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>In 1835, with the forced assistance of the crew, several hundred Māori at Port Nicholson sailed to the Chatham Islands aboard the brig whaler Lord Rodney.[2] They then were welcomed to the islands by the Moriori and enjoyed their hospitality.[1][8] This group arrived in two waves. The first arrived on 19 November 1835 via the hijacked European ship[9] and carried 500 people along with guns, clubs and axes. This first group killed and hung up a 12-year-old Moriori girl. The second group arrived on 5 December 1835.[10] With the arrival of the second group "parties of warriors armed with muskets, clubs and tomahawks, led by their chiefs, walked through Moriori tribal territories" and "curtly informed the inhabitants that their land had been taken and the Moriori living there were now vassals."
>Although the council decided in favour of peace, the invading Māori inferred that the decision was a prelude to war.[12] Violence erupted and around 300 Moriori were killed, with hundreds more enslaved.[8] The invaders killed around 10% of the population in a ritual that included staking out women and children on the beach and leaving them to die in great pain over several days.[9]
well /pol/? is the verdict decided? have maori finally shown themselves to be depraved, uncontrollable savages? imagine white people getting mad about a bill, so they resort to beating their chests and screaming and dancing like germanic tribesman. what a bunch of retarded clowns.
>>488505063 (OP)
every time i hear about these stupid island niggers, it's always about them doing their cringe toddler temper tantrum dance. is the only thing they know how to do is stomp their feet and yell?
>>488505063 (OP)
How embarrassing lmao, that dance they do is so fucking stupid.

They say we all live on stolen land but bros, we need to fucking steal it back when we're not even 50% of the population.
Let the actual maoris do their gay little war dance. My question is, why are all the white women in the balcony doing it?
>>488505063 (OP)
you know it's bad when even reddit is saying this is cringe and unprofessional.
Also haka tuah on that thang
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It’s only stealing when white people beat you.
>>488505063 (OP)
>germanic tribesman
They were actually very civilized, Roman propaganda isn't real
Lmao, kike
8 minutes ago
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both romans and germans did silly war dances. the point is that we are not bronze age peoples and wouldnt do these sorts of things, especially in a courtroom. it just looks ridiculous, especially with their retarded facial expressions.

Because they're idiots with nothing better to do. It's New Zealand blame somebody else for it
>>488505063 (OP)
Let's face facts here, when Europeans traveled to these places, Africa, India, so on...
The people there, back then were 100% more childish, dumb as fuck, savage, disgusting and backward then these retarded subbies are today.
Whatever the European explorers were said to have done is utterly over exaggerated and the measures takes were justified.
You can have 200 savages armed with spear with the intent of ripping you to shreads.
Open fire on them, then over time the store gets told of an unprovoked massacre.
These clowns haven't changed over the years.
>>488505063 (OP)
Bring it on bitch
Retard alert. Rome routinely relied on the Goths to win. Greeks wrote admiration on the Scythians. They were technologically behind Rome and Greece, but just they were not “tribes” the way you think and were taught. They farmed, had metallurgy and masonry, permanent homes and villages with laws. Also YWNBAR
>>488505063 (OP)
Is dey culcha!
>Rome did war dances in the courtrooms

Absolutely ridiculous Christian propaganda
oh ebc, you're maori!? you still commincate really f'in weird and you'll prob never have the courage to speak to me again but wow, that's neat ebc
When you're car has been keyed
And they've slashed up your wheels
That's a Maori...
Yeah yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night, you little insecure kike rat.

