216937

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the M4 Max MacBook Pro wipes the floor with the Nvidia RTX 3080 — and even comes close to matching the RTX 4080 Super.

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Don't listen to this anon. Next gen is dropping soon so wait for gb200nvl72.
so what will be the starting price for that? 500,000+?
It's per GPU rack (72 GPU minimum order) so I think 5 million. H100 boxes were 300k each for 8, now inferior, gpus in a full system. Of course one scalable superpod is 8 GPU racks (144 gpus) plus 12 other racks, providing the supporting management, network and storage hardware. Plus cdu per row for liquid cooling. Plus a rack per row for environmental monitoring.
It's you who are retarded, Cinebench is a cpu benchmark
It can't measure GPU performance
In a perfect world, you'd be able to run Mac OS on any x86 CPU and be able to run any OS on Apple silicon.

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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

bread edition

Gemini-exp-1114 is now available via the API https://x.com/OfficialLoganK/status/1857535825895993366
Opus 3.5 is still planned https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugvHCXCOmm4&t=2235s [Embed]
Anthropic retire Claude v1 models https://docs.anthropic.com/en/docs/resources/model-deprecations
Claude 3.5 Haiku out, new 3.5 Sonnet out https://docs.anthropic.com/en/docs/about-claude/models
Grok-2 is out on API https://docs.x.ai/api

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app

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>actions before dialogue
you disgust me
That's even worse than paying for a fanfic.
I mix them up sometimes or have more than one action or line or dialogue.
hi mongo!

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Is Go the getting-shit-done language of today?
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>>103217917 (OP)
go module is complex and its over.
python only works.
>>103217917 (OP)
I like Python and have built a few web apps in Flask and FastAPI, but I switched to Go and I don't regret it. Go is much faster than Python and is built for concurrency out of the box while Python has to use asyncio, which does not work with all the libraries. But the performance issue is not the reason why I prefer Go over Python and I think that Python is fast enough for almost everything. And you can use Pydantic to get type hints (although it's not as good as having static typing).

The nice thing about Go is that you can write web apps only using the standard library, which means that you don't have to deal with a lot of dependencies. Not having a lot of dependencies is nice in production because it reduces the amount of bugs you will have. I remember having to deal with some horrible SQLAlchemy bugs a few years back for example, and I have a lot of memories of having to hunt down bugs that are oftentimes caused by various dependencies not working well together. You don't have those problems with Go and Go has a lot of nice tools like sqlc and testing out of the box as well. Python is not a bad choice but Go is better for building web apps in my opinon.
>>103217917 (OP)
>Is Go the getting-shit-done language of today?
go takeashit()
that mascot looks retaded - like literally extra chromosones.
I write virii that just insert random spaces at the beginning of random lines of python code.

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Ugly edition

>What phone has X and Y feature?
Don't ask, use these!

Good Resources:

>Frequency Checkers

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just buy an used xperia 5 iv sar
I want a cheap phone
you get what you pay for bro
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Seems like it's a downgrade from the 10 V. Gaming is the most demanding thing they test and its doing a over 3 hours worse than the 10 V. Wtf happened to midrange socs? this is a disaster
there is a sweet spot somewhere I just haven't found it
I have two flagships atm and they suck ass

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Discussion of free and open source text-to-image models

Last time on /ldg/ : >>103194152

Particular Taste Edition

>Beginner UI
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Advanced UI
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
reForge: https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI

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i don't blame people for not wanting to spend 2k+ on one. i got mine for $1400 early last year and i feel lucky now after seeing what they're going for.
curious what the msrp is going to be for the 5090.
I wonder how scuffed 5090 mobiles will be.
they're about the same price now as they were when i got mine about 2 years ago now
good kino soul in this bread

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What are you working on, /g/?

Previous: >>103184086
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OS for my own CPU arch, in my own language. Runs in an emulator written in C. Recently reached userspace - now need to write userspace libs, a shell, and some kind of a VFS implementation.

Have a FS, scheduler, mmap, printk with text output manually rendered to video fbuffer. The only syscalls so far are clone, PID getter, and heap expand/truncate. Eventually will develop a GPU device to add to the (emulated) system which will get translated to OpenGL. Fun project.
drop the heap nonsense and just do POSIX mmap
why not just target x86, you're already abstracting away the difficult part by writing an emulator for your architecture
Yes, if you already know how to write CMake it saves you a lot of bullshit.
People don't use cmake
I'm trying to get used to using C-[ instead

Why does a fucking keyboard need 400MB of RAM???
>>103218743 (OP)
Because it's sending every fucking keystroke+your clipboard to google

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>truly independent web browser engine
>based furry devs on a schizophrenic war against jewgle
>XUL support until the end of time
>>103218759 (OP)
hes aryan and hyperborean. furries are aryan, ok

What is wrong with you people
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What if God, karma, and rebirth are real, how fucked are you?

https://youtu.be/Raej8C2yIEc [Embed]
I bet this clout chasing faggot actively participated in Terry's demise. He didn't hesitate to post about his death on his JewTube channel
>what if this bronze age santa claus made up by sand monkeys turns out to be realer than the other bronze age santa clauses made up by sand monkeys
dont care
>>103218085 (OP)
the mossad did it because he built the 3rd temple before they could
Terry abused his parents and killed his bird

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There is literally nothing wrong with this.
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>>103218431 (OP)
What the fuck am I reading
>>103218431 (OP)
>>103218431 (OP)
>go take a shower
>put it to charge
>battery is good for the next 24 hours
>>103218431 (OP)
doesn't look like a luxury product, should have mandated the usage of some kind of charging dock instead to better fit in line with the apple vibe

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