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Previous thread: >>103175624 →
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>>103198347 (OP)
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Does TDE have a good software eco-system? i am going to throw away my old SSD with devuan testing in it and saw that trinity had a liveCD with devuan testing, should i install it? never touched trinity before but it looks cool, or should i just install regular devuan testing and then shove trinity in it?
>>103198347 (OP)
second for nix flakes
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>>103198213 →
I managed to fix it. The GL libs are for some reason out-of-date but what's even weirder is that if you manually install the linux version it for whatever reason will refuse to run, even if you go to the binary and try to get it to run.
I downloaded the linux version through minigalaxy (3rd party gog gui) and then went to the binary and tried and for some reason it now works. I can't think that Minigalaxy is doing anything different to it that the manual install isn't doing but its absolutely bizarre that it works now.
How is Linux Support for Intel E-Cores these days?
Not sure what you mean. The scheduler prefers the best P-cores, then other P-cores, then E-cores and P-core hyperthreads.
Fine. The problems got patched out pretty quick. I use an i9-12900H as a Gentoo box and it flies.
OpenWRT SNAPSHOT upgraded successfully. I extracted the rootfs tarball, chrooted to it, installed packages and then copied /bin, /sbin, /usr and /lib manually, directory-by-directory, rather than reflashing a whole new firmware.

Process went smoothly, only thing I forgot was the luci-mod-proto for my 6in4 IPv6 tunnel. Finally a good fucking package manager. I hope this makes package updates better, opkg was awful at that, especially if you ever accidentally updated base-files or netifd. To be fair, OpenWRT is designed around reflashing, you're not supposed to upgrade with the package manager, but I do it anyway.
>only thing I forgot was the luci-mod-proto for my 6in4 IPv6 tunnel.
Also, Luci can't install packages graphically from the webui anymore. They'll probably have to write a new module for Apk.
Fixed that, should have copied /www too. I forget OpenWRT uses a non-standard directory for that.
Can you completely power off a PCIe card by software? Or at least put it into a very low power mode? I want to do this with a nvidia GPU on a headless server.
A lot of the software that comes with Trinity Desktop are pretty damn good if you want a bundle of software that hasn't changed since the early 2000s and are still maintained to this day.

Simple file browser that works. However, it is useless for web browsing.

For burning audio and ISOs onto discs, it does the job really well. You might need it in order to mount audio discs.

A lightweight calculator tool. Does the job.

The equivalent of Notepad plus plus. You can use that if you want.

Simple paint tool inspired by mspaint.

An Internet download manager. Works like one.

PDF reader. A little slow but it does the job.

program that lets you set different start menu themes

Desktop widget loader. Many old widgets need to be updated for modern systems

Taskbar widget that displays the latest RSS feed.

There's a lot more but I haven't tried them.

To install them with your package manager, make sure to add -trinity to the end of the package name.
For example:

Sudo apt-get install kolourpaint-trinity

Ever since I switched to TDE, I never looked back. It's like a FOSS alternative to the windows XP operating system.
Almost all of these applications have changed for the better since then though. Why would you want old KDE3 based apps instead of the modern Qt 6 versions?
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>>103198347 (OP)
How can I privately stream games to friends on Linux?
Discord is shit and doesn't work, and twitch is public, and has a fair bit of latency
OBS + Nginx Rtmp
It's only their user interface that hasn't changed much since their first release. The code for those programs still get updated and maintained. Some people don't want to leave KDE3 which is why Trinity Desktop exists.
I doubt they keep it actively up-to-date as much as KDE does. Qt3 was hardly the pinnacle of human engineering. I suppose it's nice a time capsule you can boot the iso once and marvel at how KDE3 used to look like and then never use it again.
>Nginx Rtmp
Fugg, looks like I have some learning to do
I'm trying to learn Arch Linux however I'm struggling with he setup.
I get the WiFi on my computer through a USB receiver. On Windows I just go over to the WiFi and tab down to WiFi 2. I'm having difficulty doing this on the Arch setup.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Just make sure you have NetworkManager and iwd installed and have NM use iwd as the default wireless handler. Then just use nmtui in the terminal and it should notice the USB wifi dongle.
i'm the anon trying to change his mountpoint again
first, many thanks to previously helping anons, you were mighty patient and you actually made me get somewhere with this, but my issue remains
>somehow, my mountpoint is on /loop device
>want to change it to a regular drive
>already have put the new entry in fstab
i restarted the system, but nothing changed. I follow the instructions from the man page but it simply doesn't work. My loop device keeps getting clogged.
what do i do?
oh and i'm using the newest ubuntu
Thank you.
>change his mountpoint
what do you even think "your mountpoint" is?
i have no idea what this means.
do you have some additional disk you want to mount in a specific location? what kind? linux? windows?

ok, if my problem is something completely else i would be thankful for pointing it out to me.
All i want is to stop steam and whatever else to put files on the /loop device so that it stops clogging and crashing the system.

>what do you even think "your mountpoint" is?
currently it's /
i used ubuntu for several years and never paid any attention to the loop devices so this sounds very strange. can you post /etc/fstab?
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here you go. the second line is my addition from yesterday, but it changed nothing, perhaps i don't know how to activate it.
Each time i start the system it tells me there is only <1GB space left (the numbers change every time) and once it gets to 0 i have to clean files in recovery mode. it definitely has mostly to do with steam, which in itself refuses to accept any alternative download path (i've already been through with their tech support)
read that first line and tell me what you think it does
the first white line, of course?
well, it holds the root's location and directs the mount there at the system launch
i don't understand why /media/v/newhome is in fstab, fstab is for permanent mounts
have you moved your home contents to that volume yet?
the end result should have that volume mounted at /home itself
why is your root in a file? That's what puts your system on a loop device.
>have you moved your home contents to that volume yet?
i did
>why /media/v/newhome is in fstab
i want it to be permanent
>the end result should have that volume mounted at /home itself
very happy to learn how to do it, if you could explain. Side note though: i don't have a pendrive and can only get one in a month or so, so if at all possible i'd have to do everything without relying on a boot pendrive

>why is your root in a file?
i'm one of those cursed people to whom this sort of stuff simply happens. I swear i just clicked next on installation, though that was some time ago.
If it matters, ubuntu was initially put on a backup partition with windows as dual booth. I used mostly windows but then it died a horrible death
>I swear i just clicked next on installation,
As much as I loathe ubuntu, not even that would create a fucked up fstab file like that.
>i did
>i want it to be permanent
okay, well, since it's not mounted at /home, and presumably you haven't modified your user's home directory to be in /media/v/newhome/<user>, then you're not actually using it as your home yet, you're still using /home, which is still on the / (root) volume, as nothing has overridden it
if you've moved everything over, then you can change "/media/v/newhome" in fstab to "/home", then reboot. if that is successful, then you can delete the contents of /home on the root volume
yeah, i intended something like that, i just don't know exactly what am i supposed to write and where to achieve that change.
also, is it one of those moments where i lose all files if i fuck something up?
at this point i'd just save any important data and reinstall the whole thing fresh.
then adding the drives and their mountpoints later i'd use UUIDs like so
# root partition
UUID=a8a016bd-3031-4825-9d83-da4c919e63bb / ext4 rw,relatime 0 1

