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Four arrested for fraud after 'bear' that damaged luxury cars discovered to be person in costume

After executing a search warrant, detectives found the bear costume in the suspects' home, the department said

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LOS ANGELES (AP) — California has seen its share of bears breaking into cars. But bears caught on camera entering luxury cars tipped off insurers that something wasn’t quite right.

In what it’s dubbed “Operation Bear Claw,” the California Insurance Department said four Los Angeles residents were arrested Wednesday, accused of defrauding three insurance companies out of nearly $142,000 by claiming a bear had caused damage to their vehicles.

The group is accused of providing video footage from the San Bernardino Mountains in January of a “bear” moving inside a Rolls-Royce and two Mercedes to the insurance companies as part of their damage claims, the department said. Photos provided by the insurance department show what appeared to be scratches on the seats and doors.

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The company viewing video of the Rolls-Royce suspected that it was not a bear inside, but someone in a bear costume.

Detectives found two additional claims and with two different insurance companies for the four with the same date of loss and at the same location. Similar video was provided of the “bear” inside the Mercedes vehicles.

The department had a biologist from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife review the three videos, who concluded it was “clearly a human in a bear suit,” the insurance department said.

After executing a search warrant, detectives found the bear costume in the suspects’ home, the department said.

It was not immediately known if the four people arrested had attorneys.

Bears breaking into homes or trash cans in search of food have become a problem in California — from Lake Tahoe in the Sierra down to the foothill suburbs of Los Angeles, where some have been known to raid refrigerators and take dips in backyard pools and hot tubs.

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    1. Comment by Tony Curtis.

      ".......After executing a search warrant, detectives found the bear costume in the suspects’ home, the department said......."

      How did these four from the shallowest end of the gene pool, end up owning Rolls Royces and Mercedes, anyway?🤣 Why on earth would they hold on to the evidence?😁🤡🤡

      • Comment by Rock Doctor.

        I’ve seen what a curious bear can do to an unattended car at a trail head parking lot in Jasper. My friends’ car had the tires flattened, the passenger side front door torn off, the windows broken and the rear seat was located several yards away. Lots of bite marks. None of the other vehicles in the parking lot had attracted any attention. The RCMP gave my friend a sticker reading “bear damage” for the insurance company. Bears are really a lot stronger than we are. Bizarrely enough with new tires my friend was able to drive his car home albeit very slowly.

        • Comment by Howard Kirshenbaum.

          See, this is how bears get a bad reputation. And they said Yogi was a crazy anti-bear conspiracy theorist. You really think he took all those picnic baskets, and the sad part is it led to that ugly split with Boo-Boo. No antibear conspiacy? Let me ask you this: do you see Smokey the Bear around anymore? They almost brought Smokey back because of the wildfires but " Only the carbon tax can prevent forest fires" just didn't have the right ring to it...

          • Comment by Dickie Wags.

            Don't give Tar Face any ideas

            • Comment by george e. james.

              a just punishment would be for this thief to be placed in a real bear's den

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