It is far worse than any of that. They were cannibals. At what point do you want to be anywhere near a cannibal. Those people wore and inked their kills. They ate their victims. They practiced savagery you cannot even begin to imagine. Instead of saying this, it's always somebody else fault they aren't cannibals today. Every single time today you stopped our cannibalism. No what? It's you stole our land. I didn't think cannibals had any land? How does that work exactly? Oh no. Nobody says this. How does a cannibal have any land? When cannibalism stops maybe.
When you've been mugged in the night
In a one sided fight
That's a Maori...
Wherever depravity is being had, white women will be there.
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I think thats another part of it. arent these supposed to be war dances? you know why white people dont do war dances anymore? because its archaic and really only applied to ancient warfare. it has no place in modern warfare; so its not really a 'war dance' if you do it now is it? like you dont see maoris performing a hawk tuah dance before getting mowed down by M-16s in afghanistan. no, its always just little these ridiculous attention-whoring displays like this. political shows. its absurd that they have the nerve to still call it a war-dance, when its probably been over a century since the last time they actually went to war with anyone but their sisters virginity, or the local police
>>488505063 (OP)
lmao look at those stupid savages wearing people clothes
>is the only thing they know how to do is stomp their feet and yell?
Now you know why LotR was filmed there. You need thousands of orcs. And thousands of people stupid enough to work for $5000 in a $1B movie series.
>>488505063 (OP)
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cannibals and child rapists. and torturers. remember reading about a white girl that was taken captive by apaches during a raid. when she was returned to white men in a trade 3 years later, she was missing half her fingers, several pieces of her scalp, a part of her tongue, one of her eyes and several patches of her skin, which had been flayed or burned off. the condition of the girl was so horrible it instigated a massacre of the apache chiefs who brought her to the trade deal. you always hear alot about these massacres, but never about what precluded them
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>>488505063 (OP)
holy shit Australians are cringe
>>488505063 (OP)
Cringe and bluepilled
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When a woman's attacked
By some youths in a pack,
That's a Maori...
>>488505063 (OP)
>have maori finally shown themselves to be depraved, uncontrollable savages?
been pretty obvious for a long time to anyone who lives here
something about this person makes me sick. why do you faggots keep posting this?
>>488505063 (OP)
Cringe and gay, shit like this makes colonialism more hilarious all of these retarded barbarian displays of faux toughness wiped out with a single round.
>>488505063 (OP)
i would do a dance where i display my anus. and before the constables could take me away, i would shart. i would also scream and try to throw up. and pee.
>retarded facial expressions.
Someone really need to tell her just how ugly she looks while doing it.
Not ferocious, just plain ugly.
Explain how kikes would defend Germanics
Do you just throw it around in a low IQ hissyfit cause you don't understand real history?
>>488505063 (OP)
>dance designed to intimidate people
>reduced to inducing only cringe in less than a single generation
>1/100 Maori nearby starts haka anyway
>>488505063 (OP)
You missed the part where they fucking ate them
When your small business is robbed
And your inventory's lost
That's a Maori...
>>488505063 (OP)
Low IQ subhumans
They did these dances in WW2 and in Vietnam, and they had a higher K/D than even the most elite US units despite having next to no training and terrible kit
>>488505063 (OP)
>zog cope from fearing a little moari girl

kek, shit eating "white superiority" cunts, i can smell the fear, smells like doritos, mountain dew and a cum stained sock.
when they've drank all the goon, and got knocked out for saying coon,
that's an aussiiiiieeee
When you look sideways at a bloke
And get King hit and croak
That's an Aussie!!!
>>488505063 (OP)
it's pretty fucking sad in NZ i understand the abbos or native mutts getting pissy but the maori barely got to NZ before the bongs and they wasted their time making heckkin cool fast boats instead of guns.
crybaby natives and zog are a match made in heaven
Is there a difference?
I have that fucking song stuck in my head now
this, these dances have always looked so fucking cringe to me... ancient Mexicas used to have tribal dances but this is cringe as fuck
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The dance is just cringe is all. No need to be upset lmao
>>488505063 (OP)
I wish we did this to Hawaiians
Because NZ is full of cringe leftist morons. Same thing as Canada but worse
When you're shanked in the back
And the world's going black
That's a Maori!!!