# home partition
UUID=a5fa03ff-76ef-43ec-a458-10c7f8d12f5a /home ext4 rw,relatime 0 2

# swap partition
UUID=1a0aec12-c080-45d9-8c26-1adb3681ce55 none swap defaults 0 0
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Works for my laptop with i5 1335 well
changing "/media/v/newhome" to "/home" in fstab has no risk of data loss, as it doesn't affect the home you're using now
if you didn't copy things over properly, there is a risk of not being able to log back in as your normal user however. you will still be able to log in as root as root's home folder isn't in /home
so i make just that exact change and it should be fine from then on? and the new files will go to the /newhome directory anyway?
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>>103198347 (OP)
Best software to overclock your AMD GPU on Linux? And anything else from outside the bios, really
I can't use the Radeon software, and besides, I'd like something that just auto runs in the background, if possible
you may want to run rsync again, since anything you've done since you last ran it won't be there
i haven't tried anything else, but just yesterday i got a new gpu and wanted to undervolt it, and found "lact", which does the job nicely. gtk front end and daemon for the background
has options for clocks, voltage offset, fan control, power limit, etc
I'll check it out, thanks
Enjoy your new GPU!
y-you too
Good replacements for Dolphin file manager?
how come unmerging something in gentoo takes 1 second no matter how small it is? like unmerging 50 tiny packages just counts like a clock, is this a deliberate delay?
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Post more memes.
How's that relevant? You still have to "recalculate the system".
>And anything else
Cool, don't have *software* here exactly
>Warning: Double check the entered values, as mistakes might instantly cause fatal hardware damage!
Be careful though.
You aren't supposed make mount points under /media, you are supposed to make them under /mnt. Leave /media for the automounter robot to handle.
Snap or whatever other daemon making mounts for whatever use cases isn't relevant regarding fstab.
Or like booting an UEFI machine you get /sys/firmware/efi/efivars regardless your fstab.
Good post, I like LXQt
Intradesting, it seems to have all i need, time to switch
>>103198347 (OP)
When will virtual machines will run DX3D on a single GPU without giving me the urge to rip my skull off?
I use Gentoo, but I use the Arch method of making coffee.
I am on Artix trying to change the /tmp mount options, but no matter what I put in fstab, when I check findmnt, the /tmp mount options never change. Although, if I change the mountpoint to /tmp_test for example, the options take effect. Any ideas?

For context, the fstab line is as follows:
tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,noexec,nosuid,nodev 0 0
I don't even have /tmp in fstab, systemd just does it for me
how do i stream something from my linux to my tv? i have this device attached to the tv.
Is systemd-boot signed like the shim, or are you supposed to load it using the shim? Or are you just supposed to sign it using your own MOK?
i use ubuntu, I just mix a bit of instant cofee powder and xylitol into a glass of cold milk
secure boot is a meme unless you roll your own keys, which means you need to sign your own shit.
anyone use ROCm in gentoo? i can't get rocBLAS to build and it's not clear to me why
the build log says in a couple ways that my selected gpu type (gfx1030), while in the available USE flags, is not supported
warning: ISA: (10, 3, 0)  is not supported; overriding with  (9, 0, 0)

[ebuild  N    ~] sci-libs/rocBLAS-6.1.1-r1:0/6.1::gentoo  USE="-benchmark -doc -test" AMDGPU_TARGETS="gfx1030 -gfx90a -gfx803 -gfx900 -gfx906 -gfx908 -gfx940 -gfx941 -gfx942 -gfx1010 -gfx1011 -gfx1012 -gfx1031 -gfx1100 -gfx1101 -gfx1102" LLVM_SLOT="18" VIDEO_CARDS="amdgpu" 0 KiB

i actually have a gfx1032, but from what i've read i'm likely to have better luck using gfx1030 kernels on it instead
It does mount automatically, but I want to do it through fstab to apply my own mount options
you have to find where it gets mounted automagically and then either disable that or apply your options there.
It functions the same way on systemd, but if there's a fstab entry, it overrides the systemd settings. I guess it doesn't work the same here. But no one on the forum seems to be complaining
Ubuntu is proper Linux though. In fact it's Linux that just works.

Sure, there are other distros that just work too. I think Ubuntu gets too much hate though.
>I downloaded the linux version through minigalaxy (3rd party gog gui) and then went to the binary and tried and for some reason it now works. I can't think that Minigalaxy is doing anything different to it that the manual install isn't doing but its absolutely bizarre that it works now.
I've noticed this issue as well, but I couldn't bother reporting it, since it's obvious piracy.
I had this weird issue, I couldn't run mental omega mod, but mental omega client AND RA2/YR works fine under the same prefix, including the 64 bit version.
But after switching to different patch version it worked.
My guess, the game/wine engine call some dependencies that in some games are packaged in different way and that why it doesn't work, for all we know it could never worked in windows as well.
Other game, used an obsolete windows feature to get into fullscreen and initialize some stuff.
Luckily it was written in .bat, I just re-written that in shell.
I think snaps soured a lot of people's opinion of ubuntu
>I think Ubuntu gets too much hate though
I think they don't get enough yet.
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>>103198347 (OP)
I made these using that.
i can't find any indication that this has happened to anyone else, it's acting like it doesn't know what any card is, and i don't know anything about ROCm to even guess why
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Is there a way to get eroge to run with wine and use some sort of machine translation?
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Nah, this is Gentoo.
I dunno why they get so much hate. It's just a different version of Flatpak basically.
>secure boot is a meme
Couple with measured boot, it's really not.
they're being pushed by Canonical too aggressively. debs on Ubuntu are being gradually and silently deprecated and forcibly replaced by snaps. there's also something about it having a proprietary backend, i've heard about it sometimes having performance issues too.
>Ubuntu User
You have no idea how much I suffer...
>Lubuntu LTQ
Looks great, but the windows are ugly and I hate the QT Terminal, Discover software manager is actually pretty good if you are lazy.
>Xubuntu XFCE
Also looks great, Terminal is exactly how I want it, has a slightly slower and uglier start up where the screen glitches, App manager is dogshit
>Ubuntu 16.something
I haven't tried any recent Ubuntu stuff but uses MATE and feels very restrictive in terms of moving windows around.
>Mint Cinnamon
Looks okay, nothing crazy, Terminal isn't how I like it but its easily customizable, app store is great, highly limits flexibility in both customization and always forces complier compton which can get annoying when running games.

