WILDWOOD • There's no phone number on the billboards. No address. Not even an exit to turn off the highway. Only the name "JESUS" emblazoned in giant, block letters, like a cowboy's prize belt buckle.
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September 22 , 2011- Bryan Brand, the organizer of the Jesus Name Project, which erected billboards with the name Jesus in green and white, carries posters and bumper stickers in his truck in the same color scheme as the billboards. Stephanie S. Cordle scordle@post-dispatch.com
September 27, 2011- Bryan Brand, organizer of the Jesus Name Project, which erected billboards with the name Jesus in the color scheme of green and white, poses for a portrait in front of a yard sign with the same design at his home in Wildwood, MO. Stephanie S. Cordle scordle@post-dispatch.com
September 27, 2011- Bryan Brand, the organizer of the Jesus Name Project which erected billboards in the color scheme of green and white with the name Jesus on them, works in the office at his Wildwood home on curriculum for a discipleship workshop he will be teaching at Element Church in Wentzville in October. Stephanie S. Cordle scordle@post-dispatch.com
September 22 , 2011- Bryan Brand, the organizer of the Jesus Name Project, which erected billboards with the name Jesus in green and white, carries posters and bumper stickers in his truck in the same color scheme as the billboards. Stephanie S. Cordle scordle@post-dispatch.com
September 22 , 2011- Bryan Brand, the organizer of the Jesus Name Project, sits for an interview with Post-Dispatch at his home in Wildwood, MO. Stephanie S. Cordle scordle@post-dispatch.com
25 Sept. 2011 -- WENTZVILLE, Mo. -- Bryan Brand (center), a pastoral staff member at Element Church, talks with his son-in-law Matt Mealer (left), wife Vicki Brand and Jon Henry, pastor of groups and connections at the church, following Sunday services at the church in Wentzville, Mo. Sept. 25, 2011. Photo by Sid Hastings � For the Post-Dispatch
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