Mmm mmm mmm mmm Maaaaaaaaaaaori!
Fucking see your 'full of' and raise you Australia. The whole cocksucking place is lefter than Karl Marx.
>dances toward musket lines
Lmao what retarded niggers
Go back cringe nigger

They practiced blood rituals, shamanism. Spirit walking. Eating and consuming flesh. It can move through it. It has consumed it. Let's suggest it was an evil that they considered evil. The White man. Invader. Instead of somebody else, their own that didn't give them indigestion? They tortured it to death like the inquisition used too cause confession and renounce witchery. If it sinks it isn't a witch and if it swims it's a witch. Hang on. You're a witch. This is ancient blood magic. Days and days of it. Using animals sometimes to eat it and they'd eat the animal or sacrifice the animal. No spirit form concentrated. Sometimes simple sport like the witch, you're the witch, how much torture can they inflict on it so that spirit was killed.

Aztecs ripped out beating hearts and they wore fetishes of various trophies taken like skulls ears etc. Native Indians scalped collected scalps. Cannibals believed in blood magic eating victims gave them power over others. Spirit consumed. It wasn't simply for food, but for fear, and an ancient belief in the spirits, which all those tribals practiced.

As it was abolished and translated it has faster removed many of its darker arts.

There are places that still practice some of them. Illegal. Again they ate to gain power. For example in Africa certain tribes once cannibals believe albinos made powerful medicine. They ate albinos and turn them into medicine. Like your Chinese recipies, a tiger penis makes you a tiger, bullshit. Same story. Same facts.

Instead of anything really fucking obvious. Like asking the obvious? At what point does a cannibal own any land. It's not a beacon of social equity. They keep murmuring you stole our land. Wrong, cannibalism got abolished.

Your story is mild there are some going back and it gets grim. The World was grim. All of it.
>every time i hear about these stupid island niggers, it's always about them doing their cringe toddler temper tantrum dance. is the only thing they know how to do is stomp their feet and yell?

Finally someone who gets it. Their "culture" is that stupid Haka, acting like African Americans and getting drunk and playing 2 strings on a guitar.
Its all about power. They want to rule the country and everyone knows it would be utter chaos and noting would work. Even Maori know that.
Typical Australian lash out. You sound like a classic King Hit type. Kind of guy who'd king hit as hard as he could from behind. Idiot. You thought I was attacking you, anon?
>>488505063 (OP)
bitch looks like a retard on bath salts

the absolute state of new zealand politics
Brits lost to the Maori and had to make a treaty LMAO
yeah wtf is it with that stupid fucking haka dance? isn't it a war dance that is basically telling you they are about to kill you? it's completely disrespectful, why should anyone be expected to watch them do that with respect
Don’t care what you barely think. Go back
>>488505063 (OP)
What triggered this cunty chimpout?
So sound supremely under-educated.
>you just dont get our cultcha
heard it before
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Krauts aren't civilized, neither are are they just wiggers. Krauts have been and are the single most autistic race on earth. Every action of a kraut tribe or state can be explained by sheer amount of german autism. Teach a german to mine and he will make a giant mechanical worm that excavates tonnes per second and starts basically fucking worshipping it. Teach a kraut philosophy and he will declare the philosophy a religion and start a world war. Hegelian dialectics and the resulting communism and nazis, christianity and the arian nicene split and then the protestant(kraut)-catholic(normal) split are good examples
a reinterpretation some bill signed 200 years ago, who gives a shit
Your fat brown fingers can't even type a message out properly.
they could invade it today however no matter what your quip will be
philosophy was invented by krauts according to ancient med philosophers
Which part is she mad about? Does it rob maoris of their state welfare program? I assume they're all drug addict like the abbos are
mate, the UK couldn't even invade London today
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>My question is, why are all the white women in the balcony doing it?
Most Maori today aren't pure blooded. Which makes the behavior all the more retarded.
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You are aware the building you posted is a knock off of rome/greece, along with the philosophies and religion since the roman empire? No offense to the building though its great
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Only culturally, they're all Islanders living in the same area. And the Moriori are almost extinct at this point (last pure blooded Moriori died 90 years ago) because of the Maori and other peaceful savages who slaughtered them in the 1800s.
something about a water bill, something about welfare and something about land ownership
>>488505063 (OP)
Acting like little less than beasts of the field, they should lose their right to representation in the house if they can’t participate within contemporary professional standards.
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you are aware all the greek and roman gods were described as white people correct? blue-eyed Athena, white-armed Hera, blond-haired Achilles. they never describe them as dirty turks like you
>>488505063 (OP)
All the New Zealand Olympians were part Maori.
yeah it looks like a crazed war dance done to intimidate enemies.
Many millions of turks are genetically Greek, retard.
>>488505063 (OP)
They’re absolutely pathetic. They were so fucking proud of “muh warrior kulcha” until they got btfo by whites and they’ve been crying about how mean the white people are ever since. What happened to all that warrior shit? Only fun until you lost?
God's are obviously white. I mean golden hair and blue eyes and white skin with perfect beautiful features? whites are the highest form.
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>intimidate enemies
More like make them cringe in vicarious shame
yeah whatever, back under the fridge with you roach
Civil Woari in NZ. We knew this day these Island Chinks would try to take their island back bros...another L for the anglosphere, bros.
a mutt would never understand honour and sacrifice. just kneel and die for zog like all mutts.