Any suggestions for a distro that can/will actually look nice but also has easy of use like Mint or am I going to have to start studying manuals for Gentoo or Arch?
if i remember rightly the problem with building rocblas is that it downloads and purges tensile every build cycle and it deletes the actual error log, if it is tensile that's erroring
there should be a setting buried somewhere that lets you use your own copy
but that specifically is just libtensile being retarded, you should expect that
it's used to do a ton of codegen for the gemm kernels
that part is tuning and iirc not actually a necessary step of the build process

also i can't remember what version of clang this was added to but i would go with a newer version of the llvm-project/ROCm if at all possible, specifically one where the bundled LLVM supports the gfx10-3-generic arch
i know the standalone ROCm setup in AOMP has it
if they've fully implemented it, and that's the actual ideal architecture to target your card with but gfx1030 is the second best
that being said i'm pretty sure that only applies to the prebuilt libraries (rocm only includes prebuilt kernels for the "mainline" ISA), if you're building everything from scratch you might be able to force your actual card
Depends on if you are a software hoarder or not. If you run a lot of flats or snaps it can slow down boot time and processing time, not by a lot, but by enough that the OS will feel sluggish like windows at times. If you don't hoard software, you likely will never have it impact processing time or start up and you won't really get why people are so against it.
and getting the AMDGPU_TARGETS/GPU_TARGETS to behave is a nightmare
i don't know how gentoo's build shenanigans interact with cmake but AMDGPU_TARGETS is deprecated, you're meant to use GPU_TARGETS now I think, i i believe it's meant to be a cmake list of triplets
this looks like the default from the current version of rocblas for rocm 6.0 "gfx900;gfx906:xnack-;gfx908:xnack-;gfx90a:xnack+;gfx90a:xnack-;gfx940;gfx941;gfx942;gfx1010;gfx1012;gfx1030;gfx1100;gfx1101;gfx1102"
and maybe tack a gfx10-3-generic onto that if you've got a modern version of llvm with support for it
thanks for responding, but this is all new to me, rocm stuff that is. like for example no, i don't know to expect something from libtensile, because i don't know what it is
my goal is to install pytorch because it's a dependency of comfyui, i'm not looking to do rocm programming, so any details beyond installing it isn't relevant
>if you're building everything from scratch you might be able to force your actual card
building to suit my hardware is part of the point of gentoo, yea, but i don't know how to do this here, since gfx1032 isn't in the USE flags
>and getting the AMDGPU_TARGETS/GPU_TARGETS to behave is a nightmare
i tried just now removing this from make.conf, as i found the defaults include gfx1030 anyway. it didn't change much, but the build log looks different, near the start there's;

and near the end, 143,000 lines later, [pic]
i don't know what counts as modern llvm, these are just the default/latest packages in the official gentoo repo (llvm-18.1.8-r1)
Solved this. At least on dinit, tmpfs is entirely managed by a startup service which cannot be disabled. I just had to copy the service from /usr/lib/dinit.d to /etc/dinit.d and add mount options in the command section. It does work by editing the /usr/lib/dinit.d service, but it may be overwritten
What components make Mint easy to use in your opinion?
Metapackages exist on Gentoo and Arch too you know. Installing something like Plasma or Gnome is a no brainer, just install "plasma" or "gnome" or whatever their respective names are.
> mxlinux (debian based, kde plasma)
> trying to install liquorix kernel
> amdgpu dkms compilation error, something with c++ code
> didn't update packages for half a year, maybe some new gcc version requirement?
> trying to all update packages through kde manager
> reboot
> black screen, scroll lock unresponsive
guess it is time to reinstall wind i mean linux
The Pro driver?
From amd repositories, installed during rocm installation I guess.
And the driver might be outdated because of old gpu and incompatible with newer kernels. But I have tried to boot old kernel though.
well shit, i disabled icecream for rocBLAS and now it builds fine. just going to have to try that any time something fails to build
>> amdgpu dkms compilation error, something with c++ code
I don't know if anyone's told AMD this before but the Linux kernel doesn't use C++. Sounds like a packaging issue on their end.
Maybe just c, I didn't look closely.
>Is there a way to get eroge to run with wine
yes, I played a few
>and use some sort of machine translation?
just learn Japanese already
>am I going to have to start studying manuals for Gentoo or Arch?
no you can just use Ubuntu with a decent WM like i3 or Xmonad
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Dude, I'm ESL.
Living in my country mean you need to know at least 3 languages.
Already learning a fifth for future job, can't I masturbate in peace?
What's the equivalent of cold brew?
Other than installing a distro for a total and complete layman to use like your grandma I don't understand why you would use anything downstream of debian over just using debian. it's still super user freindly without the bs that comes with ubuntu.
>i3 or Xmonad
both are shitty.
Haven't found one that works, dwm is too basic , so does awesome.
qtile is the only one that seem promising
>>103198347 (OP)
Does anyone know a way to configure bluetooth on Fedora (Gnome) so that it's automatically off on startup?
Yes I know it's easy on KDE.
I also know about the configuration file in /etc/bluetooth and changing the line AutoEnable=true to AutoEnable=false. This works on Ubuntu just fine but not on Fedora for some reason.
>>103198347 (OP)
Is there a way to block a user/group from accessing the internet entirely, using UFW?
No other users/groups should be affected by this. I just want this one "sandboxed."
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Newb question here, only been using arch for a few years,

can I do a full update while running the desktop?
until now I only updated on a clean tty, but this time I am doing some work that just can't have a 20 minute offtime
>it's been 5+ months since my last update and I have slow internet
>>103198347 (OP)
Is there an easy way to pass local environment variables over ssh?
is there a wayland bar that shows all windows in the current workspace?
In my current setup, I pipe my wmctrl output filtered by the current workspace into a polybar setup. I was hoping there'd be something simple or similar but all the bars seem to come preconfigured to show all windows from every workspace. Though this may be an issue with how sway configures workspaces to monitors.
my bar doesn't even show windows. How is that even supposed to look?
have you looked at sfwbar?
I am running an originally dx9 game via Lutris. There is a dxvk dll available to add support under Windows, but that's being handled fine by the Wine runner so I don't need it. Will the runner pick up settings from a dxvk.conf in the game directory or do I need to find documentation to translate the keys into environment variables?
you're running dx9 through dxvk?
Lutris defaults to dxvk enabled and I have left it so. The game is Fallout New Vegas specifically, which I understand to be dx9 but dxvk support exists. It is working and I am using it for framelimiting. Is there something fundamentally different about runner dxvk and could/should I disable it and instead set a dll override with the dxvk-enabled d3d9.dll?
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just went on an 3 day adderall bonge and configured hyprland just the way i wanted
Tinkered a bit with the config and it looks like it meets my expectations functional wise. Thanks anon
just run it with DXVK_HUD to see if is uses dxvk or not.
Yes, I did to confirm that the framelimiting was operating. You are addressing things that I have already answered and not addressing the questions.
gonna need some dotfiles to back up that claim
let me try reading your initial question again

>Is there something fundamentally different about runner dxvk
compared to what? If you use Lutris, there is no reason to not let Lutris handle the dxvk installation to the prefix you're using. That's like one of the reasons you use lutris to begin with, isn't it? That it can handle different versions. Just let lutris do it. If you need a newer dxvk, you should download it via lutris as well.
What do people on Linux use instead of VMWare for virtual machines?
>What components make Mint easy to use in your opinion?
How the windows behave by default like they do on Windows. You have a lot of support and software devs to choose from as Mint borrows from both Ubuntu and Debian so you can use software from both with little to no problems. the file manager is nice, a lot of small quality of life things like the ability to access multiple different settings multiple ways and so on.
Are they just as easy to set up? Do they have similar performance?
I'd like to try customizing different distributions without modifying my own system, so it need to at least have a similar performance to VMware
nta, depends how much of a technical background you have, there's a ton of guides to do so.
If you don't want fancy things use this alias
alias qemuboot="qemu-system-x86_64 enable-kvm -cpu host -smp 2 -m 2G -vga virtio"

This sets the most common flags.
run it like that
qemuboot -hda <iso/qcow2/img/vhdk>

Heck you can even boot physical disk with /dev/sdx
>Are they just as easy to set up?
Haven't used VMWare in ages, but I think QEMU with virt-manager is similar.
>Do they have similar performance?
It's near native.
I guess a bit of reading is in order look up qemu wiki.
It require setting up some permissions, all can be solved easily.
I have an exact replica of my system, that I use it to test arch updates.
do you image your host and run that with qemu?
Once when I switched to arch few years back, and had an issue, trouble shooting it was a bitch.
Mostly because I wasn't skilled as I though.
Now I use timeshift with btrfs on one machine
The VM is just to test different configs and play around with DE and such.
You get to understand after a while that despite the arch wiki being called a bible, it's very outdated.
My /homelab/ is growing; added a second Proxmox node today.
With it the complexity of my network as well; so far I've mostly just kept everything tidy in DNS and used that as reference for where things are, but I'd like to carry a spreadsheet now.

How would you suggest I publish this spreadsheet within my homelab? Obviously I could use Google Docs or MS Excel within O365 to keep it available across locations; I'd like it to be client-agnostic as well, so I'd avoid a fileserver with a spreadsheet file.

Is there a simple webserver I could put up to host a live spreadsheet in the homelab?
i desperately need to install mint onto this shitty old acer with 32gb emmc.
there is bios v1.07, i disabled secure boot, wiped whole disk (there was windows before) but after the install from the usb drive, i get "no bootable device". regardless of reordering the boot options. what do i do? it runs off the usb in live mode just fine
>>103198347 (OP)
I feel dumb for asking this but reipatcher keeps making .ink files (shortcuts) but when I click on it wine tells me "there are no windows programs to open this file". What am I missing?
>>103207206 (Me)
Nevermind, I actually figured it out again...
What tiling wm do you suggest?
I can't choose between awesome and qtile.
Need compiling
too basic
>>103207206 (Me)
>>103207239 (Me)
Whoops, I forgot to post what I did in how quickly I solved it, all I did was the following:
 wine start *insertfilenamehere*.lnk

>once you see the ">"
Just boot the game as normal give it 5 to 20 seconds and you are good to go.
i like bspwm
I'm impressed how far the BTRFS check tools have come. It used to be they were well known for eating your data but it seems they're more reliable now.

I got lots of errors like this after a power cut:
super bytes used 1968890216448 mismatches actual used 19688902328326162286 items checked)
super bytes used 1968890216448 mismatches actual used 19688902328328549844 items checked)
super bytes used 1968890216448 mismatches actual used 19688902328320937402 items checked)

I tried mounting with recovery and ro, etc, it worked once before breaking again and refused to mount again. I left
btrfs check --repair
running for 36 hours before I decided "that's enough of that" (risky) and sent it a SIGINT with Ctrl+C and it mounts fine now with the read-only mount option.

I'm now making that backup I should have made a long time ago.

I think what happened is the superblock somehow got damaged.
>>103198347 (OP)
Is it possible to get Wine apps to use the system tray as they would in Windows? I'm using Cinnamon but curious if it's possible in any DE.
I can't underscore how lucky I've gotten here, either. Some things I would have lost include:
>My GPG keys
>My password store
>My animu Pictures (VERY IMPORTANT)

Always keep regular backups.
So if I am getting this right, AppArmor is for protecting kernel space and Firejail is for protecting user space?
AppArmor runs in kernel space, it protects user space.

Firejail is just a sandbox and arguably not a very good one (it requires setuid root privileges, bwrap, the tool used by Flatpaks is better)
why didn't you go with sysupgrade (or whichever other command took the tarball and applied it to the system automatically i dont remember), just seems like more effort for the same result

also, wdym a 'good package manager'? Did they replace opkg?
Pussy shit, I have used linux for more than a decade as my main desktop OS, have ran thousands of sketchy packages, appimages and flatpaks and not a single one of my accounts have been compromised.
They're using Alpine's APK now. Sysupgrade doesn't work properly on X86 in my experience. It's fine for access points, switches, etc though. I'm essentially just using OpenWRT as a gateway and firewall. I could replace it with something else but I'm quite fond of it. I like that it's small and minimal, yet still easily hackable and also no Systemd.

I've done updates like this in the past so I'm used to it. Part of me wishes I'd set up something like LXC containers and run OpenWRT there. I know a few people that do that but it's a more complicated setup and what I have works. If I ever completely broke it I'd probably rebuild it right from the ground up.
As far as you're aware at least. Without something like AppArmor and a proper audit system configured, etc, you'd never know.

AppArmor is not for people that take a chance on a broken condom.
Whenever I'm emerging nvidia-drivers (so when it or the kernel updates I suppose since that requires a rebuild) I always get abysmally low load averages.
>>> Emerging (1 of 3) x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers-550.127.05-r1::gentoo
>>> Jobs: 0 of 3 complete, 1 running, 2 merge wait Load avg: 0.57, 0.56, 0.64

I'm using MAKEOPTS="-j14 -l12" on an i5 12k, I don't think I see this behavior when emerging any other package. Is this an issue on my part or just how the nvidia-drivers are compiled? (I really don't know, maybe it just cannot be parallelized?)
They might be forcing it to build with -j1, it's quite common to do that for kernel modules because sometimes compilation errors occur (as a result of the parallelism, or just in general) and it makes it easier to parse the log output when you only have one job.