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>>488505063 (OP)
Are these fags the same as the abos where they do their confrontational war dance stuff, but if whitey does the same back (LOL, FUCK OFF!! *gives finger* in defiance) they start crying and claiming oppression/racism?

Reminder, giving the finger and laughing in response to threats and shows of aggression is ACTUAL ANGLOID CULTURE going back centuries at least.
>>488505063 (OP)
This looks like something from the Stone Age.
>>488505063 (OP)
That's a top 5 cringe webm. They look like unreasonable retards.
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yes we wuz kangz
>>488505063 (OP)
Imagine if whites were this passionate about their heritage.
>>488505063 (OP)
Why are so many Maoris in the government? I didnt think the population was that high? Is it just tokenism gone rampant?
They were savage, but mostly peaceful, genocides
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He still looks Greek, retard.
Greeks can be blonde.
And mainly European
>>488505063 (OP)
>Became an MP at 21.
What the fuck does a 21 year old know about anything?
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>Med pagan gods are white
>White peoples gods are white
>This means the greeks and romans are pure, black forest germans with blond hair
Holy we wuz are you saying romans aren't white because they aren't germans? Despite them building a world empire while krauts were so in awe of said empire they immediately moved there at first opportunity they could and became romanized to varying states
For me, its Alfmanni
>>cringe toddler temper tantrum dance

Isn't that what the sorority girls in America are doing now?
Sucking cock?
>>488505063 (OP)

NZ is full of Globohomo white people invaders. Maoris are totally entitled to eat them all.
Idk bros I think maoris are cool
>Idk bros I think maoris are cool

Adolf Hitler, a Karl Von May novel fan thought Native American Indians were "noble savages" on a par with the finest Aryans.
I think they're full of shit and would get their asses kicked.
>>488505063 (OP)
White people let them get away with it, so they will push it as far as they can.
>>488505063 (OP)
You didn't mention that the guys they genocided were pacifists, which is why they decided on peace.
>During the period of enslavement the Māori invaders forbade the speaking of the Moriori language. They forced Moriori to desecrate sacred sites by urinating and defecating on them. Moriori were forbidden to marry Moriori or Māori or to have children.
Literally what the fuck was their problem?
>>488505063 (OP)
The people the genocide were pacificists and the Maoris are protesting an equal rights bill that was put forwards by a Maori member of parliment.
NZ is now peak clown world.
>>488505063 (OP)
the haka is fucking lame
>and they had a higher K/D than even the most elite US units despite having next to no training and terrible kit

Everyone born in NZ is going to be part Maori you mong they are a mixed people.
It's spiritual warfare
The actual Maori died years ago.