I tend to build my kernel the same way too for the same reason. It takes hours to finish of course but I don't even notice it running in the background.
Makes sense, I'm not against it doing it this way either but I thought that maybe I had misconfigured something. Thanks for the clarification.
Doing scrubs on a timer will catch problems like that before they have a chance to grow.
I do that. The problem occurred because of loss of power. Not really a BTRFS issue. It was sudden. I should really invest in a battery backup. 9/10 everything is good and you never notice an issue but there's always the chance for something like this to happen that one time.
"A start job is running for journal service" stalls the boot up time of my arch linux pc for about a minute each time. how do i fix this
Email them at their webzone
Delete the gigabytes of logs you have lying around for no reason.
how? also i installed arch yesterday
Get rid of Systemd. Install Artix
Can't you do it yourself? Clone the package from their Gitlab, change the src url, run updpkgsum,
makepkg -si
, easy!
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k, so i changed the fstab and survived, that's nice.
however Disks shows me /home is unmounted but when i try to open it it tells me it is already mounted, pic related. Can't seem to find my files though they are clearly there judging from the used/taken storage size
wtf and what to do about it?
GitHub muammar/mkchromecast
Have not tested this
Does anyone know where i can get the gnome 2 icons? all the download links i found are deprecated, did anyone save them?
Thoughts? >>103209018 →
nvm i found em
Could be cool for showcasing demos. Imagine a live "Try it" demo for tools and utilities that works safely and securely, entirely within the browser.

Besides that, the practicial benefits seem limited to me. The performance isn't going to be there compared to Qemu or a thin-client, etc.
Power losses aren't supposed to cause format errors unless you're mounting the filesystem async or have a RAM backed log device.
Async is the default, so yes, I'm mounting it async. On my OpenWRT router I actually changed that to sync because ext4 would crap itself a lot more during power outages (plus a router isn't doing much I/O anyway, so it can be sync for improved reliability).

What should happen, is when a commit is made the NVMe drive should stay powered on long enough for it to sync but I got unlucky.
Any good demos of this? Wouldn't mind playing around with it.
no >:( they need to update it
Has anyone ever audited MX Linux? I am curious if the users have the bots installed that manipulates Distrowatch.
They absolutely do bot. The developers are also known communists.
I personally login to distrowatch every day and search and click for "mx linux".
Also whenever I can find a new IP (mobile data, vpn, friends house) I go there and write a review pretending to be a new user.

sue me
you're logged in as root, root's home is /root, not /home/<user>
have you been doing this the whole time?
is that a trick question
not 100% sure of course but atm i'm on sudo -i just to avoid typing my password for every command
but i also learned that i can't open baobab without sudo anyway
sudo -i simulates a root login without actually creating a login shell. You should not use a root shell to avoid typing your password for commands that require elevated privileges. It is false that "every command" requires elevated privileges. You should completely get rid of the extremely bad habit you described.
You can do:
sudo /bin/bash -l
if you want a login shell. It's what I always do when I need a root shell.

Some people also do:
sudo su -
well if you're running things like steam like that, then its' data will be going to /root, not /home
this is a really bad habit like people have said
if you really, really hate typing your password, you can configure sudo not to require one, but you really have to stop running things as root that don't need to be, this can cause more problems for you (like if you run something as root like say your browser or steam or something, then you will no longer be able to run them as a normal user, because any files they make during that session will be owned by root)
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the existence of “immutable” distros make me mad and uncomfortable
look, right now i'm constantly changing fstab and all that mumbo-jumbo and yes, atm basically every command requires it. I don't do it on a regular basis

ok but how do i fix my mount issue?
sudo -i is the recommended way to use 'sudo' to achieve a normal root shell, explicitly preferred over each of the alternatives you described.
I just ignore them. I fully understand why they exist but they're not for me. I'll keep rocking my Gentoo install till the end of time.
>can I do a full update while running the desktop
Yes I've been doing it this way for years
>5+ months since my last update
Refresh archlinux-keyring, your mirrorlist with reflector, gpg keys (pacman-key --refresh-keys) and then update
It's the logic of "well, then, let's just put your laptop in production!" taken to its natural conclusion... several dozen times within the same physical laptop. Actual mental illness.
What I posted gives you a login shell, not a "normal shell". It will source all of the right login variables, etc, as if you had physically logged into the root user itself from a TTY.

Some people go as far as to suggest you should:
ssh root@localhost
because this is properly tracked by logind and gets its own session, but this is madness in my opinion.
the only time i've gotten him to get to a root login shell, it was after telling him to log out and switch vt, because it was for moving /home contents, so he couldn't be logged in to a normal user at that time
outside of that, he shouldn't be using a root login shell
give me around seventeen reasons
I am just surprised that no one went out of their way to confirm whether or not there is botting or other malicious software in MX installs.

>nvm i found em
Why? They are perfect for normalfags (like my aunt).
Is there a genuine use-case for hardware keys (like yubikeys) for an ordinary linux user? What, if anything, can they offer or make simpler?
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You can at least sudo with it.
Wish I could integrate it further but idk what DEs support it.
I'd say any of the big DEs support at least one of the methods that these keys support, at least when it comes to the Yubikey 5 series and their large list of accepted methods.
im seriously considering swapping to linux for my gaming PC
Part of me just wants to see how it is.
Anyone have any stories of them swapping to linux for their main PC?
I haven't mained Windows at home since 2008 so I really don't know what you're expecting, but yeah it's totally doable.
>stories of them swapping to linux for their main PC
You'll start noticing how some hardware vendors don't really care about supporting Linux and then you start cursing your purchases.
Mate DE is smart enough to fire up a password prompt, only if I knew how to change it to the dongle.
It's easier then ever these days to move from Windows to Linux with how much progress everything has gone through, especially in the games department.

Anything from Dell, HP or Lenovo are pretty much fine with anything Linux related.
What's with the clamp?
Presumably to hold it on the desk so it doesn't go flying. Look at it, that things going to fly without it. These tokens are all flimsy things, a lot smaller than what they look like in a closeup photo.
They're designed by laptopfags and don't handle being on the end of a cable well.
I switched around 2015, most of the stuff I play worked ootb but the performance is way better now
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Formated a drive using an Android phone and using it successfully on my Linux box.
$ findmnt /run/media/anon/722E-0F08
/run/media/anon/722E-0F08 /dev/sdh1 vfat rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,uid=1000,gid=1000,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,showexec,utf8,flush,errors=remount-ro