These are mixed race scammers.
>>488505063 (OP)
Hottest Maori I've ever seen.
>>488505063 (OP)
Haka is so fucking gay. At least the ABs can do it well. Its sad when some 30 year old sheila does it.
>>488505063 (OP)
A just society would have drug all these bastards outside and machinegunned them for this asinine behaviour.
What's this from? Looks amazing!
It used to be cool but they do it every two minutes now. They should only do it before going to war or something
Imagine her fucking you with everything she has
>0 donations to Ukraine
>Chang colony
Lmao, get fucked. Island of TRASH.
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I too would like to know what this is from. looks like it could be good for sure. man I hate niggers
>>488505063 (OP)
I think this is impressive in a way. these guys were able to adapt a techology they've not seen before and use it to their advantage. reminds me of meiji japan. not all primitives can do this. Jared Diamond notes somewhere that out of two papua tribes contacted in the XXth century one adapted to the extent that people born into the literal stone age now grow cocoa and transport it to the nearby collection point in trucks they drive, while the other tribe just shrugged when a helicopter landed near them the first time, not even showing a bit of curiosity. culture is deep.
You get it. Exactly
5k is a lot for some 10 min acting as a prop
This is a fake story made many decades later. You can look up what really happened. The story was made up later.
sure it was chief scalpsalot
Between the massacre and the story was over twenty years.
>>488505063 (OP)
your land, my property.
Because white women.
>>488505063 (OP)
no one cares it's their land, cumskin invaders are obligated to pay them gibs or else the maoris are free to kill and rape them
i known few and met quite a bunch, one of them told me he got into a situation with some other non-maori guy and the way he deescalated was by shouting at him he still has cousins that eat people and he is about to grab him and take him to them
>both romans and germans did silly war dances.
and that is how ballet came to be
>we wuz greks and roomans and egyptoons
Yeah man honestly it's not that bad here with natives. From what I've seen they seem more normal and laid back than abbos, and maori are savage but they don't seem dumb at least, just cringe. Maybe I'm wrong.

Are native treaties engrained in your constitutions? We can't do shit here anymore because the leftist courts have just said "indians get gibs cuz we white" and ultimately if you want any projects you gotta bribe the right chiefs. I advocate for complete tearing up of all the treaties, maybe a one time buyout to cancel them and full assimilation. each reserve is a little pocket of communism I fucking hate the reserves so much. I dread the days I get calls there for work.
Thank god you people will be below replacement in 10 years
We wuz philosophers and shit. You are lucky the Romans didn't have gun powder, Hans.
>>488505063 (OP)
Whites are weaklings and cucks. If I was Maori I would shit on them every day.
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My gf didn’t find that funny though
She said it’s economic factors
The Romans got btfoed by BGC time and again
How embarrassing
>Stolen Valor meet Stolen Victimhood
They're Munchausen's Machine. Anything for whatever little neurochemical squirt being a victim cums into their brain. No shame. No self-reflection. Just the constant hunt for braincum.
To add to this, the tribes that invaded the Chatham Islands were the ones that were displaced from their territory by the tribes that allied with the British.

They just had their shit handed to them and decided to take it out on the only people in the entire country that wouldn't re-hand their shit to them.
>>488505063 (OP)
Māori are basically NZ's version of 13/50. Prisons are full of them
>>488505063 (OP)
Commander commandah!
>walking is to gunfire is the same as sacrificing yourself for a cause
Go sacrifice yourself over a cliff you dumb savage
this needs to become the automatic response whenever any kind of brown people complain about anything
pretty hot desu bet she fucks like an animal
I bet she has fantasies about white men and hates herself for it.
i will now freely travel to nz per the law and nail your girls
>honor is torturing women and children
We really should have just wiped out every single one of you. But we didnt because were too kind hearted. You fucking monkey you can get your shit forcibly taken from you any day and you wont do shit.
Yeah you Scandinavian weirdos have some strange fetish for browns with inferior cultures. We know.
>We should've wiped out every single one of you. But we didn't because we're slaves to Jews and our own greed
FTFY bruvva
Sure thing you literal animal. You were treated way too kindly
Is this the brown cope now? Its quite literally because whites are unfortunately much more empathetic than your inferior people that you are still around. Look at the world. Its all us. You just exist in it at our discretion. You will never do shit
who gives a shit, there's no shortage of historical accounts of savage behavior done by various native peoples
>Is this the white cope now? Its quite literally because we Jews are unfortunately much more empathetic than your inferior people that you are still around. Look at the world. Its all us. You just exist in it at our discretion. You will never do shit
FTFY bruvva
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>>488505063 (OP)
Imagine, some poor English sailor's last vision was of a face that catches this demon pictured just before he is killed and roasted over an open pit.
>>488505063 (OP)
Still savages after how many years of the White man trying to civilize them?
America is a continent, existed since 1492.
Your obsession with jews reminds me of a nigger whining about whites. Its pathetic and makes me want to kill you. Jews being a scourge on the earth is not a hot take you brown dunce lmfao
>never about what precluded them
My favorite is the documented "small pox blankets" case. A group of "friendly" allied natives come looking to get into the frontier fort and do some trading, but they are told no, everyone is sick, and here's some blankets we don't need anyone because people are dying, now fuck off. The fort commander had already recieved news that natives had switched sides and have already hit other settlements under false pretenses killing, looting, and taking settlers. The latter being likely the source of the bad outbreak among the natives that year.
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And you can give it back any time yt
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>but never about what precluded them
sounds familiar
Looks like they need a good MAOI inhibitor
And you remind me of a butthurt yt whining about Jews what's your point