So, no label and it uses ISO8859. Or UTF? (wtf) And how to pull info on things like FAT block size and all that?
Why do they keep inventing new package managers for Neovim every year?
what does picrel do? should i keep it to max for better performance?
Leave it. The kernel will already spin your system up to max power when needed.
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>>103198347 (OP)
>using nvim, kickstart, and telescope
>space sf searches files, but does not show hidden files like dotfiles
How do I change this? I have read the docs and copy pasted answers from stack overflow and reddit, but nothing works for me
You don't need to tell me I'm a hopeless retard, I already know
so what's the point of it exactly? there has to be a reason they made it.
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Wintard here, does anybody run Bluestar Linux? I am afraid Windows 12 is going to have forced account/phone activation so I'm earnestly mulling over to leap towards Loonix
Literally never heard of Bluestar. If you want to go with "easy Arch" then use EndeavourOS instead.
Also we have no idea what the next Windows after 11 will be like, though the latest version of the LTSC branch does have a subscription version. Sounds to me like "Windows 12" is going to have two versions IE pay for license once for large fee or pay monthly in smaller chunks in perpetuity. Or just use one of the free activators like everyone does.
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I've read that Manjaro and Bluestar are good Arches for noobs, but I will look into Endeavor if I decide to stay away from Debian distros
Manjaro is a noob trap. Bluestar is, again, something I've never heard of.
>I've read that Manjaro and Bluestar are good Arches for noobs,
wherever you heard that from, stop using that source of information.
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Been using a few different debian-derived distros (mint, devuan, lubuntu) for a while now and enjoying the Linux experience, and I think I'm ready to try ditching Windows entirely from my main gaming PC. Is it possible to stick with debian distros and expect Steam to just work, or should I finally bite the bullet and learn how to use arch?
Steam won't give much of a fuck, it's the games that might want newer drivers and shit.
Now, you can get those into debian based distros or you can use a distro that just gives them to you normally.
Other than that it doesn't really matter that much.
I switched fairly recently. I got a small ssd and installed arch on it, and I decided to try to use it for like a week, and then I just ended up never going back to my windows partition. Being able to mount it inside linux so I had access to all my files was nice.
I will say though that I had prior experience with it since I've been using it on my laptop for a few years.
I still think Arch is pretty much the Windows-killer. Users just need to learn a bit to use it properly and they'll never wanna go back to Windows.
Uninstall power-profiles-daemon and install TLP
That "learn a bit more" part filters 99% of the pc userbase.
Such is life.
I dunno why, back in the day, if you wanted to play games on your windows pc you had to do it, and people just did. And that's without googling the answers.
The people are still capable of it if they actually tried, but we live in the age of the smartphone where everything is so ridiculously streamlined no one is used to doing learning anything about anything.
Computer literacy is in the toilet these days. The general populace is fucking retarded with PCs, mostly thanks to smartphones rotting their brains.
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>open internets
>slap in packages until system looks done
I've been having a strange issue as of late while playing games through steam.
Everything runs just fine for about an hour, until it then suddenly begins running as if it's a 'low priority program'; the frame time and frame rate shoot up to the point where the game is absolutely unplayable.
Then restarting the game fixes it quickly and easily, doing this I can then play for another hour until it starts again.

I've seen a potential fix, which would be adding 'LD_PRELOAD' in the game's Steam launch options, but I'm uncertain whether this would help and / or if there are any risks in using this method.
The best Arch for noobs is Artix. I am saying this unironically. Most people consider it a leet distro, but it's easier to install than even Debian
I was there; they didn't learn shit. A shocking number of people never internalized filesystem hierarchy, and getting an end user to edit a config file, even with specific guidance, was a huge ask. Getting people like that to handle config merges is simply never going to happen.

Also a gaming PC in the DOS days cost a decent used car, which filtered the worst of the idiots. The common denominator now is much lower.
No way, it's Arch without any of its modern conveniences.
EndeavourOS is much more in that lane.
dunno about you, but we did edit our config.sys and autoexec.bat to have our own start menus. Those who weren't interested wouldn't even touch a pc back then.
Arch is bad for noobs because of rolling release.
>non-systemd distribution for a new user
Let's be honest, every new user wants to know the system everyone else is using. If they ever get bugged by systemd, they are free to try out alternatives.
Performance is better if you want max performance at the expense of energy usage. It runs the CPU at max clocks all of the time (still thermal throttling of course).

Balanced is more balanced

Power saver runs at minimum clocks to save the most power / energy usage
>>103207292 (Me)
Bizarre caveat, if you use the one click installer inside of a Linux environment it doesn't work but if you take that same one-click install, emulate windows, port the install and the game folders over and install, then port it back, the method above does work for some reason.
TLP breaks more things like USB in my experience. It's good if you know what you're doing though.

Power Profiles Daemon is designed to be "set it and forget it"
I'm not talking about you or me or your old school friends. We're computer weenies.
>best Arch for noobs
Endeavour or Cachy
If that were true we'd all be using Windows.
Linux's strength lies in its bewilderment of different choices. There is something for everyone and if you don't like it then you can always change it.
This is also why new users tend to distro hop a lot too, at least after a while. Experienced users that have found their distro tend to stick with it.
>If that were true we'd all be using Windows.
Not this crap again.
>Linux's strength lies in its bewilderment of different choices.
Sure. Just telling to pick something mainstream at first.
You're going to end up hopping anyway. As long as you're comfortable with it.
I never distro hopped
new users don't know what they want, if i wasn't handed a linux distro upon my first exposure to it that literally just worked ootb with tons of preinstalled programs, i'm not sure if i would have continued to pursue it. at least not right away
that first install came the same day i heard the name linux, i knew how to install and use windows, but nothing linux-related. i didn't even learn about the package manager during that install, i just used the stuff it came with (which covered what i wanted to use that laptop for anyway, firefox, k3b (cd burner), gaim (IM), etc were ready to use)
install-and-use distros are for people to find out what they want, you don't drop new users into a bare arch root shell, they don't know how to use it or what they need/want to install on it yet
this desu, even the base install is incredibly simple, im a relatively new linux user (<1 year) and im really happy i started with artix, everything just werks and openrc is comfy
oh and not to mention there's plenty of casual users who will only want to use such distros ever. just something to replace windows with and don't really care about "learning linux", and that's fine, too
are there any good courses on linux (free or paid)?
I don't have any problems with my desktop linux but when I'm tinkering with a debian server I usually need to do way too much googling.
>new users don't know what they want, if i wasn't handed a linux distro upon my first exposure to it that literally just worked ootb with tons of preinstalled programs, i'm not sure if i would have continued to pursue it
Then you're not comfortable with using something else yet.

That's just you though. Obviously, people that install Ubuntu and then never touch anything else exist. Curiosity gets the better of most people.
I don't use Ubuntu and don't want it
It was just an example. Feel free to replace it with anything else.