They look fucking ridiculous, its a wonder their not smearing menstrual blood on their fucking shit faces too.
Unlike yt we can't be tamed by the Yiddo-Americoid lifestyle. We love our freedom too much.
Yeah, nothing says honor like cannibalism… fucking clown
>>488505063 (OP)
>>488505063 (OP)
Huak Tuah
Number one: if they're so badass, how come they're part of the u.s., then? Why do they not exist as their own kingdoms/countries? Two: imagine fighting for your fucking conquerors, serriously, lmao, what a pathetic bunch of fucking losers...
You can look it up. The story is fake.
New zealand, i mean. Oops..
>kek, shit eating "white superiority" cunts, i can smell the fear, smells like doritos, mountain dew and a cum stained sock.
You know this post smells like? KFC, premix JD, cigarettes and not enough brute deodorant to mask your body odor. I bet you even sound bogan you coconut, go back home. You have overstayed your visa, sole
>>488505063 (OP)
Wtf is this? Is this Parliament or reality show?
Ban and rape white women.
I don't believe you are maori abho or pajeet. You are a literal kike troll.
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>>488505063 (OP)
The Moriori were exterminated because they have discovered KEK.
>every time i hear about these stupid island niggers, it's always about them doing their cringe toddler temper tantrum dance.
this. It just seems like a group that is always going to whine about their heritage and they seem to get everything and have their own shit and be a part of the society but no matter how much they get they just seem to become angry due to "racism" or something else completely bullshit in order to get special privileges and money.

reminds me of the Sami people, they do the same shit in order to scam the government for money.
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Native American band chiefs come to talk about a treaty. They willingly release european prisoners caught invading their land. A sign of good faith. The prisoners are in good condition. They are released. No complaints. The negotiation commences. Included is a famous undefeated war chief. The europeans are scared of him. Half a dozen chiefs of a larger confederation there, many other chiefs not present. No allies present. Limited powers. Negotiation continues. Need to go back to obtain agreement from larger confederation. Misunderstanding occurs (not related to prisoners). Europeans do not know inner workings of confederation. Chiefs need to consult others for a larger peace, not a limited treaty they showed up to. Europeans panic. Think the Natives will go to a war council with allies. Plan to ambush the Chiefs. Make excuses leave, close doors, barricade doors, shoot hundreds of rounds through windows and walls. Murder the peace delegation. Are criticized for it at the time. Seen as cowardly and disgraced. Many decades in the future a story will be made up that they brought a mutilated little girl to the negotiation missing her nose. There is no evidence of this, and it confuses the names, dates, and tribes involved.
>>488505063 (OP)
It looks so fcking retarded when they do their mongoloid dance. I fucking hate these coconut niggers.
>eastern third of north america was populated before native americans showed up
Context: Chloe is pissed off because just before this she'd attempted to interrupt the vote twice to call for a conscience vote, but got out performed by the maori (lowercase intentional, derogatory) party's dance routine.
Unrelated to the murdered Chiefs at the treaty negotiation is the story of Olive Oatman. Taken captive as a child by another tribe in another state, completely unrelated to the Chiefs. She is raised by Natives and treated as one of their own. She is reluctant to reveal herself to passing Europeans. Eventually through Native intermediaries she rejoins White society and becomes a celebrity. She writes a book, lives a long life, and dies of old age. Eventually her story is warped into the story of the little girl, heavily mutilated, missing her nose presented at the peace treaty. This fake story first appears long after the actual events, closer to the late 1800's.
>>488505063 (OP)
my favorite is all the libshits hijacking this and pretending that's literally them
Olive's childhood friend Susan Thompson, whom she befriended again at this time, stated many years later that she believed Olive was "grieving" upon her forced return because she had been married to a Mohave man and had given birth to two boys.[3]:152[18]

Olive, however, denied rumors during her lifetime that she either had been married to a Mohave or had been sexually mistreated by the Yavapai or Mohave. In Stratton's book, she declared that "to the honor of these savages let it be said, they never offered the least unchaste abuse to me."
Oatman expressed her deep affection for these two women numerous times over the years after her captivity.[3]:93

Aespaneo arranged for the Oatman girls to be given plots of land to farm. A Mohave tribesman, Llewelyn Barrackman, said in an interview that Olive was most likely fully adopted into the tribe because she was given a Mohave nickname, something only presented to those who have fully assimilated into the tribe. Olive herself would later claim that she and Mary Ann were held captive by the Mohave and that she feared to leave, but this statement could have been colored by the Reverend Royal Byron Stratton, who sponsored the publication of Olive's captivity narrative shortly after her return to White society. For example, Olive did not attempt to contact a large group of whites that visited the Mohaves during her period with them,[3]:102 and years later she went to meet with a Mohave leader, Irataba, in New York City and spoke with him of old times.[3]:176–77
Anthropologist Alfred L. Kroeber wrote in an article about the Oatman captivity: "The Mohaves always told her she could go to the white settlements when she pleased but they dared not go with her, fearing they might be punished for having kept a white woman so long among them, nor did they dare to let it be known that she was among them".[13]

Another thing that suggests Olive and Mary Ann were not held in forced captivity by the Mohave is that both girls were tattooed on their chins and arms,[14][15] in keeping with the tribal custom. Oatman later claimed (in Stratton's book and in her lectures) that she was tattooed to mark her as a slave, but this is not consistent with the Mohave tradition, where such marks were given only to their own people to ensure that they would enter the land of the dead and be recognized there by their ancestors as members of the Mohave tribe.[5]:78 The tribe did not care if their slaves could reach the land of the dead, however, so they did not tattoo them. It has also been suggested that the evenness of Olive's facial markings may indicate her compliance with the procedure.[5]:78
She's like Kerrigan from starcraft--a nasty type of hot
Was clearly threatened by whoever to say she wasn't one of them. Why then did she return to european society?
>>488505063 (OP)
>Maoris show their true colors
wtf is wrong with them
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What the actual fuck
>>488505063 (OP)
Literal savages
>>488505063 (OP)
Maori try not to do hakka dance for 5 seconds challenge(impossible)
Found it. Here is just the scene, with sound:
>My question is, why are all the white women in the balcony doing it?
Unrelated question, but have you seen matrix 2?
>>488505063 (OP)
>100%pure New Zealand
>A fierce display of pride
Holy shit I want to kill kiwis at this point, they're insufferable
>>488505063 (OP)
Fucking tribal subhumans really chap my ass.
Aussies are getting to be the new leafs at this point.
Fuck you.
>>488505063 (OP)
Maybe the billionaires who moved their bunkers to new zealand will get burnt alive by these peace loving people
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>Primitive cannibal savage.
>Add alcohol, government housing, and food stamps.
>Give do nothing jobs.