I know new Linux users are more retarded but still you'll see people hopping to try out different things and find out what works for them. If you only ever stick with one thing then you can't know that. Often, you see people hopping because they're not aware they can install different environments on their current distro, so you'll see people hop to try out XFCE or KDE or Cinnamon, etc.
>Then you're not comfortable with using something else yet.
that was 20 years ago, these days it's of course much easier to find out what it can do without installing it, with things like broadband internet and youtube. and sites like alternativeto
I wouldn't trust most of those "reviews" to be honest. Most of them are just "I installed X in Virtualbox and it ran like crap! You shouldn't use it"

Very few of them try out distros on actual hardware.
Is it normal to get high CPU usage when running wine? even on low demanding games?
CPU temps are reaching 70-80 range playing Half life.
However the linux version temps doesn't even go above 50.
well i suppose i can't speak for the current state of it, i haven't looked at such "new user" distros in a very long time
>>103198347 (OP)
Inkscape's logo reminds me a buttplug. Am i mentally ill?
nah, looks exactly like a buttplug
it depends if you're limiting your fps or not, many older games running at unlimited fps may max out a cpu core before they max out your gpu, just because individual cpu cores haven't increased in speed as much as gpus have (not that it's a fair comparison to compare a single cpu core to an entire gpu, that's just how it is)
i've only ever seen a melting mountain

also, what i said isn't specific to wine, just old games in general
with regards to wine, cpu usage may be higher than windows or native just because some things require translation, especially if you're using wined3d rather than gallium nine or dxvk
i see
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and its author is a plebbitor
how does it look like a buttplug?
Gallium Nine is unfortunately going away (if it's not already gone) which is sad to see. The Mesa developer's rationale is "It only really ever worked properly for AMD and holds us back from making changes to Gallium and even if there's still some improvement, DXVK has come a long way and is mostly just as good now anyway"
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Maybe should have gone with the µ version
>It only really ever worked properly for AMD
so basically everyone who uses linux, and especially if they use linux for games
it's true you should be using dxvk instead... IF you have a vulkan-capable gpu, that's the catch, though non-vulkan gpus are getting pretty old now
I'm running it with default wine settings.
And it's old very non demanding game.
I'm getting 30 fps, which I guess the limit of the game.
Is there a way to limit fps from wine?
I've enabled it.
Pic is just an example
I'm trying brain dead games, neighbor from hell, pizza/fish frenzy.
Well most AMD users have a Vulkan capable GPU at this point so I can kind of see their point. Also, Valve never enabled it in Proton (which most people use nowadays over Vanilla Wine) which always irked me the wrong way, they could have got more testing coverage for it and improved it. It's left on its death bed and will be gone from Mesa now.
novidea and intel are still used on linux. The later probably less for gaming.
Nvidia is irrelevant because they don't have a good OpenGL driver in Mesa anyway (there's Zink but if you're doing OpenGL on top of Zink does that really make more sense than DXVK?).

Intel, is arguably more relevant because they don't have any Vulkan driver at all for older hardware (Anv only supports the absolute newest hardware), but realistically it's a tiny portion of people gaming on those systems.
noVideo isn't a concern of gallium's, since nvidia users only use the proprietary driver, which doesn't use gallium. nouveau last i checked wasn't useful for games either, unless you have a very old gpu at this point
i haven't tried gallium nine with intel, but who plays games on an intel gpu
i do like supporting older hardware as long as is feasible, but it is additional work so i understand when things are dropped

i used gallium nine a lot back when it first came out, but then dxvk came out.. well it didn't replace Nine right away, since it was only originally for d3d11, but these days it does d3d9 as well, so if you have a gpu less than a decade old Nine is obsolete
the point wasn't that they should be supported, the point was just that not all linux users have amd.
I'm agreeing with you, it's just that their lack of support is irrelevant because nobody is really using those systems to game on (and in the case of Nvidia, they're probably not using Mesa, although I hope Nvk and Nouveau continue to get better. If AMD has nothing decent by the time I upgrade I'd like to seriously be able to consider them)

AMD is really the only place it works well because they're the only ones with decent drivers and the hardware to back it up.
in terms of people who use mesa/gallium and play games, AMD has got to be the vast majority
Thought I'd be clever and try upgrading to my new kernel with kexec instead of doing a full reboot.


The system starts fine but AMDGPU won't init properly (without a full reboot). So much for that idea.

I'm pretty unhappy with the performance on KDE, am I wrong for trying to get a similar experience as I had on Windows? I used to have a far inferior CPU to the one I have now and never experienced UI slowdowns. It's a really minor problem but it really bothers me. Stuff like minor lags when moving windows or opening the application launcher is just unacceptable with a 12th gen intel
i've done a single-gpu VM passthrough before, that is detach it from linux completely, and then attaching it to a VM, and back, without rebooting
maybe you'd have to do something like that, not just closing X/wayland, but also detaching getty's and the efi framebuffer before finally unloading amdgpu, making the gpu entirely unused
that still isn't guaranteed of course, since the card is still in a warm state which isn't the same as a cold boot, but it worked for me
I did an
rmmod amdgpu && modprobe amdgpu
over ssh and it still didn't init right. I think you're right, it probably needs to be unbound properly before rebooting otherwise firmware shits itself.

That's more trouble than it's worth though. I just wanted to see if I could reboot into the new kernel quicker. Reboot times aren't exactly that long anyway.
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>>103198347 (OP)
Is hyprland bad for gaming?
I'm getting noticeably worse performance (~8% worse frames, with worse stuttering) after switching from KDE.
yea, just rmmod'ing amdgpu won't do the job, because that won't take down everything that uses the gpu, if you force it without stopping everything that uses it, you end up with the gpu in a messed up state
i ran into lots of trouble trying to set up single gpu passthrough before i learned to turn off getty/efifb properly, like i could get to a windows vm desktop, but 3D software would cause the windows driver to shit itself, because something in linux was still trying to talk to the card, corrupting things
it's not that hard once you know what to do, and a couple scripts/services for before/after kexec would do it. just look up a single gpu tutorial. of course, doing this to save 5 seconds in POST is less of a deal than what i was doing, but eh, only you know if it's worth it for you
xorg with picom is way more mature and just werks than wayland with any compositor
for me it's X with no compositor
Well the
reboot -k
_should_ have done that. It does a shutdown before "rebooting" into the new kernel.

For whatever reason the firmware shits itself. I don't think it's a driver issue.
novydia doesnt let me be happy with just this :(
sure it shuts down, but does shutting down detach the EFI framebuffer from the boot VGA device? i don't know but i also don't see why it would bother
I guess the kernel should be doing that. The screen did blank. The GPU just never would init after the fact.
how come? i haven't used an nvidia card in linux since about 2012 and it was fine then as far as i remember

well it could be something else. i've tried kexec before but so long ago that i don't recall how successful it was, i swear i got it to work though, that was before the days of amdgpu so it's useless information anyway
It's just the firmware being shit. It probably is programmed to only init once and since it never really unloads properly it refuses to init again until a reboot. The card is obviously there on the bus, the kernel could see it, just shitty firmware.
>how come?
latest goyvydia drivers since 2018 or so always screen tear without a compositor, and the newest open source alternative driver doesnt work on every card
>latest goyvydia drivers since 2018 or so always screen tear without a compositor
well that's pretty shit, but that does explain why i see people talking about compositors like they're the only way to avoid tearing, that always confused me
well the one i did single gpu passthrough on was an RX560/RX580, a bit older than your ~RX6700, though not massively. not very long ago either, it's just that i picked up a free RX580 so my single 560 got relegated to permanent VM duty instead. dual gpu passthrough is way more convenient
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I switched like a week ago, using CachyOS(Arch).
Its alright, had to use X11 because NVIDIA is still a bit scuffed on Wayland.
What's good about it compared to other arch clones?
They just work tho
It was easy to install and it has pre-compiled kernels and packages optimized for modern x86 instructions (x86_64-V3 and V4 plus -O3)
Isn't that just manjaro now?
Any other Nvidiots unable to resume from sleep without a full reboot?
make sure your nvidia.suspend and nvidia.resume services are enabled
They are, on most recent drivers and kernel. From Sleep I just get a black screen and a cursor.
Not a blogpost by the way, I'd like to fix that if possible...
What distro? Are you using X11 session? What GPU are you using?
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Is it better to use tiling WM with small screen devices?
yeah i get the same problem, have had to stay at 550.90.07-3 for sleep to work
yes but old window managers look really good on small screens
Alright, sounds like a driver issue. Thanks anon. Going to just deal with it then.
Gentoo, Plasma 6, X11, Compositor always on, animation speed set to instant, I5 12600K, RTX 3060 12GB.
The slowdowns are not due to high cpu usage but random (at least I'm not personally doing anything to cause a high CPU load).
They're closer to micro stutters than actual slowdowns per se, things like getting stutters for half a second when moving windows around, or when maximizing them are the most common issue. A really annoying "issue" is how it takes just a little too long for the application menu to show when I press super, I suppose it's an intended delay so you can use other key combos without the launcher popping up but windows doesn't have it and feels just fine.
I don't really know how to reproduce them or to verify what actually happened during the stutter.
Maybe something like Niri could be good for small screen devices. It's a scrollable window manager.


I keep meaning to try it out but don't really have a use for it.
how small is the question

that's actually a really cool compromise between "it's too big for fullscreen-only, but too small for floating..."
So I'm on Arch and can only speak from that experience, but you may need to reinstall the nvidia drivers. On Arch, I use nvidia-open-dkms; I assume there's something similar on Gentoo?
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Yeah, I'm using openbox now.
It's an old elitebook (2570p), with mechanical hard drive and 4 GB of ram.
I like how low resource it use, and having right click menu.
Do you suggest some wm?
I've used i3 in the past, but I fucked my composer and rage quit it.
>how small is the question
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How do you handle updating pip applications?
With my package manager, of course.
I don't think pacman has this feature.
I mean things installed with pip.
I should add, that if it's for development purposes or one-off stuff I'll use a virtualenv.

Using your package manager or a virtualenv are the only sane ways to work with Python without putting the whole thing in a Docker, etc.

mkdir -pv my-app
cd my-app
python3 -m venv .
. ./bin/activate
pip install --upgrade foobar
foobar --help
I think you can also use pipx if you want to make this process a bit easier and less laborious:
Yes, I'm not talking about some dependencies for python project.
I'm talking about applications that are available for pypi only.
pipx is gay
>pipx is gay
Agreed, I don't use it myself. I know it's something some people do though.
Use them for sites that require MFA/passkey login instead of being forced to install an android app or give them your phone number
Not a driver issue, tried that already to no avail.
Also, if you know the app is pure Python with no dependencies then you can safely go ahead and:
python3 -m pip install --user --break-system-packages --upgrade

It will break on major Python version upgrades still though.
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May i interest you in windowmaker? i use it on my desktop and on my laptop. very low resource use and there are alot of cool dockapps to choose from, it has a really good right click menu and preferences menu, very easy to move through desktops too once you configure some hotkeys, my only complaint is that if you are using the pre-compiled wmaker package from debian you have to
 cp /usr/share/WindowMaker/plmenu ~/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker && rm ~/GNUstep/Defaults/WMRootMenu
to be able to edit the right click menu properly, which is probably filtering alot of people from staying on windowmaker, it is also harder to find the autostart config file which is in /usr/share/WindowMaker compared to the pre-compiled package from other distros
basedniggers are disgusting
It is the only soi i have saved, i thought it was pretty funny
>Windowmaker supports webp
Officially more modern than 4chan
I use this
update_anipycli ()
local recent_anipycli=$(curl -s 'https://pypi.org/pypi/anipy-cli/json' | jq -r '.info|.version')
local installed_anipycli=$(anipy-cli --version)
if [[ "${recent_anipycli}" == "${installed_anipycli}" ]]; then
echo "anipy-cli is on the latest version . . . Nothing to do"
echo "${installed_anipycli}"
echo "Updating anipy-cli ${installed_anipycli} ===> ${recent_anipycli}"
pip install anipy-cli -q -q -q --user --upgrade && echo -e "anipy-cli updated to ${recent_anipycli}" || echo "Updating failed"

You can use this function, and propagate it as needed.
I set it up in a bash script, that execute whenever yay -Syu is run.
Yeah this look way to old for my liking.
Maybe I'd set it up on my T60 though.
Seems a bit redundant to compare the versions like that. Pip won't do anything if the version you're installing is already installed.
New thread:
>>103217117 →
Whenever I focus out of a wine window and come back, the scroll wheel on my mouse stop working on that window. Is there a fix? Also, what's the best replacement for system monitoring center that doesn't display on a terminal? I'm used to windows task manager.

xfce4-taskmanager, but you really should use btop in your terminal, you can move with your mouse too
>on most recent drivers and kernel
Have you tried not being an updooter and seeing if that fixes your issue?
Exit code for no clobber and file exists is contradictory and some of the code does nothing

The contents of the if statement for this condition/case in ./src/main.c is this: print to stdout that file already exists so not retrieving + exit with an exit code of 1 (generic error). That code does nothing. You can comment it out or change it: makes no difference in the compiled program because that functionality is defined elsewhere in the codebase. That functionality is actually defined in http.c. In ./src/http.c this case ends with an exit code of 0 and not 1. It should be 1 as defined in main.c. In http.c there is multiple checks for no clobber + file exists, both return RETROK (return OK) which ./src/exits.c subsequently returns as WGET_EXIT_SUCCESSFUL and exits.h defines that we 0. File ./src/exits.h defines WGET_EXIT_GENERIC_ERROR as 1, and that's what should instead be triggered in http.c.

What this looks like in shell of Bash or CLI:
>$ wget -nc [url]
>$ echo $? # should be 0 and is
>$ wget -nc [url]
>[already there, not downloading]
>$ echo $? # should be 1 but isn't !!!
>$ # I have a modified wget in GitHub which returns exit code 7 for the previous command
exits.h defines that as 0 *

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