You are wondering why they act like this?
yeah that always makes them seem so inauthentic
If this haka dance shit is what represents humanity then fuck humanity.
>Be English
>Arrive on shore where there are known cannibals
>Brace yourself lads
>Cannibals light up in front of you making funny faces
>Tally-ho boys!
>Take aim
That was easy, they just lined up for us.
We all already know you types will never admit they were fucking savages, you will assign higher value to anyone not White and that is what this is about.
>women doing war dance
Lmao, and I thought whites were the biggest fag's on earth
They aren't even natives
>>488505063 (OP)
>australian natives
>american natives
>canadian natives

what substance powers the maori?
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>>488505063 (OP)
They have always been nutter cannibals.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ou-hpkaPYS0 [Embed]
>>488505063 (OP)
Go back to the jungle you heathen animal
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>>488505063 (OP)
You mean the Maori are genetic ASPD, aka psychopaths. As the MAOA "warrior" gene is the dominant one for ASPD. They also have the special repeat variant of this gene, which makes them prone to violence, specifically more prone to stabbing or shooting others
>>488505063 (OP)
I remember watching this movie as a kid and even then I found their dance to be cringe.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iR5bQlGhjUU [Embed]
>Is this Parliament or reality show?
It's the same thing.
>>488505063 (OP)
good for them, more people should reject the legitimacy of a government that does not serve them
>white people apologize to the nations of the world for being 2 faced retards.

We conquered the world, then gave our retarded dumb shit bitches the keys.

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Didn't the Maori rape and cannibalize all the other peaceful tribes in NZ?

Seems like they're throwing a fit because the Anglos are oppressing their long-standing practice of eating children and flaying the elderly.

The east coast of North America has the oldest burial sites and Europid skulls, supporting the hypothesis that the Americas were settled by multiple migration waves: one from Europe, then one from Siberia, and another from Polynesia.
oh, i thought he meant that the native americans settled after 1492
My brother in Christ. Sticking your tongue out and making funny noises doesn't intimidate.

Didn't happen. Fantasy cope from some fat coconut niggers
>romans and germans did silly war dances

Romans didn't. Don't know about Germans but I think it's unlikely based on how intelligent and autistic they are/were.
>>488505063 (OP)
Well, I don't know about you weak people, but I recognize power in her actions.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAEmjW9J3_o [Embed]
>>488505063 (OP)
If i was ruler of this nation I would let them cecede and then establish an ultra no go zone, just like Hawaii

Hawaii gave the natives an entire island to govern and live on like a reserve. The only thing is these fags are cut off from our main supply lines and do not take on business. There is nothing commerical on this island.

SO basically, NZ should just gift them a land mass, and then let them destroy themselves, no aid, nothing, they have no obligation. Ignore them entirely. Let them build the Utopiea they think they know how to craft, before they are begging for free food and money on a international stage
I used work with an old native american. He told me that american indian tribes can be separated into two categories. Cannibal and non-cannibal. His tribe were the non-cannibal type and they sought out safety in the white man's forts and helped the white man conquer the man eating tribes.When the time came to kill the man eaters, the white man showed too much empathy and spared the man eaters. Which is something the non-cannibal tribes heavily disagreed with. To this day the descendants of cannibal tribes and non-cannibal tribes, mutually hate each other and blame each other for their sorry state in life and existence of the reservations. He also told me not to accept an invitation to hang out with certain natives in certain areas, because they might eat you.
It's the cannibal smile. It's the same face that jews make.
Which island?
>Bronze age peoples
Maori are not bronze age peoples they are not even stone age shitskins who never amounted to anything. As to "dances by Romans and Germanics", nothing of that sort is in any form described (a French painting from 1890something is not proof).
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>>488505063 (OP)
this issue can be certainly resolved with genocide
yeah poor people love rape
>>488505063 (OP)
It’s very funny when the Fijians respond to this nigger tier goofiness with their hymn before raping them on the field
https://youtu.be/COjDAll_df8?si=Gve3xA7gzr6Y3nfW [Embed]
i'm not an expert on folk dances but i would not be so fast as to outrule the possibility that germanic tribes had some sort of war dance with a lot of noise and grimaces. that sort of thing probably organically evolved when facing each other armed on a battlefield.
also keep in mind that modern germans are so much softer and civilized than their savage ancestors. they have been a domesticated race since late roman times. any bloodlusting warrior genes have been systematically bread out of them over the centuries.
>any bloodlusting warrior genes have been systematically bread out of them over the centuries
Maybe something to do with World Wars I and II?

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